
AOL Bulletin – 15th February, 2017 – Energy Abounds

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to smile often

F.Y.I. Helping Us Grow 
Wayne Dyer

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.
Listen to Wayne Dyer as he talks about the wisdom of the Tao te Ching and how live an inspired life, changing the lives of others without the need for the ego to take control and take credit.

Click here to listen to this inspiring talk 

 The Man who saved a million brains:
Professor Creswell Eastman’s pioneering work with Iodine Deficiency Disorder

Creswell EastmanProfessor Creswell (Cres) Eastman has led projects to abolish Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) throughout the developing world.
Children born to mothers deficient in iodine can suffer a range of defects including mental retardation, deafness, and speech and physical impairments.  Over the past decades, Cres and his teams have been effective in Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, China and Tibet.  His transformative work with populations in remote areas of China led him to be dubbed ‘the man who saved a million brains’.
During his first visits to Tibet, Cres discovered that 13 per cent of the population were born with cretinism as the result of iodine deficiency.
Cres has started programs in central Australia to get iodine and folate given to all Indigenous pregnant women.
Professor Creswell is interviewed here by Richard Vidler on ABC radio – 50 min audiowell worth being enlightened on how important it is to use iodised salt. To hear more, click here:

P.S.  If short of time, listen to the first 15-20 minutes and save the rest to another night.  It is very important information…Rosemary

Cocreating Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance
Meditation with Patricia Cota Robles – Published on Jan 27, 2017 

Patricia Cote RoblesYou will find this really helpful to recalibrate your brain to accept higher energies of Light such as energies coming from the 5th Dimension.
I was told about a year ago to fill the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal with Light in sessions with people but hadn’t realised why and the importance of this until I listened to this meditation.  Thank you Patricia.   Video 20 minutes.  Click Here

On the 20th February, at the Academy meeting Rosemary will bring the Light into your brain to recalibrate all its organs so you can absorb easily the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested spceaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.

Finish time is 9.30pm.


MONDAY, 20th February, 2017

with Julia Smith and Rosemary Butterworth
Swords of Light Julia SmithAnother multi-dimensional night!
Come and experience what it feels like to be in a higher vibration
A night of fun and delight as Julia Smith uses her 5th dimensional Swords of Light and her Crystal Harp, while Rosemary clears your chakras and your thought forms and helps you to stay open to receive. So why not experience what it feels like to be in a higher vibration. This makes it easier for you to choose; where do I want to be – in the 3rd dimension with the collective consciousness or on the path to Ascension.
When we first hear of Ascension, we may think of it as going up in a lift. The door opens, we hop in, press the button and we are on our way up to Source. But is it that simple? In Truth, it is a bit like learning Mathematics. There are only 9 numbers and a 0 but it is the configuration of these numbers we need to experience and the changes they bring into our lives. The Maths we learn in Primary School is very basic to the ones we have to deal with in High School or University and yet, they are the same 9 numbers. The expansion and use of these numbers bring very different meanings into our lives.
As we ascend (increase our vibrations) our minds expand and with it our energy fields, to include other realities. We learn to see things differently. Enjoy the expansion. It really is an amazing Universe.

Eventbrite - Overself Awakening - with Julia Smith and Rosemary Butterworth

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event

MONDAY, 27th February, 2017

 Nancy Valentine SmithMary’s Lineage” – Divine Feminine With Nancy Valentine
During this incredible evening we will be receiving Activations and Codes of “Mary’s Lineage” – Divine Feminine.
We will be connecting, receiving and understanding the Wisdom of Ancestral Mothers within us and how we can access this to assist us at this time.
We will receive through Nancy:

Activations of our Multi Dimensional/ Verses Selves. As we have more than one Higher Self/Higher Aspect, we will experience the connection to these Parts of Self. 

  • Activations on strengthening our fields to hold and receive LOVE to assist the bigger plays of Change.

We are truly blessed to attend an evening with Nancy, receiving and participating in our renewal and transformation.
Nancy Says: The world stage and it’s dramas are unfolding quickly.  There are many things happening at this time that carry the tone of an older order crumbling.  We have said many times before that 2017-2020 is a time of major transformation and transmutation.
We continue to be grateful to have Nancy as a regular presenter at the Academy.
For those who don’t know Nancy … Nancy works with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques and is here to help us on our Journey of Divine Self Realisation.
Nancy is a facilitator who spent her childhood learning in the different Spiritual realms. She accesses the Spiritual World easily and was taught by many different beings such as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, the Sirian Council, the Council of Elders, the Elemental & Inner Earth Keepers, and many more. Nancy also has access the chambers and Halls of the Akashic Records, Nancy will retrieve books and manuscripts when appropriate, to assist many people on their Journey of Divine Self Realisation. Working with Quantum Healing and multi-dimensional realities, Nancy is an Oracle, using Shamanic and Alchemical techniques.
Over the years, Nancy has continuously received upgrades from the many levels of the Spiritual Realms, of what she received in her learnings as a child. Nancy currently facilitates © Awakening Through The Heart Workshops, Sacred Song Energetic Healings, readings by phone and Skype, and Meditation/Activation classes.

Nancy’s contacts:

 Eventbrite - “Mary’s Lineage” – Divine Feminine with Nancy Valentine Smith

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth & Warren Mitchell

Another full house.  I think Peggy had to sit on the table as there was no more room for chairs.  It was all for Trevor Wie.
Trevor Wie provided us with an interesting insight into Natural Law, and explained the difference between Natural Lore and Natural Law. Natural Lore are the stories of the different native cultures around the World, and the stories contain the Natural Law. The Lore / stories have local variations, but the Law is the Truth and does not change.
Natural Law is derived from the use of the full range of sense-abilities and not just the five waking senses. He took us through a brief overview of the meaning of some of the Aboriginal counting and symbols. Interesting difference in the way to view simple arithmetic, eg. 1 + 2 = 3 .  In addition to the numeric outcome of 5 , they also recognize the energy of the “three making”.  Trevor  also teaches dowsing as part of this understanding, where the dowsing is remembering  how to use the body to feel the energy of surroundings. We think Trevor has a wonderful message to share and if you would like to know more and join his workshops see his Natural Law page on Facebook, with the green circle  “YourStory”  logo ( attached below) .
One other important thing Trevor mentioned is that when you get told that something happened in a past life and could be affecting you in the present, don’t go into the story and give it more energy.  He said, simply cut it off, detach yourself from it as it may be true or it may not.  Either way, simply make a cut and eliminate it from your energy.
I laughed when he said, you could do maths white man’s way or Aboriginal way which is quicker then you have time for more ice cream.
All in all it was a wonderful night.

Our Story Trevor Wie

Trevor Wie is an adoptee-lineal to both Larakia and Gunwinggu Nations, NT. He is a gifted self-learned specialist in traditional First Nation social psychology, visual symbols, dreaming, dowsing both psychic and physical energy fields, and has a background in early childcare and mastered six other industries as an artist, administrator, inventor, motivator, mentor and ambassador of well-being and goodwill. He is currently authoring a series of children’s books that cover much of the Natural Law presentation session subjects at a children’s level. As a tour guide come life-guide he greets over 3000 visitors a year in Kakadu and western Arnhem Land and presents largely on First Nation social psychology.

Thought Of The Week

 TransformationWhen going through a transmutation, transformation time it is possible to ask to be placed into an Intergration Chamber at night, while you sleep. Asking this from your higher self or whoever you align with – Ocha

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it …

 Freedom“The magic that I seek is held within and I choose to set my spirit free. I now love myself unconditionally.”…Christina Christou

HEALTH TIP –20 ways to help you detox the body

Earthie Mama Are you feeling sluggish? Do you have blemishes on your skin? Do you feel bloated or is your digestive system wreaking havoc on you? If so, it is time to rid your body of environmental pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, radiation, plastics and GMO foods, while bringing your body back to a place of balance. When toxins accumulate in the body this can leave you feeling tired, irritable, depressed, bloated and carrying excess weight. The onslaught of toxins being poured into our air, water and soil has undoubtedly effected our health. Now it is time to live a life of purifying the body.

Here are 20 ways that you can your body detox.

Click Here to read further.


Hello Heart – Workshop in Heart Awareness

Heart To Heart
Saturday 25 February 2017 10am – 12pm
Yeo Street, Neutral Bay
Tickets via eventbrite:
Shining solo $30
Co-create Combo (bring a friend) $50
Join Lisa Fischer, the bubbly creator of the online happiness space ‘The Happy Heart’ in a 2-hour workshop on opening to your Heart Awareness.Becoming heart aware means learning to tap into the physical and energetic fields of your heart space, trust your hearts intuition implicitly, and be led by its pure, guiding voice in all you do to create a life of joy and abundance.This workshop is designed to help you identify what aspects of your life could use a little bit more heart, help you commit to making lasting change, and provide you with practical tools to shift your consciousness to a space of love.Shining Solo or Co-Create Combo tickets available now!The Happy Heart was created to support the awakening of love consciousness. Lisa is a bubbly beacon of light and passionate thought leader in heart awareness. She has an uncanny knack at connecting people, raising vibrations, and making just about anyone feel spirited, supported and at ease. You can sign up to Lisa’s mailing list for weekly love letters and a co-evolution revolution!Follow / Subscribe to The Happy Heart:
instagram: @_thehappyheart_
facebook: /thehappyhearthq

 Awakening the power of the womb

With Michelle McGrath & Natalie Zukerman

 Dates: Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March 2017

The Time: 9:45am – 5pm each day
The Place (full address): The Barn, 3C Avenue Rd, Mosman, NSW 2088
Cost $495 (participants will receive a mini bottle of Womb Alchemical Oil)

Only the womb has the power to heal the world. When we heal our womb story, we heal our world story.  Are you feeling blocked or stuck in any area of your life? Do you yearn to transform your relationships, ignite your lust for life, feel at home in your body and increase your creative flow? Awakening your womb involves releasing and clearing this sacred space, which leads to more creativity, love, passion, peace and clarity. When you feel secure, trusting of life and are comfortable in your own skin you can’t help but experience transformation. The process of Womb Awakening brings the masculine and feminine energies back into balanced sacred union and creates a necessary foundation for our next evolutionary shift. The womb is the mystery of all mystery schools, the sacred portal from where you create everything. Join us for a transformational weekend experience as we claim the power within.  For more information and to book your place go to:



knights-templar Date: 23st April – to – 12th May 2017 (20 days- approx dates)


with Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles

The Knights Templar route across Europe from France to Jerusalem is a mystical, spiritual journey.

The first Christian Crusade left from Vezelay, France. Thousands of Knights were killed. A band of women, seeing the loss of their men folk, formed the Sisterhood of the Rose, a healing order whose crafts included the skilled use of flowers, herbs, plants and crystals.

Our intention is to draw together those who would take the adventurous and sacred journey of the Knights and the Healing Sisterhood of the Rose across Europe – from France, across the islands of the Mediterranean to Acre in the North of Israel and on to Jerusalem.

We visit the relics of Mary Magdalene authenticated by Rome in Provence.

This is a sacred journey requiring spirit and courage. Are you ready to join us on what will be our 23rd and last Sacred Sites journey?

CONTACTS: FACEBOOK: Sacred Sites Tour page Ph: +61 755450414


A gentle, open Workshop & Practice to take you to a different level of mindful awareness in a group setting.  Open to both new and existing meditators, RA will support and benefit your practice through cultivating an awareness of the dynamic and dependently arisen nature of your memory processes that occur in the present moment.
RA Meditation Workshop & Practice
Sunday 26 February, 2017
1 x 2½ hr Meditation Workshop, followed by
Monday nights 06 – 27 March, 2017
4 x 1½ hr Practice Nights
Well for Life
Suite 2/35 Hume Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Cost: $108.00 conc., and early bird until 19/02
$120.00 after 19/02
To Book Online: “Recollective Awareness:  Meditation Workshop & Practice”
For information and to Register: 
C: Wendy Rose-Williams, Cert. M.F.
M: 0411 152 126

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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