
AOL Bulletin – 20th April, 2016 – Listen Deeply

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be compassionate.

FYI – Compassion Leads to Communication

Insightful, Deep and Powerful

Thich Nhat HanhOprah Winfrey, talks to Thich Nhat Hanh about becoming a monk, meeting Martin Luther King Jr, the powers of mindfulness, insight, concentration and compassion and how to transform warring parties and how to deeply transform relationships.   He says the only way we can end war whether it is in the family or country is with communication with people.

Although this  21 minute video was made in 2013 it is timeless and answers many questions.  Well worth your time. Click here

Compassion Meditation

HonouringCompassion, loving kindness or metta meditation is used to generate the heart of compassion for both ourselves and others. When we exercise our minds during meditation we are building the mental muscles that will then enable us to live more lovingly and compassionately in our every day lives. Science has demonstrated that this exercise literally rewires our brains in a way that can be demonstrated by medical imaging. Consider this exercise as a mind training. Just as you exercise your body for improved health, this exercise trains your brain. The result of more compassion are improved well being for both yourself and others. Compassion for self and others is vital for both mental and physical health. Click Here – 15 minutes.

Heart Practice and Tonglen

Pema ChodronThis is an excerpt from a practical talk of “Heart Practice” on The Bodhisattva Path. In these five mahayana talks, Pema Chodron presents the essence of the mind training (lojong) slogans and the tonglen compassion practice. These talks were given to students preparing to receive advanced teachings at the 1992 Vajradhatu Seminary at Shambhala Mountain Center. Click here to view.

Tonglen by John Butterworth
I first came across the phenomenon of ‘tonglen‘ about 15+ years ago when reading Sogyal Rinpoche’s wonderful book: ‘The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying‘. It really resonated with me and I started practising this simple, powerful healing technique – sometimes without others knowing what I was doing. For example, the first time was when I was sitting with a very stressed and worried senior executive who was pressuring me with his fears about a business situation we were both involved with. I silently started the tonglen practice and he almost immediately changed his demeanour to a more relaxed, friendly state which promptly produced agreeable solutions. I was so impressed that I have continued to this day using tonglen to alleviate pain & suffering in others. Come along on 2nd May to learn this very simple yet powerful technique.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm Includes light refreshments.




poppyWe will Remember them.

We will see you next week 2nd May at Mosman.

MONDAY, 2nd MAY 2016

JohnB FB event April 16 copy

Skills Acquired & Lessons Learnt Along the Way

With John Butterworth
You probably know John Butterworth as Master of the Gongs and have heard and experienced his wonderful Gong Baths.  On this night you are going to see another side of John as he briefly outlines his spiritual journey.  At th age of 16, John wanted to become a Buddhist Monk and so with his love of Buddhism it is easy to understand he followed the Tibetan tradition of healing and learnt Tonglen.  Later, his love and connection to the Aboriginal ancestors of the land gave him a thirst to create an environmental and sustainable retreat and it was with this in mind he purchased Jacaranda Haven along with his wife Rosemary.

John walks his talk, and so is going to share with you just how easy it can be to combine your spiritual and physical life and live a life of ease and grace.

  1. You will be shown how to use Tonglen to heal.
  2. How to create a Sacred Seal.
  3. How to keep your energy field clear and sparkling.

Note:  I feel so blessed to have a partner that ‘walks his talk’ and lets go reactions almost immediately, but most of all I love being able to receive a Tonglen healing – it just takes away any negativity and stress in my body…Rosemary

John will finish with a Q & A open discussion.

Connect with John at: W: E:

Eventbrite - Living A Sacred Life - John Butterworth

Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

On Monday night we were blessed with the presence of a Shaman from Guatemala, Viktor Moasyr.  He spoke to us for over an hour explainig to us his role as a time keeper of the Mayan Calendar.  He also explained the Mayan way of living, connected to and part of everything.  There is no separation.  The Moon Calendar (he said there are 200 calendars), representing the cosmos, human life and nature are all interwined.

Just as there are 13 days of a waxing moon, there are thirteen masculine bones in a body and 13 orifices.  There are 7 waning nights (seven days of a week) making a total of 20.  He then went on to explain that the Moon Calendar has 20 days in it and how this relates to the life, nature and the world.  It was fascinating.

His talk refected back to me how differently we view the world, how differently ‘civilized’ people think to 1st nation people, i.e. our Aboriginees, Maoris, Native Americans, Islanders, Mayans etc.  We want to buy land and own it.  We build fences around it and say everything inside the fence is mine.  We all laughed when he said that the Mayans say you only become an adult when you reach the age of 52!  Wisdom can come through at any age even a child of 3.

Viktor said that there is no such word as MINE in the Mayan language.  How incredible is that.  We teach our children right from birth so say, my teddy, my doll, my book etc.  In Mayan the only word is OURS.  So it is our land, our water, our fish, our trees of which they are all a part.

Viktor is only in Australia for a short time. He is a Guatemalan Shaman who is dedicated to his Mayan roots.  He lived and studied with the time keepers and is an expert on the Mayan calendar. He is also a lecturer, a shaman and leader to several rural development programs in Guatemala.
He also travels to Europe and America teaching and healing. The majority of his time however is spent assisting the underprivileged in his country and runs several programmes to help them.

He has a wonderful retreat this weekend.  Don’t miss this opportunity!  It is very reasonably priced – it includes accommodation and food along with the wealth of Viktor’s knowledge.  See details below in Events.

NOTE:  Hi Rosemary. I really enjoy the newsletters and always get something special from the messages or videos.   It is such a wonderful connection and I really appreciate your commitment. …… Diana

Thank you so much Diana for your lovely comment.  It really lifts our heart as we begin a new one…..Rosemary and Terri 

Product of the Month
Magdalena Healing Balm SOLD OUT TEMPORARILY.  (Another order expected this week) Only $33.00 If you can’t make it to a Monday night to pick up in person you can order on line click here.
This balm serves two purposes – to nurture and heal with the love of the Divine mothers the wounds experienced by the feminine in the patriarchy, and also to bring into the chakras and endocrine glands the true wisdom and teachings of the Christed feminine through the Magdalene lineage.

Thought Of The Week

When you are speaking, actively listen to what you are saying because the words are a message for you as well as the listener.

Yellow Flower by TerriTeresa Hills Inspired by Viktor Moasyr

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

I change my perceptions of people, places and things daily.

Pink Dahlias - Flower Rosemary Butterworth Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh


Master Robyn, Power of the Soul Institute,  shared with me a wonderful health tip.  She told me to empty my mind (and head) and connect my mind to my abdomen.  As I did this I felt heaps of energy drain out of my head, into my abdomen and then down my legs into the earth.  Wow!  It was such a good and easy clearing. 

Empty Your headWe are really beginning to realise that our Lower Mind (Egoic) or Left Hemisphere can be a big problem when we don’t stop thinking.  Apart from creating our reality with problems when we think negatively, it also creates illness as the thoughts are set into our cells, by our emotions.  Once they are set as though in concrete, the emotions or chemicals they contain, eat away at our fabric, whether it is bone or tissue.

So by doing a clearing every few hours, simply by stopping, pausing and putting your mind in your abdomen, you are doing yourself a big favour.  You are not only getting healthier but are rejuvenating yourself as most aging comes from our thoughts. ……Rosemary Butterworth


This Long Weekend!  Don’t Miss Out.


Learn the ways of the Ancient Mayans and discover your Inner Power

Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th April

On a rare visit to Australia, VIKTOR MOASYR, is here in Sydney.

Guatemalan Shaman & Teacher joins us for this once only event to share with the ancient teachings of his ancestors. Viktor has travelled the world sharing the teachings and doing healing’s as a way of raising money to fund his humanitarian projects in Guatemala.

Where: Rainbow Reach Retreat

Cost: $740 for bunks, $780 for doubles … deposit of $200 by 15th April

Contact: Christina Christou, 0412 606 098

Also joining us for the Mayan Shamanic Retreat is Aboriginal Elder Uncle Bunna Lawrie
Uncle Bunna is the whale whisperer and he will be sharing with us the whale stories.
He will also be avialable for Didgeridoo Healings with all proceeds going towards protecting our Southern oceans from B.P who are seeking to mine for petroleum.

For more information on what you will learn and the focus of the retreat click here to view flyer.


Living in Love
With Mufa

Light on FlowersSunday 1st May, 2016
2.00 to 3.30 pm
1 Dalwood Ave, Seaforth, Sydney, Australia

Join Takeli as she and her Guide, Mufa – The Chancellor of Lemuria, share their Love and Wisdom with you. 

Mufa, as the Spiritual Guiding Focus for the Lemurian Societies during their transitions from a 3rd, to a 4th, to a 5th dimensional society, has much to share with us about managing life while dealing with the massive energies that are flowing into our Earth on a daily basis.

Living in Love, is what takes us above the chaos:  it is also what has us able to transition into a higher vibrating society, when that becomes available to us on a global level.

Mufa’s gentle Wisdom, available in Trance Channel via Takeli, will also provide answers to your questions, and Guide you on your own path of dimensional changes.

Exchange: $30

RSVP REQUIRED to Reserve Your Place, please email,or Ph: 0417 941 905

TakeliPlease see for more information


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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