
AOL Bulletin – 22nd March, 2017 – Releasing Stress

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to stand up.

F.Y.I. –  Current Times

The surprisingly dramatic role of nutrition in mental health

Julia Rucklidge

Julia RucklidgeIn this critically important talk, clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge explores a range of scientific research, including her own, showing the significant role played by nutrition in mental health or illness.  The studies show the dramatic decrease or even elimination of symptoms of people who took micronutrients, rather than medication.
Click here to listen to this compelling talk.

 Neuroscientists Discover a Song that reduces Anxiety by 65%

WeightlessA 2013 survey found that 57 percent of American female university students reported episodes of “overwhelming anxiety.”
And in the United Kingdom, the charity YouthNet discovered a third of young women — and one in ten young men — suffer from panic attacks.
Researchers at Mindlab International in the U.K. wanted to know what kind of music induces the greatest state of relaxation. The study involved having participants try to solve difficult puzzles — which inherently triggered a certain degree of stress — while connected to sensors. At the same time, participants listened to a range of songs as researchers measured their brain activity, heart rate, blood pressure and rate of breathing.
What they found is that one song — “Weightless”resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants’ overall anxiety, and a 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates.
Interestingly, the song was specifically designed to induce this highly relaxed state. Created by Marconi Union, the musicians teamed up with sound therapists to carefully arrange harmonies, rhythms and bass lines, which in turn slow a listener’s heart rate and blood pressure, while also lowering stress hormones like cortisol.
In fact, the music is so effective, that many of the female participants became drowsy — to the point where lead researcher Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson advises against listening to it while driving.
But don’t take their word for it. Experience it for yourself here.
Click here to read this insightful article.


Red JusticiaFor MARCH 21ST – APRIL 21st – ARIES.


“On March 20th at 9:30 pm we move from the sign of Pisces to Aries, from water sign to fire sign.  After the past month where the energy has been more about internalising your life, now is the time to take action.  Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, a male energy that assists in defining your goals and aspirations.  Ruled by Archangel Michael in angelology, here is the energy to stand up for your beliefs, uphold your goals and defend your right to Be. 
Mars aligns with the third chakra, Manipura.  This is the centre of will and courage.  Stand up for what you believe is rightly yours and this month gives you a winning chance to succeed in all you do.   
FLOWER ESSENCE:  The flower essence that will assist is RED JUSTICIA in the Grail Haven essences.  Simply ‘red justice’, fighting for that which you would defend and protect.  This month it is flowering with its little trumpet shaped brilliant red flowers. Gerry Taylor Wood. For more see

VenusWhen Venus is placed in Aries, she becomes a warrior with a sword, and her job is to defend and draw boundaries about love. (This placement extends through April 15.)

(When planets are retrograde, they tell us about what is not working, where our focus needs changing, and how to make new plans for the future. Essentially, they stop “helping” for a few weeks or months, but the planets brings fresh, bright energy on their return—when moving into direct motion.)
Venus is about love, but the meaning changes when she moves into retrograde. We tend to notice where there is not love in our lives – including self-love, relationships, and work. Admittedly, we have to notice the missing elements to create them, but Venus retrograde also imbues feelings of loneliness, reflection on past hurts, and a lack of hope.
Fortunately, it’s possible to use the energy to visualize a new love for life, better partnerships, and more abundance through awareness of the energy. For example, it’s useful to know where boundaries are needed, to delineate the value of friends and relationships, and notice patterns in our lives. The advantage lies in knowing it’s possible to change reality by knowing what we want, imagining it clearly, and taking small actions to bring into being.  Julia Griffin….One True Self. For more see

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested spceaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.

Finish time is 9.30pm.


Monday 27th March 2017

NATURAL LAW – “Scaffolding the sense of connection” with Trevor Wie

Trevor Wie

The Original People’s awareness of both conscious and physical energies and their use of the full range of sense-abilities is one aspect of their highly effective harmonic social psychology system.
Trevor will outline some personal experiences with his daughter and other children highlighting effective means and right attitudes for modern societies to scaffold the full range of sense-abilities from early childhood. The experience he induced with daughter began in the womb.
The foundation for coping with the spiral of life begins in infancy and Trevor is currently working on a series of children’s books that include many attributes of Natural Law and the nature of existence, outlining aspects of the Original Peoples world-view, sensing energy, connection to energy and coping mechanisms.

About Trevor:
Trevor Wie is an adoptee-lineal to both Larakia and Gunwinggu Nations, NT. He is a gifted self-learned specialist in traditional First Nation social psychology, visual symbols, dreaming, dowsing both psychic and physical energy fields, and has a background in early childcare and mastered six other industries as an artist, administrator, inventor, motivator, mentor and ambassador of well-being and goodwill. He is currently authoring a series of children’s books that cover much of the Natural Law presentation session subjects at a children’s level. As a tour guide come life-guide he greets over 3000 visitors a year in Kakadu and western Arnhem Land and presents largely on First Nation social psychology.

Trevor’s Contacts:
0402 449 345

NOTE: Trevor will be running a workshop at Jacaranda Haven on the 1st and 2nd April.
See Community Announcements below to read more.

Eventbrite - NATURAL LAW – "Scaffolding the sense of connection" with Trevor Wie

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Monday 3rd April 2017


Sound Night Website



Come along, lay down to enjoy these sounds and bliss out….

Tonight, you will be bathed with the extraordinary sounds of Didgeridoo (Marc Cottee), Crystal Bowls (Jewels Wakeman and Paulien Gort), Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Bells and Chimes (John Butterworth) plus the voices of Jo Van Dermeer, Ellie Francis, Jewels Wakeman and Paulien Gort who will also be playing her Monochord again.
By surrendering, with a quiet mind, to the sound of the giant gongs, bowls, didgeridoo and other musical instruments, the natural intelligence of our body can entrain back to a state of wellbeing.  It is then up to you to maintain that state by modifying what you think and consume.
Everything in creation has its own natural rate of vibration which can be accelerated or decreased by other sources of vibration by the scientific law of sympathetic resonance or entrainment.
Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.
The cells of our bodies tune into these beautiful sounds and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed, CLEANSED and REJEVENATED.
Just as a piano tuner is called in to tune up a Steinway to keep it playing in tune with creation so our bodies need to be ”tuned up” so that each organ of our body knows it is supported and loved, knows it’s place in the scheme of things and is in oneness with all creation.

Join us in the GRAND HALL at Mosman tonight!

For more information:
John and the Gongs:
Marc Cottee:

Julie (Jewels) Wakeman:
Ellie Francis:
Paulien Gort:


*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10.  Ticket prices include light refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy with Ari Porter


Like may of our  presenters, Delphine was faced with the challenge of compressing a full workshop down to a 1hr presentation. So she diligently pared the material and prepared her notes – then realised she had left them at home, thus ensuring we would have a live demonstration of a channelled presentation. Sometimes we associate “channelled” with the obvious changes in a person’s demeanour and tone of voice, but with Delphine it is a very natural conversational tone, as channelled just means connecting with our own Higher Guidance. Delphine emphasised we all have this ability, and she has never had anyone leave one of her workshops without having done this.
Delphine reminded us of some key principles :
* To be expressed the Intuitive / Creative  needs the Logical Mind to be quietened  
* Less Doing, More Being. I thought of the description “Human Beings”, where Hu = God , Man = this physical expression,
   ie. Being an expression of God / Higher Self.    
* Be open to Possibilities, release Judgement
While there are many ways of expressing Higher Guidance, Delphine’s speciality and the one we would play with tonight was channelled writing. She suggested 2 questions for us to answer:
1. What do I need to know tonight?
2. What is the key message for the group tonight?
So to answer we need to start writing. Write what?  Anything!
It doesn’t have to initially appear be profound or be an epic novel. Sometimes just one word can convey a significant message. It is like riding a bicycle, easier to steer once moving. A good start is what you are Feeling.  And remember the No Judgement thing, don’t worry about what anyone else is writing or not. 
When we went around the group we found a high level of expression of the group message “Connection” and many people had an insight into their personal question. Very encouraging after a short intro !
Like most things, practice helps, so it is recommended to set some time aside each day for your channelled guidance.  Also take time to re-read your messages, as sometimes the significance may not be immediately apparent, but at a later review there comes the “Ah Ha” moment.
Thank you very much to Delphine and if you would like to have a private session where she can help with healing and guidance or a workshop, contact  Mob: 0409 998 561 
Disclaimer : These is Ari’s subjective recollection of the night and apologies if it doesn’t represent all the Presenter and others present would have experienced.

Note:  I really enjoyed your description of the night Ari so thank you.  I felt Delphine facilitated brilliantly and I loved everyone having the chance to read what they had written and to tell us their names first……..It was a warm friendly night, with wonderful energy…it felt like home……Rosemary 

Thought Of The Week

Dr Wayne Dyer“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself” … Dr Wayne Dyer

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it …

meditation-gmarksI AM always supported – I AM part of the One.

HEALTH TIP – 11 More reasons to drink more Lemon Water …

Lemon water

“Remember your doctor telling you Vitamin C is pretty darned important for healing wounds, providing nutrients and creating collagen for your body just to name a few things. This vitamin does not get stored in your body so you need to replenish the supply daily. What better way than to drink it naturally.
Lemons have potassium too. This mineral is good for the heart and helps lower high blood pressure and reduces your risk of stroke.
We all know that our liver has a big job. It filters and flushes out crap. Drinking water is important in aiding the liver to do that but did you know that water with lemon lowers the toxins in your body so the liver does not have to work quite as hard?” – To see more click here


Discovery Expo 1

 Discovery Expo Sunshine Coast QLD 6-7 May 2017

 A weekend of Inspiration, Self-Discovery & Clarity

With Metaphysical / Spiritual / Alternative therapies / Energy / Healing / Psychics + much more

Discovery brings a weekend of mystery and awareness offering all aspects of metaphysics, alternative & holistic therapies and healing’s as well this country’s most authentic readers & coaches from all methodologies including mediums, psychics & intuitive’s as well as a variety of over 75 conscious minded exhibitors. Offering a variety of services, modalities and products.
Discovery brings together a not-to-be-missed event for those on a self-discovery journey, those wishing to awaken their own spirit & who need guidance and clarity or just a push in the right direction. A weekend of inspiration, self discovery & guidance with top intuitive readers, self development & coaching gurus.
Psychic readings, Live platform shows, Talks, Workshops , Meditations and Exhibitors. Healthy food and refreshments and live authentic conscious music all weekend.Discovery Expo

Only $10 try / $15 weekend pass  For more information click here.

Copyright © *|2017|* *|Conscious Life Events|*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:




knights-templar Date: 23st April – to – 12th May 2017 (20 days- approx dates)


with Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles

The Knights Templar route across Europe from France to Jerusalem is a mystical, spiritual journey.
The first Christian Crusade left from Vezelay, France. Thousands of Knights were killed. A band of women, seeing the loss of their men folk, formed the Sisterhood of the Rose, a healing order whose crafts included the skilled use of flowers, herbs, plants and crystals.
Our intention is to draw together those who would take the adventurous and sacred journey of the Knights and the Healing Sisterhood of the Rose across Europe – from France, across the islands of the Mediterranean to Acre in the North of Israel and on to Jerusalem.
We visit the relics of Mary Magdalene authenticated by Rome in Provence.
This is a sacred journey requiring spirit and courage. Are you ready to join us on what will be our 23rd and last Sacred Sites journey?
CONTACTS: FACEBOOK: Sacred Sites Tour page Ph: +61 755450414  



1ST & 2ND APRIL, 2017.

Day 1 – NATURAL LAW – The Sydney of Natural Law which gave rise to the highly effective and harmonic social system of the Original People. Wellbeing & Goodwill – balancing the Ego, the importance of the full range sense-abilities beyond the five waking senses and much more.$50

Day 2 Intuitive Sensing. The Original peoplies used their full range of sense-abilities and were able to detect disharmonic frequencies and therefore readily avoid them. Click Here to read more about this wonderful weekend, where it is and how to register. $35

You can meet Trevor at the Academy on the 27th March and you will be able to appreciate what wisdom Trevor has to offer. See Event above.

Give Thanks for Water and for Life

Bless the WaterLet’s come together to Bless The Water around the World on March 22 for World Water Day.

Gather at your local water source, or homes, and place good intentions and prayers into the Water. Let’s stand in solidarity with the World’s Water Protectors and take the first step towards cleaning and restoring the world’s water.

Register now and watch the online premiere of the FREE UPLIFT film ‘WATER is LIFE’ on March 22nd and to listen to the Live AUDIO BROADCAST from Unify at 5pm Pacific/Midnight GMT, featuring water expert Dr Gerald Pollack, Mayan Elder Tata Pedro, Dr Bruce Lipton, Vandana Shiva, and Whaia Whaea

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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