
AOL Bulletin – 11th November, 2015 – 11:11 Happiness Always

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to BE happy.

FYI – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Happy Healthy Community

urban food streetA great community project has taken over a street (multiplying into 11) in Buderim, Queensland!  Watch and learn how we can feed ourselves good, fresh food and at the same time build a close community.  This project has been such a success it has been copied by other towns and has grown so large that it could soon grow into a commercial project for the whole community to share.   It is a great way to teach our children the value of fresh, home grown vegetables.  Click here to watch only 3.30minutes.

Happy Brain

a very happy brainDo watch this.  Share it with your children.  Show them that they can be happy – it all depends on what we put into their brain.  Let them know that they can feel the sadness of their friends and how it affects their brain as well and what to do about it.  This video is drawn in a way that will delight the hearts of young and old alike.  Your might have to play it several times as the children will want to show their friends.  Click here 4 minutes.

Building a Strong Foundation.

Sha's Golden Healing BallAfter Monday Night at the Academy gathering, realising how helpful it would be to have the actual instructions written down for all of us, on how to build the Kundalini area and the Min Meng area of our bodies, we asked Master Robyn Rice if she could do this.  Very kindly she obliged.  You can read how important these areas of the body are in In and Around The Academy.  Many of us, especially healers, says Master Robyn, get sick because they are continually in the upper areas of the body which is Yin and totally forget the lower, the Yang areas where all our strength comes from.  Click here to read Master Robyn’s ‘How To’ Instructions.

Invitation : If you have a U-Tube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on Thanks this week to Rebecca, Warren, Despina and Master Robyn!

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 16th November 2015 at 7.30pm



As the Midwife for the Afterlife Marita invites us to discover, embrace and integrate the shadow of death so we can live life fully.

Come along and join with Marita as she leads us into story telling around death and a creative visualisation. Marita reminds us “All is One, One is All, there is no separation”. Death is a constant companion in all our lives yet many of us fear this inevitable part of the journey.

Marita’s journey to become a Midwife for the Afterlife was a gift from her brother, Jack, and now she now passionately invites the conversation of death into the community.

At the moment of my brother Jack’s death, I was gifted an experience that opened my heart for the next stage of my journey as a Midwife for the Afterlife. In 2011, my brother, Jack was privileged to transit this world in his family home. He was supported by his wife, two daughters and me, his little sister. All of us played our roles.

I was guided to perform a ritual to assist Jacks spirit leave his body. Standing on the right side of the bed I watched and heard as his last breath and spirit left his body…. “WHOOSH”. I closed my eyes.

The only way I can describe the next moment is to say that he took me with him as he left his body. We communed (telepathically) in the cosmos. He said to remember the feeling that I was experiencing. “All is One, One is All, there is no separation”. He reminded me that this is what I had been seeking my whole life. It was his last gift to me.

I gently recalibrated and re-entered my physical body which was still standing next to my brother in the room. I opened my eyes to see my brother, as an empty shell. He had definitely gone.

In the moment of my brother dying all fear around death integrated in my being. I became aware of the profoundness of my brothers last gift to me.

Marita’s work as the Midwife for the Afterlife is about holding safe space for others to allow them to discover their own relationship with life and the shadow of death. One does not have to be terminally ill to embrace this work.

She also facilitates personalised sessions to assist with the integration of the energy around the fear of death.

Marita’s contacts: Mobile: 0410.555 198, email:

MONDAY, 23rd November 2015 at 7.30pm


Warren MitchellWarren Mitchell

Join us for a night of interactive fun as we share exercises to integrate the “woo woo” with the “know how”.

Warren will share how to integrate the tools he has gathered during his own journey of personal development and spiritual exploration.

Whether personal or business, there are methods we can use to gain

  • Insight into our situation, what
  • Actions we can take to allow
  • Healing to occur and enable us to
  • Achieve the changes we desire.

It will help if you can bring a pendulum (eg. a ring on a string) and a pen and paper.

Warren has been studying various healing modalities for the past 10 years including work with Brandon Bays “The Journey”, Theta Healing, The Reconnection, Tesla Metamorphosis, Ben Harvey’s “Authentic Education” Robert Kirby and Rosemary Butterworth.

Warren’s contacts: M: 0412.264 594 E:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

How is your energy?  Do keep it high by keeping good company, eating right and meditating and coming when you can to the Academy.  Those whose energy is high seem to be above the ‘storms’. Seeing people daily for private sessions, those whose energy is low seem to be ‘buffeted about’.

We were all blessed in so many ways on Monday Night.  Master Robyn was our guest speaker and she told us all about the Lower Dan Tian, how important this area of the body was and how we must keep it energised.  It was a total new understanding for me.  A wonderfully useful one which I feel is important to share with you.   As you are all aware, I work as a healer and as the energy coming onto the planet gets stronger and affects us more, I am getting busier and busier.  That means, of course, I am in my upper chakras even more that I used to be.  There is very little down time.  I have noticed that I am not standing up straight anymore, but bending over.  This could be put down to age as the older people get, the more bent they seem to be.  But is it age, or is it simply that older people are thinking more and in the heads (double wammy for me working in my higher chakras!) which become ‘weighty’ and because the lower chakras have become weak causing a ‘toppling’ over effect.

So whether it is because of age, or because you are using your higher chakras, it results in the same thing.  We need to keep the Lower Dan Tian energised – this is Yang energy while the upper chakras are Yin.  There needs to be balance.  It became so obvious.  And the blessing was that Master Robyn led us into a chant which lasted about 15 minutes to strengthen this area of the body.  This was only the beginning of the many blessings we received because she also explained the Ming Men area and how to activate the Kudalini which strengthens the kidneys and she gave us individual blessings as well.

When you see Master Robyn appear again on our Presenters List in 2016, make it a MUST!  Treat yourself, you deserve it!

Thought Of The Week

smiley face sunWherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

“Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”

Lokah Samastah Sukhino BhavantuOr the English translation:

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

To receive further understanding on the invocational mantra read the post on the Jivamukti Yoga site here.
To chant along play this version of Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
on YouTube by Sparta Imóveis.

HEALTH TIP – Happy Healthy Gut

The Law of Attraction is working overtime for all of us in the Academy of Light administration area!  If you have been reading the AOL Bulletin in the last month or so (and of course you have!) you will be well aware that we are now selling NutriKane D.  A product made from Sugar Cane once the sugar has been extracted.  Peggy and Rosemary’s testimonials have appeared attestifying to the benefits they have found consuming Nutrikane D.  Different results for everyone of course because we are so individual in our makeup.  Anyway, the Law of Attraction comes into play because as we are focusing on gut health with the NutriKane D we are finding more and more information about the importance of a healthy gut.

The most recent information to come our way was a mini article from Kate Walsh which appeared in the current Prevention Magazine entitled Gut Health.  She quotes Dr Libby Weaver, nutritional biochemist and author of Accidentally Overweight (a recommended read) as saying “Good gut health is the basis of optimal health.” Kate says the causes of gut issues are varied but the Gastroenterological Society of Australia points to poor diet, too much processed food, 24/7 stress and even some medications as key agents.

MeditationKate suggests simple basic ways of creating a happier gut are to eat a healthy diet high in fibre (aim 30g a day), stay hydrated, exercise regularly and manage your stress levels – yoga, tai chi or meditation etc. Dr Libby recommends including fermented and probiotic foods and to slow down and chew!

We believe that so many of our ailments could be reduced or even healed with a healthy gut.  We highly recommend you find what works for your gut.  Make your gut happy now! 

Find out more about the science behind Nutrikane D by reading this article by Dr Malcolm Ball.


The Turning Point Intensive

2 day workshop Full of Life Changing Tips to Discover Your Purpose & Elevate Your Life

benjamin_harveyWith Benjamin J Harvey

THIS WEEKEND!!! Sydney | Nov 14 – 15 | 9am – 7:30pm
Adelaide | Nov 21 – 22 | 9am – 7:30pm
Melbourne | Jan 23 – 24 | 9am – 7:30pm
Perth | Feb 6 – 7 | 9am – 7:30pm


Radically Transform Your Life, Career Or Business

For more information & to register go to

Community Announcement

NutrikaneDThe Academy of Light is now a retailer of NutriKane D. Yippee! It’s in our shop now so click here to purchase or you could save the $11 shipping by buying a carton at an Academy Meeting on a Monday Night and getting an energetic boost at the same time!


“I have been taking Nutrikane D for around 6 months …
I had digestive problems due to an operation. Nutrikane D has improved my digestion considerably and I find I am ‘very regular’. My body absorbs my vitamins a lot more to the point that my nails are now extremely strong. Also it obviously clears the gut as my eye colour has changed from brown and are now nearly all green.”
… Peggy Stevens, October 2015


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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