
AOL Bulletin – 12th November 2014 – Love, Peace & Harmony

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to live in Peace

FYI – Peace, Peace, Peace

Be At Peace With Yourself

MoojiThis is simple but complex.  The YouTube from Mooji is only 4.10minutes and yet it really gets you thinking.  He finishes with…”Be at peace with yourself. Dont wait.”

We spend so much time worrying about yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Why?  Be who you want to be, be in a state of peace.  Click here to listen to Mooji.

Find Peace In Disconnection… & Reconnect

We do love the way Julia Griffin writes and of course what she writes about.  Here is an extract from her post from 4th November titled CHALLENGES OF A HIGHER LIGHT LEVEL – click to view full article.

white arum lily by TerriMany people are awakening and you can experience higher energy as a result.  Higher vibations also bring capacity for heightened emotion and sensation and they help you tap into the Divine. …It’s just that the side effects are not always easy.  Occasionally, everyone struggles with a higher light level in a lower level society….

DISCONNECT FROM MASS CONSCIOUSNESS.  Ask for a higher energy level.  (Spiritual energy).  Visualise light (pink or light blue light) everywhere.  Ask for disconnection from mass consciousness.  Ask the Universe to connect with your Higher Self.  (Forgive others for pulling you down.  Have compassion when possible.  Give gratitude for your more enlightened energy state.)  Visualize living in a frequency above the fray.  (One of my students practiced the “disconnect from mass consciousness, reconnect with the true self” at a large meeting and everyone shifted their energy to a higher level.  You can do it too)……Julia Griffin

Transmit Peace

Christine BreeseChristine Breese in her YouTube meditation Transmitting One World Peace Love, Peace Change, Meditation satsang breese asks some very interesting questions whilst you are in a relaxed state.  What does Peace SOUND like?  What PATTERN is Peace.  She says “In order to transmit peace there must be peace first.”  This is not just a state to be in during meditation.  It is a state to transmit during your daily life.  Click here to listen to the 16.5 minute meditation.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 17th November, 2014 at 7.30pm

JOY AND LAUGHTER, Channelling Universal Subconsciouness

Vicki OLeary-Channelling Universal SubconsciousVICKI O’LEARY

“Come along to this unique event, a journey into the unknown, stretching the boundaries and reaching through the veils into the extraordinary with Vicki channelling US (Universal Subconsciousness)”

So much of our spiritual journey is about trying, seeking, striving, looking for something and knowing there is something we are looking for but it is as yet unattainable or unseen, perhaps just slightly out of reach… Universal Subconscious is not about trying or striving it is about the entirety of you. It is about loving you in your entirety and knowing you are and always will be in direct contact with your source which is the knowing of all there is.

In this presentation Vicki will be channeling Universal Subconscious (US) and taking all on a journey into the unknown. Stretching the boundaries and reaching through the veils into the extraordinary. Each event led by Vicki is unique and tailored specifically to the audience so with your free will you will be able to join the group as a unique individual and as a collective to really experience the depths of your being.

Through JOY. There is no need to try to be or do anything on this night. Your choices will lead you to this event and in that choice on that night you will be engaging with the greatest possible expression of yourself. Be everything you are, be extraordinary and be you. Jumping for JOY

Join US (Universal Subconscious) the all of who you are and the collective of oneness for an exceptional evening of channelling from sources outside of our human reality which will take all into the great unknown. You will definitely be in for a treat and with a theme of Joy and Laughter we look forward to seeing you there. There are opportunities for questions which will be channelled at the conclusion of the presentation.

With eternal love from all of US (Universal Subconscious) (received as a direct live stream of consciousness from Vicki E O’Leary)

Contacts: M: 0410.297 627 email:

MONDAY, 24th November, 2014 at 7.30pm


Suntara Dreamsoundingwith Suntara

Come along to experience a “Suntara Dreamsounding” sound healing journey tonight.
We are delighted to have Suntara back for a third visit with their unique sounds at the Academy after such a popular response from the Academy Community.
Daniel and Luke will again bring their wonderful sounds through Voice, Didgeridoo, Gasong drums, Crystal bowls, Andean flutes and other instruments that are integral to the journey on the night.

Suntara will create a space where you can relax and let go completely, letting the soothing sounds wash over you on a journey into stillness and bliss.   Powerful soundscapes unblock energy and vibrate your whole body bringing it into a state of well-being and harmony. This “Dreamsounding” Sound Healing journey is a unique experience created by Suntara.

People report various effects from these sessions including:
Complete relaxation; feeling clear; reduced pain and stress; subsequent restful sleep for many nights afterwards; altered states of consciousness; balancing of Chakras, Energy, Clarity and resolution of difficult situations.

Daniel Coates uses his powerful voice to deliver chants from a variety of ancient traditions such as Australian Aboriginal, American Indian, Celtic and various styles of Harmonic singing. 
Luke Brooks will support Daniel with his inspired percussion and didgeridoo playing.
Daniel and Luke have a psychic musical connection and become one in their delivery of the Sound Healing Journey.
Contact:  Daniel Coates: 0425 425 390

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

Rosemary Butterworth

35 people crowded into the Melody Room to experience the magic of Dr. and Master Sha’s wonderful book Soul Healing Miracles with Master Robyn.  She explained the power of the chants; we chanted, put our hands on the caligraphy pages and unlocked the power and with love used it to heal ourselves and all humanity.  People shared their experiences and Master Robyn delighted us by telling us that an experienced shared at this time was written in the Akashic Records in gold writing and we received a Blessing.  Blessings flowed continuously as people filled up with tears as they reconnected with themselves or ‘home’, or shared that they felt incredibly loved.  How could one not be healed in this beautiful energy of Love, Peace and Harmony.

I sat with a smile on my face that lasted until the morning when I woke up with a grin.  I have the CD of Master Sha singing (that we were gifted from Master Robyn last night) playing in the background, as I type this, the feeling that all’s well with the world and in my home. 

I have already sent an email to Carol (who organises Master Robyn’s schedule) to ask if Master Robyn could come to the Academy again in February, March, April……..and so on and on.  Watch for the date, put it in your 2015 diary and BRING A FRIEND. (Plenty of room we shall hire the Grand Hall). Together we shall spread Peace, Love and Harmony.

PLUS – A MIRACLE – to all those who were there last week – congratulations and thank you!!!  And a Special thank you to Juliet Martine.

Dam 1 at Jacaranda HavenAt the end of the empowering manifesting night with Juliet Martine, I told the group that Jacaranda Haven (our farm) was desperately in need of water.  Although we had spent thousands enlarging the dam and put in drip irrigation to acres of land, the lack of rain for many months had seriously depleted it water levels.  We had had a thunderstorm the previous week but it had only yielded 3 mls. (about a half a teaspoonful) of water.  So wonderfully Juliet said why don’t we practice manifesting as a GROUP!  And we did.  We sat and brought the farm to mind and imagined it raining pouring even. 

Now when John and I arrived at the farm last Friday evening (we go up every weekend) John walked down to the rain gauge and rushed up to me.  WE HAD HAD 27 MLS OF RAIN that is over one inch.  How is that for GROUP MANIFESTING.  The Power of the Group.  What else should we, as the Academy Community, be looking at manifesting?  Perhaps we could get a manifesting group together. Or we could focus on something at the end of every Monday Night.  Any ideas of what is needed???  We could make a list.  Send us your suggestions.  

Thought Of The Week

Breathe in the fresh air and connect with the Holy Now.  Create an oasis of inner harmony and peace.

               …..  Lama Surya Das   Lama Surya Das

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

“I AM Love, Peace and Harmony.”

                ….  Rosemary Butterworth  Rosemary-Lets-Have-Fun

Health – Feeding Your Spiritual Body

You have more than one body but we seem to get caught up with looking after only one – the physical.  Yet dis-ease begins with the spiritual.  If we do not feed our soul, and let our spiritual energy run down, we often feel depressed and sick.

It came to me the other week, when I referred  to keeping one’s energy high, my client thought I was meaning her physical energy.  She said; ‘my energy is fine’, but she was depressed. 

Hibiscus by TerriIf our spiritual energy is high then we feel all is right with our world.  But how does one feed one’s soul – how does one keep their spiritual energy high.  Number one priority is doing servicegiving, because what we give comes back to us 10 fold at least.  Doing service comes in many forms, being compassionate, loving, doing gratitude, helping another; notice how joyful you feel after doing some kind of service.  Your heart is full.  Keep good company, meditate in a group, come along to Monday Night. that will keep your soul fed.  It is easy if you stay in your heart and do not listen to your mind.

When you are feeling stressed or worried you are connected to your Solar Plexus and losing energy from your spiritual body. The chances are all the thoughts running through your head AREN”T YOURS even.  Unless you are in your heart you will be connected to the Collective or Mass Consciousness.  There are many frequencies ‘out there’.The mind can be likened to a radio station*. Your consciousness will rate depending of your spiritual energy level.  If it is really down, you will pick up thoughts such as “it is all too hard’, ‘why me’ ‘I cannot afford that… ‘what if I loose my job’…..etc’  David Hawkins on his Scale of Consciousness says that we need to be at a frequency of over 200.  But when I dowse some food, paritcularly processed supermarket food, it is usually well below 200.  Just for fun, take your pendulum with you when you are buying food, or you can use your body as one.  Simply ask your body to give you a ‘no’ and see which way it sways before you go shopping.  Do the same for ‘yes’.  Maybe ask your body if it needs a particular food, more greens perhaps and what foods affect it, because it can change from week to week.  Remember Love is the best ingredient to put into your dinner.  …. By Rosemary Butterworth

* Explained in How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind by Rosemary Butterworth $19.95 available through Academy’s ONLINE SHOP.



Path of Light

The Path of Mastery is a 9 month Self-Mastery Program to help you to become all that you are and gain a deeper connection to your soul.

This is Level one of a 3-year course but may be taken as a stand-alone certificate course. In’Easa Mabu Ishtar channeled this body of work.

Ishtar is an international spiritual teacher and counselor. She is an embodied Ascended Master Channel who has worked with the Masters for the past 10 years, regularly channeling high frequency wisdom teachings for groups and individuals.

This will be a small group and we will all be learning together, there will be plenty of time for sharing and for questions.

The Path of Light Self Mastery pregram will be facilitated by Lily.  For more information please see the flyer or call:  Lily De Chalain Lily de Chalain 0411107069



Young Professional couple with five year old girl in school, seeks a house sitting position on the Northern Beaches.  Kristian and Michelle Taylor-Wood are in their mid thirties and Francesca has just started school.  They love animals and would be very good with any pets to look after, general maintenance and gardening. ( More than three months is required.)
Please contact Gerry Taylor-Wood:  0424080391.

This Weekend!!!

Breakthrough Weekend on November 15-16

Andrew HughesDynamic international presenter Andrew Hughes WILL Transform your life. This is an opportunity not to be missed!

For those who saw Andrew at AOL and would like to go to his weekend workshop on 15/16 November, he has a special offer for you. Please follow the link and enter the coupon TRANSFORM.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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