
AOL Bulletin – 14th May 2014 – The Pearl Within

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to notice your value.

FYI – The Key is Within You

 The Key to Finding Happiness Within

Mojgan RadyMojgan Rady recommends forgiveness of our thoughts, emotions and self as the key to finding happiness.  If we are not happy then tune into your emotions and thoughts.  We can choose in that moment to forgive them and let them go.  Interestingly she also suggests doing somthing different everyday to get you out of your comfort zone. By doing so it allows you to see the contrasts in life.  How do you feel while doing the unfamiliar?  Click here to see the video which is less than 10 minutes.  Turn the Key to Happiness NOW!

Noticing the Messages

Simran Singh - TedXThis video is a little longer than our usual offerings at just under 18 minutes.  It’s worth watching though!!!  So make a cup of tea, relax and hear how Simran learns the value of asking the Universe for help and how quickly her needs are met.  Conversations with the Universe: Simran Singh at TEDxCharleston is a lesson in letting the Universe decide how an answer is delivered and being grateful for it.  Click here.

 The Forgiveness Miracle

Clouds by TerriSaskia Halliwell has taken phrases from the Course of Miracles and Gary Renards Disappearance from the Universe and combined it with beautiful peaceful music to connect us with the Miracle of Self.  Click here

Thought Of The Day

Shell Essence South Sea PearlWhen our Inner Light begins to glow
Then all humanity shall know
With Love, Balance & Self-worth
We’ll start to create Peace on Earth

…..Shell Essences  (


“My body mirrors the state of my mind.  I AM healthy, whole and complete.”

Power Thoughts, 365 Daily Affirmations…Louise L. Hay  Louise L. Hay

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

“Beautiful meditations last night……fantastic energy”…wrote in one lady who enjoyed our new meditation night.

It was an interesting experiment to experience three consecutive meditations, each very different by different people – each one taking us to a new dimensional space.   It was so successful that we are going to make it a regular event now once a month.

The next one will be the 16th June.  To help everyone to grow we would welcome any enquiries from people who would like to lead a meditation on our Meditation Nights.  We will continue to have up to 3 meditations each night from different people so each meditation must be no longer than 15 minutes.

Your meditation can be a sound one,  a guided meditation or mindfulness, just let us know what you would like to do.

We got lots of good feedback last week about the value of the Sam Harris Mindfulness Meditation on the newsletter.  Great to hear!  Thanks everyone.

Dont forget May 23 – 25, 2014 at Conscious Living New Earth Festival to be held at Rosehill Gardens Event Centre, JR Fleming Stand Level 2, James Ruse Drive, Rosehill. GREAT VALUE FOR THE OPENING DAY – MAY 23RD CLICK HERE AND RECEIVE A FREE TICKET VOUCHER!

Health –  South Sea Pearl Shell Essence

South Sea Pearl will help us to open the oyster shell and discover the pearl within.

Shell Essence-South Sea PearlIt encourages us to remove our attention from the superficial vision of possessions, outer appearances, negative opinions and perceived ‘wrongs’ and allow us to feel and understand that our ultimate reality resides within the beautiful, powerful energy of Spirit within all, just waiting to be ignited with love. With our intent, South Sea Peal can help us find the ‘light-switch’.

When we finally acknowledge the beauty of love and Light within each and every person, the easier it will become for this energy to begin to ‘glow’ throughout our planet and universe. What ‘miracles’ await us then.

Wow! South Sea Pearl Essence is amazing. Talk about bringing yourself back to the truth of who you are and your reason for being here- this essence is it. I feel I have found myself – a self that I like. It has made me aware of my ‘Light’ so to speak. I now feel more connected to the Universe, and more in tune with my purpose. I sincerely recommend these drops for anyone who is searching for ‘themselves’. Beautiful essence”.   …..Robyn Sydney.

 Phone Marianna Georgiou for more information on 0412 103 784 or go to to see more.

Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics. The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00.

 MONDAY, 19th MAY 2014 at 7.30pm


“THE SACRED MAYAN CALENDAR and Manifesting, Magic and Miracles”

A night of fun and play with Tricia who will take us on a journey with the Sacred Mayan Calendar.

The energy of 19th May is “Red Rhythmic Dragon – the energy of Oneness and tone of service.

• Tricia on the night will be giving mini Mayan Calendar readings
• Find out how this calendar effects you to manifest miracles
• Discover the magic of your life’s journey
• Have fun and connect to your rainbow light family
• Come along for the chance to win a free session with Tricia

The AOL theme for this year is MANIFESTATION , MAGIC & MIRACLE & these are the perfect words to describe the sacred Mayan Calendar. When I was asked to present on a Monday evening I quickly looked up the date and found the moon for May is known as the Spectral Moon and this is the 11th moon in the 13 Moon Mayan Calendar – It follows the Moon of MANIFESTATION.

This is exciting for us all, as this is a time marked for releasing & liberating our dreams of manifestation. As these energies grow and progress to the 13th Moon – the force is pure MAGIC.

Here we are transported to a period of new beginning where our intentions for the next cycle of 13 will be seeded. This it is where MIRACLES happen.

Since 1977 Tricia has worked as a massage therapist and has been fortunate to have met and trained in massage with Hawaiian Kapunas (Elders) and experience through them the Spirit of Aloha. Tricia is also an Energetic Healer and Energy Chimes practitioner. These Chimes are German designed, hand crafted and are the 13 Tones of Creation originated from Mayan Astrology.

Her passion for the Mayan Calendar has led her to do readings and guidance for others.

Tricia’s journey with the Mayan Calendar started 5 years ago when she stumbled across a modern version of the Mayan Calendar developed by Jose Arguelles. Since then her life has taken on a whole new journey into self-remembering and self-love. Tricia works with the Mayan calendar every day and finds this allows her to understand that the balance and synchonisation with the Universe is no mere fantasy. Everything on this planet is related to us in a very personal way.

To have a session with Tricia on intuitive Mayan guidance and Soul reading or an Energy Healing or Energy Chimes session contact Tricia below. Tricia delights is sharing these gifts.

In Lak’ech” The Mayan greeting which means ‘I am another you‘ and expresses the Mayan principle of unity and love Mayan Calender

Tricia’s contact: M 0412.442 806 or Tel: 9969.4888 at Mosman Massage Therapy


To add to the Miracles that are happening all around us, the Academy has been gifted Mandala Manifestation Card Sets. Each person on Monday night will receive FREE their own set of cards. These Star Language Mandala Manifestation Sets are a beautiful collection of interdimentional symbols, connected to a number of different star systems. The Star Language symbols are a living consciousness carrying pure God-Energy to accelerate change, manifestation and personal expansion.

 MONDAY, 26th MAY 2014 at 7.30pm

power of the gong - John ButterworthStill the Mind Relax the Body – Monthly Sound Night

Everything in creation has it’s own natural rate of vibration which can be accelerated/decreased by other sources of vibration by the scientific law of sympathetic resonance and entrainment.  For example, if we consume too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol or have powerful persistant thoughts of anger, hate, bitterness, resentment etc this can effect our physical bodies leading to illness.  By surrendering, with a quiet mind, to the sound of the gongs, vocal toning and other instruments, the natural intelligence of our body can entrain back to a state of wellbeing.  It is then up to you to thereafter maintain that state by modifying what you think and consume. 

This Sound Evening will conclude with one of John Butterworth’s magnificent cleansing and healing gong baths.  Please bring a cushion and a blanket to lie down!!!

John Butterworth – Power of the Gong


THIS SUNDAY, DON’T MISS OUT – 1 Day Only – Free Admission!!!

Psychics Connected

Take a glance into your future and see what life has in store for you!
PSYCHIC SUNDAY FAIR on MAY 18TH at the Falls Resort, Oxford Falls.

There are Psychic Tarot Readers, Palm Readers, Clairvoyants, Psychic Pet Mediums, Psychic Spiritual Healers, Reflexologists and a host of Celebrity TV Psychics – so come along and have a BALL.

Maybe you can find the direction in life that you have been seeking – it maybe right there under your nose – just waiting for you to see.

For more details about the event CLICK HERE!!! And to find out who’s on and what they do CLICK HERE. To connect with Psychics Connected on Facebook CLICK HERE.

A SPECIAL offer from Ann Joel!

Pure Energy Healing Rejuvenation

Transform Now With Our Rejuvenation Package

The Rejuvenation Package includes:

  • 3 x Crystal Light Bed (purchased from John of God’s Casa in Brazil) sessions (30 minutes each)

  • 1 x Spiritual Healing session (allow 90 minutes, and you will need to rest afterwards).

Total prepaid cost for the Rejuvenation Package is $300.00 (package valued at RRP $390).

For all the Rejuvenation Package details click here to see flyer.

Pure Energy Healing Centre – Ann Joel 0418 917 420 or Book online at

 Community Announcements

“Being the Miracle of Love”

Sunday 18th of May 7.30-9pm

FREE Intro to Quantum Being with Or Koren, on tour from Israel.  Quantum Being

Or Koren is wonderful teacher of love and healing visiting from Israel on tour in Sydney for a short time.
After learning and teaching many sorts of healing including Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Theta Healing, Or is now teaching the simple loving essence behind all healing in Quantum Being.  As Or says “Healing happens not because of a particular technique, but because your heart is open for it. When you really experience love, miracles happen.”
Come and take a unique opportunity to be inspired and empowered at this free talk in Surry Hills on Sunday the 18th.  If you can’t make Sunday, Or is also holding a one night Master Class on Tuesday the 20th, and a full workshop from the 23rd-25th in Crows Nest.
Contact Simon to book your spot!  Phone: 0466 412 849  Email:

For a video of Or speaking and more info visit:


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. (02) 8005 0 The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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