
AOL Bulletin – 17th September 2014 – Align With Love

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to BE Love.

FYI – Walk With Peace & Harmony

Simple Tip For Improving Your Life

If you are a regular reader of the AOL Bulletin you would know that on Monday night we had Andrew Hughes presenting in Mosman at the AOL weekly gathering.  He was funny, insightful and informative. 

Andrew Hughes - positive postureOne particular tip Andrew shared was about posture and how it can create a chemical change in the body/mind. So shoulders back, look up and smile (a pen between your teeth to remind you if you cannot do it naturally) 30 minutes each day for a month.   Be your own guinea pig and see what difference it makes to you. Are you happier, more active?

Andrew said the original research using a process similar to this was done by the Berkeley campus of UCLA. He first heard of it about 6 years ago and has since had the research confirmed by the President of the Newcastle Psychologists association after one of his presentations, so even though he can’t find the actual research paper he knows it to be correct.

A recent study in 2012 at San Francisco State Uni had people slouch for 3 minutes while another group skipped for 3 minutes, then they swapped. From their base line testing before they started, slouch reduced energy levels and increased levels of depression by up to 20%. Skipping did the opposite i.e. increased energy and decreased depression levels by up to 20%.

Invocation for Peace

Sydney Peace DayWe know we have mentioned this before but hey one more time won’t hurt.  It’s International Peace Day this Sunday 21st September. (Don’t miss the Sydney Peace Festival – see Community Announcement at the bottom of this email)

In perfect synchronicity a powerful invocation has come to our awareness.  The  Mamos from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on behalf of all the Beings of Light,  invite us to join them in their efforts to achieve peace for Mother EarthThe Mamos of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, send to all who recite this invocation for peace, from the Heart of the World, the healing energy of unity, infinite and eternal love, harmony,  health and peace.

We would encourage you to go to the Great Balance site (click here), print out the invocation and say it.  Give Peace a Chance.

Walk the Centennial Park Labyrinth Now

Sacred-Path  - Centennial ParkCongratulations to Emily Simpson and the team at the Centennial Parklands Foundation!  The Centennial Park Labyrinth is finally open!  We have been following the progress of  the Labyrinth project over the last few years right through from raising the funds to now.  It’s a wonderful new spiritual destination to go to!

The Foundation had a beautiful opening ceremony on Monday 15th September. The Labyrinth was officially opened by the Governor of NSW, Dame Marie Bashir and blessed by wisdom keepers from 11 different faith traditions.  Two of the ladies that came on Monday night were there during the day and said the ceremony was very meaningful and moving.

To find out more go to the Sydney Labyrinth site.

Thought Of The Day

The more you align yourself with loving thoughts, loving feelings and loving actions, the less room there will be for fear in your energy and in your life. A heart that is filled with love has no room for fear.

… Juliet Martine, Juliet Martine

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

I am unique.  I am one of a kind.

I allow magic to flow from my heart and mind.”

… Self-love Cards deck by Michelle McGrath  Self-love Cards-Michelle McGrath

To purchase the cards click here for AOL Shop.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

How can a talk be so much fun and yet so informative?  Andrew had us laughing from the moment he began speaking. If we are made of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon, he began and they came from the Big Bang, and Supa Novas, then we are made of Star Dust.  This put a smile on our faces to begin.  Andrew is a wonderful mimic.  We laughed as we saw ourselves as he copied our actions and bodily stances when we feel depressed, anxiousy and down.  Being a ‘recovered’ lawyer,  and having a scientific mind, he had researched and learnt his subject and had backup for all his theories, the major one being the body and mind are linked  so how you feel,  will be how you think or vice versa.   He had us stand, look down and imagine we were depressed or worried,  think of a problem, let our shoulders droop and notice how we felt.  Then we had to look at the ceiling and a straight back and smile and see if we could think about our problems. (more of this in FYI)   The heart and love is the answer.

Andrew says in Europe the trend is heart-based work for peak performance… “The latest research on performance and physiology reveals that the heart is central to success in every area of life. Dr Alan Watkins has taken this understanding into the boardrooms of some of the largest companies in Europe, coaching executives to manage their physiology, energy and performance by focussing on their heart and it’s coherence. The effect on these leaders is life changing.”

Andrew has a two day course in Sydney coming up in November (8th-9th).  We’ll have more on that in a few weeks.

Two important things coming up – so check your diaries.  Do you have Peace Day, Sunday the 21st September circled in red?  It is the International Day of Peace – definitely no arguing on Sunday and remember that there is a wonderful celebration being held at Bondi Pavillion – take the whole family – have a fun, loving and Peaceful Day.

Also the Sacred Dark Moon Ceremony on the 24th September at 7.30 at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre.   We can really make a difference on this night as we take the Light into the Dark.  So  the more people that are able to come, the stronger the Light.   This Ceremony is good for you and THE WORLD.  It is holding the intention for the  highest good of All That Is.  If it feels right for you – come and strengthen the Light.

Health – Magenta

Soul Colour Magenta Energy SprayLove is all there is.

We’ve noticed that when dousing for colour sprays that would help when holding groups or indeed for individuals that the colour Magenta has been coming up alot lately so we thought we would have a quick look at why that would be.

When Narelle Green creator of Soul Colour Energy Sprays said that “Magenta is the miracle ray assisting us to awaken our true nature and our ability to create and manifest through love.  The frequency of Magenta influences all chakras and systems in our body. It also helps us when dealing with any issues around love and family.”  it was clear why it keeps coming up.

Our vibrations are increasing along with the planets and some of us are handling it better than others.  So if  Magenta in our light body manifests through the conscious action of Love and Love is our essential nature then it then leads you to believe that is what our body is wanting more support with.

Come along on Monday nights and have a spray of Magenta or purchase from AOL Shop.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.


We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 22nd September 2014 at 7.30pm


Suntarä in collaboration with Göldhäwk

Singing Bowls, Drums, Didj & Voice …. Flower Altar and PurëHeärt Mysts

PureHeart Mysts

Come along and join us for a Celebration of the Power, Beauty and the Mägic of Spring infused with the Wisdom of the Ancients and revitalising Frequencies of Sound.
… Reflect … Restore … Refresh …. whilst you bathe in the fragrant radiance of PurëHeärt Mysts with Göldhäwk and a nourishing mystical experience of Sounds with Daniel Coates, Luke Brooks.

It’s the Spring Equinox Celebration … Sacred Sounds allow the Dove of Peace to settle and clear a Path for Clarity, Connection and Vision that carry within it perfect balance and harmony and the promise of a fully blossoming YOU.
Together we consciously step into the Spring of Our Collective Soul’s Evolution.

Wear comfy clothes, bring plenty of Water, wear Flowers, sit back or lay down on your mat and blanket to relax and receive.

The weekend following the Equinox Celebration, Goldhawk releases the Flowers into the crystal cascades of a sacred Waterfall ~ the Heartlight of our Communal Blessing is held in the moisture of the Petals and it feeds the Earth and enlivens the master Trees, Birds and BushBeings that help our Water to keep Vital ~ this is Your Gift to Nature ~ Your valued contribution to Community Earth Service.

Your participation and expression makes all the Difference

Suntara – sample their Sacred Sound on

PurëHeärt Mysts – available through the Academy shop & online

 MONDAY, 29th September 2014 at 7.30pm


Steven Murphy

Steven Murphy

We have enticed Steven Murphy back – much to everyone’s delight!

Steven will give us a fascinating presentation on the “World of Astrology” through his eyes. This will showcase the 12 Sign’s and the 12 Houses of Astrology we commonly hear referred to as the Horoscope.

September 29 is when Venus enters Libra, a date synonymous with the romance of it all.

Ultimately this talk cast’s a wide spot light on “predictive analysis” through the energy of the planets in our universe and places the audience in the big picture.

We have asked Steven to focus on Sydney, Australia and tell us what he sees the ‘stars’ say for the future.  Steven will also offer some individual readings at the end of the presentation.

Steve Murphy presented his very popular “New Age – Numerology – Astrology” radio show here in Sydney for more than 11 years from 1998 until 2009.

To Contact Steven:  Connect with his Manager – Margaret Ferreira



Wednesday, September 24th

Circle of LightCircle of Light with Narelle Green, Julia Smith & Diana del Principio

The September Dark Moon is about greater BALANCE in the forces influencing the world today.

When we come together in Sacred Ceremony we invoke pure healing Light into the darkness, assists to raise man’s consciousness and bring harmony and peace to all.

The Dark Moon Ceremony will:

  • Offer globally and individually the opportunity to bring more harmony to the creative forces of masculine and feminine.
  • Assist in purifying and clearing past situations regarding role models and relationships
  • At the time of the Dark Moon, the Sophia energy is high and carries the Soul Essence of Love, Wisdom, Empowerment and the Divine Plan for humanity.

TIME: 7.30-9.30PM
COST: $30
BOOK: or 99674425

To see flyer for more detail click here.



This Sunday – Don’t miss it!!!!

Sydney Peace Day

Peace Festival – 21st September at Bondi Pavilion

Don’t Miss It!!!

What does peace mean to you?

This year Embrace Life, Live Life is joining the Sydney Peace Day Festival at Bondi Pavilion.

When we come together with a common focus we transform our own lives…we change the world.

Sunday 21st September, 10am-8pm

Watch this video to find out more.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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