
AOL Bulletin – 14th October, 2015 – Illuminate Pathways

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us we are the Light of the world.

FYI – Creating New Pathways

You Can Grow New Brain Cells

Sandrine ThuretNeuroscientist Sandrine Thuret tells us that you are never too old to grow new neural pathways and she tells us what will help.  Follow the positive options and use the power of intention and see what happens.  We are told that we only use a small amount of our brains.  Lets use more!  View Sandrine TED talk here.

Detoxing the City Brain through Nature

Detoxing the City Brain through NatureReinforcing what Sandrine Thuret was suggesting is this article by Adam Collet on the Uplift site. 

Nature has been shown to improve cognitive function, physical health, and overall mental health so much so that scientists invented a phrase to describe the phenomenon (that would be ‘ecotherapy’).

So while it’s clear that getting outdoors is good for our brains, new research is suggesting that even looking at images of nature can improve our mental wellbeing. In one recent study, subjects who spent their 40 second ‘micro-breaks’ staring at computerized images of a green roof – compared to a regular city roof – performed notably better on attention and memory exercises.

Click here to read Detoxing the City Brain through Nature.

The Maharishi Effect

the Maharishi EffectDo you believe that a small group of people sitting cross legged, eyes closed, awareness focused completely inwards…
Can in that moment manifest stunning change in the world around them?
I know this seems to bend the laws of physics and probability.
But nearly 50 scientific studies have verified the phenomenon known as the Maharishi Effect:
The observation that the focused consciousness of just a few people tapping into the unified field of reality… can create observable change in billions of others.
Groups of meditators have been reported to harness the Maharishi Effect not just to spark individual transformation in each participant…
But also to reverse crime rates…
Boost quality of life in entire cities…
And even to quell international conflict.
The Maharishi Effect is fascinating proof that collective consciousness and the unified field are both REAL and POWERFUL phenomenons!

See what you think and join The Project:Yourself Maharishi Experiment.  It’s happening today in the US so plenty of time to join in if you’d like.  Click here to join.

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on to Terri and Marilyn for this week’s FYI.

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 19th October 2015 at 7.30pm

Jason SnaddonAdvance your Abundance

Jason Snaddon

As promised Jason Snaddon is back speaking to the Academy.
Jason is going to share with you how he has created abundance in his life and give you all an experience of tapping into your own intuition/your higher self, your genius to support yourself and others to do the same and leave the evening with a strong focus on what is true for you and what is waiting there for you to create.
Jason is an Abundance Advocate he has been studying and practicing the law of attraction principals for over 10years. Abundance is not just about financial wealth it is living a life that is in line with your purpose that is fulfilling, healthy and joy filled, He has helped hundreds invest strategically in property through his successful property business Love Property he also works with groups and individuals to create Abundance in their lives.

MONDAY, 26th October 2015 at 7.30pm

Simon Wing-Lun

Unconditional Love Healing

Simon Wing-Lun

Why love is the ultimate healing power – it is in love we embrace our truly unlimited spiritual selves.

Simon will be sharing the principles of how you can create truly unlimited healing in your health, emotions, relationships, abundance and every area of your life through unconditional love. Plus guiding you to experience some deeply healing meditations to start creating healing within your own life.

You create your own reality. Change your beliefs and vibration and change your life. You may have heard it a million times. 

Yet how can you actually create deep healing and change with the issues in your life that are the most significant, and fully embrace the infinite healing power within you?

In my journey practicing and teaching spiritual healing I learned many powerful methods, but what I found actually creates all healing on the deepest level is love. Unconditional love. It’s through learning to be unconditionally loving on every level of our being, emotionally, spiritually, and physically that we can release the core fears and resistance to love that creates all stress, pain, disease and difficulty in life. And it is in love we embrace our truly unlimited spiritual selves.

Simon is the creator of the Unconditional Love Healing process, a simple and profoundly powerful process for creating unlimited transformation through unconditional love. His passion is living and teaching the principles of unconditional love, and helping people create deep healing through the infinite power of love within us all. 

Simon lives every day with a simple practice and approach of unconditional love: Love everything. Act on your highest joy. Choose the beliefs and consciousness you prefer. Embrace your emotions with love. Be your most authentic self. Be unconditionally allowing of all choices. Know you are an infinite and eternal being.

Mobile: 0466 412 849    Website:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Well we have had a first Q@A and what a wonderful night it turned out to be.  A big thank you to Rebecca Brown, SoultoSoul Healing, and Julia Smith, Inner Tranquillity & Peace, who joined me.  It was a large turnout and so many people brought their questions.  One of which was – What is it like to live in the 5th dimension? Rebecca, who defines herself as a multi-dimensional healer, took on this question and answered it brilliantly for all to understand.

Her answer (as close as I can remember) went something like this.  “It is all in the perception.   Nothing in your physical reality may change.  If someone does you an injury, instead of blaming him/her which is a third dimentional response, you may see it as your karma playing out or you may see it as an accident and have compassion for them, these two perspectives are 5th dimentional responses.”  With a 5th dimentional response you are not adding to your karma, you are remaining centred and peaceful.

The questions were intelligent and the answers satisfying and often enlightening.  This kept the evening full of life and joy and the time went so quickly.   We are all looking forward to the next Q@A.

Having all worked on ourselves for decades, possibly many lifetimes, we are now ready to spead the Light.  My memory of this outward movement is that Sai Baba taught us to first of all Love yourself, Love your family and then your country and then the world.

We were wondering if the next one should have three men in the panel.  What do you think?

Thought Of The Week

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future or to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly”.  

…BUDDHA Laughing Buddha by Terri

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

neural-pathways-by Gerd Altmann“New pathways constantly open to and within me.”

…Teresa Hills


Negative emotions cause dis-ease.  That is easy to identify but how to release them safely and without causing you and anyone else more distress.

Red RoseSpreading Light and Love at home isn’t always easy as your buttons will be pushed by lack of consideration from others, angry words levelled at you, unfair accusations and behaviour that is not fitting in your home.  So with all this going on, how do you spread Light and Love and not go into reactions and shouting as loudly as members of your family do when angry.  It is so easy to be loving when you are in a meditation group or at a spiritual workshop but the members of your family seem to have no idea of how to be peaceful sometimes.

The first thing to ask yourself – is your home, Heaven or that other place?  If it is that other place, what can you do to make a difference and at the moment, you home is where the difference is needed.  This maybe your first challenge – to establish peace and harmony.

  1.  Notice how you feel.  Has the situation pushed your buttons?  Do you feel put upon and have you gone into being the victim if so, make sure that you have let go the ‘poor me’ feeling.
  2. Pause, take a deep breath.  Breathe slowly and deliberately, filling your abdomen with air and on the outbreath let go any negative feelings before you bring the children to order.
  3. Speak quietly but firmly if needed.  Look into the children’s eyes when speaking or correcting them.  Never shout from another room and expect them to obey.
  4. Put some relaxing music on and if you have an energy spray, spray the room and watch it change your thoughts and how you feel.
  5. If you come home first from work, welcome your partner home with a smile and tell him/her how nice it is to see them.  Make sure they haven’t walked into chaos.
  6. If your partner has had a stressful day and is angry and you feel reactive, make sure you speak in a tone that is lower than his/hers.  This serves to wake-up the partner and doesn’t add to the situation.
  7. If there has been an argument and a lot of words have been said, they need to be cleared by incense or a spray, or ask the Angels to transmute them.  Remember to clear them away before you go to bed or to work so they are not hanging on the ceiling to be picked up when you next arrive home.
  8. Keep a small area in your home, even a small table will do, where you to to meditate, pray or ask the Angels for help.  This is your own space where you can connect to ‘home’.
  9. By remembering these tips you can make your home a Haven.
  10. You are indeed making the world a better place.

A useful tip.  Anger is a human emotion.  It usually comes from false beliefs.  To reduce Anger.  Anger is RED, so sit still and breathe.  When you breathe in, focus on breathing in WHITE LIGHT .  This of course, mixes with the RED and produces PINK.  So your anger is transformed to COMPASSION.  Perfect!

Rosemary Butterworth - Michael's MessengerRosemary Butterworth, Michael’s Messenger


Refresh, Recharge and Reconnect

Embrace Life Live Life – Newcastle Festival

ELLL Oct 2015 Newcastle

Venue: Newcastle Jockey Club, Darling St, Broadmeadow

Need directions, click here

This Sunday, 18th October 2015

Doors Open: 10.30am to 5.30pm

These are the themes for our Spring festivals and this month we celebrate with the Newcastle Embrace Life festival on Sunday 18th October.

As with all festivals, we will have a selection of workshops, meditations, sound healing, musical and stage performances, wellness exhibitors, treatment and intuitive readings, unlike other festivals, this will be the first time in Newcastle ( so expect lots of new, as well as your favourite people to connect with).

Community Announcement

NutrikaneDThe Academy of Light is now a retailer of NutriKane D.  Yippee!   It’s in our shop now so click here to purchase or you could save the $11 shipping by buying a carton at an Academy Meeting on a Monday Night and getting an energetic boost at the same time!

After I had a MRI in 2014, my doctor had advised me to get a knee reconstruction as soon as possible to reduce the pain and crippling effects of my osteoarthritis. I had heard about NutriKane’s satelite effects when it was trialed for 2 years in a Melbourne hospital for diabetes (for which it was outstanding).  As it creates good gut bacteria it reduces inflammation anywhere in the body and it had been helping with osteoarthritis.

I have been taking NutriKane D everyday for 15 months.   I am now virtually free from pain as  I only have an occassional slight twinge in my knee and have thrown away my walking stick (and no operation).  I recommend it to everyone oh, yes, another affect is that it makes you very regular you will never need a laxative again! …Rosemary


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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