
AOL Bulletin – 18th March 2015 – Blessings Everywhere

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you of all the things there are to be grateful for.

FYI – Good Things Are Happening!

Rosemary Butterworth channeled this morning that the Soltice – the Solar Eclipse is the actual start of the Golden Age.  For the last 20 years it has been talked about, predicted and now it is here.  We were told not to bring to this Age past grievances, stress and hardships but in fact, in this energy it is possible to re-shape our lives.  (Another chance at a new beginning).  

Solar_Eclipse-Universal Life ToolsSimone Matthews of Universal Life Tools says: ‘Remember, don’t dwell on those things in your life that you cannot change, but choose to focus on what YOU can do to make a difference in your own life and that of others.  This is a time to really ‘BE THE CHANGE’ you wish to see in the world.

I highly recommend you take some time out for yourself at this eclipse to go within, feel and be the deep wisdom of Creation that exists within you and transcend any thoughts, emotions or actions not in alignment with your most cherished and ancient way of beingness.‘  Click here to read more.

Anna Merkaba says: ‘March 20th opens up a phenomenal gateway for all of us to take a GIANT leap forward. So for the next 5 days I invite all of you, to go deep within, cleanse everything out, re-examine where you are in your life. Throw out everything that you no longer need. As well as any and all physical possessions, if there are clothes that you no longer wear, give them away to charity, anything and everything that is no longer of use to you should be released, both physically, emotionally and mentally.’  Read more here.

Grail Haven en France

Over the last few years we have been keeping you abreast of the happenings in France for Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles and their French Grail Haven Retreat.  We received a wonderful, good news email from Gerry recently that we wanted to share with you.  Here it is…

A few years ago an inheritance provided funds for a property for a spiritual education and healing centre -“Grail Haven en France” .
A small village in the South of France became our focus.  It lies in the Cathar area and was subject to great persecution and mass genocide.  In World War II the village housed the horrific Gestapo Headquarters.  It has also suffered great poverty and starvation, even until recently. There is dwarfism and mal formation in the community.
We came along.  Our promise to the Mayor of village was to bring groups of Australians to live amongst and enjoy their culture.  Permission were granted.  
With the advent of the Light returning to the village – the darkness arose.  We were opposed.  The opposition grew strong, a long story, surfice it to say one low point was when Grail Haven fought in Court the law of Cult practices.  Yes, Grail Haven was accused of being a Cult and taking money from our disciples.  We had Squatters illegally taking over part of the building, who had to be evicted, another lengthy Court proceeding.
Money drained to keep fighting, and so did our energy.
During this time, we contacted the Academy several times asking for support and support was given.  Every battle was fought.  Archangel Michael had an active and tireless role in the whole proceedings.  Wonderful things happened.  It was a great sign of good things to come when people closing down a spiritual centre in Crete sent a container of furniture for Grail Haven en France.  Twenty beds, two hundred and fifty pieces of linen etc., etc.
Our final permission after over three years of battle was given last month.  There is a lot of work to do at the property, physical and spiritual.
Gerry Taylor-Wood market flowers in France
  Grail Haven en France future meditation towerWe need all the help we can get.
Throughout the journey both Richard and I have been aware of the loving support given to us from the Academy of Light.  This has been palpable and invaluable.
We are in deepest gratitude for your thoughts and prayers – and for just being there holding the Light.”
Blessing, Love and Light.
Geraldine and Richard
There are opportunities for you to have your own Grail Haven en France experience  – *for more information please visit

Award Nomination

Mark AnthonyWe love Mark Anthony of Co-Creation and Australia’s Theta Healing representative.  He is a wonderful man, a Master of Theta Healing and has been a great support to us at the Academy of Light.  We were very pleased to see that he has been nominated to be a finalist in the Australian Trust Awards 2015. Australian Trust Awards is a celebration of the most trusted, respected, and loved businesses in Australia- voted for by the public, these are the businesses you know you can trust!

This is an amazing acknowledgement for Mark, the Thetahealing team and spirituality in Australia. The award is based on a voting system so if you would like to help make this happen click here and vote:

Good luck Mark!

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 23rd March 2015 at 7.30pm


The Teachings of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Join Master Robyn Rice for an enlightening talk on bringing financial abundance into your life.
Enjoy listening to Master Robyn explain simple yet practical ways to bring light to your finances and your life. This will be a powerful evening not to be missed.

From the Academy…

What if we had unlimited Abundance – what would we create?
Master Robyn will bless and teach us to chant what is needed to heal our body, relationships and our finances.

Two weeks ago, I went to an evening with Master Francisco Quintero, Master Trevor Allen and Master Robyn Rice. On the way home I felt like dancing and continued to chant and sing. It was late and usually at such a time I feel tired and worn out from the days activities. This time, however, I noticed that I felt extremely happy.
So if you want to experience more joy in your life – come and sing and chant with Master Robyn and receive a lot of Blessings.

It will be a night filled with joy, chanting and laughter as we practice creating a beautiful world. …..

Master Robyn is a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Divine Channel, Divine Master Soul Healer, Direct Soul Communicator, Animal Healer & Whisperer, and healthcare professional.
For additional information or to receive a complimentary healing blessing contact Carol Liu

P.S. We will have more books to give away!

Soul Mind Body Science System

Contact: Carol Liu
Email: Phone: 0455.377 455

 MONDAY, 30th March 2015 at 7.30pm

In celebration of Easter our usual Monday Night has been given over to The Circle of Light Event – Pheonix Rising.  It is a wonderful opportunity to perform an Easter Ceremony so come and join us.

For more details please see the EVENTS section below.

Please note that as this is an Event it will be $30 (not the normal $15).

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

As John and I were still at Jacranda Haven on Monday we missed hearing Vicki O’Leary channel Universal Consciousness.  Apparently our loss.  Terri informed me that she channeled for nearly the whole session – she was amazing.  For those of you who, like me. missed the session, this is what Terri said was channeled.  (I always love the messages – they are so useful and just what we need to hear).

As we turned off the lights and started to centre people were still coming into the room.  There was an orchestra playing in the Grand Hall and yet it was all perfect!  We called on Archangel Michael, lit the candles putting people and places in the centre including Vanuatu.  Vicki started to channel Universal Consciousness immediately.  The energy that comes through whenever Vicki channels is so light and joyful.  I had a smile on my face throughout the evening.  The happiness that wells up in me when she channells is all consuming.  The U.C. utilised the orchestra into our evening telling us we were the symphony – there was a symphony in every cell!  No wonder I was happy!  Ultimately it is about knowing that everything is within us and everything is possible.

Vicki will be back on the 20th April.  She is one of the people that we have invited back this year to help grow the energies and our understanding and ability to manifest now in this Golden Age.  Don’t miss her!

I channeled a message at the beginning of February which stated the need for us all to let go the past before Easter.  In particular, it is of the utmost importance to let your stories from the past go.……..really let them go, as they are limiting you by keeping you locked in the energy and thought patterns that you were then.  The messages we are getting through the Academy emails are all saying similar things particularly leading up to this Friday, 20th with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse.  Let everything go – even look in your cupboards and see what you have been keeping for years and years – they help define who you were, not who you are now.  As far as possible keep your thoughts new and bright, look for things in your day that make you smile, acknowledge them and if you can keep a journal of them and read them over at a later date.

 We have all been told that March 2015 is a very special month as there is a Solar eclipse which is called the Dark Moon. This is also the time when we prepare for Easter, the death of the old and the birth of the new. It is a time to create a beautiful new world. The more positive you say and in the Now the more Light you can anchor.

I am looking forward to seeing you all next Monday Night – remember Master Robyn will be there so it will be a high energy night and as promised we have a copy of Dr. Sha’s lastest book for you.

Thought Of The Week

When two hearts beat as one, there is a power of manifestation present.

(The two hearts could be yours and the Universes,  yours and the God Within or yours and another person during a meditation).


Breathe deeply and say daily:-

I let go all my stories from the past as they have bound me and kept me small.

I Am now free to enjoy life and grow.”

Health – Inflammation Causes Disease

Body Inflammation is now widely accepted by doctors to be the greatest disease issue of western society and it is accepted that acidic diets and the stressful lifestyles experienced in our modern way of life have caused the upsurge in physical and emotional stress spiking this increase of inflamatory disease.

Inflammation is the body’s first defense against infection, but when it goes awry, it can lead to heart attacks, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s and a host of other diseases
Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response; without it, we can’t heal. But when it’s out of control—as in rheumatoid arthritis—it can damage the body. Plus, it’s thought to play a role in obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Chronic inflammation  may lead to a host of diseases, such as hay feverperiodontitisatherosclerosisrheumatoid arthritis, gout, and even cancer (e.g., gallbladder carcinoma). So It is for that reason that inflammation is normally closely regulated by the body.
Foods high in sugar and saturated fat can spur inflammation. “They cause overactivity in the immune system, which can lead to joint pain, fatigue, and damage to the blood vessels,” says Scott Zashin, MD, clinical professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
This information came from Amanda MacMillanby and Young Living Oils.  For Amanda’s list (it is a wonderful read):  14 Foods that Fight Inflammation.  Click here.
NutriKane DOne of the reasons that the Academy recommends Nutrikane is that it is also known from scientific tests to reduce inflammation.  It has shown that by taking one sachet morning and night it not only reduces the blood sugar count but also helps with all those diseases that the inflammation, when it is out of control, contributes to.    Rosemary has personally found that Nutrikane has helped with the osteoarthritis in her knees and has not had to have a knee replacement.   Phone them, tell them you are from the Academy of Light as members of the 
Academy are entitled to a discount.  Here’s the Nutrikane website and their email.


Phoenix Rising – Sacred Ceremony for Easter

pheonix risingwith the Circle of Light

Monday, 30th March
7.30 – 10pm
at Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre

The Sacred Ceremony of Easter celebrates our human condition and focuses on the grace to atonement, forgive, regenerate and renew. As we come together in Sacred Ceremony we give thanks for all we have received, achieved and experienced in our lives, the good and the bad, yes and even the not so good for it has all contributed to who we are today. We give thanks for it all and ask to be cleansed of the past and reborn again. We ask for the grace to accomplish greater things.

As we accept all that we are and surrender to Divine Will, stepping into our own unique Divine Nature, we shed all that is not in alignment with that becoming the Phoenix – rising from the ashes of our own shedding.  Come and absorb the energy of the Phoenix, in the Fire of Transformation and Initiation

Event cost $30

Community Announcements

This Weekend!

Angelic Reiki Level 1 and 2 Attunements

Angelic ReikiMaster Teacher: Katie Kempster

The Gateway Centre, Mona Vale
March 21/22nd, 2015
10-5pm daily
Energy exchange: $444
Contact Katie: 0424095461
Email to:

Essene Therapeutae

For 12,000 years the people of Earth have been under a SPELL.

   Ladies and Gentlemen,
That Spell has just been


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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