
AOL Bulletin – 23rd July 2014 – Transitions & Changes

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to bless all life.

FYI –  Changing Tides

Wisdom from Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss  I would love to have to ability or the inclination of conscience that would allow me to block out the events occurring in the world right now. I could tell myself that just by not watching the news, I succeed in keeping the horror show of destruction and murder from my life – my quiet neighborhood – but that is just illusion….more illusion. The horror is global and it travels within the psychic field of life. Deep in the intuitive reaches of my soul, I am immersed in the sensation that the system of life itself has gone on alert – somehow humanity is coming close to losing its fundamental reverence for human life. That reverence is our essential touch stone with our humanity.  A collective madness is manifesting in choices that are repeat performances of previous slaughters are rationalized to be sound judgments – once again. If ever a person wanted to understand the handiwork of darkness, one need only look at how acts of hatred are rationalized.

There is no reason for someone who identifies him or herself as a “conscious” much less “civilized” human being to ever participate in an act of hatred – ever. That first time you declare yourself to be “conscious”, you are saying that you have successfully rid yourself of those demons that give you permission to violate your own spiritual beliefs. You are saying that you have shed the option of violence because you see the folly in it, the uselessness of it – that indeed such acts only lead to more. You are saying that you have discovered more “conscious” resources within you with which you will now engage with life You are saying that you are strong enough, conscious enough to recognize when a demon – pressing upon the Victim or Martyr archetype in you – is talking you into betraying your higher instincts. You are telling yourself that your soul has the stamina to withstand the tsunamis of life without turning dark and hostile.

Human actions are increasingly becoming the antithesis of instinctual choices that lean in favor of humanity. We are growing increasingly frightened instead of increasingly open, loving, and global. We are moving in the opposite direction of where an “advanced” society should be headed. We are imploding. We can feel the tension building in the collective atmosphere – even if we cannot name that tension. An ordinary woman, interviewed for a comment on the Malaysian crash said, “What’s happening in our world?”… continue on Facebook.  For more of her wisdom join her Facebook Community.

From Trash to Treasure

We have no idea about the origins of this article however it appealed to us to know that everything can be transformed!

Since 1906 Fort Bragg, California residents started dumping their household garbage over the cliffs above what is now Glass Beach. It is hard to imagine this happening today, but back then people dumped all kinds of refuse straight into the ocean, including old cars and household garbage — which of course included lots of bottles and broken glass.
Beginning in 1949 the area around Glass Beach became a public dump, and locals referred to it as “The Dumps.” Sometimes fires were lit to reduce the size of the trash pile (up to 30 feet high). However in 1967 the city leaders closed the area. Various cleanup programs were undertaken through the years to try to correct the environmental damage, but without success.
Over the next 30 years the pounding waves cleaned the beach by breaking down everything but glass and pottery. The waves washed the trash up and down, back and forth. Tons of polished, broken pieces of glass were created by the action of the surf. These smoothened, coloured glass fragments then settled along the sea shore by the millions — and so a magnificent and colorful beach was formed. The name was changed from “The Dump” to what is currently known as “The Glass Beach”.
The sea glass that was created is the product of a very long process.  It can take anywhere from 10 to 30 years to form sea glass, the name for any piece of glass that finds its way into the ocean and tumbles around long enough. The glass is broken up into smaller shards and is tumbled around in the water, where sand and other rocks act like sandpaper to smooth out the rough, sharp edges, and giving it a pebble-like shape.
In 1998 the private owner of the property determined that Glass Beach should belong to the public and in 2002 it became part of MacKerricher State Park, open to the public. Within a period of few years the Glass Beach became very popular, attracting a large number of tourists every year.
Way back people wanted to dump their glass products on this shore; now they try to get one of these glass gems to take home as a souvenir. Isn’t it ironic: where once it was illegal to dispose of glass on the shore, it now is a crime to remove it.

Glass Beach 2

  Glass Beach  Visiting the Glass Beach today is a unique experience. What makes it even more remarkable are the sounds produced by the glass pebbles as they are being washed to and fro by the gentle waves.

Thought Of The Day

Lavender Labyrinth I AM serene as I move through transitions and changes.

Nature’s Healing Oracle, Ambika Wauters

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

“I open myself as a channel of grace for healing and restoring the balance of life. I ask that all life be blessed.” 

Caroline MyssCaroline Myss  (, taken from a post on Facebook:  To see an excerpt go up to FYI  – link provided

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

For all those people who missed the amazing Intuitive Numerologist Steven Murphy last Monday Night, don’t despair, you can catch him at his Psychic Workshop on Sunday July 27th at 10.00 at North Ryde RSL. (Click here to see flyer) What a wonderful gift this man has. For many years he had a popular radio show and on one night did 69 readings.   Steven looks at the numbers of your birthday, year of birth etc. and then uses his intuition. At the end of Monday night he delighted us by doing a few readings for the people there. Not only was he very accurate but he was able to turn challenges into positive endings.

Steven told us that although we (the world) will have a difficult time in September and again in November, to remember that it all comes good in the end. His message was ‘don’t worry – be happy’.

In a ‘thank you email’, Steve said that he had a wonderful time and was thrilled with the lovely group that attended, he said it was very up close and personal like a family gathering and that he would like to speak again in the not too distant future.  

Steve, thank you for your warm words; we are a family and you are, indeed, welcome back. So, over to you now Peggy, to make a date for Steve.   I, personally, enjoyed the evening so much that I hope it will be sooner, rather than later.

For any of you in the Academy community who live around Mittagong or The Entrance Steve will be there too. He is doing 2 Live Platform Stage Shows:
The Diggers RSL – The Entrance – Fri Aug 22   AND  Mittagong RSL-Mittagong – Fri Sept 12

Health – How To Stop Feeling Anxious

Anxiety is a behaviour, a response to life that we either learn or develop with good

It comes from our old programming of survival.  It is usually a response to a mindset that continually worries about the future or repeating the past. This produces a need to control and prevent a particular outcome.

In this present moment, right now, you are safe. A shark is not about to devour you, a truck is not veering out of control towards you. While you read this possibly you have a cuppa in your hand, (if not make one) and you sit comfortably.

In order to stop feeling anxious, we once again start with learning how to view and appreciate the present.  But it takes practice and this practice of mindfulness begins with noticing. For how else can you change what you are thinking unless you first notice what thoughts are going through your head?

Solar RadianceSo here are three essential things in order to lessen anxiety in your body.

  1. Stop what you are doing and take three deep breaths. Breathe consciously – in through the nose and out through the mouth slowly.
  2. Notice what you have been thinking – ask yourself – do I think of this often? Is it true or am I simply worrying about something that has not happened. (Remember what we think creates your reality.) Change your thoughts to ones of gratitude and the serotonin gratitude produces replace the adrenalin.
  3. Go and stand in the sunshine for 3 minutes and breathe in the sunlight into every pore of your body. Let your body take in the Vitamin D from the sun. Feel it doing you good.

For further assist we recommend How to Move Forward – LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS BEHIND by Rosemary Butterworth. Purchase through the Academy.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL WelcomeREMEMBER WE HAVE MOVED: We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 28th July 2014 at 7.30pm

Sound Sensations!

power of the gong - John Butterworth John Butterworth &

Marc ‘Kundalini’ Kundalini Sonic Alchemy plus Joe Vandermeer

Our Sound nights are proving a wonderful success. As people turn up to lie down in the wonderful sacred geometry of the great hall and bliss out.

Although each sound night is facilitated by different masters of sound the effect on our bodies can be the same. The cells of our bodies tune in to beautiful sounds whether from dig gongs, drums, bowls, bells, voice and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed and CLEANSED & REJUVENATED.

Just as a piano tuner is called in to tune up a Steinway to keep it playing in tune with creation so our bodies need to be “tuned up” so that each organ of our body knows it is supported and loved, knows it’s place in the scheme of things and is in Oneness with all creation.

The Masters of Sound on this night are John, Marc & Joe bathe you in extraordinary sound through Joe’s harmonics, Marc’s virtuoso didgeridoo, and John’s gongs, Tibetan bowls & bells, chimes, rainstick and ocean drum.

Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.

Join us in the Great Hall at Mosman!
For more information on John and the Gongs go to

MONDAY, 4th August 2014 at 7.30pm

Rebecca Brown - SoultoSoulREBECCA BROWN

The A.R.O.R.A Pathway
Are you ready for Ascension/EnLIGHTenment?

Hear Rebecca:

  • Demystify the often confusing spiritual journey
  • Help you to understand where you are at and where you are heading
  • Identify what to do when you get lost, confused or stuck on your journey
  • HighLIGHT what to do next to raise your vibration to become your true self

Rebecca’s gift is to bring practicality and structure to high vibrational energies & wisdom.
This is a simple, clear and practical ‘roadmap for Ascension/enLIGHTenment’ channelled through Rebecca that is relevant to our lives in the 21st Century.

From Seeker to Master this evening demystifies the often confusing spiritual journey. The A.R.O.R.A pathway is your Ascension Spirit Guide!

In the past, Ascension/enLIGHTenment was thought to be for gurus and mystics – you had to be special and chosen or live a life of suffering!  With the shifts in 2012, now is the time to LIVE them. With the A.R.O.R.A Pathway, we take the struggle and the mystery out of the spiritual Ascension/enLIGHTenment process. EVERYONE has this potential to become your Sovereign Self, that Self is the expanded, blissful, radiant being that you truly are.

Rebecca releases her new e-book with a giveaway to you, so be one of the first to experience A.R.O.R.A Pathway!

Rebecca is a regular person with a regular story. From a traumatic childhood to a primary school teacher to the life of a party girl in the corporate world, she awakened and set forth on a path of healing herself. In the process, she discovered her soul and has raised her vibration, now living in an ‘ascended’ state.  Unbeknownst to her she has been living this journey of Ascension contained in A.R.O.R.A so that she can help and serve humanity in this evolutionary period on Earth. If she can do it, so can you!

Rebecca has a thriving Healing and Teaching Centre in Mosman, Sydney called SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching. She is a Soul Specialist, Advanced Lightworker and Multi-dimensional Teacher working directly with the realms of light. Rebecca helps you to raise your vibration & connect with all aspects of Soul to embrace your full Soul’s potential so that you can love yourself and your life. She is here to help humanity move into the Fifth Dimension and beyond through one-on-one healings, workshops and meditations.

Rebecca’s contacts:  Mobile: o402 327 215
Email: website:


This Weekend – Don’t Miss It! Pre-book and save!!!

Embrace Life Live Life CammerayEmbrace Life Live Life Festival

Come along and join us at your local Embrace Life, Live Life festival and find what you are looking for?

Your local wellness community festival is back again, and this year you will be receiving more!
Where: North Sydney Leagues Club, 12 Abbot St, Cammeray
Date: Sunday 27th July
Time: 10am to 5.30pm
We have 14 workshops throughout the day covering yoga, nutrition, meditation, sound healing, ascension/enlightenment, and much more.
Click here to view the flyer. Spread the word. Make a day of it and come with your friends!
A trade hall full of wellness businesses specialising in crystals, vibrational essences, books, super foods, organic and handmade products, our stage will be brimming with more music and stage performances, opportunities to experience wellness treatments and to connect with one of our heartfelt readers, it is all coming alive this year, check out more details on

If you purchase your ticket online and before the day you get this for $12.00, or it is $15 on the day;

We have secured special offers worth $12 from Australian NaturalCare and IKU Wholefoods, so effectively if you purchase your ticket today, you get in for FREE!

Madonna & ChildSophia Initiation

Presented by Ekaterina and Narelle Green

Tomorrow night – 24th JULY, 2014

8.00pm (sharp)
Phone the Academy 9967 4425 if you intend to come.  Numbers Limited.
Don’t miss this one – Thursday 24th July at Mosman Arts and Community Centre – as it is the final initiation before Ekaterina returns to Russia.
It will be the ‘Sophia Initiation’ where the energy enters the human being as a ‘Globe of Light’ restoring the wholeness of the human being, marking the beginning of the new creative power for humanity. Come and be renewed as your creative power and abundance is stimulated and strengthened.

The Sophia Energy is so exceptional that it has appeared only once in history in a masculine/feminine pairing in the ‘two fold’ unity of Madonna and Child.

If you have felt for most, or part of your life that there is something missing, something deep at the core of your being, and nothing in life has, until now, really been able to fulfill you. Then come and receive this extraordinary vibration of Love from the Sophia Energy, also sometimes known as ‘Lilith‘. The Sophia Energy restores the essence of the eternal pairing of the Sacred Masculine/Feminine deep within the core of our being, stimulating and motivating our powers to co-create.

Community Announcements

Warrens Balcony Aspect 2  Want this view?  It could be yours….Room for Rent

Unfurnished room with large built-in wardrobe, share with a 50 something male in 2 bed unit, Stanton Rd Mosman. Close to bus, shops and walk to Balmoral Beach. Shared balcony with partial water views. Included Wi-Fi, Unlimited calls to national landlines & Fetch TV. ALDI has specials on bedroom furniture if you need. Prefer mature, spiritually aware lady. $230/wk plus share electricity.

To view a flyer with more images of the apartment click here.
Contact Warren mob. 0412 264 594


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light.
The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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