
AOL Bulletin : 19th February 2020 – Shamanic Healings

Introducing the Committee Members

I’m delighted to let you know that at the last Annual General Meeting in December 6 Committee members were chosen to help bring the message of Light out into the world through the Academy of Light.
They are introducing themselves below.

President and Treasurer: Paulien Gort

I’m a Sound Healer and Family Constellations facilitator at White Raven Healing in North Narrabeen where I run regular Sound Baths and facilitate Family Constellations workshops. Throughout my life I have always combined working in the arts with working in finances while learning about spirituality and healing. I’ve been a member on different Committee’s in the arts in the Netherlands as well as in Australia. Some of those positions were in the role of Treasurer. I have been coming to the AOL for about ten years and am very honoured that I am able to help continue this wonderful legacy to bring more light into the world and bring people into contact with a range of interesting speakers and topics.

Vice President : Seriyah Williams

Seriyah Williams is a Shamanic Healing Facilitator who creates a space for deep inner work that empowers individuals to shed outdated beliefs and habits. Stepping beyond limitations and fears to enable clients to embrace their divinity their wisdom, joy and light with grace and ease, allowing healing on spiritual, emotional, mental and physical level. My current role at the AOL is to assist the President in all matters. I embrace the spiritual speakers that present at the Academy of Light and share their knowledge with others within the lightworker community.

Secretary and PR Officer : Eva Burbury

Eva’s spiritual journey began in her teens, when she started practicing yoga and meditation. She continued to study spiritual arts and is now trained as a facilitator for past life regressions, clinical hypnotherapy, Psych K and Reiki. With a background in public relations and teaching, Eva ’s current role at the Academy of Light is promoting guest speakers. She believes that the Academy plays an important role in providing a platform for healers to share their knowledge and services to the public.

Commiitee Member : Anneke Opthof

My name is Anneke Opthof, and I work in the IT industry. I felt a strong spiritual connection grow over the last 15 years. Since I have followed this journey, I feel that I am continuing to awaken to more knowledge and wisdom.
I have a passion for sound healing, based on profound changes and healing experiences I have had.
I joined AOL a couple of year back as I love learning more and meeting fellow spiritual beings. Since then it has been an amazing experience, gaining so much knowledge and insights on so many fascinating and interesting subjects. I am looking forward to all the adventures of 2020 and the wonderful insights this year will deliver.

Commiitee Member : Katrina O’brien

Eternal student, currently studying Evolutionary Astrology, Family Constellations and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. My career background is in mental health work, nursing, youth work and community development.  Now more than ever, the more I learn ~ the less I know.

Commiitee Member : Victoria May

I am interested in exploring all things related to mastering our energy bodies. I have done yoga regularly for the past ten years, which has helped me to open energy channels in my body and store energy. It helped me to shift to a healthier diet as well. I have trained as yoga teacher and enjoy teaching private students.I also practise meditation. Both these practices made me aware that I had a gift as a healer. I am a Reiki practitioner and enjoy offering Reiki sessions.

Previous event: Energy update and activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

We were blessed to have the always popular Nancy Valentine-Smith as our first speaker of the year, providing us with guidance on how to best respond to the changes in the energy and environment around us.
Nancy spoke about the Activation of the Songlines from Uluru, with the energy of the Rainbow Serpent moving through the waterways. She explained how the Fire is cleansing and the water brings the new.  Avalon is also being activated as well as Mu and Lemuria. Nancy said that the Divine Feminine is coming through and we should use Rose Quartz to assist.
As we shed the old self we may become aware of these characteristics appearing in those around us.  She advised us to observe what we see in others, what emotions that causes in us and to set an intention to release any old patterns.
Nancy advised that to protect younger children we should use Emerald Green for the younger kids (<8 years) and for the older kids (8-12) Lavender essential oil is best. Eucalyptus essential oil good for everyone. Star Anise also helpful – soak and drink.
We should pay attention to the Heart, and Forgiveness is the way to move forward.   
Nancy explained that this incarnation is just one aspect of the 7 levels of our multi-dimensional selves and that some of the energies being healed are all those that died in WW1.
Nancy said that we should call on Jeshua (Jesus) and Babaji (from the Paramahamsa Yogananda line) for assistance. 
During the evening, Nancy channelled heart activations and light language healing for the group. We also did pair work that focused on releasing guilt and shame from the past.  We have, she explained, all experienced incarnations from High Priests to all the lower levels so we should not feel that we are not any better or worse than any one else. Nancy then kindly interpreted some of the visions that people had while doing their excersies
As always, it was a truly enlightening evening. Thank you Nancy for all your wonderful work.   

Nancy is also available at her workshops and for personal consultations by appointment.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 24th February 2020
Divine Feminine – as Sacred Prostitute, Black, Magenta and White Madonnas With Gerry Taylor-Wood

Gerry takes an indepth look at the mythology, psychology and astrology surrounding the aspect of our psyche, for both male and females, that represents the divine feminine.  In Alchemy the metal is Silver, in Astrology the planet is the moon, in physiology she reigns supreme as Queen of the right brain.  
Gerry will endeavour to show how we receive her intuitive  message and  honour her in todays world.
Gerry Taylor-Wood has been travelling and living in France for many years where sacred sites to the Divine Feminine are countless.  Through the aspect  of the placement  of the Moon on the day you were born Gerry will illustrate how the Divine Feminine whispers to you through  your Mother,  your Sisters, female friends and most profoundly  through  the moon,  the stars and Nature.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

Subtle Activism and Communicating with the Animals with Jacqueline Buckingham 

The impact of the bushfires on our native wildlife has been heartbreaking, and has generated an outpouring of support from around the world. For many of us, our heartbreak can be compounded by feelings of frustration and of being powerless to help.
At times like these Subtle Activism and Animal Communication have a vital role to play. When combined they can be used to great effect to support the affected animals. To discover that there is something that each of us can do to help in these moments is deeply empowering for us and makes a huge difference to the animals that are struggling.
Jacqueline Buckingham teaches animal communication, meditation, and spiritual and personal growth. Join her for an evening of discussion and sharing, rediscover your own ability to communicate with animals and learn how we can use subtle activism to make positive change – for the animals, the planet and ourselves.
The evening will also include a meditation to send supportive energy to all the places and beings still recovering from fires or coping with drought. As someone who is committed to creating a world of harmony and understanding, we know you will enjoy this inspiring and engaging evening.

*Tickets at the door: $20, Concession:$10
Tickets via Eventbrite:$17.50 plus booking fees, Concession $10 (includes light refresments)

FYI – You Are Who You Have Been Looking For For

Adam Roa is a transformational artist who is committed to using creative energy to catalyse change on the planet.  Listen to his inpiring poem urging us to love the perfection that we are.  This should be our inner mantra.
Less than 6 mins

Click here to watch

A Mothers Love Is Universal

Just something to make you smile.  Watch this baby monkey with his mother – a love we can all relate to.  Less than 20 seconds.

Click here to watch

Thought of the Week

Most of the time your are not living life, you are just thinking about life.
– Sadhguru

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

Today is going to be a really, really good day

Community Announcements

Animal Communication Trainings with Jacqueline Buckingham

Animal communication is a skill that we are all born with.  Many of us already know when our animals are asking to be fed or walked or ridden, but sometimes their behaviour is a mystery. Why do they bark at everything, start chewing things they shouldn’t or stop jumping? Using animal communication we can ask and work with them to find a solution. 
Now you can learn the basic skills, practice communicating with animals remotely and be gently guided to rediscover this natural ability. 
International animal communication trainer Jacqueline Buckingham is leading weekend trainings across NSW in 2020.
For more information visit
Click here for locations and dates .

With Gerry Taylor-Wood & Richard De Welles 

Come join us on an exciting and transformational, spiritual journey.

Staying at the beautiful Grail Haven Retreat Centre, in an area known for its deep mystical history we will visit sites of the White Goddess, be moved by the Mary Magdalene relics in Provence, bathe in the healing waters of Lourdes.  Staying near the Medieval town of Carcassonne we visit Cathar Castles – we attend the annual Gypsy Festival – French Mystery School teachings – Knights Templar – Rennes le Chateau and so much more.

22nd May – Please see itinerary –  Phone/Text: 0424080391

Shamanic Training Level 1 & 2 – Hunter Valley

Shamanic Training Level 1 & 2 is an 11 day live in retreat set atop a stunning mountain range in the Hunter Valley: 26th March 2020 – 5th April 2020. One Tribe run an accredited shamanic training school based in Perth with the full training provided on the east coast. This 11-day training will be intense, it will stretch you to grow in ways you may never have imagined before. Healing deep parts of yourself and expanding into hidden capabilities waiting to be discovered. This process is held with love and pure respect. We ourselves have had to go through the initiations and deep healings you will go through. We have also supported hundreds of people to make the same journey you will go on. For more details visit: and see attached flyer

Angel Space Healing

My name is Megan, I am a ThetaHealer and Angel card reader, based in Lane Cove. 
ThetaHealing clears trauma, re-programs the subconscious with new beliefs and teaches new feelings to every cell of the body instantly. My clients leave feeling free of things that have been with them for years, it’s truly beautiful.
My other passion is angel card readings and my clients enjoy beautiful messages their angels have for them. 
If you would like to learn more about me, my services and prices, please visit 
I’d love to hear from you and be part of your spiritual journey.

Storycast – Cast Your Story to the World 

Have you thought about making a promotional or educational video, videos for Facebook, Instagram and YouTube,website or any other type of video?
We specialise in creating unique, creative videos specifically for people in holistic health/wellness, personal growth and the arts.  
We make videos from 15 sec to 15 minutes+, tailoring the style and content to your particular needs and personality.  
We create videos with sensitivity and heart, using a combination of storytelling, visuals and specially crafted music that connects with a specific audience relevant to you. 

Call us for your free, no-obligation video discovery session. 

More info:

Ph. Vicki 0414 766 695Click here for Video Packages or visit our website

Law of One Material – Free Event

Garry Fung has Organised a meeting for those interested in Law of One material. I have found this material to be of the highest level of integrity and the simple principles a great guide in daily life.
The meeting will be 10am-5pm, Sat 14 Mar near Redfern Station, Sydney. To register and receive the address of  the meeting, please contact
If you are not familiar with the material, here are links:
Background and the original over 100 sessions transcripts in 2 vols
By Subject

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.