
AOL Bulletin – 23rd September, 2015 – You Are a Miracle!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be open to Miracles


Raimundo Watch this video about Ramundo – an example of how miracles can happen…
His name is Ramundo Arruda Sobrinho and for 35 years, this 77-year-old homeless man spent his days doing his passion: writing poetry and short stories. But his work remained completely invisible to the world until one day in 2011,  a woman named Shalla befriended him. The video below is a critically acclaimed documentary called “The Conditioned” and it tells the incredible story of Ramundo’s life and how it changed after giving Shalla one of his poems. Shalla was so touched by Ramundo’s poetry that she started a Facebook page to share his work with the world. What happened next is nothing short of a miracle.
Only 4.5 mins … click here

What is a miracle? (and how to have more of them!)

Amanda ChristianThese are the questions Amanda answers in her Soul Workout!
A short 5 minute talk on this subject. 
By Amanda Christian
To hear more, click here

Follow this talk with this guided meditation again, by Amanda Christian.
This meditation is about creating miracles in your life…. only 6 mins.
  Click here

SELENITE CRYSTAL (mentioned in In and Around The Academy)

seleniteMeditation and spiritual development are eased and promoted by selenite. Meditations become sparkling clear over time when working with selenite and it brings a clarity to your spiritual understanding of the universe and your place in it.
Selenite can be used to dispel negativity, both on an emotional and an etheric level. This makes it a good stone for protection. This energy combined with its angel associations makes it outstanding for angelic protection. You need only hold the selenite and pray or ask with intent for angels to protect you.
Selenite is a stone of love,  it also brings harmony and inner peace which allow for recognizing love and acting in a loving manner.
Selenite is used in crystal healing for removing blocks to healing, dissolving secondary gain issues, confusion, particularly from alzheimer’s disease or dementia, aligning the spine, decreasing epilepsy and seizures. Selenite is primarily associated with the Crown and Third Eye chakras. It is also related to the sacral chakra. Read More

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 28th September 2015 at 7.30pm

John Butterworth

and JOE VAN der MEER

Come along, turn up to sit or lie down in the wonderful sacred geometry of the Grand Hall to surrender, bliss out and receive sound vibrations THAT MAY TAKE YOU OUT OF BODY! while John and Marc bathe you in extraordinary sound through Marc’s virtuoso didgeridoo, and John’s gongs, Tibetan bowls & bells, chimes, rainstick and ocean drum plus the voice of Joe Vandermeer.
By surrendering, with a quiet mind, to the sound of the giant gongs, didgeridoo and other musical instruments, the natural intelligence of our body can entrain back to a state of wellbeing. It is then up to you to maintain that state by modifying what you think and consume.
Everything in creation has its own natural rate of vibration which can be accelerated or decreased by other sources of vibration by the scientific law of sympathetic resonance or entrainment.
Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.
The cells of our bodies tune into these beautiful sounds whether from dig gongs, drums, bowls, bells, voice and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed, CLEANSED and REJUVENATED.
Just as a piano tuner is called in to tune up a Steinway to keep it playing in tune with creation so our bodies need to be ”tuned up” so that each organ of our body knows it is supported and loved, knows it’s place in the scheme of things and is in oneness with all creation.
Join us in the Grand Hall at Mosman tonight!
For more information:
John and the Gongs go to
Marc Cottee –

MONDAY, 5th October 2015 at 7.30pm – CLOSED – PUBLIC HOLIDAY

MONDAY, 12th October 2015 at 7.30pm


Rebecca Brown - SoulToSoulJulia Smith - Inner Tranquillity & PeaceRosemary Butterworth - Michael's MessengerWith Rebecca Brown, Julia Smith & Rosemary Butterworth.

We must pass through certain phases of consciousness growth in our human evolution and many, many questions arise.   Our panel tonight are people who have gained the realisation that we as humans, are aligned with a higher consciousness that participates in the next level of action.   They have been able to work with altered states of consciousness, which in some cases has allowed them to connect with people who have crossed over, higher awareness, knowings and higher vibrations of Light.  They have learnt to just be the observer, stay present and to notice.   They welcome the next stage on ‘Jacob’s Ladder’.
There are many levels of localized consciousness in different energy states for different tasks of life.  In order to understand the stages of our evolutionary growth we must first notice what we think, believe and be present.  We must begin with a consciousness leap out of our third/fourth dimensional system of things.  ALL that we think we are at this time, has to go. As we move through the rites of passage, forging different planes of understanding, we realise that our soul is connected with the dynamics of other souls and higher energies and knowledge that exist on those dimensions.
How do we get into an altered state of consciousness?  Can any one change their state of consciousness?  How do I know if the voices I hear are from the Masters or is it just my mind?   There are so many questions – bring them along.

Please come ten minutes early if that is possible and let Peggy know that you have a question and what it relates to (just write it down on a piece of paper and hand it over) so we are not doubling up on the same question. Then Peggy will call you during the Q&A or read out your question for you if you prefer.

This will be such a fun night – Do come along and partake in our community of Light.

Learn more about:
Rebecca Brown, Soul to Soul Healing and Teaching, click here 
Julia Smith, Inner Peace & Tanquility, Mobile:  0404 619 148 
Rosemary Butterworth, click here:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Warren, Rosemary, Julia and others

A new adventure begins.

The Overself Awakening, the latest book by J.J. Hurtak was the inspiration for the night.  We have felt for a long time that our community of Light had reached a plateau and was ready to move to a new stage in consciousness and experience but we weren’t sure how to begin and what that looked like until we began to read Hurtak’s book.  It was mind blowing and it confirmed everything that we were feeling and experiencing.
The ultimate picture we must contemplate is the human, which is “us”, connected with our higher self which, in turn, is connected with our Overself, the higher soul surrounded by myiad forms of life.  Only then could be realised that we are intimately connected with the Divine who daily calls to us to become part of the renewal of Life beyond the illusion of separation.  This was where our next phase began.
There was an excited buzz in the room as each person realised that this was a new beginning.  We were going past the limitations of the 3rd dimension.’  So we knew the only way to connect to higher dimensions, we must be present.  Rosemary was guided to bring a CD called Mindfulness Meditation by Jon Kabal Zinn.   The meditation’s focus was on the breath and there were long silences which brought about a deeper awareness of what the mind was doing.   The feedback was very interesting and insightful.  We would like to share some with you.
Warren: After the meditation we shared our experiences and what tools we found helpful to still the mind and be present. We have heard these importance of practicing being present before, but this is the keystone to progress.  Some tips :
* We are more productive when the mind is still and present. Scattered thoughts are a drain on our energy. Time spent meditating will help us be more productive.
* We can set an intention before we meditate and ask our guides to assist us. The calmer the mind, the easier it to hear our inner guidance.
Joanna:  Joanna realised that she offsets her spiritual practices with all the things she has to do for the family. We often forget to value ourselves and our spiritual practices. We need to place a higher value on these practices.
Julia:  Julia found that another way of meditating for her was to sit holding in her hands, a large piece of Selenite while she focused on her breathing.  She noticed while doing that the vibrations coming from the Selenite were running along her arms and into her body and grounding her.  Also she could sit with this in and around her home for 5, 10 or 15 minutes at a time so it was something she could do several times a day.  (Really recommended for all those that are finding it difficult to meditate daily.  Note:  It doesn’t have to be Selenite it could be any crystal with which you feel a connection).

Thought Of The Week

Miracles“Entering the magic garden of miracles mean the emphasis is on developing a consciousness of possibility”.
… Dr Wayne W. Dyer, Everyday Wisdom.

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

Forgiveness Meditation“In everything I do, my enthusiasm soars to embrace infinity!”
…. J Donald Walters, Affirmations for Self-Healing


pumpkinsFresh produce is necessary for optimal health, but it can be expensive to purchase this from the store or market each week. Growing your own fruits and vegetables is the best way to ensure a regular supply and when you grow your produce from kitchen scraps, there is no cost to you and you don’t necessarily need a large garden.  Over the course of just one month, you can save at least $100 and maybe more if you eat a lot of fresh produce. Many fruits and vegetables can be grown without seeds and you just need to know which ones.  For example, Celery is very easy to grow, all you need is the base of the celery bunch. Place a bit of warm water in a bowl and put the base in this. Make sure the bowl gets direct sunlight and after about a week once leaves start at the base, plant this in soil and wait for full growth.

To read more, click here 




We are honoured to bring this amazing teacher, Bhavya Guar, and workshop to you all the way from Canada!

Saturday October 24th to Sunday October 25th, 2015
Earlybird price: $444.00

Click here for the PDF

This workshop attunes you to the sublime energy of Akasha. It helps you embark on a safe, loving, non-judgemental and healing experiential journey giving insights into who you are and why things are the way they are. This certification workshop enables you to do Akashic record reading for yourself and others.

Akashic records is a healing empowerment tool, your most accurate oracle, assisting and supporting you as you move forward on your life path, past the obstacles, co-creating a loving nurturing relationship in your inner and outer Universe. It brings a shift in awareness bringing the causes into light and simultaneously healing the effects that may be manifesting on many levels.

To read more and enrol click here.

Community Announcements:

Julian Silburn  – Sound Alchemy  ….  a Profound & Sacred Sound Healing Experience

Sound AcademyJulian has travelled from WA to bring us the Ancient Healing Sounds of the traditional Didjeridu ( Yidaki ) & Crystal Didjeridu, Crystal Bowls and other Indigenous Instruments from all over the world such as Sitar & Native America Flute.Julian has over 20yrs experience with the Yidaki and it’s healing capacities. He has been taught directly by the Aboriginal People and
Elders of Arnhem Land and has been given their permission & Blessings to perform this most Ancient & Sacred form of Healing.Based on His Knowledge, he has designed a Crystal Instrument to bring in & facilitate Healing with the much needed Frequencies of Now. Allow yourself to be guided into a deep state of Relaxation leaving you feeling Rejuvenated & Refreshed.
Benefits of a Sound Alchemy immersion are Profound Transformation of the Body, Mind & Spirit 
 Sound Alchemy – Sydney Group Event – Ceremony & Prayer with Carmen Morales – Wed 30th Sept  
Collaroy Surf Lifesaving Club 1056 Pittwater Road   
– $40 from 7.30pm tp 9.30 pm  – bookings    
 Email Carmen  For more info
 Sound Alchemy – Sydney Group Sessions – Thurs 1st Oct & Mon 5th Oct 
Thurs 1st Oct  @  Kundalini Collective – 1 / 199 – 201 King St Newtown
–  $ 35  from  7pm to 8.30 pm  – bookings
Mon 5th Oct   @  Yogatopia  9/50 Victoria Road Drummoyne
– $35 from 5.30pm – 7pm  – bookings
Personal Sessions for Individuals or Couples
Fri 2nd Oct   @  Kundalini Collective – 1 / 199 – 201 King St Newtown
–  $ 100  per hour personal / couple –  limited timeslots  – bookings on request
Email   For more Info:

30th October – 1st November. Deposit $130

This course has been created by Mark Anthony to help Theta Healers adopt a ‘wealth consciousness’ mindset. A person minds set either draws or repels wealth towards them. For many, wealth seems to be outside of us, but in actual fact, wealth is a state of mind that you can consciously adopt whenever you want.
The purpose of this course is to raise our consciousness by using the Thetahealing tool so we can naturally align our vibration(sum of all our thoughts beliefs, attitude and feelings) with the universal laws that will create and sustain wealth in ways that will benefit all.

Course Name: Wealth Consciousness
Date: 30th October to 1st November 2015
Venue: Co-Creation Level 2, 83-85 Chandos St, St Leonards
Investment: $530 AUD Repeat: $260 AUD
Prerequisite: Basic ThetaHealing & Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioners

To find out more click here

Warren Mitchell is offering free discovery sessions for anyone that would like assistance with

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know  


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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