
AOL Bulletin – 1st April 2015 – Mindfulness is Magic

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind to enjoy the music!

FYI –  Breathe and be Mindful

Mindfulness For Children

Mindfulness for ChildrenMindfulness helps students cope with academic stress and the pressures of life outside the school gates. While the most common form of mindfulness practice involves sitting and following the breath, it can be adapted to focus on eating, listening to music or walking. The key is to find a technique which appeals most to the students. Matthew Jenkin examines the benefits of silent reflection in education – A very enlightening read – click here.

Juliet Martine – Living A Limitless Life

Juliet MartineWe become clearer as to what has been limiting us every time Juliet comes and speaks at the Academy.   As many of our readers live interstate and overseas we wanted to share a YouTube of Juliet so you can to enjoy her too.   Juliet has written a book called Manifestion Intelligence that can help you clear and the limitations that you may have.  Email us if you would like to get a copy.   Click here to view.

Breathe in and out – A Pause in your busy day!

Forest - Breathe in Breathe outThis minute and a half video can be used to help you rid yourself of stress and also greatly assist Mother Earth.  It makes you smile so keep the smile while breathing in, and on the outbreath send it to the Earth.  Click here to view.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 6th April 2015 at 7.30pm


May your Easter be a happy one full of letting go and transformation.

We will see you next week – 13th April – for another amazing night with Juliet Martine.

MONDAY, 13th April 2015 at 7.30pm


Juliet MartineJuliet Martine

If you haven’t seen Juliet present at the Academy, make sure you join us at her next talk on Monday 13th April where Juliet will explore how to utilize GROUP ENERGY to EMPOWER YOUR MANIFESTING!

During her presentation for manifesting in a quantum reality Juliet will discuss:

  • How human beings used to manifest in groups with 100% success rates!
  • What changed in the equation that we now encounter difficulties in our ability to successfully manifest what we want
  • How you can utilize the power of a group to enhance your individual manifesting
  • How to manifest with your intimate partner, family, friends or loved ones
  • How to manifest successfully within workplace teams or any other groups, and
  • The role of prayer in group manifesting

If you’d like to increase your ability to manifest the things your heart desires, make sure you join us at Juliet’s next presentation on April 13th.

Juliet Martine is a Healer, Manifestation Coach and Spiritual Teacher. For the past 14 years she’s been helping clients throughout Australia and across the globe to clear their blockages and manifest their heart’s desires. Her latest book ‘MANIFESTATION INTELLIGENCE – Your Ultimate Power For Creating Greater Health, Wealth, Happiness and Success’ has been referred to as the best and most comprehensive book ever written on how to manifest what you want.

Juliet’s Contacts:
Mobile: 0413.199 649, email:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

I have no idea how to express what took place at the Pheonix Rising Ceremony by the Circle of Light on Monday night other than it was the most wonderful experience.  The energy had most of us crying, it was so full of love.   It was a ceremony of fire and water and we were told that the fire represented spirit and the water, love. In one part of the ceremony a special scarf, that had been blessed by the Dalai Lama, was placed on our laps, one at a time, whilst Julia did some energy balancing.  Narelle placed a cross from Lourde’s water on our third eye, heart and the palms of our hands.  In the background, was the sound of a beautiful soprano singing Ava Maria.  Terri followed and annointed us with sacred Frankincense.

There were two profund meditations, the first one at the beginning, to open us and expand our awareness. This was led by Narelle Green, the other by Julia Smith, to clear any remaining thoughts and beliefs which left us full of Light.  Terri Hills sang beautifully through the Keys and Codes, for the ‘New Beginning’ whilst John led the fire ceremony, the Arti and finally a gong bath that washed and grounded our energies and that completed the night.  The energy and light of this ceremony was connected with by people in Canada, the Central Coast of NSW and many more.

On behalf of the Academy, I extended our gratitude to the Circle of Light for the special ceremony that saw out the ‘old’ and made way for the ‘new’ not only for those that were attending but we included everyone, all worlds, all galaxies.

Happy Easter to you all.  Stay safe.  May the ‘new you’ be born with ease and grace and may you find joy and happiness in everything that you do.

See you on the 13th with Juliet Martine!  Her Manifestation series is a ‘WOW’ as she helps us to live a limitless life!  Looking forward to seeing you there.

Thought Of The Week

I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s Breath moves through.  Listen to this music.

 flute  14th Century Poet (Persian Sufi Master) Hafig


Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I AM a symphony of Light.  It plays in every cell of my body.”

..  Teresa Hills  symphony orchestra

Health – How Music Benefits The Brain

musical brainWe all know that sound plays a vital role in our health whether it be through the sound of your environment, the tone in your voice, the thoughts in your head.  Wake Up World has posted a very simple yet comprehensive article by Deane Alban entitled How Music Benefits The Brain.  Deane identifies areas in which she sees the benefits some of which we list here:
Musicans brains are more symetrical, with a larger
corpus callosum, enabling the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate with each other.
Music can change your mood and reduce stress.
Music stimulates the same brain chemical responsible for the “feel good” states obtained from eating chocolate, orgasm, and runner’s high.
Music helps you learn helping consentration and brain connectivity.
Music helps quality of life.
Music assists Alzheimer’s patients.

 Click here to read.


Labyrinth Walk

Centennial Park Labyrinth

9.30am Sunday 5th April

Monthly walk facilitated by Desiree deKlerk
Come and experience the powerful effect of the labyrinth in a group setting – so different to walking the path alone. Its an opportunity to learn about the labyrinth from a trained facilitator and to remind yourself what it feels like to be in community in a peaceful way. 
These events are free and open to all. For directions and a schedule of future events go to Sydney Labyrinth

Simple guide to walking the labyrinth: There’s no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth, but generally speaking, there are three phases: 
1. Releasing on the way in – letting go of distractions and that which no longer serves. 
2. Receiving a sense of calm as you pause in the centre. 
3. Returning by the same path – resolving to engage with your world in a new way.
To prepare, you may want to sit quietly and reflect before walking the labyrinth. Find your natural pace and if someone is walking more slowly than you, feel free to overtake (easier at the turns) 

We are blessed in Sydney to have a beautiful labyrinth in Centennial Park,  which we are able to walk and reflect.   By taking time out to walk, it you can reconnect to yourSelf, release yourself from anxiety and stress and feel more peaceful.  It is a wonderful way to ‘love yourself more’.  Rosemary Butterworth

Community Announcements

PEACE FOR FOOD – AngelHeart Radio

Angel Heart Radio

Rosemary Butterworth with Annette McCoy

Do U think about what U eat?
Do U think about where your food comes from?
Meat can BE tough and chewy. ROSEMARY will tell us WHY
ROSEMARY BUTTERWORTH has much to share about our food
YES We ARE what we EAT……tis FASCINATING information
ROSEMARY will also lead a MEDITATION
Join us on    or click the link!
Share in the Chatroom

Soul Healing With Master Robyn Rice

Worldwide Representative of Dr. and Master Sha

If you’ve been to the last two evenings with Master Robyn at the Academy of Light you would have received a copy of Master Sha’s latest book, Soul Mind Body Science System. Learn how to use it and gain a greater understanding of it’s teachings with the Complimentary online study sessions that Master Robyn presents every Tuesday night 7pm-8pm. Click here for link to live stream.

To find out about all Master Robyn’s events/services phone and register with Madeline 0414 522 419.

Master Robyn offers one on ones, animal healings plus understandings of the Tao and much more.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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