
AOL Bulletin – 20th May 2015 – Flying Higher

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to look for a New Perspective



ChakrasMany of us habitually use the Third Eye as the window for manifestation which causes Light (energy potential) to gather more at the higher chakras. Ironically, manifestation of resources to support our Earthly living is the forte of the Base Chakra which, in its balanced state, emits an energy frequency most aligned with fulfilling our physical needs, including attracting money as a resource.  My guides taught the following breathing techniques for rebalancing our aura and particularly, for creating new neural pathways to permit the universal life force flowing through our chakra system to be retained and conserved in the Root Chakra for its expansion.  To  read this article in full … click here.
from Amara Tia Ann in Pearls of Wisdom – Channeled Messages


MeditationThere are always people with whom we end up in conflict in some way, and sometimes we are the source of conflict. Meditation can help us develop compassion and empathy to be aware of our own tendencies and better manage conflict with others.  Relax and land in your body to watch this gentle meditation video. Only 8 minutes that can change your relationship with another personClick here



Starbucks MiracleWatch a young woman have her legs grow with a Faith Healer visiting the Philippines!  BELIEVE – Everything is possible!
See the video- Click here 


Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00

 MONDAY, 25th May 2015 at 7.30pm

Juliet Martine

Juliet Martine




 Juliet said, “ the next step for us was how to use this power to manifest. As we come together and  form a group the collective energy has much more power than each of us individually manifesting”.

How powerful everyone found our last meeting in April with Juliet when she introduced us to the power of a group.
Come along this evening as we, under Juliet’s facilitation practice group manifestation in alignment with Divine Will.
As a case study we’re going to use our group energy to manifest a more empowered and Divinely inspired vision and outcome for the future of the Academy Of Light!
The Academy has been running for nearly 20 years – its time to grow and change! It’s time for us all to reach out to new horizions, new ways, new understandings of all that is. There are no limits!
If you’re ready to step up and start aligning with your greater purpose and vision in life, don’t miss this session… we’re sure that Spirit will have more in store for us tonight than we imagined possible !!!
Juliet Martine is a Healer, Manifestation Coach and Spiritual Teacher. For the past 14 years she’s been helping clients throughout Australia and across the globe to clear their blockages and manifest their heart’s desires. Her latest book ‘MANIFESTATION INTELLIGENCE – Your Ultimate Power For Creating Greater Health, Wealth, Happiness and Success’ has been referred to as the best and most comprehensive book ever written on how to manifest what you want.

We are excited about this AOL manifestation night with Juliet and would love as many people as possible to be part of manifesting a new, larger Academy of Light. To include what YOU want AOL to manifest.

This is an opportunity to gain clarity around the vision, to be what would best serve the highest good of all. Once we have the INTENTION of our PURPOSE clear, then it is easier to align our ACTIONS and our PHYSICAL requirements.

Bring your imaginations and join us for some fun!

Contacts: Mobile: 0413.199 649, email: website:

 MONDAY, 25th May 2015 at 7.30pm

– with Teresa Hills, Julia Smith and a GONG BATH by John Butterworth



Building the Bridge to the 5th Dimension

This is a night to EXPERIENCE…

Before we can be with the Masters and Angelics in the 5th Dimension we need to notice what keeps us in anxiety, fear, and general feelings that are negative. In other words, when we feel ‘down’.  If we feel ‘down’ then it means that our energy is low and stuck in the 3rd dimension. We want to move forward but how do we get out of our old programs that keep us repeating more of the same.
Tonight, we will separate you from those feelings and thoughts, and help you to dive deep in the meditation to experience an expansion you may not have experienced for a long time. If enough clearing is done tonight, Rosemary will take you to the ‘rim’ of the 5th dimension.
WHAT do you choose this moment? For example: to feel down or to realise you have a choice, to choose a higher vibration and gain new perspectives. Rosemary will show you how to recognise what you have picked up and how to quickly clear these lower energies and move forward. Then with Terri’s and Julia’s energetic help and Reiki from Lloyd you will feel like ‘flying’.
Bring a rug and pillow, lie down and bliss out with a Gong Bath. What an ending!
Rosemary, author of How to Move Forward: Leave Your Thoughts Behind, is psychic (from an early age) and is clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient and brings through energies from the Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Also Rosemary has studied and practiced for many years in the fields of Philosophy, Alternative Therapies, Spiritual Healing, Counselling and Life Coaching and was the Founder of The Southern Cross Academy of Light. Rosemary works with the highest integrity for all.

Rosemary’s Contacts:
T: 9967.4425, Email:  Website:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

When Peggy and I were checking the energy of the room we found that it was very scattered and confused, probably from the number of different groups that had used the room during the week.  An inspiration dropped in.  This evening we would measure the energy, using my pendulum and David Hawkins ‘Scale of Consciousness’ from his book ‘Power Versus Force’, and it really didn’t surprise us to find that the energy of the room measured under 200.  Now the idea continued, what if we measured the energy in the room following the channeling of Universal Consciousness?  So we discussed this with Vicki O’Leary.   I think Vicki was as excited to see the results as we were.
To help people be open-hearted and connect to the messages, I cleared and opened everyone’s chakras again.  It is amazing how quickly they close when we are at work or shopping in a Mall.  So I am intending this clearing process will become a standard feature before the meditation each Monday Night as we are all finding it helpful in receiving.
The information that came through from Universal Consciousness was a wonderful help as it was in answer to our questions.  The answers not only showed us new perspectives for looking at our questions but opened and expanded our minds.
When Vicki had finished the channeling I measured the energy again in the room.  I am sure no one would be surprised when I tell you that it measured 1,000 – that of Enlightenment!  I laughed and said to everyone to breathe in ‘bucketloads’ of this energy and take it home – and may it bring a week of joy and ease.
One boon for the Academy, while still in this energy, was that Vicki then asked us all to go into a meditative state again to become One and to use this very high energy to begin the manifestation process (for the Academy) working with Juliet next Monday.
Note:  Many, many thanks Vicki for your love, time and dedication.  We have loved having you and Universal Consciousness.

People come along to the Academy to grow, so what is the next step for this growth to occur?  We are welcoming change in our lives, but what change to welcome? Master Korton came through on Tuesday morning and told us that we need to look at the same things, same programs from a new perspective, a new vantage point to get out of our comfort zone and not say ‘I know that already’.  See what keeps us in this space,  for example, if your buttons are being pushed by a friend or relative that makes you angry, how can we look at this differently instead of just reacting from the same old program? Think about it from a higher perspective.   What if this person has agreed to incarnate with me into this incarnation to help me overcome anger (or another emotion) by bringing it up so I can work on it !  This does not stop the need to fix it, but it gives us the chance to look at this person with fresh eyes and see the emotion dissipate with the new understanding of why this is so. This is growth.

Thought Of The Week

heart messages“All of your searching and the struggle that you go through is not in vain … realise that you will always be making new discoveries along the way”.    From “Messages from the Heart” by Alec O’Halloran.



Holy-Light.pngI AM wise, I AM enlightened.

Health – Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment

Alkalise For HealthToday we are going back to medical basics with the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is.  Sodium bicarbonate has been on many cancer patients’ minds this past year.  It has not been easy though to get to Rome or even contact Dr. Tullio Simoncini for treatment. And doctors willing to give bicarbonate IVs are not on every corner so it’s been somewhat frustrating to have something so simple and effective remain elusive.   To read more click here



Honouring The Voice Within

Energetic Healing AssociationThe Energetic Healing Association (EHA) Board cordially invites you to a special EHA event! May 30th at the Gardener’s Lodge Cafe
A night of connection, re-connection and yummy food! Come connect with like-minded Souls and be part of the EHA’s new Vision.
Time : 6 – 10 pm
Bookings essential search EHA Dinner “Honouring the Voice Within” See you there!
 Click here to see invitation.

Embrace Life, Live Life

Embrace Life

 Sunday 24 May – Lower North Shore Festival

The Embrace Life community is all about consciousness, creativity and collaboration. They deliver boutique festivals celebrating local through wellness, art and music; and providing a platform for the expression of the soul. The festivals facilitate a meeting place where collectively we can explore, discover and connect and on Sunday 24 May they will be hosting their Lower North Shore festival at the North Sydney Leagues Club, 12 Abbott St, Cammeray, doors open at 10.30am to 5.30pm.

Embrace Life stands for being present, practicing gratitude and every day invites you to enjoy a life full of joy, love and happiness.
Throughout the day there are interactive and experiential workshops, local live music and stage performances, fashion designs and artwork, meditations, sound healings, body movement classes, access to a selection of treatments and readings, and gorgeous natural and handcrafted products.
To view flyer click here. We have always enjoyed these festivals so invite you to join them this year, if you want to know more about the Lower North Shore festival program, or purchase your tickets online click here.

Community Announcements


THE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend , if you want to stay in touch.


  • Practice Night will be held on Tuesday 26th May and 23rd June

(The practice night is also available via Webinar. This has been a huge success and we have received positive feedback from those who have participated via webinar. This is a great opportunity to remain connected with the Thetahealing energy and receive healing and practice with the Thetahealing technique. If you would like us to keep you posted about webinars each month please email us at

Free Healing Introduction Workshop: Tuesday 7th July. (Feel free to invite anyone who you feel could benefit from this evening.)

  • Basic ThetaHealing:.July 17th – 19th July (Friday- Sunday)
  • Advanced Thetahealing: 24th to 26th July.(Friday evening 7pm – 9pm, Saturday/Sunday 9:30am to 5:30pm)
  • Intuitive Anatomy: 3rd-21st August (Monday – Friday Only) Our Most Popular Class! Registrations for Early Bird Prices are open Now!! If you are thinking of taking this class and money is holding you back then enquire about our generous and flexible payment plan options which can be taken up before or after the class is taken. Call us on SKYPE +612 – 8065 1153

 Special Event: Movie PreView Fundraising Wed. 3rd June

AlohaBe the first to see ALOHA
Bring your friends Have a Drink Have FUN
Support your Community

 Join us at Circles of Learning charity fabulous Movie fundraising Preview of the Movie Aloha Great Stars; Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone & Rachel McAdams. Have a drink in the bar afterwards and special balloon prizes to be won.

Proceeds go to purchase much needed resources for young children to participate in programs as childhood depression, learning disorders and behavioural problems are escalating. Circles of Learning delivers survival skills and healthy habits to cope in today’s crazy world.

Circles of Learning  Join us at 6pm, Randwick Ritz, 45 St. Pauls Street, Randwick, 3rd June.

 Ticket price $26 includes ticket, a drink & nibbles & prizes to win

 Bookings through or 1300 GET TIX (438 849) on your mobile & all moshtix outlets.




A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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