
AOL Bulletin : 18th November 2020 – Holding The Light

*Sponsored Announcement*
Join us for Australia’s most respected Consciousness event at Uluru this December, the fourth annual Cosmic Consciousness Conference. This is set to be THE most potent of conferences yet!
Please see Community Announcements below for more details.

All Welcome to the Academy AGM

Everybody is welcome to join us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday night 30th November 7.30 – 8.30pm. This meeting will be via Zoom. This is the time when the sitting Committee is dismissed and the new one is being chosen. The president’s report and the financial report will be presented as well.
If you have any ideas or other input for the Academy please come along and let us know.
If you are enjoying our Monday nights and would like to contribute in some way please let us know. The AOL community will be grateful for your participation.

Previous Event :
Messages from the Star People and Sai Baba – With Valerie Barrow

Author, medium and channel, Valerie Barrow has a mission: to spread the truth about the evolution of our planet and help people awaken to the reality of their God-self. Valerie is an exceptional medium, who has been channelling for forty years. She has been in clairaudient contact with the Star People since she was a child and has written several books about her spiritual insights.
One of her books, Alcheringa, tells the story of how our first ancestors were created. The Star People came to Earth, nearly one million years ago, in a giant star ship from the planet Pleiades and other stars in our galaxy. The ship had 50,000 volunteers of star beings, whose mission was to restore light to the planet, after Earth had been taken over by reptilians.
Valerie’s spiritual revelations are channelled to her through the legendary Alcheringa Stone, first brought to Earth by the Star People and given to the ancient Aboriginal tribes. Valerie, who has strong empathy with the Aborigines, discovered that the Alcheringa story bears a remarkable similarity to the Indigenous Dreamtime stories about our ancestors. She tells the story of how she came to work with the magic stone in her Starlady Book.
Valerie is also a channel for the omnipresent Sai Baba, an Indian guru – renowned for materialising sacred objects. Before he passed away in 2011, Sai Baba gifted Valerie a green diamond ring, which he materialised out of the thin air. The ring helps Valerie to channel Sai Baba. She also uses the ring for healings with clients – helping them to connect to their soul consciousness. 
Valerie explained that psychic abilities or being able to see is not important. “You are a sentient being, which means you can feel what is right for you. If it doesn’t feel right, follow your inner voice. “ 
Valerie then channelled Cosmic Sai Baba, who talked about our role as light beings and the reality of our God self. “People are not realising just of how much light they are and light they need. We are all electromagnetic beings and without that, you would not be able to be light….”
Sai Baba explained that when we are in theta level of consciousness, we connect to our over-soul or God consciousness. “Ideas, thoughts and motivations …. come from your over-soul or mentors that you work with – consciously or unconsciously – or through your dreams. “

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 23rd November 2020
Sacred Sound Night with Paulien Gort

Join us for this relaxing and rejuvenating Online Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort.
Getting into a state of deep relaxation has become even more important these days. If you are finding it more difficult to relax and to fall asleep, or if you are in any pain or just want a boost of positivity and joy, join us for this event.
Paulien will be playing from a place with a beautiful ancient energy on a different set of instruments than usual including: Alchemy Crystal bowl Sage Forest Gold bowl, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gong, Overtone Tube Chimes, Kalimba, Shaman Drum and Light Language.
She will create a beautiful soundscape making you float away into different realms and facilitating healing on every level. The cells of your body will be saturated with healing frequencies and will activate the innate healing intelligence of your body helping you into a state of peace and well-being. You will feel cleansed, relaxed and rejuvenated at the end of the night.

Recommendations for best results:
– lay down comfortable and make sure you will not be disturbed by anybody (switch phone off)
– have water handy
– eye bag
– cover
Paulien Gort is a Sound Healer who offers one-on-one Sound Healing sessions and regular Sound Baths Online and in North Narrabeen.
Thank you so so much Paulien – that was an amazing sound bath – such perfect timing for me to have this, during these challenging times of uncertainty and my family being in the UK – with health problems – I put all that aside and went into a divine space – I transcended and felt so at peace and in my joy – Bless you – I would recommend your blissful sound baths to anyone – who is going through some form of adversity – or just for some loving self care .
Alex Jarvis Sydney Australia

*** Please note : This event is on Zoom only ***

Monday 14th December November 2020
Energy Update and Activation with Nancy Valentine-Smith

Nancy Valentine Smith is a Medicine Woman, a Shaman, an Alchemist, a Healer and Sacred Technician. She comes from a lineage of Medicine men and women who were also Seers.
As a child Nancy was taught to go into the Ancient Records to read the books of knowledge of the Stars and of the Earth until she was ready to access the memory within her. One of her purposes is to assist others to access their own knowledge and wisdom. Your life without a doubt will change as you open to the Great Work. 
Over two decades, Nancy has mentored and empowered many people by helping them change their state of being to see and  experience who they truly are.  Through her transformational live event, gatherings and audio programs, Nancy continues to experience her Ancient Beloved Teachings, to co-create a life from the Heart with her modern take on ancient wisdom.
Join us on the 14th of December, as Nancy shares more of her great wisdom with us with powerful activations and energy transformations.

*** Please note :  This event is both at the Mosman Art Gallery and on Zoom.  Preference is to book on Eventbrite, however tickets will be available at the door.  Nancy will be on Zoom ***

Call to Lightworkers – Messages from the Star People and Sai Baba – With Valerie Barrow (cont’d)

One of the questions posed to Sai Baba was “How can we stay aligned to our true cosmic light being, given that we can be easily affected by what happens around us?” 
“Nothing can destroy the fact that you are a true light being…. Earth is not an easy place to be….there is a separation of energies – light or dark…. Think of positive things – even if it may be testing for you…. It’s easy to pick up energies around you and attach themselves to you because you are an electromagnetic being…… Clear yourself every morning and evening …. “You can cleanse your energy by raising your eyes gently up, under closed eyelids, as if you were looking past the earth’s atmosphere. Then connect to your over-soul and ask for Divine love and compassion to fill your atoms and cells.” With practice you can ask for advice the same way.
Sai Baba was next asked about what we need to do to prepare for December 21 and the Uluru activation. “There is no need to worry or prepare….. You must understand there is a bigger picture……Prayers are powerful and are not limited by time or distance…. ….Focus positive intent towards Uluru…. Be careful of how you think and what you think, not what you need to do……Be aware of people’s thoughts – thoughts that are put out in the collective consciousness can be carried and picked up. If it is picked up, it becomes your choice……. If you are wondering how to prepare, be willing to assist for the energies of change. “
Sai Baba went on to discuss the importance of mastering our minds . “It is possible to be free of intrusive thoughts. You can connect to your soul consciousness when you go into theta consciousness or when you sleep. That’s how we heal ourselves. “ 
“You can call on Sai Baba, your angels or your ancestors for assistance.”
Impressively, Sai Baba answered a question that had not been asked publicly, but was the topic of an earlier conversation I had with another Academy member. It seemed as if Sai Baba had eavesdropped on our conversation. We both shook our heads in amazement.
When asked about the US elections, Sai Baba was very diplomatic and ‘refrained from making any political comments’.
The evening was held both on Zoom and at the Mosman Art Gallery – our first live meeting since the lockdown earlier in the year. We enjoyed watching Valerie’s session together on a large projected screen. It made us realise how much we missed the gatherings at Mosman. Nothing beats face to face contact with people. 
If you would like to contact Valerie or book a healing you can contact her at or visit her website

FYI – The Power of Music

Lisa Nichols is the founder and the CEO of Motivating the Masses, which is a personal and business development training company with a view of helping people develop into their very best selves.
Listen to this inspiring speech where she challenges our beliefs about ourselves and encourages us to just take the next step.
Click here to listen. Less than 5 mins

The Magical Cucumber

What a little gem the cucumber is !   Such a humble fruit with such wonderful health benefits.  Next time you feel like a snack or pick me up, reach for a cucumber.
Click here to learn more.

Thought of the Week

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.

Where Will You Be for the Great Conjunction and New Age of Aquarius?

Join us for Australia’s most respected Consciousness event at Uluru this December, the fourth annual Cosmic Consciousness Conference. This is set to be THE most potent of conferences yet! 
plexus of the world — the healing centre of the planet. And, not only will we be at this iconic sacred site, we’ll be there for the solstice on 21 December to witness a powerful, cosmological shift as we move into the Age of Aquarius and experience the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This is a gateway that has massive potential for a new reality — a move into the Garden of Eden.  
The celestial events of 2020 began on 12 January, with around 250 lightworkers at the Conference ushering in this pivotal time. It was a profound and life-changing experience. The reset triggered by that event, despite knowing it was coming, has been challenging to say the least! 
However, these exciting times are the reason we incarnated together. We are the healers that have been here for millennia and we are here to assist with this upgrade. WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. One can only imagine what it will be like coming together in December – it will be electrifying, uplifting and alchemical to say the least!  
amazing opportunity to sit shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart with some of the most AWAKENED people on the planet.  
Workshops, talks, meditations, sumptuous dining, and AMAZING connections are all part of the package, as well as personal and planetary healing and transformation. A Solstice Grand Conjunct ceremony will take place, and our famously successful skywatches. 
And that’s not all!!  
We have exclusive delegate-only tours to the Rock as well as Kata Tjuta – a place that many consider to be more magical and mystical than Uluru.  
If you have the time, stick around for a Soul-Family Christmas lunch at Sails in the Desert. Experience a truly unique Aussie Christmas, Uluru-style!  
Don’t miss out on being with us at Uluru to make history as the Age of Aquarius dawns – what will the Gateway reveal?  
Find out at the event of your life. Everything you have done has been preparing you for this. The Cosmic Consciousness Conference will be held at Ayers Rock Resort from 20-22 December 2020  

Link to Facebook Event :

The Uluru Prophecy : 21st December 2020

***  Apologies : Last week the incorrect date was stated for the Uluru Prophecy.  The correct date is the 21st December.  Apologies for any inconvenience caused ***
As described by Steven Strong on the Academy Event, the 21st of December 2020 will prove to be a very special day for the history of the earth.  Steven first learnt of the prophecy 3 years ago and was invited by an elder to participate in the Uluru ceremony.  
The elders have been preparing for this ceremony for the past nine years. There will be elders at Uluru on the outside and those inside the rock as well. Steven says we need over one hundred thousand souls in Australia who are pure of heart to help activate the crystals. “You don’t have to be at Uluru for the activation. As long as you face Uluru and send it your love.“ To understand and learn further about the prophecy and to see how you can participate (you do not have to be present in Uluru – just present in spirit).  

Click here for more information.

We urge all light workers to assist in this event.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.