
AOL Bulletin – 19th November 2014 – Gaining a New Perspective

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you the choice is yours.

FYI – Do You Know Your Soul Family?

Judith KuselJudith Kusel has written a wonderful post on her site titled ‘The pulling together of core groups within certain soul groups for the next phase: 2014 -2024‘.  It’s insightful and inspiring. 

Here is an excerpt:  This will mean that those core groups who need to work together, will now be forged together.  The ancient true teachings now rise from the ashes, and this will lead mankind to the laying down of the true foundations – the core truths, knowledge, wisdom, to built solid foundations for the New Golden Age.

Have you found your Soul Family yet?  Do you know what your position in the family is?  With the qualities that we bring to the group we are One.

We highly recommend reading the whole article!  Here’s the link.


Nothing is solidNobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.  The world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth … until you change it.

This is an amazing article.  It will mean something to all of us.  “Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.

To read the article ‘Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics‘ on Earth We Are One click here.

Find Peace

Most Powerful Peace Meditation Ever  Most Powerful Peace Meditation Ever’ that’s the title of the YouTube we have for you this week and we have to say having listened to it ourselves it could well be correct.  We know it is a big claim however Sister Denise Lawrence who guides you through the meditation has had years of experience with the Brahma Kumaris Organisation and you can tell.  This meditation can be done with eyes closed or open.  The graphics used during the meditation are a meditation all on their own.  We hope you enjoy the 8.5 minute meditation.  Click here.

Note:  It is your choice!  Stay busy, or stop and feed your soul.  Sister Denise’s voice can still your mind, rest your heart, and take you within, quicker than you can think, ‘I haven’t got time to listen’.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 24th November, 2014 at 7.30pm


Suntara Dreamsoundingwith Suntara

Come along to experience a “Suntara Dreamsounding” sound healing journey tonight.
We are delighted to have Suntara back for a third visit with their unique sounds at the Academy after such a popular response from the Academy Community.
Daniel and Luke will again bring their wonderful sounds through Voice, Didgeridoo, Gasong drums, Crystal bowls, Andean flutes and other instruments that are integral to the journey on the night.

Suntara will create a space where you can relax and let go completely, letting the soothing sounds wash over you on a journey into stillness and bliss. Powerful soundscapes unblock energy and vibrate your whole body bringing it into a state of well-being and harmony. This “Dreamsounding” Sound Healing journey is a unique experience created by Suntara.

People report various effects from these sessions including:
Complete relaxation; feeling clear; reduced pain and stress; subsequent restful sleep for many nights afterwards; altered states of consciousness; balancing of Chakras, Energy, Clarity and resolution of difficult situations.

Daniel Coates uses his powerful voice to deliver chants from a variety of ancient traditions such as Australian Aboriginal, American Indian, Celtic and various styles of Harmonic singing.
Luke Brooks will support Daniel with his inspired percussion and didgeridoo playing.
Daniel and Luke have a psychic musical connection and become one in their delivery of the Sound Healing Journey.
Contact: Daniel Coates: 0425 425 390

 MONDAY, 1st December, 2014 at 7.30pm


Celebrating with the AngelsTracie Allan And Russell Byron

 Come along to connect with the Angels, Arch Angels & Angelic Kingdom to celebrate & give thanks for all the wonderful ways they support our lives everyday”

Many of us call on the Angels and Arch Angels for their guidance, light and protection every day and they are always there to help us.  Let’s celebrate this wonderful service they provide as well as send them our heartfelt THANKS for all they do.

  • Let us celebrate with some lightness and laughter all the ways the Angels help us every day.
  • There will be some Angel Card readings and the opportunity for the group to participate in doing a short reading for each other!  
  • Bring along items such as a flower, angel statue or crystals to form part of an Angel ceremonial layout in the centre of the circle which we will offer to the Angels as a token of our gratitude. 
  • A meditation to tune into the Angelic realms and connect in with Angelic Light and Love. 

Crystals will be available on the night to purchase for yourself or to give as Christmas gifts.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

Rosemary Butterworth

What a wonderful community we have become.   The joy that one feels when meeting another on Monday Nights, and exchanging a hug becomes like saying Welcome Home, to one another.   So, having greeted one another, we sat and after I Invoked Archangel Michael, Louise led the meditation.  Her meditation  was such a delightful new experience.  She asked us what was the sound we made when we tasted something delicious.  Yummmm….and then she asked us to make the sound when we smelt a rose….and so on until we were softly repeating the  sound MMmmmm over and over.   It was soothing, relaxing, brought us into the present moment and made us all feel so good.  Why not take a 10 minute break and try it yourself.

And so we were prepared to hear the enlightening channeling by Vicki O’Leary as she brought through the energy of the Universal Consciousness.  Over and over it reminded us we are Love, to set ourselves free from our challenges and not hold them in our minds all the time by remembering who we are constantly.  It was so inspiring; some people seemed to go ‘far away’, others reported that they had visions while I received the greatest gift I have had in a long time.  It was a realisation that I had a CHOICE.  A real choice whether to hang onto the fact that a member of my family was seriously ill or in that moment to just BE and let happiness and joy arise.   I realised that I could be happy in this moment now.  As Inna Segal says in our Health Tip.  “Was I experiencing the situation from a perspective of fear or of love.  If I was experiencing this situation from a perspective of love, how would I feel.  How would I respond to this person.”  And what is more important how would the member of my family feel? 

I laughed, I felt so free, so joyous and felt so much love for everyone, and so much gratitude for Vicki’s channeling and when I shared in the group, what had happened for me, Vicki then suggested that we all pray for her.   So many hearts opened and prayed together.   The outcome is for the Highest Good.

For those people that are waiting for a copy of Master Sha’s Soul Song CD received from the Divine Spetember 10, 2005 we have been told that they will arrive shortly.  In the meantime you might enjoy hearing Master Sha speak about how he received the song from the Divine.  Click here

Our community is just wonderful!!!  Do come whenever you can and have your heart filled with love and joy.  Next week is one of joyous Sound, no talking, just basking in tones that revive and rejuvenate.   People in other states who read our Newsletter, know that each Monday Night we think of you too.  One day we hope to have it taped.

Thought Of The Week

Peace begins. When expectation ends.  —  Sri Chinmoy  Sri Chinmoy

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

White Flowers by Terri“Every cell in my body is Happy & Peaceful.”

 – Rosemary & Terri

Health – Growing Unconditional Love

Emotions are the cause of many illnesses.  Here are some exercises to help release them and help you practice loving uncondtionally.   It will change your perspective on life.

Release Emotions
Sit with your spine straight.  Bring your arms to the level of your heart with your palms facing your chest.  Your middle fingers should be touching each other, while your other fingers point directly at each other and your thumbs point upward.  Take slow, deep breaths, then hold your breath for a few moments.  Focus on letting go of any emotional pain and density as you breathe out.  Do this for a few minutes.

Heal with Colour
Rub your hands together for about a minute, making sure that you rub your palms and all your fingers against each other.  Then hold your hands between five and ten centrimetres apart.  You should feel a tingling sensation.  Visualise holding a big pink ball of energy.  Focus on this ball of energy and allow it to intersify.  Meditate on filling this ball with the deepest, most Divine unconditional love.  Once you feel a sense of expansion, imagine placing the ball of energy into your heart, and allow your heart to grow and expand with love.

….from The Secret of Life Wellness by Inna SegalThe Secret of Life Wellness-Inna Segal(Available on AOL Online shop).

Also it may really help to open your heart and change perspective to spray the Pink Soul Colour Spray.  (Available on AOL Online shop).

Inna Segal suggests that we make a commitment to spending 5 minutes a day for three months meditating on Unconditional Love and viewing people and situations from that loving perspective.  So, as we lead up to Christmas why not take this on board.  See how it effects your Christmas experience.  See how it effects YOU!



Path of Light

The Path of Mastery is a 9 month Self-Mastery Program to help you to become all that you are and gain a deeper connection to your soul.

This is Level one of a 3-year course but may be taken as a stand-alone certificate course. In’Easa Mabu Ishtar channeled this body of work.

Ishtar is an international spiritual teacher and counselor. She is an embodied Ascended Master Channel who has worked with the Masters for the past 10 years, regularly channeling high frequency wisdom teachings for groups and individuals.

This will be a small group and we will all be learning together, there will be plenty of time for sharing and for questions.

The Path of Light Self Mastery pregram will be facilitated by Lily. For more information please see the flyer or call: Lily De Chalain Lily de Chalain 0411107069


Circle of Light to Heal Our World.

Tues. Nov. 25th 7.30 – 9.30pm, 
Crows Nest Centre, Johnson Hall.
Cost:  $10

Bookings Essential;  Please call Cathy 0412 419 531 (9-6pm M-F)

Crystal Bowl sound healing and energy activation included.

This is the day you have prepared for – to be vessels of light and peace on Earth.


Young Professional couple with five year old girl in school, seeks a house sitting position on the Northern Beaches. Kristian and Michelle Taylor-Wood are in their mid thirties and Francesca has just started school. They love animals and would be very good with any pets to look after, general maintenance and gardening. ( More than three months is required.)


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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