
AOL Bulletin – 19th October 2016 – Intuitive Strength

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to listen to our knowings.

F.Y.I. – Tips & Tricks To Get You Through

October Mid-Month Forecast

numerologist-comThis is an excellent short video from Natalie Pescetti,, for all those who love numerology. Only 4minute 44 seconds long (don’t you love those numbers) in which she points out that all our heroes from the past would have gone through the challenges of number 9 (the completion) and face the fears of an unknown future as Jason did when searching for the Golden Fleece – yes, you can do it fearful or not! Enjoy the approaching year of No. 1 in 2017.

Click here to view for the mid-month Forecast.

Live Kryon Channelling by
Lee Carroll , October 9, 2016.

lee-carroll-kryon-brisbaneWhen Lee Carroll asked Kryon to come through he was smiling and so the channelling began with a smile.  Kryon said that to smile while you meditate is a good practice, it really helps.  There are so many useful tips in this channeling, to use to help us get through to 2017 in a state of peace not pieces.  Approximaely 25 minutes long, do have a paper and pen handy when listening to you can write down any tips that you feel are meant for you to practice.  Click here to listen to the 2nd MP3 “Enhanced Truth – New Duality”.

Note:  He keeps reminding you to ‘let go’ and says that there is plenty of help out there but as most people have great difficulty in letting go although they are practising it, I find the one way that it works for me is to create a space (from the mind, e.g. take a long, deep breath) ask Spirit for help here.  To make a request of your angels and guides to assist in the release.  …Rosemary… Kryon reminded me of my old minister, he gets so passionate but don’t turn off or you will miss the good tips.

Lee Carroll has just completed a three city tour of Australia and then went onto New Zealand.  All of his audios are free and he recommended on his Sydney night that you listen to Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.  They are completely seperate so it is not essential but you may get a more complete picture of what Kryon is trying to communicate.  Lee speaks for around two and a half hours and so there is a lot of information that comes forward.  The audios are the Kryon channellings, all Lee’s information that he has gathered is not included.

Increase Your Intuition

staceymacdonald-caWe keep stressing that it is so important at this time in creation, particularly as we approach a No. 1 year that we create a space where we quieten the mind to allow connection for while the mind is chattering all day we have little chance to hear our and follow our intuition.  This 12 minute meditation by Stacey MacDonald creates excellent focus for the mind to follow and so allows space for you to increase your intuition.  A must viewing daily – make this video one of your most important tools.  Click Here.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, 24th October, 2016

Tonight’s Sound Event Had To Be CANCELLED Due To The Use Of The Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre For A Private Party.


Because we are not here here’s another option if you fancy going to Ryde.

In light of next Monday’s cancellation (sound evening 24/10), Jewels and I (Ellie) decided to host a rhythm/sound creation event to kick off Global Oneness Day as it was such a brilliant opportunity. We would so appreciate it if you could include this info in your bulletin this Wednesday. I hope it’s not too late. Feel free to reduce it for space considerations:

Global Oneness Day

date:  Monday, 24th October, 2016
place: Swedenborg Centre: Upstairs, Suite 3, 1 Avon Rd, North Ryde
time:    Arrive 6:45 for a 7pm start
cost:   Entry is by donation


“Global Oneness Day is a day dedicated to celebrating our Oneness with the Divine, each other and all of Life.” Julie Wakeman and Ellie Frances are hosting this gathering to ignite the rhythmic wave for global oneness, to explore and celebrate our interconnection through drumming, chanting and sound. This is a collaborative experience, so please bring along your drums, percussion instrument, open heart, a comfortable cushion (some chairs available) and water bottle.

Finishing around 8:30pm with light refreshments (provided but feel free to bring along for your requirements or act of sharing).

Space is limited to 30 participants. Please register through Facebook by clicking on the ‘Going’ button or by sending Ellie a message. You can also text her on 0415 302 876 or email before midday on Monday, 24 October.

Link to Facebook page to RSVP

Link to Global Oneness Day website:

Hope to see you there!

MONDAY, 31st October, 2016


Circles of LearningWith Judith Schulz

Come along tonight to find out how to develop whole brain learning, how to help you find how to focus, centre and balance, to feed your brain and empower your decision makingTo live the life we love.

Judith’s passion is to see families working together in a happy and sustainable environment to heal and overcome, to have families working within communities in a happy and sustainable environment to also help parents with children in the autistic spectrum.

Nature is essential to our survival – it is our greatest healer and being in communal garden is an important step towards better health and building community.

Judith will cover the work Circles of Learning does to help deal with learning difficulties and the different ways to develop whole brain learning.  Whilst her work is focussed on children, the activities are appropriate for all ages. She will take you through her Vision.  And how it is Now time to pull together for the benefit of all.  And learn to live the life we love.

Today, twenty percent of Australia’s children experience challenges in learning, with fifteen percent of those having multiple learning difficulties. Most are labelled as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Hyperactivity, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Dyslexia, Autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and more, and usually fall within the autistic spectrum, from those marginally affected to the more seriously affected. Circles of Learning are committed to providing a range of quality options to manage the many challenges facing families living with highly sensitive children.

Circles of Learning articles include feed your brain and empower your decision making…These latest articles are selected because we believe they give you great information to help you in your family or community life with children – for FREE!


Judith Schulz founded Circles of Learning, (1999) a charitable organisation committed to improving the health and learning of children. She has been instrumental in developing programs to encourage children to connect with nature for body, brain balance and help prevent ADD/ADHD and related health and learning difficulties.
Programs include the Clever Kid School and Pre-School programs and the weekly Garden Circle for Parents and Children run in communal gardens.

Contacts:  Ph:  61 2 9327 7750 M: 0434 681 581  E:  W:


*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

Monday, 17th October with Gerry Taylor Wood. Pan and His Kingdom of Light.

Gerry began by telling us that mythlogically speaking Pan died when Christ was born.  Up to then the Indigenous peoples around the world all respected, loved and honoured Mother Earth.  She was ‘God’ to them.  God was in the Earth but with the advent of Christianity ‘God’ was in the sky above the clouds, He was out of reach to most people.  Pan was then likened to the Devil (such as portrayed on Tarot Cards), called Saturn by the Greeks and later Satin by the Christians.  She pointed out the work of Pan was to tell us when we had left the path by creating pan-ic attacks within us.  A lot of this was new to me.

Approximately 22 years ago whilst working at Chalice Wells, England Gerry received a vision of Tudor Poles who told her to go to Australia to find a Well. It took her nearly 9 years but she and Richard de Welles found it in a little house that had previously been owned by the poetess Judith Wright.  It was there in Mount Tamborine they created the first Grail Haven property and have been hand bottling the very special spring water ever since.

Some three years ago Grail Haven en France came into being.   This centre is located in the Languedoc, south of France. The ethos of Grail Haven has always focused on the role of volunteers whether it be bottling spring water and flower essences or gardening and building. Over the last few years volunteers have helped with the renovation work of the new centre in France and, whatever your skill set, they invite you to join them in creating their Mystery School, for the benefit of all who come.

Whilst at Mt. Tamborine, tall beings/Devas appeared to her and told her that she must begin to make flower essences. It was not until they appeared for the 2nd time that she knew that this was to be her calling and so Grail Haven has become known world wide for its flower essences. Perhaps the most famous one is the white rose.

The White Rose is the Holy Grail of flower essences soon to be available at the Academy. It assists in purifying the astral bodies, cleanses your meditation spaces and uplifts the spirit. Use it always to clean your energy if you think you have ‘picked up’ a heavy energy from someone or something.  A story Gerry shared was some monks who ran an orphanage always use it because they found that the children settle and are more peaceful.
The Academy has placed an order and will have it very soon.  I personally feel that this essence is a must for healers, parents and it would be wonderful to have in your workspace. 
Details to come…Join Gerry for a magical afternoon in the Sydney Botanical Gardens on Friday 9th December, 2-5pm. This is a free event.  Plus workshop on Tamborine Mountain, Queensland 27th November. Gerry Taylor-Wood: Grail Haven: “Co-creating with nature spirits and the use of flower essences”. Details will come through soon.  To find out anything else about Gerry go to :

Thought Of The Week

Intuition is the song that keeps playing in our head until we finally wake up.

lisa-puzo-stricklandLisa Puzo Strickland, Intuition Evolution

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

“I Am A Highly Intuitive Being of Light.
Following My Intuition Allows My Light To Grow.”

Light on FlowersTeresa Hills

HEALTH TIP – Alzheimers Remedy

coconut-oilYou don’t have to have been diagnosed with Alzheimers to benefit from this remedy.  It is for everyone to help clear the brain and strengthen the body.

Dr. Mary Newport has been able to document the benefit of Coconut Oil (just make sure it is pure & non-hydrogenated) on her husband who was showing signs of advanced Alzheimers.  Watch their story (under 6 minutes) by clicking here:  Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimers Remedy

Dr Newport wrote a book – Alzheimer’s Disease, What if there was a cure? – about her findings and she has received many testimonials from others who by following the diet plan improved dramatically.  To hear her speak and to see some of her recommendations click here – 4 minutes.

I got very excited when watching Dr. Mary Newport talk about how coconut oil helped her husband with Alzheimer’s particularly when she likens it to Diabetes.  I have sent the URL to so many people particular to the NutriKane scientists who I thought would be very interested. So watch and spread the Light. ..Rosemary


Channelled Healing Workshops


CHANNELLED WRITING – November 6th & 20th 2016 – $60

Double Bay – Bookings Essential

For details click here to view flyer.


Delphine is an Intuitive, Energetic Healer and Clairvoyant channelling Higher Guidance in private healing sessions.  She also offers workshops and various groups for the purpose of opening others to their own intuitive and healing abilities.  She shares information and demonstrates ways you can receive higher guidance intuitively and work with healing energy.

Delphine teaches, facilitates and guides in a calm and purposeful manner which allows you to open to information comfortably and confidently in a relaxed, safe and energetic space.

She enjoys connecting people who want to practise healing and/or share questions and answers, particularly other healers who want to continually open to more.

Private Healing Sessions by appointment Double Bay and Balmain – 0409 998 561

This Weekend!!! Not To Be Missed…

Nancy Valentine Smith

Awakening Through The Heart

nvs-returning-to-the-belovedOn this day you will receive powerful Activations to align you and move you into a space and consciousness of the new way, and the new Earth.
You will receive the codes, and we will focus on a few of the Beloved Teachings on this day to move you into a more expansive field of Creation.
I received the Beloved Teachings on my Journey to the South of France. I was directed to Key areas to receive and retrieve these teachings of Alchemy, Universal Wisdom, and so much more.
These teachings share with us a very simple, accessible knowledge that you can apply to your everyday life. There is no Hierarchy of exclusivity.
The Beloved Teachings are the teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, overlighted by Lady Nada and Lord Sananda.
The Beloved Teachings are here to serve us during this time of momentous change in our lives. They can assist you in your everyday journey of life and your bigger picture also.
The Revelations of the Beloved Teachings are pre ordained.
The Beloved Teachings are the missing puzzle pieces of The Way.

Sunday, 23rd October, 2016, 9.30am- 5pm

Mary McKillop Isabel Menton Theatre 80 William St North Sydney
Cost: $155 Bookings Essential – RSVP by 16th October
Email: or Phone: 0426885189


Valerie Barrow


Valerie is a past life regressionist and she is able to read your past life on the phone.  Have fun and learn about who you have been and why you are here.  When you come here – you forget quite a bit – but the memory comes back as the frequency of the earth raises – that is why there is so much more talk about Starpeople these days. The younger ones coming to earth bodies now, can remember more easily.   Are you one of the star people?

The 5th dimension is the frequency of where all on Earth, and the earth herself, are heading – it has the same frequency of Crystal or Christ or Christos – it is the level playing field for all Souls to attain – and is known as the GOLDEN AGE.

To make an appointment:  M:  0409 389 372  E:

Valerie Barrow will be one of the Inspirational Speakers at the ” 2017 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS Conference at Byron Bay, NSW, on the weekend of 15-16 January 2017. 

Visit Valerie’s Web site:

Note:  Valerie Barrow is the author of Alcheringa and which is available on the Academy’s Website.


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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