
AOL Bulletin : 22 July 2020 – Discovering Our Truth

Previous Event :The Dawning of a New World with Rosemary Butterworth

Rosemary Butterworth, founder of the Academy of Light, led us through a deep healing journey into higher consciousness so that we can create a better world during this pivotal time in history.
Born naturally clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, Rosemary works closely with the angelic realm to help guide light-workers and healers to realise their life purpose. Rosemary is also the author of How to Move Forward. 
“We are living in a special time in creation. We are at the dawning of a new world.”
She explained how the ‘high’ energies coming into our planet are amplifying our thoughts and feelings, which means we can now manifest instantly. But we need to release unhelpful patterns of thinking if we want to manifest a better world. 
“The high energies coming into our planet are from the seventh dimension – the creator dimension. This means that what you think, you manifest instantly.” However, this can also be a double-edged sword. “The emotions and thought patterns in your body will be amplified. So if you have anger, watch out!” 
“Now is the time to empty and declutter the mind of all opinions, judgments and negative thought patterns so that we can create a better world.” 
She said the seventh dimension is a higher level of consciousness where healing shifts can occur instantly. Rosemary referred to Vianna Stibal’s book ‘Theta healing”, in which the author writes about how she instantly cured herself of bone cancer by accessing the seventh dimension, or the theta level. 
“The world is changing because of Corona. With the lockdown and social distancing, we have time to go within and experience a new reality. We can create a new beginning.“ 
Rosemary was guided to work with Archangel Haniel, the angel of joy and inspiration. “Haniel can help us to clear out the cells of our bodies, which store old thought patterns and emotions from the past. It is time to let them go. If you hold on to old patterns of thinking, you continue to create separation instead of unity consciousness.“ 

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

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Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday  27th July 2020
Introducing the Antares Seals with Scott Matthias

The Antares Seals Introductory Presentation July 27th, 2020

The time for consciously integrating higher frequencies is NOW. As Scott Mathias reveals The Twelve Antares Seals you will be given insights into how these support the current transition away from the 3D and into 5-6D+ frequencies.
‘There is no need for further searching’ Scott Mathias, Author and Facilitator.
Scott is a former television journalist in Australia and New Zealand and a ’rounds person’ in Australia’s Federal Parliament, Canberra. He is an accomplished internationally published author, with four books on whole food plant based lifestyle.
His latest book – “The Antares Seals – Return Of The Holy Grail, Prophetic Symbols From The EL’an Flyers Guiding Humans Home” is his ‘coming out’, as he relates his experiences as a ‘walk-in’, and the release of Twelve Seals he consciously received in 2002, via his Cosmic family species called EL’an, originating from the ancient Antares Planet.
The Antares Seals are ancient symbols imbued with the pure essential essence of the Prime Source, free of dogma associated with organised belief systems and social dogma based on eons of superstition and subjugation.
Their meaning is shared along with the measurable frequency modulation designed to provide motivation, love and support for Humans ready and willing to step into their new Electric Bodies.
Scott will share his ‘walk-in’ experience and riveting information about the work of the ELaAn on supporting the current planetary frequency upgrade. He will reveal the truth of his existence and his role in supporting Humans in the remaining days of their ‘consciousness deprivation’ at the hands of what he refers to as the shadowers and deceivers.

Please note: This event will be via Zoom and in person in the Mosman Art Gallery. 

Monday  10th August 2020
Without Truth There is No Wisdom with Beverley Buckley

‘Everything in its place’ How & why we create patterns in our lives.
After twenty years of research Beverley Buckley has discovered a way for people to easily access knowledge stored in the subconscious. Access to this information allows insight into how and why we create the patterns of our lives – and what is needed to change patterns that no longer serve us.
This lead her to creating an effective healing modality that she has used for many years with both children & adults. This technique actually allows people to heal themselves. It is called: the Stress Defusion process. It also opens the door to understanding the history of mankind by bringing all of mankind’s experiences to conscious awareness.
Beverley learned that her purpose in this lifetime was to:“remember the encoded knowledge, be open to all information relevant to changes in Earth’s vibrational shift and to seek information from the highest source to help people understand that they have the power to heal themselves.”
Beverley was originally going to head up from Tasmania to join us but now will be joining us via Zoom. She will be promoting her book: ‘Everything in its place’ How & why we create the patterns in our lives.
On the night she will talk about her book and will give us some practical exercises to test our level of brain connection and also give us a really easy tool to shut down mind chatter.

The Dawning of a New World with Rosemary Butterworth (cont’d)

Rosemary gently led us through a deep meditation into the fifth dimension – where we met with Archangel Haniel. Through a clearing process, we emptied our body cells from anxiety, grief, judgement, resentment, anger, jealousy, envy and the feeling of ‘not being good enough’. The old energies were released to Archangel Haniel – for transmutation with colour and light. We were then filled with love and light, and we set the intention to create a better world. 
When we returned from our inner healing journey, Rosemary encouraged us to share our experiences. We felt spacey and calm, and for some, it was an emotional experience. But we generally agreed that massive releases had taken place. I felt a huge release from my throat and heart chakras. 
Rosemary encouraged us to work more closely with our angels and to use our intuition– which is more accurate than our minds. “We have been trained from schooling to work things out in our mind and now we have to let that go and allow the answer to come.“ 
“Allow is an important word here. We allow ourselves to receive love and light. We allow ourselves to release energy. The more we allow, the more that comes to us.“
If you would like to connect with Rosemary, she is available for personal sessions by phone or in person. For a booking, call (0414) 941543 or email

Written by Eva Burbury

FYI – Abraham Hick and the Key to Manifestation

Listen to Abraham (Hicks) on the key to manifestation,  Truly inspiring.  Less than 15 mins.
Click here to listen.

Louise Hay’s 10 Rules Of Success

Louise Hay has influenced and helped so many millions of people all over the world.  Watch this video of 10 of her rules of success.

Click here to watch.

Thought of the Week

Let your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I view challenges as opportunities for growth.

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A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
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The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.