
AOL Bulletin – 17th August 2016 – You Are The Stillness

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to Be still.

F.Y.I. – Your Vibration Matters

Enlightenment Through Sound

sound waveThe Divine Being on this video is sharing his understanding of language and sound. Not only that but the significance of the food we consume and how we are effected by where we live in the world and so much more.

The importance of keeping our frequency at a high level is what this Bulletin is all about.  The words we use, the articles and videos we share, the links that we recommend.  We infuse the Bulletin with high energy and intention every week in the hope that you will all be uplifted, supported and nurtured in your daily lives.  The more we all resonate at a high vibration the greater difference we will make to our own lives and the world around us.  So be aware of the sound you are making in this world.

Click here to view The Power of Language!

P.S.  I was blown away by the time I got to the end.  There is so much in the video about how to stay healthy – did you know that eating bitter food is a preventive for cancer.  I am listening to it again and this time with a notepad handy……Rosemary

Happiness Within

Xandria OoiIn just 2 minutes Xandria Ooi makes it quite clear why we are solely responsible for our own happiness.  It’s so clear!

Click here to listen to Someone Who Can Make You Happy. Once you have reframed your thinking celebrate who you are!

Peaceful Stillness

Eckhart TolleFirstly sit comfortably and begin conscious breathing – see if you are able to focus your mind on a single breath – just watch yourself breathe in and then follow the outward breath keeping the mind still for a whole breath – now turn your attention to Echkhart’s meditation, continuing to give your focus to your breath.  Whenever your give your mind a focus it will take you out of thought. 

Eckhart Tolle gives you a guided meditation 12 valuable minutes click here. Enjoy your meditation….Rosemary

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 22nd August, 2016



International Composer and Speaker

John is based in London and The Academy of Light is blessed to have John Levine speak at it’s Monday Night Meeting, at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre whilst he is here in Sydney visiting family.

John will tell us of how he came to compose Alphamusic, the miracle and magic behind it and how it has been scientifically tested. Over 250,000 people world-wide use Levine’s Alphamusic to help cope with the symptoms of anxiety and stress

John will share with you the benefits to you, the listener, and how the sound works its magic to change your brainwave patterns to relieve symptoms of modern day living.
Symptoms including, thinking too much, worrying and stressful thoughts leading to adrenalin fatigue and how alpha music is a natural depression remedy.
Also John will tell you the purpose of recording some of the CDs (there are over 45 CDs now), how often you should listen to them and how quickly they will change your thinking, thereby changing your life.

Stress-related disorders are epidemic of our time. The Alphamusic of John Levine is a powerful brainwaves music that helped thousands around the globe suffering from insomnia, stress, depression, concentration problem, hyperactivity, night terrors and more. Over 250,000 people world-wide use Levine’s Alphamusic to help cope with the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

For more about John see his Website:

Eventbrite - John Levine In Australia

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

MONDAY, 29th August, 2016 – Vibrational Healing ~ Essences and Sound

Kaliana Rose

With Kaliana Raphael Rose ~ International Presenter

Vibrational Essences have a powerful part to play in these times as we reclaim our wholeness and multi-dimensional natures.

The Essences work in conjunction with Sound Healing ~ singing in the Universal Languages of Light. Kaliana is an international presenter teaching in Australia and overseas as a Mentor of the Divine University.

Join Kaliana this evening for a healing for your Heart through essences and songs.

Beginning in 1990 Kaliana was contacted by Archangel Raphael, the Ascended Master Melchizedek, the Divine Mother, Mary Magdalene & Jeshua and the Family of Light and commissioned to bring her “Rose of Raphael’ range of essences, codes and songs into Being.  This has taken her on an amazing journey of discovery over many years, encompassing personal and planetary healing, which she will share with you. 

The range of over 140 essences, codes and songs offer healing support for many aspects of life including: Conscious Conception – Pregnancy and Birth – Relationships – Empowered Sacred Feminine and Masculine energy – Embodiment of Christ Consciousness –  Chakra Balance – Endocrine and Hormonal health. 

Whilst in Sydney, Kaliana and her beloved Rama are also offering a Sound Healing Evening Weds 31st Aug and Sacred Union Weekend Seminar Sat 3rd  & Sun 4th Sept.

Website:  E:

Eventbrite - Vibrational Healing ~ Essences and Sound

*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

Soul Retrieval – Monday 15th August

Julia Smith and Christina Christou led a wonderful ceremony and judging by the comments from the people in the circle, a lot of people/souls chose to go to the Light.  One woman said she saw men, women and children go to the vortex that Julia had so loving prepared with a large Rose Quartz crystal and angelic symbols while Christina had made a strong shamanic centrepiece which added strenth to the vortex.   Two ladies said that they felt as though they had a couple of children peeping from behind their backs, before they were encouraged by others to go to the Light.

Christina with her strong Shamanic connections (she is taking people to the Amazon in two weeks..see her website for details ) opened the ceremony by taking us to a sacred cave in Uluru. In this meditation we were encouraged to open our hearts and then energised each of our chakras.  This was indeed a great preparation for what was to follow.

Julia with her beautiful Angelic connections called in Beings of Light and asked for four Archangels, one for each corner of the room.  Archangel Azrael, who came in with the lovely colour pearlescent cream for healing grief, Archangel Raphael with the colour green to ease any pain, Archangel Michael and the colour violet this time instead of blue as violet was to help them transform any negative energies and Archangel Chamael, and the colour gold for peace and comfort.  Then the Archangels and Angels were asked to walk amongst all the souls with the colour rays to ease their transition to raise them to their highest vibration posible.with those who wanted to be taken to the vortex and go to the Light.

The Academy wishes to thank both Christina and Julia and everyone who came for the Love of Service.


When John Levine rang me from London and said he was coming to Australia for a special family birthday and asked if John and I would have dinner with him, I couldn’t resist the temptation to ask him to speak to us about how the Angels helped him compose his incredible CD’s that have so many purposes as they take the brain from Beta to Alpha which has been proved.   We will have his CDs there on the night.  Some of which,  I am sure, you have never heard.

Now I find that we are in the Grand Hall which happens to have a grand piano in it.  I wonder if we can surprise John with it and ask him to play a little for us.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful!

August energy/Lion’s Gate from Nancy Valentine Smith

Clarity in this month, is to be clear within, holding no distractions of less than, better than, of any of the old stuff that keeps you in a loop. Being aware is enough to start the “unplugging” when it comes up. (In other words – no judgements)

Forgiveness – no longer being attached to the should and shouldn’t. Forgiveness is the big one, because it allows yourself to move on without any attachments to outcomes, to experiences. It brings in an opening of these portals of creation. (If you have trouble with forgiveness, just see how you have grown from the situation and then you can thank it – and then no forgiveness is needed only gratitude for what you have learnt….Rosemary).

Product of the Month. Perception – CLARITY – Pure Heart Mysts.

Perception - ClarityPure Heart Mysts are designed to be sprayed around your Auric Field and personal environment. Their botanic-based frequencies provide a number of benefits, including the balancing of emotions, the cleansing of energy patterns and the restoration of a state of Grace in the Higher Mind.

Clarity – Made of Pansy, Orchid, Datura and Rose Rugosa with Bergamot, Lime, Rose Geranium and Spruce oils it clears the Higher Mind and brings a vision of purpose and power. The Academy thought that this Myst would be very beneficial to use during Lion’s Gate period and the month of August. It comes in a beautiful glass bottle and costs $44 plus postage IN OUR ONLINE SHOP or is available on a Monday Night at Academy meetings.

Thought Of The Week

Inner silence engages the moment, mental chatter never finds it.

lake - stillness Michael Roads

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …

“I Am Peace, I Am Stillness”

Rosemary Butterworth - Michael's Messenger Rosemary Butterworth


Rainbow PizzaRainbows bring so much joy!  The thought of a gold pot at the end brings hope but even more importantly the spray of colour that appears in the sky uplifts our soul just by looking at it.

The same thing happens when we view the rainbow of food that appears on our plate!  When the food is fresh and colourful it stimulates our old factory and our taste buds allowing us to digest our food better creating a more healthy body all round. The brigh colours also brings our attention to what we are about to consume so that gratitude and mindfulness help with our overall feeling of wellbeing and once again digestion.

Here’s a great video from Bright Side with an idea on how to create a rainbow pizza.  Try it with the kids.  What vegetables would you use for your rainbow? Click here for some rainbow inspiration.


Upcoming Whale Dreaming:
in Magical Tonga!

ATTUNE Sound Healing Retreat

12-19 July, 2017

WD Ganesha copy

Immerse yourself in powerful Sound Medicine with Daniel Coates of Suntara.

Expand your connection to life and synchronicity. Surrender to the guided healing
journey to open your heart and find peace.
Suntara Sound Medicine
Held at the luxury, eco-conscious Mandala Resort in Vava’u, over the 7-night
program you will experience a blend of breathwork, toning, sounding and movement
to support your healing and assist you in manifesting your heart’s desire. You’ll learn
to free your voice to clear any obstacles in your path. You’ll also experience a mix of
yoga, meditation, time spent swimming with magnificent humpback whales and in
reflection, to help you reconnect to your natural rhythms and restore inner peace.
Limited to only 12 travellers (men and women), this profound retreat is one you
won’t want to miss. All deposits are needed by 1 September this year to secure our
beautiful venue.
Visit: for full details or contact Judith Cantor on
0402 257 655 or
Whale D Logo 2

RESTORE Sacred Women’s Retreat

22-29 July, 2017

WD restore copy
Join an intimate group of soul sisters at the lush Mandala Resort in Vava’u for 7
nights as we support each other on a nourishing, healing guided journey towards
standing in our power. Through a fully guided program of restorative yoga,
meditation, dance, shamanic healing practices and swimming alongside majestic
humpback whales and their calves, the opportunity is there for you to delve inwards
and rediscover your Divine femininity. To dive deep and restore. To surrender to
what arises and become your own Medicine Woman.
Together, your facilitators Natalya Joscelyne, Lisa Newton and Judith Cantor offer a
unique blend of healing and wisdom, creating a powerful and sacred space for you to
slow down and re-awaken.
To ensure the intimacy of this retreat, we are limited to welcoming only 12 guests.
We warmly invite you to be one of them. All deposits are needed by 1 September
this year to secure our exquisite venue.
Visit: for full details or contact Judith Cantor on
0402 257 655 or

View Flyer by clicking here.

Rose Of Raphael


Rama and I are excited to be invited to Sydney again to offer you our
Sound Healing Circle on Wednesday evening 31st August, (click here to view flyer) and Sacred Union Weekend Seminar on Saturday and Sunday 3rd & 4th September (click here to view flyer).
Kalina Raphael RoseWe are looking forward to working again in Sydney and anchoring the amazing gifts and frequencies from our journeys to Egypt and our European tour.
We would love you to join us.
Where: SoultoSoul Academy of Light Centre at Suite 4, 6-7 Gurrigal Street, Mosman.
Don’t forget I will also be giving a talk on Vibrational Healing for the Academy of Light
Monday evening 29th August at Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
Rose and Rama copy
For more information email or


heart of the earth



A women’s love arises from the Heart of the Earth. This is her womb place, her true place of belonging… Read more of the great Truth about the forgotten Sacredness of the Feminine in HEART OF THE EARTH, NURTURING THE SACRED FEMININE by clicking here.

Sophia is a wise woman who lives, writes and paints from the heart. Her prolific articles, paintings and illustrations embrace the inherent wildness, wisdom and beauty of the sacred feminine and Mother Earth. Acknowledged as a powerful and courageous writer, her creative inspirations feature in many international websites. Sophia’s website is an abundant offering of female heart wisdom that nurtures, supports and inspires. She is also the author and illustrator of two books, both of which are available from To find out more about Sophia go to

Sha's Golden Healing BallTao Healing, Rejuvenation & Longevity Retreat:

Become Happier, Beautiful & More Youthful

With Special Guest teacher Master David Lusch

Transform your life and discover your purpose and true self at a Tao Retreat. Learn sacred Tao wisdom for remarkable healing, graceful aging, loving relationships, vibrant health and total well-being. Experience how Tao practices can change your life.

Sept 1, 7:30pm Introductory Tao Healing Evening & Sept 2 – 6, Tao Retreat

Sept 7, ‘How I Healed my OCD’ special session with Master David Lusch

Sydney & Live Webcast

Register and receive a Free Guest Pass to bring a friend!

Email: or call 1300 3396815

For more information go to


To Leave this ‘False World’ and ‘Ascend’

 –You still need to find the Consciousness which brings PEACE to the World, as it is right now. For True Light to Override the Dark Light, you must do this Before the Planet’s Ascension Phase begins.
Either True Light or Dark Light will claim victory at the end of the cycle before it changes to Ascend.
You know the Dark Light still has control when the conflicts on this planet are still in play.  They are.
To leave the ‘false realm’ and Ascend, the consciousness you choose must override the Dark Light, before the planet changes.


A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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