
AOL Bulletin – 15th April 2015 – New perspectives

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind to value yourself

FYI –  Change your perspective


What Door Would You ChooseWhat door would you go through?  The door marked Beautiful or the door marked Average ? Many women around the world were faced with that choice.  Watch and see.  It made me cry to think that women think so little of themselves.  Perhaps it took an advertising agency to show them that they need to change their perspective.

Click here to watch this eye opening video.

Kindergarten Garden

Sustainablilty KindergartenImagine a school that teaches its students sustainability and gardening.  Wouldn’t it just be a wonderful way for our children to learn how to honour our earth and to live more sustainably?  A kindergarten in Vietnam is doing just that.

Click here to learn more about this amazing school.

 Water – Just a liquid or much, much more

Water ImageThe Stuttgart Aerospace Center accidentally discovers some very interesting things about water and consciousness. This is one of many experiments which indicates that what a great impact individuals can have on water.  What else is possible ?

Click here to learn about this intriguing findings.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 20th April 2015 at 7.30pm

Keys to the Homecoming

Creating Rainbows by Vicki O'LearyVicki O’Leary

(Channelling Universal Subconsciousness)

Last month we were ‘finding OUR way’, finding the uniqueness of our spirit and no longer needing to rely on the crutches of the past.

This month, we are being given more explicit ‘go to’ steps on how to activate, not our desires or dreams, but our real knowings.
The knowings that are far grander and more diverse, knowings that come direct from the depths of our soul, as we immortalise the spirit and it sings
with its own symphony and brings us to full realisation of the most amazing remarkable and eternal being that we are.
This is our night and not to be missed. We are calling it the homecoming!

On this night we will be receiving specific instructions:

  • keys to your own enlightened path – unique to you and of
    this we are sure so what makes this different to every other message and channelling and experience of the light that you have heard is that
  • you are the driver and we are explicit in this, you are the driver and we are only here to bring you access to the information that you already know. We are, if you like, the traffic warden and are standing and giving way as you find your way. This is the magnificence of the free will of the human spirit and the free will of your being to evolve in exactly the great and divine way in which it will. Anything other than this would be a trampling on the divine love of the immortal.
  • You are unique and you have the knowings. We are giving you the platform from which to proceed in your own divine wisdom…
    SO IT IS. Love blessings and much awakening – Universal Subconscious (US) …

Vicki OLeary-Channelling Universal SubconsciousVicki’s Contacts: M: 0410.297 627 E:

 MONDAY, 27th April 2015 at 7.30pm

 “The Power of Service & how it affects your life.”


The Teaching of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha with Master Robyn Rice

Join Master Robyn Rice for a teaching on service at the Academy of Light. Learn how serving others can bring true happiness in every aspect of life, and how selfless service are true qualities of the Tao. After this evening you will have a deeper understanding of the power of service and a clear direction for the future. Master Robyn’s example and experiences on this subject will leave your soul feeling uplifted and your heart enlightened. Through service we can change any aspect of our own life and the lives of those around us and inspire others to want to bring about a better world.

Master Robyn is a disciple and worldwide representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Divine Channel, Divine Master Soul Healer, Direct Soul Communicator, Animal Healer & Whisperer, and healthcare professional.

Contact: Carol Liu
Email: Phone: 0455.377 455


Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Magic happened last Monday Night.  The energy was very high as we all sat in a circle and Juliet Martine closed her eyes.  Unbeknownst to Juliet, Spirit was about to come through.  We waited as Juliet allowed Spirit to speak, she wasn’t used to doing this.   It seems that we, that is, members of The Academy of Light were responsible for calling through Spirit.   Spirit was dancing with delight at our Light and energy that was present.  It appears that we are definitely a multi-dimensional organisation.  What fun!

Monday Night was part of Juliet’s series of talks and our topic for the night was “Using the Power of the Group to Manifest”.  Spirit spoke to us about this and said that each of us present that night had 50 beings supporting us manifesting.  So that made approximately 1,500 beings present that could focus on the power of manifestation.   Wow!  The night really was buzzing.

Now came the exciting part.  When Juliet came back to herself, she asked us what would we like to focus on.  I spoke up and said why not use the power to focus on the Academy.  We could have a house, with a library and coffee shop, healing rooms, workshop space, wages for more staff, the list was endless, it was such fun because there were no limits.  And so, by the end of the night it was decided.  When Juliet comes back on May 25th,  she will facilitate the group manifesting for the Academy.

I wouldn’t miss it for the world, would you?

Thank you Juliette for the inspirational evening on group manifestation on Monday night.  I’m so excited about Rosemary’s idea to manifest a special place for The Academy to call ‘home’.  Let’s all tune into our hearts & ask what we would love to experience at The Academy in the years to come.  What does the space look like?  Is it a house or other dedicated space?  Gather your thoughts, feelings & ideas around this & we will get together in the coming weeks to share our ideas & come up with a detailed common goal so we can manifest it as a group.  Tracie Allan


Thought Of The Week

Releasing the past takes a willingness to let go of being right or being wronged.  When you wave good-bye to what was, with lightness and clarity, you are then in a better place to create a bright future.

…  don Miguel Kuiz Jr.


“I let go of all my stories about myself and explore the new world
of opportunities that is available to me.”

…  Self-love Cards  Michelle McGrath, Sacred Self – Self Love Cards

Health – Comes from good, fresh food.

Pumpkin Scones by Teresa Cutter the Healthy Chef

Pumpkin Scones - Teresa CutterI also believe that a healthy diet must also be a delicious one.

This is my secret recipe for pumpkin scones that you’ll absolutely love. I would recommend roasting 1 large pumpkin so that you can also use it to make a variety of meals such as a warming pumpkin soup.  There is a secret to making perfect scones – it all depends on how you combine and handle your dough.  For recipe and to read more click here



A New Zenith Awakens in our Consciousness

Saturday 25th April

Jumping for JOY

Zenith being the point at which something is most powerful or the point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer. From the ashes of the past awaken a new beginning…

5 hours of indepth channeling from Universal Subconscious.

Bringing divine wisdom through onto the earth plane on this commemorative day in Australia. The workshop will be fresh, lively and up to date with the latest information on quantum physics, biology of the mind and neuroscience. It is time to change and the information you will receive on this in-depth day will be outside your current existence and key to bringing a new reality into fruition.

Date: Saturday 25th April
Cost: $100 per person including morning tea. Please bring your own lunch.
Time: 10am -3pm
Location: The Swedenborg Centre Avon Road North Ryde

For bookings please contact Vicki O’Leary on or register with eventbrite at

Community Announcements

 Co-Creation Thetahealing are in the Finals of the Australian Trust
Awards 2015. 

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce that we have  made it through to the finals of the Australian Trust Awards 2015! For  everyone who has voted for us already would like send out a HUGE thank you for your generous support! We greatly appreciate it.

To win we still need your vote so if you have not voted yet – we encourage you to do so and your support is greatly appreciated.  To vote simply click on the link below – it only takes a few seconds to do so.

The Australian Trust Awards is a celebration of the most trusted, respected, and loved businesses in Australia- voted for by the public, these are the businesses you know you can trust!

This is a huge step forward for Thetahealing and spirituality in Australia and Thank you for being a part of it.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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