
AOL Bulletin – 12th August, 2015 – Forgiveness Is The Key

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to FORGIVE

FYI – Let go and find Freedom…

Is is Time to Let GoHow powerful are our emotions and thoughts? Can they contribute to the process of dis-ease? Can they even contribute to the creation of cancer? Is it worth holding onto unwarranted, old feelings that only hurt you?

Watch this 5 minute video to experience letting go …  click here

Judith KuselWe are currently experiencing the 8:8:8  – Lions Gate Portal (on 8th August 2015).

In this article Judith Kusel informs us of the importance of the current massive shifts in energies and the human body.

Judith says: “It was known that together with the chakras, the nadis and meridians, the 33 Vortex energy centers held within the spinal column had to be fully cleansed, healed and activated.  It was known that each vertebrae, held soul memory banks and only in releasing these soul memory banks could such a center be fully activated.  Each vertebrae acts like a mini computer chip, and records all that is held in the emotional and mental bodies.  Unless each vertebrae is treated like living entity in its own right and higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function nor can it be fully activated.”  To read more, click here

Forgiveness Meditation
– An 8 minute guided meditation….

Our heart is the only thing held in a prison when we can’t forgive another for their wrong doings.
This meditation carries you through the process of releasing resentment so you can restore the sanctuary of your heart.
To watch, click here

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 17th AUGUST 2015 at 7.30pm



Are you open to listening to the animal kingdom and receiving their stories, knowledge and wisdom?

Tonight Bianca will inspire you to learn the following below as every animal has a story to tell and wisdom to share with the world:

  • what Animal Communication is,
  • the importance of us to connect to animals,
  • how you can deepen your relationship with your animal and
  • live a happy life together.

This will help us, as humans to learn, be inspired and create a positive change in ourselves and the world around us.

About Bianca:

Bianca not only works with animals; she is also a spiritual mentor, helping people tap into their heart, listen and act, so they can follow their heart, be on purpose and have the life they want to live. Bianca works in particular with Lightworkers, such as spiritual healers, coaches and mentors.
Over the years Bianca has learned lessons, stepped into her heart and listened, found herself and further developed her spiritual connection and teaching skills. This empowers her to share her wisdom with people around the world to help, support and guide them.
Bianca provides speaking engagements, group workshops and individual coaching, Reiki and animal communication sessions.
Bianca is currently writing her first book ‘Hello? Can you hear me?’, which is due to be published end of 2015.
You can contact Bianca for one-to-one sessions on M:0413 048 536

Bianca’s contacts:
M: 0413.048 536 E:

Follow Bianca on Social media: or

MONDAY, 24th AUGUST 2015 at 7.30pm


Ocha Sheehan  OCHA SHEEHAN

This is an experience not to be missed! Did you know that every experience you have as a Soul is in some way shared with Mother Earth? Read on …
Tonight Ocha will connect us to the Earth’s Heart Axis
The Earth’s vast, multi-dimensional energy system is interconnected with the human energy system through the chakras, portals and pathways of light. For every chakra in our body, there is a corresponding portal or chakra within the Earth’s body, and this means that every experience we have as a soul is in some way shared with the Earth. We are beginning to remember this again as our inner senses awaken and our attention returns to the Earth during times of great environmental change.
One of the most significant relationships that we have with the Earth is through a bridge of light made from a group of chakras that span across our left and right hips. When this bridge is open and spinning, it enables us to create and manifest our inspirations into physical reality. It is your Heart Axis, and it is deeply connected to the Earth’s Heart Axis, through which the great waves of creation flow and ground to support us in every way to be divine co-creators with our soul and spirit.
Ocha is a master of this beautiful axis, and will explain how it works, and how it is supported by the Earth to function at optimum levels. She will also give a 20 minute sound and ancient mantra activation to open and illuminate this for you. You will experience what this Earth connection does for you, and go home feeling very energised, stable, clear, peaceful and grounded.

For more information:,

If you know someone that would make an interesting speaker please pass on our details and ask them to contact us :

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Peggy and Terri

Wow! What a big week energy wise we have had!  How have you all been going?  The 8:8:8  – Lions Gate Portal (8th August 2015) with some of the influences being balancing of the male and female energy plus as above so below – connecting with Sirius.  As a result couldn’t resist including Judith Kusel’s post in FYI.  Hope it helps.

Monday night saw Anya Petrovic at the Academy talking to us about Tesla Metamorphasis.  Lots of information from research and at the end she gave a small demonstration on one lucky lady who even in the 5 minute dip into the Tesla healing method had a profound experience.  Lets just say there were lots of tears closely followed by laughter.  Perfect!!!

Can’t wait to hear Bianca de Reus give us an insight into being an Animal & Soul Whisperer next week.  Have you had your own experience? Interesting how we all have our little moments of connection isn’t it?!

Thanks to D.N. Northern Beaches for this response to last weeks newsletter: That song about gratefulness by Nimesh Patel just blew me away! What amazing music.  I have downloaded the whole album and I’m going to play it everyday.  Just listening to it just makes me happy.  I just imagine dancing with my daughter to this song :)) Thanks so much for sharing that.

PLUS, make sure you look up this week!  Meteor showers started yesterday going through to 14th, this Friday, with 50 to 100 meteors per hour being predicted. Best visability is expected tonight (hope there are no clouds!). 

Thought Of The Week

ForgivenessForgiveness is not an occassional act, it is a permanent attitude.

 ..Martin Luther King Jr

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

FreeHold your hands together in prayer position and say:

“I Lovingly and Easily Forgive Myself and Others and Set Myself Free.”

  …Teresa Hills

Health – Forgiveness, healing for the Soul

Flowers For HealingForgiveness is a true path to freedom from wounds of the past.  It can renew faith, build trust and nourish the soul.  It is a powerful tool that can liberate minds and hearts that are being held captive by anger, bitterness, resentment, guilt or fear.  It allows you learn to live with more love; gain new clarity on your life and blessings; and discover new levels of personal freedom, peace and wellbeing.
Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with, condoning, or even liking particular life situations, but rather it means letting go of toxic energies, regardless of how challenging, frightening or difficult experiences may seem.  Those very experiences offer opportunities for you to grow and learn.  Therefore healing happens when we reverse negative energetic components into appreciation for the experiences. At times people may feel trapped in stagnant romantic, family or workplace relationships or feel weighed down by toxic thoughts and emotions.  Often we can be quick to judge and slow to pardon, or dwell on memories of what we or others did – or failed to do.
For example, in the process of death (or separtion) sometimes along with the pain there may arise anger or resentments for their leaving – or even with God for allowing them to be taken.  In these times you may need to dig deep to see beyond the wounds in order to pick up the pieces and to find forgiveness and peace. First you need to be willing and have the courage to heal and be ready to be whole again.Forgiveness begins with YOU –  to forgive yourself for your part in all situations.
Here is a process that you may like to use to assist with forgiveness.

  • Prepare a list of emotions and situations in your life for which you’d like to achieve forgiveness.
  • Visualize or imagine a large golden chalice filled with golden liquid, as a cup of transmutation. 
  • Ask Archangel Michael to stand at one side of this chalice and Archangel Raphael on another.  Ask for their assistance in whatever way feels right for you.
  • One by one begin to place each of those situations and the emotions attached to them, into the golden elixir held within the chalice to be transmuted, offering words from within your heart and giving thanks for the life experiences and lessons.  Allow the love energies to flow back to you as you let go.
  • I was joyfully inspired to suggest that you may even feel like jumping fully into the chalice to be cleansed and renewed.

Trust in the process – take your time over a period of days or weeks if needed.  Repeat as often as necessary until it feels complete.

If you’re interested in working with forgiveness for clearing your journeys from the beginning of time, and across all dimensions and timelines, contact Solara at, and she will send you her “Forgiveness Across the Ages” process.

Solara Zwaneveld, email:  website:


Festival of Dreams

Festival of Dreams“Join us at the Festival of Dreams on 11-13th September at the iconic Hordern Pavilion.  There is something for everybody at this spiritual and wellbeing event. Three days of inspiration, guidance and empowerment –
General Admission Ticket gives you access for the day to approx. 80 Free Workshops and presentations from leaders in their field in the health, spiritual and wellbeing industry. Get access to approx. 100 select exhibitors who share their passion and showcase their products/services from crystals, jewellery, books, oracles cards, healing modalities and natural therapy, plus the Psychic Arena where you can book a session with one of our talented and experienced Readers.
Native American Wisdom Show a special ticketed 2 hour event introducing direct from Hollywood Rick Mora and Elder Saginaw Grant. They will share their insights and wisdom. This is the First time powerful Native American ceremonies will have been performed in Australia. See poster.
Jai-Jagdeesh Authentic Voice Workshop join world renowned sacred chant artist Jai-Jagdeesh at the Festival of Dreams.
Plus many of Academy of Light’s favourites including Alana Fairchild, Daniel Coates, Lucy Cavendish, Scott Alexander King, Harry T Medium, Debbie Malone, Sacred Earth, Stacey Demarco, Jason MacDonald and many more. “

Community Announcements:

Want a Free Healing Session?

Theta-HealingYou are invited to receive a Free ThetaHealing® Session from one of our Intuitive Anatomy students.

This is a fantastic opportunity to work with one of our amazing practitioners for a one on one session.

You can work on any situation occurring in your life relating to health, finance, career or relationships.

It is also a fantastic opportunity for those who are new to ThetaHealing® and would like to experience an amazing ThetaHealing® session first hand.

These clinics are very popular and are held only once a year. Over the years we have received positive feedback from people attending  reporting amazing results so please register early to avoid disappointment.(register below)

Please note that this is only available for specified days/times, numbers are strictly limited and RSVP is essential to reserve your booking. 

Avoid Disappointment REGISTER NOW  to secure your booking in our student clinic!
Date:  Tuesday 18th August
Wednesday 19th August

Time: must arrive no later then 4:20pm for a 4.30pm start
Level 2, 83-85 Chandos St, St Leonards

Click here to register or call us now on 0414 968 216 or (02)9613 0712!


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch. Click here to go back to What’s On at the Academy


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