
AOL Bulletin – 21st October, 2015 – Be Open To Receive

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us how to love ourselves unconditionally.

FYI – Abundance In All Things

There Is More Than Enough

We have been on an Abundance Awareness week this week.  Jason Snaddon spoke on Monday night at Mosman and accelerated the potential.  He mentioned he was recently ‘given’ a blog in which he was able to verbalise how abundance worked.  Click here to read Do You Have More Than Enough?

Yellow Rose by TerriRosemary was reminded of an miracle that dropped into her life which highlighted the need to ask for help and trust that it would be given.  Read her post Manifesting Abundance on Michael’s Messenger here.

Open To Receive

Debra BerndtDebra Berndt takes us on a wonderful journey in her meditation Open To Receive Love & Abundance.  Debi encourages us to give freely so that we can receive in the same manner.  Reminding us that we do need to expect (be open) to receive.  When you open to receive you are opening the door for everyone to experience the same gift.  You can never ask for too much as there is an abundance of everything.  There is more than enough. Watch and listen to the 16 minute video here.

From the Academy’s point of view there is a Divine timing element.  We encourage you not to lose faith. If you are asking for something that is for the highest good it will happen.

Nature Spirits, Joy & Trust

Geraldine Teggelove logoLike the ancient alchemists, Geraldine Teggelove discovered how to light that secret fire within, burning away everything that keeps us from living our dreams, and now has a ‘burning desire’ to help others weave the same magic through all areas of their lives to create a transformation of happiness and success.  Listen to Geraldine’s under 3 minute dialogue to connect with Nature Spirits, the energy of Joy & the virtue of Trust for answers.  Click Here.

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on Thanks to Catherine, Terri & Rosemary

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 26th October 2015 at 7.30pm

Simon Wing-Lun - Unconditional Love HealingUnconditional Love Healing

Simon Wing-Lun

Why love is the ultimate healing power – it is in love we embrace our truly unlimited spiritual selves.

Simon will be sharing the principles of how you can create truly unlimited healing in your health, emotions, relationships, abundance and every area of your life through unconditional love. Plus guiding you to experience some deeply healing meditations to start creating healing within your own life.

You create your own reality. Change your beliefs and vibration and change your life. You may have heard it a million times.

Yet how can you actually create deep healing and change with the issues in your life that are the most significant, and fully embrace the infinite healing power within you?

In my journey practicing and teaching spiritual healing I learned many powerful methods, but what I found actually creates all healing on the deepest level is love. Unconditional love. It’s through learning to be unconditionally loving on every level of our being, emotionally, spiritually, and physically that we can release the core fears and resistance to love that creates all stress, pain, disease and difficulty in life. And it is in love we embrace our truly unlimited spiritual selves.

Simon is the creator of the Unconditional Love Healing process, a simple and profoundly powerful process for creating unlimited transformation through unconditional love. His passion is living and teaching the principles of unconditional love, and helping people create deep healing through the infinite power of love within us all.

Simon lives every day with a simple practice and approach of unconditional love: Love everything. Act on your highest joy. Choose the beliefs and consciousness you prefer. Embrace your emotions with love. Be your most authentic self. Be unconditionally allowing of all choices. Know you are an infinite and eternal being.

Mobile: 0466 412 849 Website:

Simon Wing-Lun

MONDAY, 2nd November 2015 at 7.30pm

The Positive Power of Being Neutral©

Adam KhedooriAdam Khedoori

Adam will show us how to experience a deeper ease of living by not reacting or over reacting to yourself, others, or external influences.

  • Shift from reaction and drama to calm and balance!
  • Handle difficult and chaotic situations with objectivity and clear focus!
  • Sharpen your skills for positive interactions!
  • Take home simple energetic corrections to apply daily!

So much of our life experience is reaction.  How we react to others and to the events of our daily lives determines the ease in which we live.  Internal and external factors that seem to be beyond our control trigger reactions that take us away from joy and peace. 

Learn and apply powerful principles of energetic alignment to alter patterns and behaviours to support life, confidence, clarity and joy.

For this work, neutral is defined as being unbiased, impartial, fair, balanced, and open-minded.

Adam is the Founder of “Clear Life Now” and is an:
Emotion Code Certified Practitioner – Dr Bradley Nelson
Yuen method full spectrum wellness TM Experienced practitioner  from LeRoy Malouf
Energetic well-being Process Essentials – Practitioner – Leroy MaloufKinesiology TFH Practitioner 

Contact Adam- M:    E:  W:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

“I have heard Jason Snaddon speak before, and enjoyed what he had to say about Abundance, but tonight he took us so much further in connecting to our own abundance.” Liz said

This was just one comment I heard at the end of last Monday nights gathering at Mosman.  It was a great night.  Jason broke us up in groups of three’s and everyone had a turn on the ‘hot seat’.  They sat there while the others in the group asked for a symbol that would help to connect them with their Abundance.  Some of the symbols were amazing and could be understood and applied to the person and sometimes the two symbols given created a story.

During the night, I am sure everyone got a key that they could use.  What I ‘heard’ that stuck in my mind was,  “if you have a feeling of lack in your body then that is all you will attract even though you want Abundance”.  It is the Law of Attraction operating.  You cannot attract Abundance, even though you focus on it, if you are weighed down by lack.  Jason says, and I believe he is very accurate, that you have to love yourself first to attract Abundance.

So how do you love yourself more, if you have lost your job, and there is no money to pay the bills.  This is where the work begins.  First and foremost the need is to not listen to your thoughts.  Perhaps to repeat this week’s affirmation instead of repeating worries is a start.  Do gratitude and I have heard appreciation is the same vibration as unconditional love.  So thank your body for all the things it does such as walking, seeing, hearing etc.  Go for a walk and instead of listening to your ……..get present with every step you take and look at the sky and while you are admiring the wonderful shapes of the clouds, and focus on your Abundance coming in through the Golden pathway you walk.

Also read what Jason has to say in his blog which we have put on FYI. PLUS, as fortune would have it we have Simon Wing-Lun on next Monday introducing us to his Unconditional Love Healing!

Thought Of The Week

LIFE IS LOVE.  All else is imagined confusion.

Byron KatieByron Katie

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“My Path Is Lined With Gold.”

Geraldine TeggeloveGeraldine Teggelove

HEALTH TIP – Gut Health = Brain Health

NutrikaneDBy now we are sure that you are aware that we are distributors for NutriKane D.  It’s all about gut health.  We just have no exact idea how gut health effects our physical, mental and emotional bodies but there is more and more information coming to the fore that it is very important for brain health.  Here is a great article on the Rodale Wellness site by Julia Westbrook entitled How Your Gut Controls Your Brain. It starts – Whether you’re suffering from anxiety or are just in a crabby mood, before you start poking around your head as if looking for answers, you might do well to aim a little lower: your gut.  …The connection between the brain and the gut is called the gut-brain axis, and it’s a two-way street. “The gut and the brain and the brain and the gut are intimately connected in a bi-directional way,” says David Perlmutter, MD, author of Brain Maker. “We’re just beginning to understand that this incredible relationship exists between our digestive system and the brain.” 

Click here to read the article.  And see Community Announcements for a testimonial and shop link.

Lastest news related to NutriKane D is that PhD student Hasinika Hewawasam Gamage has been presented the John Christian Young Food Microbiologist award (2015) for her research on ?#?NutriKaneD?. Hasinika’s research studies the impact of NutriKane D, as a fibre-rich food as medicine, on the gut and overall health – particularly in diabetic subjects. The award was presented at the 48th Annual Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Convention.


Master Peter Hudoba Is In Sydney

Tonight & Tomorrow FREE events folowed by 4 day workshop

Master Peter HudobaMaster Peter is an very advanced spiritual Master who offers great wisdom and powerful blessings to assist us to heal, rejuvenate and transform and follow the Tao in every aspect of life.he was a neurosurgeon that has now dedicated his life to helping others to connect with their heart and soul and the Tao( the Source)
In Melbourne I (Master Robyn Rice) have been totally blown away by the powerful blessings he has offered during the free evenings. We have truly been transported to such a blissful and loving place and really experienced the Oneness with the Source.
He has so much love and joy to share with everyone.
It is my great honour to share with you about the sessions he is offering in Sydney.
Everyone is welcome

Introduction Evenings – Wednesday Oct 21st and Thursday Oct 22nd 7-10pm
Cost-Love offering & Everyone welcome
Venue.Hotel Urban 194 Pacific Hway Greenwich (Crn Bellevue Ave)

Tao 4 day Retreat – Thurs 22nd Oct -Sun 25th Oct 10am-7pm daily
Cost 4 days- Honour $250
Venue.Hotel Urban 194 Pacific Hway Greenwich (Crn Bellevue Ave)

The Turning Point Intensive

4 Steps To Discover Your Purpose & Elevate Your Life

benjamin_harveyWith Benjamin J Harvey

Brisbane | Nov 7 – 8 | 9am – 7:30pm
Sydney | Nov 14 – 15 | 9am – 7:30pm
Adelaide | Nov 21 – 22 | 9am – 7:30pm
Melbourne | Jan 23 – 24 | 9am – 7:30pm
Perth | Feb 6 – 7 | 9am – 7:30pm


Radically Transform Your Life, Career Or Business

Find out how to start by going to one of the above FREE events so for info & registration going to

Community Announcement

NutrikaneDThe Academy of Light is now a retailer of NutriKane D. Yippee! It’s in our shop now so click here to purchase or you could save the $11 shipping by buying a carton at an Academy Meeting on a Monday Night and getting an energetic boost at the same time!

After I had a MRI in 2014, my doctor had advised me to get a knee reconstruction as soon as possible to reduce the pain and crippling effects of my osteoarthritis. I had heard about NutriKane’s satelite effects when it was trialed for 2 years in a Melbourne hospital for diabetes (for which it was outstanding). As it creates good gut bacteria it reduces inflammation anywhere in the body and it had been helping with osteoarthritis.

I have been taking NutriKane D everyday for 15 months. I am now virtually free from pain as I only have an occassional slight twinge in my knee and have thrown away my walking stick (and no operation). I recommend it to everyone oh, yes, another affect is that it makes you very regular you will never need a laxative again! …Rosemary


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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