
AOL Bulletin – 17th December 2014 – Peace Be With You

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to BE AS ONE.

FYI – Magic, Manifestation and Miracles

This is our final Bulletin for 2014 and so we take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Our first newletter for 2015 will be 28th January. 

Our focus this year was the 3 M’s.  Magic, Manifestation and Miracles and we finish with all three combined.  When you read this story, you will awaken to a new understanding of the part that the elements play in our lives.   The elements are alive and it is time that we understood the power they have.  Water, as Dr. Masaru Emoto says,  has the power to bring peace to the world.  He says,

By holding the intention of peace towards water, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water will and can bring peace to our bodies and the world.

The fire elementals have another function.  There is not only physical, material pollution, there is spiritual and mental pollution.  There is so much hatred, envy and greed that there are a tremendous lot of bad thought forms being built up.  Thought has a tremendous power of remaining; it can remain as a thought form.  Wherever you have got strife on the earth, you will get thought forms being attracted and helping to fan the flames, to build it up.  One of the functions of the fire spirits is to clean away these wrong thought forms.  These thought forms make up part of the etheric shell of the earth.  Fire spirits purify this.  They can disperse wrong thought forms, and therefore their help would be very, very useful.‘  from Meeting Fairies, by R.O. Crombie. (Thanks to Joanna for bringing this to our attention, the book is available through the Academy online shop).

Letting Go of Distortion“Where there is a storm, there is great opportunity for change”

This is an excerpt from an article on the Blue Temple site by Victoria Webby (  While a storm was raging Victoria experienced all of the elements and describes them perfectly:

“As many of us have experienced the tremendous force of Mother Nature of late and as I observed the great creative forces before my eyes, a message came through for me to get out the recorder and to record some transmissions to assist myself and those that choose TO BE the co-creation of great change within at this moment in cosmic time.”

“A great streaming of light, a deep cleansing through fire and water”

“I was told that these series of storms we are having hold a lot of the dragon energy within them (I saw a cloud of a Dragon with a sword in the sky) and that we are being asked now to clear distortion from our energies. We are receiving a great gift – a shift in our electrical vibration, having a re-patterning of the electrical energy within us.”

“Mother Earth is sending forth streams of sound and light to assist to clear distortion – especially through the auditory so that we can ‘attune’ to the higher frequencies through letting go of old patterns ‘through waves of light (lightning) and sound (thunder)’ which indicate new beginnings and there will BE a few more before this cycle is complete!”

This is a time to go deep within and utilise the energies of the great elements.  To Read More and to take advantage of the FREE MP3  – Letting go of Distorion  click here.

A Miracle That Magically Manifested

NutriKane DAt a time when I was using a walking stick to get around and having increasing difficulty in incorporating the higher frequencies into my earthly body, I ‘just happened’ to meet  a man I hadn’t seen for 20 years.  The man (and scientist) was Malcolm Ball, who invented NutriKane.  I have now been taking NutriKane for some 3 or more months and I don’t need a walking stick and I have found that I feel better, stronger and younger each week.  

It is not easy to handle alone the higher frequencies that are coming onto the planet and I feel sure that Spirit has stepped in to help not only myself but all of us.  If your body cannot attune to these new energies, it can lead to confusion.  NutriKane gives us good gut bacteria – it is definitely a super food which leaves our bodies cleaner and lighter thereby reducing the resistance to higher energies.

Although the initial focus for NutriKane was people who suffered from Diabetes, it is my opinion as someone who is extremely senstive to energies, that it is here to make Ascension easier.

Think of your families, friends, work colleagues  and get a free sample before the offer ends on the 31st December.

…  Rosemary Butterworth


Article by Malcolm Ball – click here.

MediKane is so confident that NutriKane can help, we are providing Academy of Light members an offer to obtain a FREE sample box (1 weeks supply).

To claim your free sample box, please send your name, contact details and address in an email to with AOL Free Sample in the subject line. If you have any queries call . This offer closes 31/12/2014.

In your sample box will be a special Academy of Light discount card for future purchases of NutriKane D™

For further information on NutriKane, please visit

New Year Predictions from Gerry Taylor-Wood

In our Bulletin on 3rd December we gave you Gerry’s planetary forcast for Christmas so here, in the last Bulletin for the year, we give to you her planetary guide for the New Year:

Gerry Taylor-Wood & PanTo spend the midnight hour of the passing from the old to the New Year in silent meditation is a wondrous experience.

Angels and Archangels attend this celebrated time and assist the passage from the old to the new. We make our decisions to improve, our ‘Resolutions’, under the Planet of Saturn, the Ancient Wise One.

The Moon on New Year’s Day resides in Taurus, sign of abundance, let us remember to be ‘Great Full’ for all we have in our lives.

With five planets in earth signs, the god of this vibration is the earth god Pan. Pan is god of nature and the theme is to spend time in the glorious nature of Australia, from beach to bush. Delight in the perfumes, the colours, the textures, the healing of Pan’s nature that surrounds you.

This holiday is a holy day. Strengthen your own light body then bring your energy to the world that surrounds you and be the Light of the World.

Joy to the world.

Flower Essence: Grail Haven: Lycoris Aurea – the ‘resurrection lily’ of bright gold that brings joy, fun and laughter to the New Year.  See: Oracle Cards.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 2nd February, 2014 at 7.30pm


“Numerology wise February is one of the most important months of 2015”


Come along and see what 2015 means for YOU! Tonight Steven will tell us how the year 2015 will unfold.

Being for-warned can help you be the best that you can be. All those who feel a lack of self-worth this is a year for you to gain all the confidence you will need.
Do bring along a pen and paper to capture the information Steven brings to us.

For those people who are born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month of the year, or if your birth date adds up to an 8 brought down to a single digit there is a special bonus for you.

The Academy will be inviting Steven to write a monthly article on what each month holds for you, a monthly prediction for everyone’s birthday.

Steven will also do a few personal readings on the night.

Steven is best known as “The Numbers Man”. Steven’s skill with the interpretation of the numbers coupled with clairvoyance and study of astrology for over 30 years has delighted radio, television and live audiences across Australia.

Steven recently had Sydney Radio’s No.1 rating Saturday night Psychic show that ran for a staggering 11 years and 11 months an irony in that Steve’s own birthdate is also an 11. Also, Steven was a regular on TV’s “Mornings” for 9 years.

Contacts: Manager – Margaret email:

MONDAY, 9th February, 2014 at 7.30pm

Higher Frequencies – Staying On Track

Rosemary Butterworth - Michael's MessengerROSEMARY BUTTERWORTH

You all have noticed the greater frequencies that are coming onto the planet now and their effect on your body.  You may have felt they amplified your negativity.  On the other hand  you night be aware of how it has heightened your psychic senses or your hearing, seeing and feeling.   How much more sensitive you have become. 

In November 2014 Rosemary went to John of God whilst he was in Australia and found that the Spiritual Intervention she had has increased her ability to communicate with angels and on this night she would like to tell of her experience and to lead you into a meditation so you too can experience these higher frequencies. She says that they are the strongest she has ever encountered.   She has been connecting to Archangel Jophiel, the Orphanium and the Elohim who have given her messages to share with you that will help you stay on track in 2015 and be happy and joyous. 

Rosemary is Michael’s Messenger and to contact her email or find out more go to:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

“And the storms Sydney has experienced recently are a stark reminder that the dynamic square between Pluto (dark clouds) and Uranus (lightning flashes) is once more gaining intensity and peaking on 15/16 December. This cycle began in 2012 and concludes in March 2015.  As it nears its conclusion, we are all being urged to manifest the transformational changes we want both personally and globally.’…Molly Talbort

AOL Christmas CircleThis is an excerpt from last week’s Bulletin.  We didn’t know then how accurate Molly’s astrology was to be. We were very glad that we had a circle on Monday Night to be able to send healing Light and prayers to the hostages and to their families, to all people involved at Martin Place and we continue to do so.  May this Light bring some comfort to them.

Spirit has told us in the past that every situation has 50% negative and 50% positive.  It was very difficult to see the positive in this situation until a text message came in about a Twitter message going viral – #IllRideWithYou  (for those not into Twitter – It reads, ‘I’ll ride with you’.)  It seems that a Muslim woman was riding on a train, she was very upset and frightened that someone may harm her in retribution for the hostages.  On seeing her state, another woman went up to her and gave her a hug and said not to worry because “I’ll ride with you.” and that is the wonderful story of caring that has now quickly gone out to thousands of people.  Read article here.

The Academy has also been told about a man noticing that less people were on their mobile phones when he was also riding on a train.  Instead people were looking at each other, acknowledging each other with a nod and a smile.  He saw two suited men, who obviously knew each other,  go up and hug each other.

Surely this then is part of the 50% positive.  Australians really look out for one another.  It is called Mateship.  It is called Friendship and it is called Caring.  It is Love in Action.

These are some of the changes that we would LOVE to see globally and personally.  More one-on-one connections.  Listening to and looking at each other and smiling.  Knowing that we are all different and yet we are all the same.

May your smile gladden the heart of another this Christmas.  May Peace and Peace and Peace be everywhere.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and see you all on the 2nd February.

Thought Of The Week

St Francis of AssisiWe know we have shared this prayer before but we couldn’t resist doing so again.  We believe it is so appropriate for us all now.

The Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I AM Calm, I AM Serene, I AM Peace.”

….   Rosemary Butterworth  Flower by Goldhawk


detoxifying_mint_teaBlending your own herbal tea is a revelation. Once you start, it’s hard to go back to tea bags. This way, you’re able to shape your blends to be as simple or complex as you like. You control the flavor profile and ingredients entirely, it’s great. I liken it to making your own soup versus buying canned soup, and tend to bounce around from one blend to another. For a stretch it was this turmeric tea, lately it has been this detox-y ginger mint blend. The tea is green-tasting from mint and coriander, and fennel-sweet. The layered peppery-ness comes from black peppercorns and freshly muddled ginger, and with all sorts of beneficial goodness in it – lemon, cumin, the fresh ginger – it just feels good going down.

You can pre-blend the dry ingredients and keep the in a small jar on the counter, making it easy to brew a cup. This pot made the drive to Big Sur with me. I poured it in a thermos, slipped it in my weekend bag, and sipped my way down the coast where we did some Christmas hiking (and surprise whale watching!).

For a Detoxing Mint Tea Recipe and more go to  –  click here.


Master Robyn Healing HandsUpcoming Events with Master Robyn Rice

Inner Peace and Inner Joy in daily Life
Wednesdays 10th & 17th December, 6.45-8.15 pm Honour fee: $25 per session $80 for full series Venue: 1/59 Hume St. Crows Nest
FREE ‘Animal Soul Healing Intensive’ with Master Robyn Rice
Sunday 21st December, 10-11.30am Attend with your pets In Person or Live Via Livestream Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
View for Free or to receive a special blessing for your pets honour fee $20
Open Your Heart To The Greatest Love
Sunday 14th December, 2-6pm Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Follow the Tao to Flourish
Sunday 21st December, 2-6pm Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
FREE Soul Mind Body Science System Study Sessions – Master Sha’s latest book
Every Tuesday 7-8pm Via Livestream
FREE Passing Spiritual Testing Sessions
Every Tuesday 8-9pm Via Livestream
Love Peace Harmony World Family
Every Thursday 8-9.30pm Honor fee: Love Offering, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Ling Guang Calligraphy Mediation Sessions
Every Saturday 4-4.30pm Honour fee: $50 for 2 sessions, In person Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
To Register: Call Deb or email on


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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