
AOL Bulletin : 15th April 2020 – Finding Inspiration

Previous event:
Sacred Sound Bath On Facebook Live

Paulien Gort and Matthew James teamed up again to create a unique sound healing experience in cyber space – as we launch into another week of lockdown in Australia. 
We enjoyed listening to the magical healing sounds of Paulien’s alchemy crystal singing bowls, shamanic drum, gongs and monochord accompanied by Matthew’s didgeridoo, native American flute, and tongue drum.
The deep vibrations of the didgeridoo instantly connected me to the beating heart of mother earth – while the crystal singing bowls helped me to access higher waves of consciousness.
The beauty of sound baths is that everyone has their own personal experience. One of the participants said that the gongs evoked impressions of cathedral bells, tidal waves and alien space ships. Another said she felt as if helicopters were hovering above her. 
Sound baths are a powerful way to ease into deep meditative states conducive to healing, boosting our immune system. They also help to elevate our consciousness, which is much needed during this period of time.
One of Paulien’s personal favourites in her impressive ollection of instruments is the Sedna gong, which assists to alleviate pain in the body and pain from past lives. It also helps to open us to new paradigms and non-duality, and bring our collective psyche into balance during times of a major shift.
Matthew James is a talented Australian musician, who began performing as a street busker. He has been using sound and harmonic frequencies for healing, performing at yoga and meditation events. Matthew can be contacted at
Paulien Gort is a professional Sound Healer, performing regular Sound Baths in Sydney and online. Paulien also incorporates sound in her Family Constellations workshops. For a private online Sound Healing or private online Constellation session, you can contact Paulien at

Written by Eva Burbury

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 6th April 2020 Jason Snaddon : The Abundance Activator

What is true Abundance at this time of great change!
Jason’s spiritual & personal growth journey started in 2005 when he learnt that our focus creates our reality and the power of intention especially when it is created from a state of presence. He became really aware of how much he had been focusing on what he did not want so he got clear on what he truly wanted, from his own truth. It was then that he also learnt about intuition and harnessing the spiritual laws of attraction, through presence.
Taking what he had learnt, Jason founded Love Property, a successful real estate business which built significant wealth, running this business from a very conscious and spiritual perspective. 
After losing his Mum to cancer in 2014, he began exploring his greater purpose, and his truth at a deeper level.
What has unfolded is a uniquely powerful ability to channel, to shift energetic blocks and to activate abundance that is inherently within all of us.
Jason teaches that we all have the opportunity to contribute to a collective shift in consciousness which is very much underway. Jason will discuss what is true abundance.
He will share tools to keep your vibration high and the opportunities that are available to us through this time. 
And he will lead you on a guided channeled activating meditation to help you stay centred and in your power and create space for you to receive your own download.
Please have pen paper and water with you for this session.

Monday 11th May 2020 Ocha Online : The Message of Covid-19

The Great Change that has been anticipated for decades has arrived as humanity is reeling with the impacts of unprecedented droughts, fires, floods and now the effects of the tiniest of tiny biological entities, a virus. These are all a phenomena of Nature through the elements and our microscopic world, which the Mamos of Columbia call “our Elder Brothers,” because they were here a long, long time before we arrived.
Ocha will explain how these are messages from the Earth to humanity to redirect their free will to what it has always been intended to be used for ~ to maintain the Great Balance on Earth ~ and to step into our limitless power of love, light and creation to serve all life equally. Whatever and whoever seems to be the cause of these catastrophes on the outside is really a reflection of what we as a collective are holding on the inside. And we each have a key for this.
Ocha will then lead a meditation, with the assistance of the Earth portals, to ground and illuminate our body of light to strengthen our resilience and bring peace to the mind.
Ocha assists others to connect to their true essence and find their place of belonging through her courses, Opening to Earth, the Sydney Portals Program and Self Mastery. She also offers personal healing sessions, Akashic Healing and Earth Heart Axis Restoration. She is also a Mentor of the Divine University.

This event will be on Zoom.  Details will be sent upon registration.

FYI – Andrea Bocelli Performs Music for Hope Concert Meditators on 4th April 2020

Sit back, close your eyes and be transported to heaven with the voice of Andrea Bocelli singing in the empty but magestic Duomo Catherdral in Milan on Easter Sunday 2020.   This performance represented a message of love, healing and hope. Wait for his beautiful rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ at the end.  Enjoy.

Click here to listen.  Just under 25 mins

Family Lockdown Boogie

As we are getting further into social distancing life getting a little bit tedious, we need to keep our energy high.  Humour is definately a way to make us feel better in a time where the future is uncertain and we need some uplifting. We hope this video cheers you up and makes you laugh.

Click here to laugh.  Less than 4 mins 

Thought of the Week

It is not joy that makes us grateful.  It is gratitude that makes us joyful.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I find opportunities to be kind and caring everywhere I look.

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A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
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The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.