
AOL Bulletin – 24th February, 2016 – Reality Check

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to ask ourselves – Is this real?

FYI – What is your reality

What Really Matters?

Masterfoods - Who do you want to have dinner withThis is an ad but what an ad!  Masterfoods asked Aussie families one simple question – “If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would you choose?”  What they uncovered surprised everyone.  Once again children lead the way so the adults can learn!

This is a must viewing, less than 2 minutes but in that time it will surprise you and possible make you cry.   Click here.

The Real You is the Universe

Alan Watts - Once You KnowThe real deep down YOU is the Whole Universe.  You are something that the Whole Universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the Whole Ocean is doing… Alan Watts.

Watch this YouTube and feel the Real You within the Universe.  Click here.

I AM That I AM

I Am MeditaitonThis sense of “I AM” is always present. Initially, you practice bringing your attention back to this sense of existing whenever the attention wanders and grasps onto experience. As your practice deepens, It doesn’t matter where your attention may be or whatever experience you may be aware of, you still ARE. You are still You. I AM THAT I AM.
This is something simple, something obvious but easily overlooked. This is because our attention easily grasps and moves onto experiences occurring within the five outer senses, thoughts, bodily sensation, emotions, and states of mind. We find ourselves unconsciously identifying, getting caught up in and reacting to these experiences. We feel that we are these experiences and so we feel separate from everything else. Here all the struggle, conflict, effort and suffering enter into life. Truly, all experiences come and go in the natural presence and awareness of who you are. This presence and awareness always IS, IS never lost.
This is a 24 minute meditation.  Give yourself ‘time out’ and treat yourself to some relaxation and realise that all the things going on in your life are just experiences and cannot touch the real you.  Click here.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on


Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm Includes light refreshments.


MONDAY, 29th February 2016 at 7.30pm


Tonight’s Panel is:


Here are the subjects that our Presenters are happy for you to ask Questions about on the night. Please email you questions to us or come ten minutes early if that is possible and let Peggy know that you have a question and what it relates to (just write it down on a piece of paper and hand it over) so we are not doubling up on the same question. Then Peggy will call you during the Q&A or read out your question for you if you prefer.

Rebecca Brown - SoulToSoulREBECCA BROWN: Soul to Soul Healing and Teaching.
Rebecca says “The soul and the universe are not a mystery! We have simply been limited until now as part of the human experience. It is time to open up to who we really are and understand our soul and its journey within our multi-dimensional universe.”
Rebecca conducts face to face workshops as well as online courses on many topics

Julia Smith - Inner Tranquillity & PeaceJULIA SMITH:Inner Tranquility and Peace
Julia Smith, from Inner Tranquillity & Peace, has had a background in music since a small child, and in the last 7 years she has been practising as a sound healer, colour therapist and conduit for her own flavour of high vibrating energy, all of which assist people to re-align their energy field to better mind, body and emotional health and soul expansion.

Warren is interested in “joining the dots” between the broad spectrum of techniques available for healing and spiritual development. Warren likes to simplify and turn these into easily understood messages.
The scientist in him also has an interest in the technologies and genetic origins of previous civilisations.
arren is a practitioner of Insight Action Healing Achieving

John Butterworth 2JOHN BUTTERWORTH:

John’s Subject: The therapeutic and consciousness-expanding powers of vocal and instrumental sound.



Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20.  Concession prices will remain the same – $10.  All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Ticket prices include refreshments.

MONDAY, 7th March 2016 at 7.30pm

Sally Gibb-CummingThe Stepping Stones to Self Mastery

Tonight is a new, unique process that can connect you to your subconscious and reveal the amazing being that you are. It’s fun, it’s enlightening. DON’T MISS THIS.
The magic lies in your own hands …
Through a guided meditation with higher power working through you, Sally will lead you to these stepping stones for you to head off in a direction that your intuitive self is guided to create. The subconscious will bypass the Ego. The direction it takes you is a unique process called “The Stepping Stones to Self Mastery.”
This process will empower your insights and expand your magnificence. Through this you will explore new paradigms of understanding and lay your foundation stones for even greater achievement.

The process is about the possibilities that lie within the amazing realms of the deeper self that have not been accessed in the ordinary way. You will be amazed at how brilliant you are. Please bring your journal if you have one, your favourite pen and an open mind.
Sally says, “Let us dissolve into the vast infinity of possibilities and become the enlightened, insightful beings who make a difference to the world through bringing about unity consciousness via the portal of innovative tools”.
About Sally:
Sally is an Intuitive Guide, Artist, Messenger, Numerologist, Symbolist, Dreamer and creator of the transformational tool Self Mastery, a game that takes you into the realms of unlimited possibilities; a game that presents you with the keys to unlock the genius within. Sally teachers the art of self-mastery, using the game of life as a tool for self transformation, revelation and discovery.

Sally has also created a pack of 44 mandala Self Mastery Source Cards that you can use on the night by drawing a card at random and do yourself a reading, having in mind a question about your Stepping Stone process.
She presents The Golden Keys to Self Mastery workshops that incorporate the principle of Spiritual Alchemy, turning leaden situations into the awakening of golden opportunities.

Sallys contacts:
Eventbrite - The Stepping Stones To Self Mastery with Sally Gibb-Cumming

Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20.  Concession prices will remain the same – $10.  All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Ticket prices include refreshments.

In and Around the Academy
Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

Our sound evening was made even more amazing that usual with the contribution from Daniel Coates.   What is incredible to me is that 5 people who haven’t practised together, meet up in the magnificent space of the Grand Hall of Mosman Art Gallery and Comunity Centre and produce such incredible sounds and music.  They played and sang as if they had been playing together for years. There were beautiful harmonics from John, Joe, Ellie, Marc and Daniel.  Four mantras had been chosen and were interpersed ideally between the different instruments.  The beautiful Gayatri Mantra was one of the chosen ones and whilst Ellie lead us Daniel accompanied her softly on his guitar and of course, after hearing Walter Mason the other week talking about Bhutan we had to have Om Mani Padme Hum too.

I must admit, I just love having the didjeridoo played over and around me as many of us do, so when Marc Cottee walked between us as we lay on the floor, we soaked ourselves in the sound of his didjeridoo. and let it do its work.

We had a wonderful hour and a half to release old patterns, absorb new frequencies and be blissed out by John’s masterful playing of the gongs at the end of the night.   What an incredible evening, our gratitude goes out to the performers who volunteer their time and give us so much.

BUT THE WONDERFUL NEWS IS THAT MARC COTTEE HAS RECORDED THE EVENING and when we have had it broken up into segments we can put it onto our website as podcasts.

Next week could be a very different night as we have a Q&A Spiritual Forum with 2 ladies and 2 MEN on the panel.  Come and ask questions and see what they answer.  It should be fun.

Thought Of The Week

Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those that have eyes to see.

Carl JungCarl G. Jung

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“I Am That I Am.”

I Am AffirmationsThis week for something different we have found an amazing YouTube by Visualisation TV for I Am Affirmations.  It only takes 2 mins but WOW!  Click here!


depression‘Inflammation: Depression Fans the Flames and Feasts on the Heat’ appeared in a recent edition of the American Journal of Psychiatry and shared on Science Daily. The study reviewed 200 existing papers on depression and inflammation.

“In the health area of psychology at Rice, we’re very focused on the intersection of health behavior, psychology and medicine,” said Christopher Fagundes, an assistant professor of psychology and co-author of the paper. “One thing that we’re particularly interested in is how stress affects the immune system, which in turn affects diseases and mental health outcomes, the focus of this paper.”

The authors found that in addition to being linked to numerous physical health issues, including cancer and diabetes, systemic inflammation is linked to mental health issues such as depression. Among patients suffering from clinical depression, concentrations of two inflammatory markers, CRP and IL-6, were elevated by up to 50 percent.

He said that it is normal for humans to have an inflammatory response — such as redness — to an area of the body that is injured.

“This is your immune system working to kill that pathogen, which is a good thing,” Fagundes said. “However, many individuals exhibit persistent systemic inflammation, which we’re finding is really the root of all physical and mental diseases. Stress, as well as poor diet and bad health behaviors, enhances inflammation.”  Click here to read full article.

This article summises that systemic inflammation can be linked to depression.  If this be the case, the inspirational thought that came to us is “is it something that Nutikane D can assist with?”.  Those of us that have and are still taking NutriKane can speak of the help received for the relief of the pain of arthritis because it has helped by decreasing the inflammtion.  I (Rosemary) can speak personally as taking NutriKane has prevented me having a knee replacement.   So after reading this article if you are further inspired and would like to try it out for yourself click here to go to the AOL Shop.

Community Announcement

inner-earth3Earth’s Hidden Heart & ‘Ascension‘.
Inside this planet is a separate crystal core like a ‘planet within a planet’. Spiritual Mystics described this as the planet’s Heart which links to the ‘God within’.  It has a different axis and rotation to the outer crust of this planet, so when the ‘energy activations’ for the ‘Shift’ begin, TWO axis lines (spines) will activate like a Kundalini Awakening for the planet & people. Both activate at the same time, but each goes in a different direction and to different sources. 
This has always been taught for 1,000’s of years but the general masses could not understand it.  Now science can show it.
Academie Therapeutae has compiled several web pages introduction to the Heart and ‘eternal life’.
*New content.  Please begin at


If you would like to enjoy the winter here, or know someone who would, please let us know. It is an historic cottage once owned by famous poetess Judith Wright.

There is one double bedroom and bathroom/kitchen/lounge/diner upstairs, and a twin bedroom, bathroom and library (with a double sofa bed) downstairs. Plus of course, the stunning Grail Haven gardens. We are one hour from Brisbane and 40 minutes to the Gold Coast.

Please enquire if you are interested. or phone 07 5545 0414


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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