
AOL Bulletin – 21st September 2016 – Ground, It’s the Key

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to put our feet on the Earth.

F.Y.I. – Ground the New Energies

Strong Grounding

window-to-the-soulImagine if every child started their life learning how to create a strong belief in self. What a different world we would live in.

Mirror work has been widely promoted by Louise Hay for many years.  Usually it’s the adults that need it.  Looking into your soul through your eyes can be quite confronting for some.  Once you get the hang of it it is extremely powerful!

Watch this Dad empower his daughter.  So empowering.  Click Here.

Put Out Your Trash, Be Grounded

peaceful-warriorThis is not to be recommended but here is quick way of being grounded and present!

MUST SEE This short video clip is from the movie The Peaceful Warrior, an amazing movie about Dan Millman who became a world-champion athlete.  Nick Nolte played Socrates and Scott Mechlowicz, Dan Millman.  Enjoy the short video CLICK HERE.

Guided Meditation for Grounding

tree-rootsYou will enjoy this calming meditation and her comments that you will easily relate to.  Jeanine Sande‘s introduction makes you feel more relaxed and present and then before you notice it you have slid gently into a meditative state.  There is nothing to do but to enjoy these softly spoken words and to notice where they lead you.  Use this meditation before massage or other forms of healing, or to feel more empowered, more yourself, more grounded. 11 minutes – CLICK HERE.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, 26th September, 2016

Nancy Valentine Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith – Aligning You To New Codes

This Evening Nancy will be bringing through Activations to Ground , balance and align you to the New Codes coming through.
She will show simple techniques to move through the gateways of Quantum consciences to bring through your Dimensional aspects to assist you during these times of high strong vibrations.

We are all so grateful to have Nancy as a regular presenter at the Academy.
For those who don’t know Nancy … Nancy works with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques and is here to help us on our Journey of Divine Self Realisation.

Nancy is a facilitator who spent her childhood learning in the different Spiritual realms. She accesses the Spiritual World easily and was taught by many different beings such as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, the Sirian Council, the Council of Elders, the Elemental & Inner Earth Keepers, and many more. Nancy also has access the chambers and Halls of the Akashic Records, Nancy will retrieve books and manuscripts when appropriate, to assist many people on their Journey of Divine Self Realisation. Working with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques.

Over the years, Nancy has continuously received upgrades from the many levels of the Spiritual Realms, of what she received in her learnings as a child. Nancy currently facilitates © Awakening Through The Heart Workshops, Sacred Song Energetic Healings, readings by phone and Skype, and Meditation/Activation classes.

To receive Nancy’s monthly Energy Forecast and Activation go to her website below to subscribe or to book a session with Nancy.
Nancy’s contacts:
Website: Email:


*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 3rd October, 2016


See you for Tom next week!

MONDAY, 10th October, 2016




Selenite Swords of Light are some of the highest vibration energy tools available to practitioners today, and hand crafted from pure selenite crystal.

Tom travels worldwide to teach people how to use the swords in order to pour high-frequency light into their physical bodies to transmute negative energy and resolve health issues. The swords also help open up and balance chakras, clear energy bodies, stimulate meridians, magnify intentions and dynamically increase the overall power and accuracy of any healing modality.  

Tom will bring a range of the swords to the Academy meeting  and provide us with a unique demonstration of how to use them and how  they work.

Each sword has an Alchemy of over 200 power crystal that are epoxied on to the handle. This mixture brings in a powerful multi-dimensional light. The swords also have over 350 pictures of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Crop Circles, Keys of Enoch, Sacred Geometry Forms and powerful symbols.  The 2016 New Generation Swords of Light are carrying a powerful multi-dimensional light energy. You can tap into the quantum level of energy with these powerful Swords of Light.

The swords channel the powerful energy of Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron and other Ascended Masters, which makes them the perfect tool for healers of all modalities. Recent additions include Sacred Waters from around the World, Mantras, Ash from the Sacred Fire ceremonies (Yagnas) and information from the Ascended and Living Masters to complement the swords. These unique combinations have transformed the selenite swords into very powerful energetic tools of light and healing, unlike anything else available today. There are many new power crystals in each sword including crystal energies form the Light Pyramid of El Brujo, Peru and the Jaguar Temple of Chavin Peru. These powerful Shamanic energies are in each sword. He has added to some swords crystal Star Tetrahedrons, Lemurian Crystals and Shungite Star Tetrahedrons, spheres and cubes. The new swords have been activating the Merkaba and raising the light quotient the higher level. New sacred waters from Peru have been added to each sword and along with the plant medicines of Peru. With this new Alchemy of ingredients the Sword activate and bring in a 5th dimensional light field that activates the light body.

Tom Ledder

Through his extensive background in Spiritual Meditation techniques and intensive study of Ascension, he was drawn to work with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to further enhance the capabilities of the Swords of Light. For many years Tom has been interested in working with crystals, trying to find a way to harness their powerful, healing energies. One day during a healing fair, I observed an energy worker using a piece of selenite on a man’s leg. When I inquired about her process, she explained that the selenite crystal was projecting a stream of light into the man’s leg, repairing an injury on the energetic level. This led to Tom’s research on selenite to create a tool to harness the true power of this crystal to use and to pass on to other people to easily use. Today Tom travels worldwide to teach people how to use the swords in order to pour high-frequency light into their physical bodies to transmute negative energy and resolve health issues. The swords also help open up and balance chakras, clear energy bodies, stimulate meridians, magnify intentions and dynamically increase the overall power and accuracy of any healing modality.  Tom says “I believe if you can heal completely on an energetic level, problems on the physical plane can be healed as well. That is why the Swords of Light are so powerful — cutting to the root of what truly needs healing”.

Click here for a 2.2min YouTube with Tom Ledder

Contacts: E: website:

Eventbrite - SELENITE SWORDS OF LIGHT - With Tom Ledder, International Teacher

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

Monday Evening 19th September, 2016 with Karen Quant.

Karen began her presentation by sharing with us what started her own ‘journey’ which I feel was very helpful as it often supports our own.  Karen said her journey began when she was 22 and was diagnosed with cancer.  She was told it was a terminal condition unless she had an operation and that she would never have children.   To have the courage at 22 to say to the doctors, thank you, but no I won’t be having surgery, was amazing.  Her intuition told her that she could heal herself (not a path for everyone) with meditation and alternative remedies and her intuition was very strong and correct for indeed some time later the doctors pronouced that she was healed as she had no sign of cancer anymore.

Years later, although she and her husband Ian had just purchased a lovely home at Mona Vale where they still live, it was this same strong intuition that directed them, to the land about 13 kilometres from Gloucester.  168 acres,  they term a ‘New Avalon’, a place that allows you to seek your own wisdom and a place of healing and wholeness where you can align yourselves to the rythems of nature and soul unity once again.  A place the Aboriginal people named ‘Boori Boori’.

She realised her calling was to recreate the ancient seed pattern – Boori Boori labyrinth – to help hear Mother Earth’s conscious messages.  There they have built a outdoor stone 7 path labyrinth, which is only one of a few labyrinths in the world that has been created with sacred geometry that has traditionally been located on sacred sites and power places.

Karen also shared with us of how when walking the labyrinth she finds that she shifts consciousness into many realities. She is able to see past and future lives and what the blocks in the body are that stop people from moving forward.  She loves to encourage others to come and while they walk she watches and helps them clear things, beliefs and thoughts from the past that help their inner journies and can do this as they walk.

Karen QuantKaren says……..

“Boori Boori is a sacred space, a very powerful one ! If you stay – be mindful before you arrive and you will feel its clear pure energy begin to stir within you – summoning forth the issues you have come to work on and drawing them safely upwards for transformation. Like a clear stream running through a rocky trail its energy finds space where it can flow, creating new life and tranquility in its path.”

NOTE:  I would love to hire a bus and take people up to Boori Boori one weekend, stay a night in Gloucester and on the way back call into Jacaranda Haven for scones, jam and cream.  (And of course, you would be invited to try some of our lovely vegetables)   Email  if this interests you.

Thought Of The Week

nature If nature is your teacher, your soul will awaken – “Goethe”

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

” I Am Healthy, Balanced and Centred “.

Karen Quant''s Labyrinth web-lab-300x200Inspired by Karen Quant – Rosemary and Terri

HEALTH TIP – Science Confirms That Turmeric Is As Effective As 14 Drugs

turmericThis predominant spice is used generously in nearly all Indian meals. Perhaps that’s why India has among the lowest rates of lung,colon, prostrate & breast cancer,

This potent spice is packed with anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants. Turmeric has been proven to fight free radicals, rejuvenate the cells, cleanse the liver, protect the heart, boosts moods and support the brain.

Turmeric has ten neuro-protective actions that support better memory, focus and cognition. This multifunctional spice is also used to regulate fat metabolism, alleviate IBS, regulate bile flow, reduce joint pain and bring luster to the skin.

To read all the details including how to use it CLICK HERE.


Tom Ledder, USA
Selenite Swords of Light 2016 Australian Tour


Tom Ledder travels all over the world teaching the amazing Selenite Swords of light. These powerful tools are some of the highest vibration energy tools available to practitioners today and hand crafted from pure selenite crystal. They help people open up to the 5th dimensional light of the divine which pour high-frequency light into physical bodies to transmute negative energy and helping with health/wellbeing. In addition to hand-working each Selenite Sword into various styles and shapes for clients, Ledder fully takes advantage of the crystal’s high vibration and ability to hold information.

Each sword has an Alchemy of over 200 power crystal that are epoxied on to the handle. This mixture brings in a powerful multi-dimensional light. The swords also have over 350 pictures of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Crop Circles, Keys of Enoch, Sacred Geometry Forms and powerful symbols.
The 2016 New Generation Swords of Light are carrying a powerful multi-dimensional light energy-

There are many new power crystals in each sword including crystal energies form the Light Pyramid of El Brujo, Peru and the Jaguar Temple of Chavin Peru. These powerful Shamanic energies are in each sword. He has added to some swords crystal Star Tetrahedrons, Lemurian Crystals and Shungite Star Tetrahedrons, spheres and cubes. The new swords have been activating the Merkaba and raising the light quotient the higher level. New sacred waters from Peru have been added to each sword and along with the plant medicines of Peru.



Light Worker Training Level I-

The Workshop is designed to provide methods and techniques to work with the Selenite Swords of Light. Learn to work with this very high frequency light of the selenite swords for transformation. We will use the Selenite Swords of Light in different hands-on exercises. You will learn techniques of how to activate, clear and balance the chakras, meridians and subtle bodies. Training will include learning the powerful Light Body Activation process with the Selenite Swords of Light. The day will end with a guided meditation to activate the chakras within the physical body and outside the physical.

Newport- Light Worker Training Level I- Sun 9th Oct 10-5pm $175pp
Mount White- Light Worker Training Level I- Fri 14th Oct 10-5pm $175pp

How to Transmute Physical Issue and Negative Energies with the Light of the Selenite Swords of Light and Esoteric Acupuncture Training Level I.

The second day will start with learning a new rounding technique using the light body activation to dramatically accelerate the stabilization of light in our physical energy matrix. We will learn to use the pendulum to locate physical and negative energies and how to clear them with the Selenite Swords of Light and new procedures. This day we will go into all new techniques recently developed to detect, remove and transmute physical energy issue and removing negative energies and entities. You will learn new techniques that you can use to clear land and houses. Also we will be learning esoteric acupuncture techniques and patterns using the Swords of Light. The Esoteric Acupuncture is ground breaking work developed by Mikio Sankey combining traditional Chinese acupuncture, Hindu chakra system, the Kabala and sacred geometry. The day will end with a guided meditation to raise your light quotient and activate Golden and Violet light to create a protection grid around the physical body.

Mount White- Level II – Sat 15th Oct 10-5pm $175pp.

New Ascension Training Program and Advanced Esoteric Acupuncture Level III

The third day will start with the new rounding technique using the light body activation to dramatically accelerate the stabilization of light in our physical energy matrix. This day will cover the new Ascension Training Program and Advanced Esoteric Acupuncture Level III, the development and activation of the Antahkarana. This exciting New Ascension workshop will look at what ascension is, learn techniques using the Selenite Swords of light to build your light quotient and open up your higher chakras in the expanded dimensions. We will work with the ascended master to bring in the higher energies to expand our ascension process. At the end of the day we will do the Ultimate Ascension ceremony and meditation which will be enhanced by the Selenite Swords of Light. This process will establish a foundation building a powerful momentum towards your personal ascension into the light.
The Advanced Esoteric Acupuncture section will focus on patterns to develop the integration of the light, building a pillar of light and activation of the Antahkarana to further accelerate your development of consciousness. Experience Mikio’s new Wei QI Grid Protection Pattern. The day will end with a guided meditation to activate the Antahkarana our connection to the Source.

Mount White-Level III – Sun 16th October $175pp / only $145 if booked all 3.

***Click here to view flyer***


*** Workshops are limited to only 20 participants per workshop ***

Bookings- Laura Di Mambro-Conscious Life Events
E:  W:


FofD 2016 Banner

Join us for three days of inspiration, entertainment and magic at the Festival of Dreams 7-9 October 2016 at the Hordern Pavilion, Sydney. The Festival brings together leading members of the wellbeing, spiritual, and health fields to share the tools and stories that can empower you to better self-awareness and appreciation.

There’s something for everyone!


FofD 2016 Book Now
Enjoy over 80 free seminars, workshops & events and meet over 100 selected exhibitors who are experts in the health, wellness, spiritual fields who showcase their products and services all to help you LIVE YOUR DREAM LIFE. SHOP PRAY LOVE at the Festival of Dreams and have a psychic reading with gifted psychics, intuitives and mediums; get your hair braided, have a henna tattoo; sing & dance to live music; have a yoga class or meditation session; learn how to open up to your 6th sense; get your aura photographed; buy exquisite crystals; learn how to save for a rainy day; get your nutrition in order and your fitness regime sorted out once and for all. This plus much more as you enter the gates of what will be a truly life changing and transforming experience!


FofD 2016 Main Event
Lisa Messenger – entrepreneur, author, CEO and start-up visionary
Melli O’Brien – internationally accredited yoga and meditation teacher, Creator of the Mindfulness Summit aka Mrs Mindfulness
Therese Kerr – health and wellness ambassador
Harry T Medium – Award winning Celebrity Psychic Medium. Regular guest on TV.
Ben Starr – Radio Man and Film Producer of Documentary Elettra.

Christina Stevens – award-winning filmmaker, author, love activist and global environamental strategist
Alana Fairchild – soul whisperer, professional spiritual channel, guide and energy healer
Nikki Vincent – Women’s Transformologist and TV presenter
+tickets to Main Event includes a General Admission Entry Pass to the Festival of Dreams for the day.
For more info –



Sha's Golden Healing BallDivine Healing Hands certification workshop

Date- Fri Sept- Sun Sept 25
Venue- Crows Nest Community Centre
Time- 10am -6pm
Evening session Sat 7-10pm
Divine Healing Hands brings Divine frequency and vibration to transform the frequency and vibration of the sickness, emotional imbalance, to boost energy, stamina vitality and immunity, to bless relationships and finances and more…….
During this training you will learn how to build a strong foundation to be a powerful healer.
You will learn how to open your spiritual channels further and bring out your soul language
You will learn why sickness and imbalances occur in the emotional and mental body occurs and what causes challenges in our relationships and finances….
You will learn why Divine Healing Hands works and how to apply them for healing…
..and much more…..
We welcome you to join us for this sacred and profound training
If you have a desire in your heart to help others to become healthier and happier and create Love Peace Harmony this workshop is for you..
Please contact Master Robyn Rice for apply to join this DHH training and for further details.  Mobile: 0412652703

Concerts for Humanity


With Don Conreaux

September 21st Adelaide workshop  Trinity Church, Norwood

September 23rd Melbourne
September 25th Melbourne workshop go to

September 29th Sydney Bondi
September 30th Sydney Mosman Art Gallery


“The Black Glass Mirror & Stories of the Spiritual Mystics”

‘Workshops’ in Indochina, Asia

The Ascension comes round every 25,000 years. The Ascension Phase of the cycle is actually not such a big deal. Like everything else seen in the ‘mirror’, the interpretation of what it is, is also back to front. You are not waiting for it to lift you. It is the deadline left to turn round from the Reflection.

Academie Therapeutae


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Academy of Light.facebook


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