
AOL Bulletin : 19th June 2019 – Healing Energy

Intuitive Holistic Counsellor- Sacred Awareness

Claudia Williams is a holistic counsellor with a unique gift. She has the intuitive ability to sense energy and pain in others. Claudia helps her clients to navigate through life challenges so they can find new meaning and purpose in living.
During her talk at the Academy,  Claudia gave a candid personal account about her painful journey to wholeness. After growing up in an abusive family in South Africa, she escaped to Israel, where she met her current husband. They lived in England before moving to Australia with their children.
Because she had not dealt with her past trauma, she began to suffer from eating disorders and bipolar disorder. She was taking heavy medication to control her symptoms, but they were only masking the problem. Her healing journey began when she decided to face her issues and deal with the root cause.
Her search for meaning and purpose led to a spiritual awakening and emotional healing. She began to transform and heal her life.
Claudia learned that if you want to be truly happy, running away from the past is not the answer.  The key to recovery is having the courage to face the past.
Claudia explained that the soul tries to communicate to us through our emotions. “Rather than suppress your emotions, you need to connect to them.  Your emotions are trying to tell you something.”  If emotions are suppressed,  they eventually surface as psychological or physical health issues.
Claudia is now inspiring others to awaken and heal from wounds that are holding them back in life. She helps her clients to overcome any obstacles that are keeping them stuck.
“When you heal the wounds from your past, you can reconnect to your light and reclaim your power. As you become awakened to your true self, you are able to fulfil your potential and purpose. It is a sacred inner journey of self-awareness and self-acceptance.”
Claudia is qualified in psychotherapy, holistic counselling, nutrition and eating disorders. She provides one to one sessions over Skype and is offering Academy of Light members a free 20 – minute initial consultation. For more information, you can visit her website at

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 24th June 2019
Experience the Latest in Energy Medicine

Kent Steedman and Michael Trifunovic from Tian He Healing Arts and Tea Room will discuss and demonstrate effective technologies for a better health.
Kent uses a variety of devices including the Rife Plasma healing device, the Magnapulse PEMF for cell voltage and the Noble flame light field to assist people with a variety of issues, like Lymes disease, Herpes infections, viral and bacterial issues, painissues, PTSD, anxiety, trauma, emotional and spiritual issues.
He also makes special colloidal supplements and will discuss their role in the body. The Magnapulse and Noble Flame light field will be available for people to try.
Michael Trifunovic is the resident Kinesiologist at Tian He. He is trained in a variety of modalities including Touch for health, Applied Kinesiology, Energy Kinesiology, Reiki, Theta Healing, Serenity Healing, Quantum Techniques and more. He specialises inEnergy Kinesiology and Quantum techniques, and will talk about how he works with Kent and his clients.
He will demonstrate how we can help our bodies release stress, maintain our energy during the course of the day, help protect from radiation and more. There will be simple exercises shared for you to take home.
You will have the opportunity to experience the devices and have a short session.
This night will be as interactive as possible.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$15 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

Monday 8th July 2019
The 5 Essential Keys to Bounce Back From an NDE with Anick Patry

Anick Patry is an Inspirational Speaker, Transformational Coach and Voice Healer.
She will share with us her story, her soulful toolkit and her deeper spiritual awakening after a Near-Death Experience.
You will discover the 5 essential keys to bounce back from adversity (an NDE) and build resilience and how vulnerability can become one of the most powerful ways to allow support and love in a time of great challenge.
You will be inspired and you will receive a song healing activating and expanding your heart chakra.

In her pursuit to discover the meaning of life, Anick Patry has spent 12 years travelling the globe, studying the field of self-empowerment, human potential and spirituality. Anick has been speaking, inspiring, coaching and facilitating transformation for over 10 years.
Anick teaches, uplifts and touches her audience with her authentic message of love and her ability to share her unique and captivating stories. She has an extraordinary story and a remarkable ability to touch people’s hearts.

Her raw honesty and radiant energy will take your breath away and her admirable gift to transmit her joie-de-vivre, healing vibrations, wisdom and love will stir the depths of your soul and enable you to tap into your naturalntalents, your heart intelligence and help you remember who you truly are.


After attending ‘Bouncing Back’ held by Anick, I felt rejuvenated and for the 1st time in over a year, I’M PAIN FREE.”  
“I so loved her ‘voice healing’ at the end, it felt very powerful, it boost my self-confidence”.  
Just being in Anick’s presence was a beautiful experience. The ‘Voice healing’ in particular struck a cord with me. I left Bouncing Back knowing exactly what inner work I needed to focus on.”

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$15 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

FYI – Thich Nhat Hanh: The Art of Letting Go

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zen Buddhist master, has some interesting advice about what it means to truly let go. Many people mistake detachment or non-clinging to be a form of aloofness or emotional disconnect from others, but as Hanh explains, truly letting go often means loving someone more than you have ever loved them before.

Click here to read this inspiring article

Sadhguru – May Your Dreams NOT Be Fulfilled

Listen to Sadhguru’s blessings on why he thinks your dreams should not be fulfiiled. Learn not to limit our potential.

Click here to listen. Just over 3 mins

Thought of the Week

Love Heart

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I love myself just the way I am.

Community Events


23 August at 7pm Introduction to Tesla Metamorphosis – FREE register

23 – 25 August        Tesla Metamorphosis I – Tesla Healing Metamorphosis
27 – 29 August        Tesla Metamorphosis II – Tesla Soul Communication
30 August – 01 September   Tesla Metamorphosis III – Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis

ANYA PETROVIC, the founder of Tesla Metamorphosis®, internationally recognised teacher, healer and author, will lead you, and you will immediately harness the healing frequencies legendary inventor, Nikola Tesla, worked with.  Clients report recovery from “incurable” illnesses, even from birth deformities and a physically injured spine, usually after only 3 sessions. Tesla Waves, unique for this modality, bring transformation of the whole being. They elevate human consciousness, enabling students to create communication with clients on the conscious, subconscious and integrative mind level, though they were not aware of such their abilities before. (Testimonials).
You will learn how to radiate Love from your heart chakra. This is important for the healing process, and is also a powerful survival tool.

Everybody can master this healing work! After the completion of each seminar you will receive Certificates, to be eligible to work professionally as a Tesla Metamorphosis Practitioner.



CLICK HERE to watch some of Anya’s interviews

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Journey to Uluru and Kata Tjuta With Ocha

10 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2019 ~ 5 FULL DAYS
For the Great Balance of the Physical Body and the Earth And be a Transmitter of Light for All Life

Share profound experiences of a deep connection with the Mother Earth and her many worlds through ceremonies, eco-spirit walks and channelled teachings and meditations in the sacred sites and vast wilderness of Uluru and Kata Tjuta.

0411 575604,

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.