
AOL Bulletin – 16th July 2014 – Life, Be In It!

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to Live Beyond Your Mind

FYI – Strengthen Yourself & Your Community

Everyone loves an INITIATION!

Don’t miss this one – Thursday 24th July at Mosman Arts and Community Centre – as it is the final initiation before Ekaterina returns to Russia.
It will be the ‘Sophia Initiation’ where the energy enters the human being as a ‘Globe of Light’ restoring the wholeness of the human being, marking the beginning of the new creative power for humanity.  Come and be renewed as your creative power and abundance is stimulated and strengthened. 

Madonna & ChildThe Sophia Energy is so exceptional that it has appeared only once in history in a masculine/feminine pairing in the ‘two fold’ unity of Madonna and Child.

This is a unique event and the Academy feels privelged to be able to put it on for you!  For more details see community announcements at the end of the newsletter.

International Peace Day 21 September

Sydney Peace DaySydney Peace Day Festival is being born to celebrate and create More Awareness in Australia of International Peace Day and this year it will be held at Bondi Pavilion.

The organisers need your help to get their Sydney Peace Festival up and running and of course make it successful!

They are looking for Sponsorship, CROWD FUNDING, helping hands, people to spread the word about the day & what they are planning and more.

Please go to to find out more about the day and pledge your support for as little as $15 and help them make this the BEST Peace Day Sydney has ever seen. Click here to view the flyer – print it out and spread the word!

 Yosemite Dreaming

Yosemite HD IISo you think you have a problem?  Is your mind going over and over it looking for an answer.  Make a cup of tea (pour a glass of water).  Sit down and turn on this YouTube of Yosemite and let it take you to the other side of the Universe.  When you come back after 5-6minutes you will be saying “What problem?”  It is really a beautiful open eyed meditation.  Be carried away.  Click here.

Thought Of The Day

Eileen Caddy Learn to live beyond the mind, even beyond the intuition, by raising your consciousness into another dimension, the dimension of the Spirit. Live and move and have your being in that dimension for in this state I can reveal My truths and wonders without anything getting in the way. You become a pure clear channel for Me to work in and through. For this is the time of revelation, when all the old shall fade away revealing the glorious New. …Guidance from Eileen Caddy

Affirmation – breathe deeply and say daily.

“Creating and receiving an infinite stream of prosperity with ease is now part of my reality. And so it is!”

Emmanuel Daher  Emmanuel Dagher (

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Monday, 14th was another delightful ‘family’ night with Valerie and John Barrow. Valerie’s latest book “Two Soulmates”, in which she shares her travels around the world to sacred places with husband John. These travels were responsible in unearthing the hidden aspects of the story of Magdalene, Jesus, the Pyramids, the Sacred Alcheringa Stone and the lives of the first humans, with the aid of the star people. During the evening Valerie and John told stories of how they found that they had been together in many lifetimes. They are indeed Soulmates.

The first person that arrived, told me he had come because he had just read the book and it was amazing. A wonderful testimonial. You can purchase Soulmates through the Academy (soon it will be on our website and you will be able to purchase it via PayPal) but in the meantime simply send an email and we will invoice you and you can do direct banking. $28.00 plus $10 postage.

We still have copies of Valerie’s best selling “Alcheringa” left – the remarkable story of the star people coming to this world in a star ship called the Rexagena. Valerie found that a number of people who came to her for past life regressions, where remarkably aboard that ship some 90,000 years ago. This is a fascinating read. $18.00 plus $10. Postage.

The Academy has come up with a couple of ideas which we want to share with you and upon reading them, if you can improve upon them or have other ideas please let us know either on (02) 99674425 or email

International Peace Day 2014The 21st September is WORLD PEACE DAY. Apparently, re have heard that England and European countries are very involved – but Australia, is sadly, not a participant so if you listen to Deborah Shepherd, KAren Swain and Susie’s video, in FYI, you can see and hear what they are proposing to do, which is wonderful but they need funding. 

The Academy’s ideas are twofold.

IDEA ONE. Why not a Walk For Peace on the 21st September. Why not call people to take a stand for Peace and walk from Bondi Junction Railway Station to the Bondi Pavilion.   When they arrive at the Beach, they could be asked to stand for 3 minutes in silence and gaze out across the ocean and send Love and Peace to the rest of the world. Then they can either have a picnic lunch with family on the beach or go into the Pavilion and join in the fun.

IDEA TWO. Get a beautiful quilt made with the word PEACE embroidered on it and hang it in the Pavilion on Peace Day. Hand out flyers to people to ask them to knit or crochet squares to make blankets. We have asked organisations where do we send them, and who could stitch them together. (If you know the answer already let us know) It will soon be very cold and the millions of refugees from Syria are still living in tents. It would be a wonderful thought if we could wrap them in peace and love from Australia this winter.

WE NEED YOU THOUGHTS. There is a need for the whole of the Academy community (and everyone else) to get involved. Perhaps you have a relation in a retirement village you could ask to knit and sew when the idea is fully formed.

So I look forward to hearing from you.

PLUS, I highly recommend a session with the team at Pure Energy Healing Centre in Darlinghurst!  I have just had my second crystal bed session and my walking stick is a thing of the past.  Feeling blessed with all the John of God energy!  Don’t forget John of God in Sydney in November!

Health – Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Water Splash Paul Dachary, a chiropracter in Mosman who practises the Reconnection (0414379237), insists that his clients drink at least 2 litres of water a day.  He says that you cannot count any sort of tea as part of the two litres.  It is absolutely essential to drink this water to assist the body to flush out toxins so the organs can function well.

After years of suffering headaches and poor digestion I spoke to a neurologist about my regular headaches and a nutritionist about my poor digestion and both told me that I should be drinking up to 3 litres a day for my body to functionat it best.“…Sarah Smith

So you choose whether you want to look and feel like a shrivelled up prune or be like Sarah who by drinking 3 litres of water a day took ten years of her appearance, not to mention how good she felt!  Click here to see Sarah’s before and after photos.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL WelcomeREMEMBER WE HAVE MOVED: We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 21st July 2014 at 7.30pm



Don’t miss this great start to your week …
Steven J Murphy, one of Australia’s most popular Numerologists is with us tonight to present an enlightened talk on the secrets of your birthdate. Steven creates a platform for communication with the audience that alludes to what may happen in the short and long term future. Based on the science of the number’s, and now in his 30th year with the study of Numerology, Steven intuitively connects to each person he reads for on the night.

Steven says, “the numbers that make up a birth date will only tell you so much”, the secret is in the listener’s voice that he intuitively tunes into to receive the real picture of where their life has been and where it’s heading. This technique also applies to the listener’s short and long term future.

Steven is best known as “The Numbers Man”. Steven’s skill with the interpretation of the numbers coupled with clairvoyance and study of astrology for over 30 years has delighted radio, television and live audiences across Australia.

Steven recently had Sydney Radio’s No.1 rating Saturday night Psychic show that ran for a staggering 11 years and 11 months an irony in that Steve’s own birthdate is also an 11. Also, Steven was a regular on TV’s “Mornings” for 9 years.

Contacts: Manager – Margaret email:

MONDAY, 28th July 2014 at 7.30pm

power of the gong - John Butterworth JOHN BUTTERWORTH AND MARC COTTEE  Marc Cottee

Our Sound nights are proving a wonderful success. As people turn up to lie down in the wonderful sacred geometry of the great hall and bliss out.

Although each sound night is facilitated by different masters of sound the effect on our bodies can be the same. The cells of our bodies tune in to beautiful sounds whether from dig gongs, drums, bowls, bells, voice and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed and CLEANSED & REJUVENATED.

Just as a piano tuner is called in to tune up a Steinway to keep it playing in tune with creation so our bodies need to be”tuned up” so that each organ of our body knows it is supported and loved, knows it’s place in the scheme of things and is in Oneness with all creation.

The Masters of Sound on this night are John and Marc bathe you in extraordinary sound through Marc’s virtuoso didgeridoo, and John’s gongs, Tibetan bowls & bells, chimes, rainstick and ocean drum.

Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.

Join us in the Great Hall at Mosman!
For more information on John and the Gongs go to


A Series of Seven Transformative Workshops

Colour By the Sea - Aura Soma Cover


with Renalda – Colour Harmony by the Sea

Understanding the difference between the life we desire to create and the life we actually manifest is based on knowing our inner reality.

I am running a series of transformative workshops for women aimed at integrating the soul and personality level through the various doorways of the self to encourage expansion into unified wholeness. When one feels whole and has an intimate understanding of the self, one has the capacity to fully engage and enjoy life and have intimate relationships.

The workshops are designed to promote the development and use of natural inner resources, such as intuition, imagination, insight as well as to heighten awareness of unique gifts and talents.

Aura-Soma essences are incorporated into each workshop to provide a fun, enlightening and transformative experience.

Please refer to my website for more detailed description of my workshops. Ph: 0414 526 211 or go to Facebook

Embrace Life Live Life Cammeray Embrace Life Live Life Festival

Come along and join us at your local Embrace Life, Live Life festival and find what you are looking for?

Your local wellness community festival is back again, and this year you will be receiving more!
Where: North Sydney Leagues Club, 12 Abbot St, Cammeray
Date:     Sunday 27th July
Time:    10am to 5.30pm
We have 14 workshops throughout the day covering yoga, nutrition, meditation, sound healing, ascension/enlightenment, and much more. 
Click here to view the flyer.  Spread the word.  Make a day of it and come with your friends! 
A trade hall full of wellness businesses specialising in crystals, vibrational essences, books, super foods, organic and handmade products, our stage will be brimming with more music and stage performances, opportunities to experience wellness treatments and to connect with one of our heartfelt readers, it is all coming alive this year, check out more details on

If you purchase your ticket online and before the day you get this for $12.00, or it is $15 on the day; 

We have secured special offers worth $12 from Australian NaturalCare and IKU Wholefoods, so effectively if you purchase your ticket today, you get in for FREE!

Festival of DreamsThe Festival of Dreams is a two day event connecting hearts and illuminating a new wave of dreaming at the renowned Hordern Pavilion on 23-24 August from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm.

Our International Guest is Lisa Williams Medium who will appear in an Exclusive show on the Saturday and Sunday. Lisa will be supported by the sacred sounds of Daniel Coates – Suntara. Buy your tickets for the Lisa Williams Exclusive show online. See why she is regarded as the best in her field. Be entertained, guided, inspired and witness validations of messages from the other side. This is an uplifting and empowering event we encourage you to experience.

Click here to see The Lisa Williams Show Flyer

Once you are in the Pavilion, you will have access to over 40 free workshops, performances and Exhibitors.

Our Dream Presenters include – Lia Scallon, Alana Fairchild, Harry T, Debbie Malone, Mark Anthony, Ann Joel, Sri Prahlada, Master Siou Foon Lee, Walter Mason, Soul Traveller Radio and more.

Website: email: Facebook:

Community Announcements

houseRoom for Rent

Unfurnished room with large built-in wardrobe, share with 58yr old male in 2 bed unit, Stanton Rd Mosman. Close to bus, shops and walk to Balmoral Beach. Shared balcony with partial water views.  Included Wi-Fi, Unlimited calls to national landlines & Fetch TV. ALDI has specials on bedroom furniture if you need. Prefer mature, spiritually  aware lady.  $230/wk plus share electricity.
Contact Warren   mob. 0412 264 594

Sophia Initiation

Presented by Ekaterina and Narelle Green
24th JULY, 2014
8.00pm (sharp)
If you have felt for most, or part of your life that there is something missing, something deep at the core of your being, and nothing in life has, until now, really been able to fulfil you. Then come and receive this extraordinary vibration of Love from the Sophia Energy. The Sophia Energy restores the essence of the eternal pairing of the Sacred Masculine/Feminine deep within the core of our being, stimulating and motivating our powers to co-create.
Ekaterina embodies the Sophia Energy her gift is to pass this energy on to you, though the key and codes that restore the wholeness of your Creator God powers. Ekaterina firstly initiates the Metatronic Energy preparing the body  with the  transforming energy of Archangel Metatron, rearranging the colours and sound frequencies of your energy field and light bodies to receive the higher frequencies of the Sophia Energy, with ease and grace. 
antahkarannaNarelle Green has spent considerable time with Ekaterina receiving the Metatronic and Sophia Initiation, and other initiations absorbing her knowledge and unique training.  Narelle is a master of Sacred Ceremony, a Colour Therapist and Energetic Healer. Through her knowledge of the language of colour she works with Ekaterina to build the Antahkarnna, the Rainbow Bridge to the soul bringing through the soul essence, preparing the way for the Sophia Initiation.   
Now is the Time to Receive – for only when the synergy of masculine/feminine is again united in its wholeness will human powers of creativity be released and the power handed to us to become powerful creators of our lives.
To book phone the Academy 9967 4425 or email:  Cost:  $30


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light.
The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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