
AOL Bulletin – 21st June, 2017 – An Abundance of Angels.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to ask your Angels….

Real Angels Caught On Camera

Guardian AngelThese are the 5 most amazing real Angels performing miracles caught on tape and on camera. Do take a few minutes out of your busy day to view this incredible video showing the presence of Angels and their healing powers.  IF you have a problem, don’t think you have to fix it, simply give it to the angels by saying, “I wonder how this is going to be fixed or I wonder how this bill is going to be paid”.  Remember if you say I have to pay.…..then you do.  The Angels respect your wish to do it yourself and they won’t overide your free will.

I remembered to say one day,  ‘how is this bill going to be paid’ and before the day was out I had been gifted $10,000 by a lady whose name I didn’t even know.  The Angels have the power to perform miracles. True story……Rosemary

Click Here to watch

Unconditional Wealth is Already Yours

Very recent! Published on Jun 18, 2017

Abraham HicksAbraham speaks to us again. Do listen, enjoy and increase your wealth.  Less than 20 minutes of your time can change your financial status.  Listen to Abraham’s clear and precise explanation on how to use your thoughts to create the life you want.

(Material copyrighted by Esther and Jerry Hicks).  Click Here to watch 

Divine messages for June 19 – 25 2017 with Doreen Virtue Part 1

Doreen VirtueAllow yourself to receive and pass the Abundance along as you are guided.   Watch and see how Doreen works with her new cards to bring through messages for the coming week, it is only 15 minutes long. Click Here.

Please note: The entire video is 34 minutes long, but Part 1 is just 15 mins.


When I begin the Newsletter this week, I have no preconceived ideas of what should be in the FYI segment.  I let myself be guided and I am amazed at the storyline that has come through.  It is all about Abundance – and your birthright to it. 

  1. Remember to ask the Angels without using “I” simply say “How is this going to be done?”
  2. The emotion. Ask yourself what does it feel like NOW that I am wealthy.  Feel the Abundance.
  3. It is essential to follow the ideas that we are given from the Angels or God. 

 I have been working with a wonderful group of women and Archangel Uriel in Nabiac.  The energy is profound during our meeting.  Those that have vision see Uriel while I feel His energy and presence and notice the changes in people as he works on them.  He guides us at the beginning of the meetng to form a wheel and unites us in Love in ways I would like to share with you at an Academy meeting in Mosman,  Sydney.   I have called the energy ‘Energy Renewal’ as I watched a woman who had been very ill with cancer regain her energy and strength.  I know Uriel will be with us and so I look forward to a time at the Academy when we can all work together. ……Rosemary

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.
Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, JUNE 26th 2017


Tonight is a rare opportunity to meet John and enjoy hearing him play.  (It is my belief that Angels play through him….Rosemary).
So after a meditation, John will tell us a little about how he came to compose Alpha music in what way each CD will benefit us.   Then as promised he will go to the piano and will be have the joy of hearing what comes through him right there and then.  What a treat!  The high energy in the room might bring through a new composition.
The Academy has always recognised the benefits of Alpha Music and plays it for meditations. We are proud to sell John Levine’s CD’s on Monday Nights as well as on our Website.

What is Alpha Music?
1. Music that aims  to induce alpha brain wave
2. When the mind is in an alpha state the body can function properly
3. This can signficantly improve healing, digestion, the immune system concentration and emotional well-being just for starters.
It is possible to measure a person’s dominant brain wave frequency in a laboratory by using an EEG. Remarkably, the EEG results from the control test conducted showed the person’s brain waves had dropped into Alpha state in just 4 minutes of listening to Alpha Music. In a normal state of Beta, the right brain activity is suppressed. However by listening to Sounds of Peace, there was a marked difference in Right Brain activity.
Alpha Music is reported to help with physical pain, headaches, migraines, lupus, cancer patients, tinitus. Alpha music helps relieve stress, anxiety and panic attacks.
Alpha music can improve and aid the body as well as the mind, helping tiredness, boost the immune system, emotional wellbeing and people suffering from depression.
Every home would benefit from Alpha Music!
Some of his well known CDs are Silence of Peace, Silence of Love, Silence of Heart,Silence of Light, Emerald Forest, Amber and Emerald Grove Siesta. He also has an Archangel Series and a series for children.

About John Levine
John Levine is an Australian Composer living in Cambridge, England. He has a Bachelor of Music Composition, Sydney University. His compositions are based on the centuries old Lydian scales – it is based on classical and ancient eastern format. John composed his first CD in 1984 and is still being used today.

Eventbrite - John Levine - Composer of Alpha Music - In Australia

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include light refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

As the Sound Event has been postponed due to cold weather, the next Academy event will be….

MONDAY, JULY 10th 2017


Come along to this evening and learn about the ever evolving science of nutrition. Could your healthy diet be making you sick?

Fiona Tuck, a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner and author of The Forensic Nutritionist has over 25 years of experience in the health and wellness industry and is known as the ‘myth buster’ of the health industry. Fiona is a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Skincare Expert, Yoga Teacher and an accredited member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
Tonight she will be speaking on Histamine Intolerance.  Did you know that Green tea, chai lattes, fermented foods and avocados may be superfoods for some but for others they may be a biochemical nightmare? Debilitating symptoms such as headaches, skin disorders, aching joints and gastric stress can lead sufferers to try the latest healthy eating trends in the quest for an alleviation of symptoms. If you have been going to town on fermented foods, bliss balls and berry smoothies thinking that these foods may help alleviate your symptoms you may be surprised to hear that for some they could actually be worsening symptoms.
Histamine and amine intolerance occurs due to an accumulation of histamine or an impaired capacity for the breakdown of histamine within the body. Histamine is a chemical substance known as a biogenic amine which is produced by the body and some foods.
Her in-depth knowledge and insight into future trends within the health industry has made her a sought-after expert. Fiona has appeared on Channel 7’s ‘Sunrise’, ‘The Morning Show’, ‘The Daily Edition”, Network Ten’s ‘Studio 10’ and is a popular radio wellness expert and chats every Monday to Ed Philips on Talking Lifestyle to debunk common health myths. Her articles and expert commentary are published across,, Huffington Post, Ninemsn, Body and Soul, Australian Financial Review, Swiish by Sally O,, Popsugar, The Collective Hub, Carousel, Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, Courier Mail, and across the APN Newspaper Group, – as well as leading trade publications to name just a few.

Fiona’s Book, The Forensic Nutritionist, will be available for purchase.

Website :

Eventbrite - Forensic Nutrition - FIONA TUCK

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20.
All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include light refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy with Ari Porter

Julia treated us to her crystal harp offering us a clearing and recalibration with the 10 transformational crystalline sound tones during Rosemary’s wonderful meditation, before taking us through her visit to the Bosnian Pyramids, complete with some great photos. There were 3 aspects to the talk : the physical and energetic structure of the pyramids and tunnels, the work of discoverer Dr Semir “ Sam” Osmanagich and Julia’s personal transformation during the trip.

In 2005 when De. Sam was visiting the village of Visoko, near Sarajevo, he noticed how much one of the mountains looked like a pyramid and what started as a casual observation has become his life’s work.
Physical – There are possibly 11 pyramids in the group and the largest one he has called Pyramid of the Sun. It is 220m tall, much larger than the 147m of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, but they both share the same 51 degree slope. Radiocarbon dating of a leaf embedded in the structure and other cross references  date the pyramid at about 30,000 yrs old. Aerial radar imaging shows there could be 14 chambers inside the pyramid and there are a network of tunnels from kilometers away that appear to be leading into the pyramid.  Independent labs have tested the material to confirm it is an ancient type of concrete, but the critics say it is just conglomerate rock. The tunnels had been filled or collapsed and Dr. Sam has begun excavating the tunnels as well as selected sites on the pyramids.  One of Julia’s photos showed an excavated internal stone corner which was undeniably constructed, not a natural feature.   

Energetic – Like the Egyptian Pyramids, the Bosnian Pyramids show strong energy patterns which are focused upwards towards the top of the pyramid. This was shown on Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) photos. An interesting cross reference for me was that similar patterns and colors appear in the PIP photos of Tesla metamorphosis energy taken during Anya Petrovics workshops and Tesla and Anya also came from the Croatioan / Bosnia area.  The energy can also be measured using the Bovis Biometer scale, where around 6,500 is neutral and above 12,000 is healing. The energy in the tunnels and pyramids varies from was 21,000 to 40,000 Bovis and does generate healing. In common with a lot of other megalithic structures they also attract orbs, which appeared in the photos and were visible to those who were more sensitive. It is believed the structures connect the energy of Andromedan wisdom of the stars and the regenerative healing energy of the Halls of Amanti in inner earth.  
Dr. Sam – In addition to the excavations, Dr. Sam has been working tirelessly to establish the area as a place of healing and connection with his tours. Children and adults are encouraged to connect and feel the energy of the trees and ground and experience the healing that occurs in the tunnels.

The group of 130 people of which half were energetic earth light-workers completed 4 activations in the land and pyramids.  The energy of the land was reactivated and opened setting up the forum for supporting activations in the pyramids.  On arrival the Pyramid of the Sun was operating at 30% of energy capacity, and after group activation it was raised to over 70%.  At the Pyramid of the Moon a group activation reconnected the Divine Feminine, and activations at the Temple of Mother Earth and Pyramid of the Dragon were also completed by smaller pods.  The Earth work was completed with an opening of the Stargate present in this place.
Julia – For months prior to the trip Julia had been subject to a lot of unusual physical discomfort which intensified when she arrived at the village. One of the ladies in the group was experiencing similar symptoms, and said it was to do with the physical body adjusting to pyramidal energies. Fortunately she was able to assist with “recalibrating” and after months of discomfort Julia was able to enjoy the rest of the trip. Nice to have a happy ending !
Sam faces a lot of opposition from the mainstream and there are negative comments about his work on the Net. Julia says, regardless of what you believe about the origin of the structure, the energy patterns can be measured and the healing effects can be experienced, so if you would like a holiday with a difference put it on the list.
Julia also conducts powerful energetic healings using sound frequencies, energy colour rays and selenite swords.
Julia can be contacted  at :  mob. 0404 619 148

Thought Of The Week 

 angelsWhen angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts.

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

AngelsI will start this day with trust in my Angels


The Divine Human & The New Earth Weekend workshop

 Rebecca Brown -Workshop 1Date : 24/25 June
Time : 10am-5.30pm
Location : Suite 4, 6-7 Gurrigal St
                   Mosman NSW 2088
The New Paradigm is here but do you know how it operates? This workshop was recently launched on my trip to Japan and very well received, with the students loving the combination of the high level wisdom and high frequency activations and experiences!!
This workshop is like no other! It is filled with both multi-dimensional channelled wisdom, metaphysical understanding and leading edge science. You will also journey with high frequency activations, meditations and group processes & practices. For the last 12 years, I have been on deep inquiry as to how we get from Divine to Human and how REALITY works. Facilitating thousands of channelled healing sessions and hundreds of hours of teaching has illuminated me with much cosmic wisdom! This has come through to support us to live as the Divine Human on the New Earth.
Learn about living in multi-dimensional reality, how to be a quantum co-creator, the new healing paradigm, self-realisation, sacred geometry, fractals ad holograms, the detail of the advanced human energy field including 12 chakras, light bodies, DNA etc,  the alchemy of transformation, the levels of manifestation, spiritual dogma and much more. This workshop brings forward the details – the HOW & The WHY as it applies to our human everyday reality to empower you into a whole new way of interacting with reality – from the inside out!

Learn the Secret teachings of the Mystery schools
that are now ready to be shared!! 

Receive your Certificate of Citizenship to the New Earth!!!
Click here to read all about it and enrol. 

ENNEAGRAM HQ WORKSHOP – Melbourne and Sydney

Join us for The Way of the Symbol Enneagram Workshop with Uranio Paes in Sydney (24-26 August) and Melbourne (19-21 August). Uranio is a respected and highly acclaimed international Enneagram expert and this workshop provides the participant with a rare opportunity to experience his unique and highly experiential approach to psycho-spiritual transformational Enneagram work. We suggest you book now to secure your place as this Workshop has limited number of participants and following Uranio’s success and popularity in Sydney and overseas, we expect this Workshop to be a sellout.
Pendantdetails and booking please visit (Melbourne and Sydney Bookings)
Melbourne: 19th, 20th and 21st August 2017
Sydney: 24th, 25th, 26th August 2017
Investment: $675.00 plus we have a Early Bird Offer (till 4th July) of a Sterling Silver Enneagram Pendant free with any purchase of a ticket to this workshop.


Mosman Community Art Centre
Myahgah Road Mosman
Wednesday 5TH JULY 2017 at 7pm
Hosted by Rev. Ann Joel and friends

This is a once off event: Rev. Ann returns to Sydney on her way home to Perth from her tour to John of God’s Casa, in Brazil.
Join Rev. Ann Joel and friends, as we connect here in Australia to the beautiful Spirit Guides of Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. This evening event gives a special opportunity to catch-up with like-minded souls, to open up to love, to reflect and grow; as we connect with each other and ‘all there is’.
Each one of us having a sacred intent for peace, love, forgiveness and understanding.
“I am sending this out to all my past and present clients in Sydney, and my long time dear friends who are making this event possible, as I arrive back from Brazil the night before the event.” Rev. Ann
DRESS: in white or cream attire




The Path of Energy Reversal began nearly 40 years ago with following the regeneration, longevity, rejuvenation, and vegetarian health practices of those who it is said, once knew the secrets of immortality.

We began the experiment in the early 1980’s beginning with the Raw, Vegetarian, Plant Food based diet with probiotics and juices etc.

Now nearly 40 years later we finally got a cell phone and have photos for 2017! In the early 1980’s the goal was to achieve good health, to remain youthful, slim and agile and there were really good sources of information easily available which have not really changed in all that time..

Now we know what is possible with ’Energy Reversal’we also know that there is more than just diet involved because we followed up the missing inner facets which accompanied the ENERGY REVERSAL health and diet ideas, which talked about the Living Light.  Continue to to read more.


Womens Dream QuestJudith Tripp is bringing her superb ‘Women’s Dream Quest’ to Australia this September. Join us for a weekend of labyrinth walking, meditation, song and gentle healing process. We’ll create a sacred women’s circle, connecting to all the sacred circles formed over the last thirty years of Women’s Dream Quests around the world, listening deeply for our role at this pivotal time in the life of our planet. Judith is a psychotherapist who leads pilgrimages and Dream Quests in the US and Europe.

For more information and to register go to
15th-17th September at Amberley, Lower Plenty, VIC
22nd-24th September at St Josephs, Kincumber, NSW

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425,  

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.




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