
AOL Bulletin – 15th March, 2017 – Living It

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to ground yourself each day

F.Y.I. – Making It Real

The Friendship That Built a Forest

Jia Haixia and Jia WenqiThese two men in China show us that no obstacle is a match for the bond of friendship.
Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi have singlehandedly breathed life into eight acres of what was once rocky village land, turning it into a living forest with only two working hands and eyes between them.
Their mission, which started 14 years ago after Jia Haixia lost his eyesight during an accident at work, has resulted in over 10,000 new trees planted, which now protect the village from floods.

Click here to watch these amazing men and see what they achieved. Under 3 mins

 Grounding with the Fairies Meditation
Grounded Fairy Meditation

by Sarah Hall

 Grounding is the practice of rooting your spiritual energy into your physical body. Grounding is a skill that should be practiced regularly, especially after meditation, astral travel, shamanic journey, or intense energy work. Learning to ground is truly a cornerstone of living healthy and balanced on your spiritual path.   Come and be with Archangel Ariel and the Earth Elementals.  Click Here.  15 mins.

NOTE: As we have focussed on the very important issue of grounding for we feel at this time in creation it is essential we have given you two different grounding meditations for you to explore.  Grounding is something we should do every day to keep our energy flowing in our body and our vibrations high.  It you feel sometimes that you are living in a fog, being clumsy, or having difficulty getting out of bed or simply not present, it is time to ground and receive the love of Mother Earth.   We need to be strong, energised and peaceful……Rosemary

 Guided Meditation for Grounding

Grounding Meditationby Jeanine Sande

Guided Imagery and Meditation for being more present in your body and on the earth. Use this meditation before massage or other forms of healing, or to feel more empowered and more yourself. Click here to listen.
Note:  As you listen to this you will notice all the head chatter has stopped.  It will help you to become more aware and less anxious.  It is a powerful tool that can assist us.  Just 11 minutes to change the colour of your day………Rosemary

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested spceaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.

Finish time is 9.30pm.


Monday, 20th March, 2017


With Delphine Kuiken

Delphine WebsiteConnecting with the Source of your Being – accessing the Higher Dimensions of you

We are here to live in the human dimension. It is what we have chosen to do with purpose. While we are never detached from our Source, we ‘forget’ our attachment to this higher dimension in order to pursue a human life. From childhood we are taught and conditioned to seek information from outside ourselves; from books, leaders, belief systems. Many of us are aware that there is ‘something else’ greater than us but it is easier for us to accept information and follow processes created by others than to seek within and trust ourselves. So, in our pursuit to find the ‘big answers to life’ we turn to religions and the scholarly and the guidelines they have created. We readily accept and assume other people have the answers or greater wisdom but we resist accepting or understanding that all the knowledge we seek is within.
We are always connected to our Source/the Higher Dimension. The information we seek is always available to us. We need to trust this and be reminded of ways we have to receive it.
Delphine will introduce you to a couple of simple ways to reconnect to your higher source of information through writing and intuitive connection with the energy body. She will invite you to experience both of these on these evening.
Please bring paper and pen with you so you can participate in this session 
During her healing sessions, Delphine connects to her Higher Source and that of the client. Her healing sessions are very powerful providing healing, clairvoyance, higher guidance and clarity for clients. |
“I work with clients to help them heal themselves in connection with the Highest Source of all they are.”
Clients are also given some channelled written information to take with them after the session. Delphine is also a keen teacher for others who are interested in expanding their own intuitive clairvoyance and healing abilities and for this she offers regular and casual small group workshops and channelled meditation sessions.

Mobile: 0409 998 561

Eventbrite - DELPHINE – Accessing the Higher Dimensions of YOU

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Monday 27th March 2017

 NATURAL LAW – “Scaffolding the sense of connection” with Trevor Wie

Trevor Wie

The Original People’s awareness of both conscious and physical energies and their use of the full range of sense-abilities is one aspect of their highly effective harmonic social psychology system.
Trevor will outline some personal experiences with his daughter and other children highlighting effective means and right attitudes for modern societies to scaffold the full range of sense-abilities from early childhood. The experience he induced with daughter began in the womb.
The foundation for coping with the spiral of life begins in infancy and Trevor is currently working on a series of children’s books that include many attributes of Natural Law and the nature of existence, outlining aspects of the Original Peoples world-view, sensing energy, connection to energy and coping mechanisms.

About Trevor:
Trevor Wie is an adoptee-lineal to both Larakia and Gunwinggu Nations, NT. He is a gifted self-learned specialist in traditional First Nation social psychology, visual symbols, dreaming, dowsing both psychic and physical energy fields, and has a background in early childcare and mastered six other industries as an artist, administrator, inventor, motivator, mentor and ambassador of well-being and goodwill. He is currently authoring a series of children’s books that cover much of the Natural Law presentation session subjects at a children’s level. As a tour guide come life-guide he greets over 3000 visitors a year in Kakadu and western Arnhem Land and presents largely on First Nation social psychology.

Trevor’s Contacts:
0402 449 345

NOTE:  Trevor will be running a workshop at Jacaranda Haven on the 1st and 2nd April.  See Community Announcements to read more.

Eventbrite - NATURAL LAW – "Scaffolding the sense of connection" with Trevor Wie

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy with Ari Porter

 I was curious about the title PSYCH-K, was it a breakfast cereal for the mind ? Not really, but it is connected to the psychology of beliefs and how to change them. Jude explained that many beliefs are absorbed into our sub-conscious, especially during early childhood. The sub-conscious is much more powerful than the conscious in determining our belief systems, so although we may consciously desire something, fulfilling that desire will be blocked if there is a conflicting sub-conscious belief. An amusing analogy was the flea (conscious) believing he was in control riding the elephant ( sub-conscious) telling it where to go. Fortunately there is a way to change those beliefs using a techniques  a technique cleverly called “VAK To The Future”. Another acronym to crack – perhaps the old time travel movie with a Russian accent ? The Sub-conscious does not respond to logic like the Conscious, but can be accessed by connected through the senses – Visual Auditory Kinesthetic ( touch). We were kindly provided with guide sheets to help us work through our own example of how to link these to a desired belief statement.
But how do we know if our Sub-Conscious is blocking ? Fortunately, Kineseology or “muscle testing “ can provide the answer.  Then if it is blocked, how do we change it ? This is the “woo-woo” bit that is simple but profound.  By performing a set of simple exercises we can change the belief and “lock it in” to the Sub-Conscious. Jude gave a live demonstration with her husband Andrew, who wanted to learn to play the saxophone but had a limiting belief around his ability to learn.
We look forward to hearing the results when he starts lessons.

Contact Jude Mob. 0437 303 446

Thought Of The Week

Question MarkQuestion : When was the last time you did something for the first time?

  • – Jennifer Mclean, Healing with the Masters.

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it …

meditation-gmarksI AM healthy and whole.  I Am connected to All That Is.  …..Rosemary

HEALTH TIP – How Forests Heal People

Healing ForestsForests are known to have great healing properties. As humans, we have evolved in nature. It’s where we feel most comfortable. It has been scientifically proven that when we spend time in nature, our brain behaves differently. It affects how we feel and think, which has a direct impact on our immunity and healing powers.
Countries like South Korea and Japan have designated healing forests. Forests that one can go to find calm, balance and good health. Forests that help people recover, relax and revive.

Learn more by watching this video. Just over 4 mins

Click here to read more.




knights-templar Date: 23st April – to – 12th May 2017 (20 days- approx dates)


with Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles

The Knights Templar route across Europe from France to Jerusalem is a mystical, spiritual journey.

The first Christian Crusade left from Vezelay, France. Thousands of Knights were killed. A band of women, seeing the loss of their men folk, formed the Sisterhood of the Rose, a healing order whose crafts included the skilled use of flowers, herbs, plants and crystals.

Our intention is to draw together those who would take the adventurous and sacred journey of the Knights and the Healing Sisterhood of the Rose across Europe – from France, across the islands of the Mediterranean to Acre in the North of Israel and on to Jerusalem.

We visit the relics of Mary Magdalene authenticated by Rome in Provence.

This is a sacred journey requiring spirit and courage. Are you ready to join us on what will be our 23rd and last Sacred Sites journey?

CONTACTS: FACEBOOK: Sacred Sites Tour page Ph: +61 755450414


Hummingbird HealingBridge of Rainbow Light

Sacred Connection Journey

13-18 May 2017

Is your heart calling you to connect deeply with the Earth, the Star Ancestors and the purity of sacred sites? There’s been a deep calling for many of us to be physically present in sacred sites, sharing our energy and reconnecting to truths that are stored within the Earth.

This magical journey is a sacred gathering of only 8 women (including me), where we work with the Star Ancestors to restore unity, connection, wisdom and truth within each of us. We’ll gather with great respect for the sacred sites of Uluru and Kata Tjuta, and attune to the teachings they have to offer us. It is so much more than just a sight-seeing journey. The sacred healing container is already activated and will support you in recalibrating your vibration long before we depart. It’s a hugely transformational experience, that aligns multi-dimensional truths with ancient Earth wisdom. We’ll attune to and activate new codes of Unity Consciousness and re-pattern our energy bodies to carry this out into the world.

This year, we’ll also view and experience an amazing art installation – Field of Light, by artist Bruce Munro. Set outdoors in the desert surrounding Uluru, this vast vision was created from thousands of coloured glass spheres that illuminate at night, creating a beautiful, almost electric connection.

If you feel drawn to join us, I’d love to hear from you! There are currently only a few places left, so please be in touch soon. All the details are here:, or call me, Belinda Pate-Macdonald, on 0418961388.

About Belinda:

Belinda Pate-Macdonald is a Sacred Soul Alchemist, Author, Teacher, Channel and Retreat Facilitator for awakened hearts who want to truly embody their soul purpose, and share their multi-dimensional gifts through a life of possibility.

Belinda has an innate ability to bridge the spaces between dimensions, activating the holographic aspects of your expanded soul light. She is well known for her gift of guiding others into awakening their Divine Resources, and bringing them into active alignment with their everyday world.

As a heart-centered spiritual teacher, speaker and workshop leader, Belinda has shared the international stage with many luminaries and helped thousands of people remember their unique, amazing gifts and align their soul’s journey with their Divine truth.



1ST & 2ND APRIL, 2017.

Day 1 – NATURAL LAW  – The Sydney of Natural Law which gave rise to the highly effective and harmonic social system of the Original People. Wellbeing & Goodwill – balancing the Ego, the importance of the full range sense-abilities beyond the five waking senses and much more.$50

Day 2 Intuitive Sensing. The Original peoplies used their full range of sense-abilities and were able to detect disharmonic frequencies and therefore readily avoid them.  Click Here to read more about this wonderful weekend, where it is and how to register. $35

You can meet Trevor at the Academy on the 27th March and you will be able to appreciate what wisdom Trevor has to offer.  See Event above.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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