
AOL Bulletin – 10th June 2015 – Nature Connection

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to take time to smell the roses.

FYI – Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Earthship Connection To Nature

Earthship HomesThese earth homes are a concept for living with the environment. “You move to the rythm of the seasons.”  Residents feel you are more connected living in these structures than you are in the city.  The rounded internal edges bring a sense of peace and tranquillity.  The structures are built to work with the sun and the earth.  All the water needed is harvested from the sky.  Residents feel they are conscientious consumers of the planet. View New Earth Media – Our Nest On Earth to be inspired (under 8mins).

Farm Animals Share Their Love

edgars missionThere can be no doubt that the touch of an animal can melt the soul, clear the mind and make the world a kinder place for all.”  (from Edgar’s Mission blog)

The Victorian animal sanctuary ambassadors are Timmy the sheep , Miss Chief the goat and little Ginger Chicken and they all love to go to the local nursing home to spread their joy and happiness.  See the images and read the small article shared by One Green Planet.  They are love in action.  (and so was their rescue by Edgar’s Mission)

Night of the Northern Lights

northern lightsOn 25th February 2014 the Sun produced a flare which on 27th February caused a geomagnetic storm on Earth. It was one of the brightest aurora display. This short movie illustrates what an incredible event it was and is definitely worth the couple of minutes it takes to watch it.

For maximum effect turn down the music and think of this visual from Dr & Master Sha.
Mind Power.  Visualise Rainbow light from The Source radiating in and around your heart and mind.”

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00

MONDAY, 15th June 2015 at 7.30pm

– Assisting Souls to cross to the Light.


IT’S TIME AGAIN to come along to participate in this Ceremony, this circle of loving service to enable any lost Souls to ‘cross over’ into the Light with ease and grace.

Please bring along a crystal or flower to place in the centre of the circle.

This service is to help Souls from all around the world who have passed away and do not realize they have died. There are various reasons for a soul to become lost, it could be due to a sudden passing from an accident, in wars or lost at sea, also if they are very attached to their life circumstances. Souls are lost between the worlds if they don’t realise they are dead and have not gone to the Light.
To help these souls ‘cross over’ the Academy holds a special Soul Retrieval Ceremony where we call on the company of Heaven to ask for any lost souls to come into our circle of love and be taken into the Light.

This is a beautiful loving experience for all those involved and great service to the Light.

So if your heart feels called, please come along and join our circle in ceremony to help these men, women and children who have passed away to be re-united with their loved ones in Spirit.

This is indeed “Love in Action” and great service to humanity.

MONDAY, 22nd June 2015 at 7.30pm

“KNOWING – A Medium’s Journey”

Marilyn WhallMarilyn Whall
A Spiritual Medium,Teacher and Mentor

Marilyn will share with us her journey as a Medium and the steps that she has discovered along the way. As well, Marilyn will bring us 30 minutes of messages from the World of Spirit, plus your questions and answers.

Marilyn has worked professionally as a spiritual medium for over 11 years and uses her gifts as a spiritual medium to convey the spirit’s messages to those that find their way to her. Renowned for her accuracy, compassion, and insight Marilyn has appeared on TV and also has been featured in Good Health & Medicine Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph, Body and Soul and the India Times. She has worked in the USA teaching alongside James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, John Holland and Jose Gosschalk.

Marilyn has a personal interest in mindfulness and philosophy and brings this passion through to her work with individuals and groups. She leads classes, performs public demonstration and offers private readings in person or over Skype and telephone to clients from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore and United Kingdom. Marilyn also has her own development program over 8 weeks on ‘Allow Me to be Your Personal Guide’ for those wanting to enhance their spiritual abilities.

Signed copies of “Knowing” will be on sale tonight

I am not much of a gambling man, but I would bet the reason why, is in Knowing – A Medium’s Journey….the book you should (if you have not already), read, devour and enjoy.  Marilyn sharing her story in Knowing, will give you the permission and keys you need to open the door to your very own soul-full search!  Go on….we have waited a long time for this very moment…NOW! …James Van Praagh.

Click on the link to read James van Praagh’s website and Blog post about Knowing  

Marilyn Whall website:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

I hope you all enjoyed he break and were able to get out ito Nature whether it was a walk along the beach all in a park.  Being in nature really helps us to be present doesn’t it?  Perhaps it is the gentle Winter’s sunshine on our face, all the breeze or simply being out the house and a change of environment but it really refeshes us.  I feel we need a change smetmes because we get stale with the same old, same old which keeps us thinking the same patterns over and over again.

I do hope that some of you are remembering to notice what you are thinking more often and to change the ‘radio station’ of your mind

Bring to mind the incredible energy we brought through last Monday Night – this energy will raise you above your usual thoughts and will make it much easier for you to meditate and be present.

Love in Action seems to be all around us this week as I heard about Mercy Ships taking help to Africa, and was reminded of Fred Hollows’ work and of Edgar’s Mission rescuing farm animals and taking them to nursing homes.  Edgar’s Mission writes in a blog post.  “There can be no doubt that the touch of an animal can melt the soul, clear the mind and make the world a kinder place for all.” 

Next Monday Night you can take part in Love in Action and come along to Soul Retrieval night, particularly if you have lost someone close to you, and assist souls to cross over.  See you there.

Are you still helping us manifest? Please put your focus on this intention daily.

We are now operating the Academy of Light from a beautiful Headquarters space for the wellbeing of humanity on all levels, raising consciousness beyond borders, as a source of healing, connection and Light for all who are ready to receive.

Thought Of The Week

I enjoy being in Nature because it connects me to the Now, espectially looking up into the clouds.

Sun - Clouds - Sand …..Rosemary Butterworth

Affirmation – say this daily

“I AM connected to all of nature.”

Morning at JH by JB  Rosemary Butterworth

Health – Rosemary – the Herb

rosemaryRosemary has had the reputation for miracles for thousands of years. It has been used as an antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, aphrodisiac, and expectorant. Rosemary has earned praise for alleviating nerve-related conditions, boosting the immune system, fighting off bacterial and viral infections, aiding respiratory ailments, strengthening digestion and improving circulation. Rosemary contains both caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory making it ideal for those who suffer with auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. It also contains properties and volatile oils that work similarly to anti-histamines and make it very useful to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic migraines. 

Rosemary’s diuretic properties have been known to help relieve gout, edema, and kidney stones. Rosemary has the ability to stimulate memory, improve concentration, and help overcome mental fatigue by increasing the blood flow to the head and brain. It is also known to alleviate depression and sadness and can decrease anxiety brought on by stress. Rosemary oil is often added to hair and skin care products due to its ability to cleanse and nourish the scalp and heal and repair the skin. Essential oil of rosemary can also be used through a steam vaporizer to disinfect the air in your home &/or office which is especially beneficial during cold and flu season. Fresh or dried rosemary can also be taken as a tea, supplement, or simply added to fresh guacamole, salads, soups, or any of your home cooked meals. It is a potent and effective herb that can provide a myriad of health benefits. For a FREE report on the Top 10 Healing Herbs, click here

From The Medical Medium – Anthony William

We would like to say this can grow easily in a pot or out in the garden and see his article for its wonderful uses.  It can be used as an essence, oil or in cooking. 



Streetwise Spiritual Healing: Beyond the Love and Light
with Brendan D. Murphy, Alistair Larmour and Russell Byron

GFM streetwise spiritual small poster 4 promoJune 27th 5pm – 10.30pm

The key to it all is self-empowerment.
What our souls thirst for is not “Ascension,” but “IN-scension”: accessing of our core self within!
What we need is a true spiritual remedy for what ails us.
GFM presents three leading-edge speakers with the tools and experience for us to take things to the next level.

Find out more about the event and profiles on Brendon, Alistair and Russell at Global Freedom Movement:
Venue: Ambush Gallery Sydney
Cost: $47
View Flyer Here

Master Sha in Sydney

Master & Dr Sha Sydney tour

Join Master Sha, one of the most powerful healers of our time, for very rare Tao Healing Miracles Evenings. They are FREE!

During this powerful Tao Miracle Healing evening Master Sha and his Worldwide Representatives, Master Cynthia, Master Trevor and Master Robyn will create a Tao Field for profound healing and rejuvenation.

You will receive many sacred Tao healing blessings as well as learn how to heal and transform your

  • Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies,
  • Relationships
  • Finances & business
  • Any other aspect of your life

Tao is the Source. In Master Sha’s teachings Tao teaching, everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Modern medicine focuses on matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on energy. Tao healing focuses on shen, including the soul, heart, and mind. To heal shen is to remove soul, heart, and mind blockages.

WHERE ON 7TH JULY – SMC Conference and Function Centre
66 Goulburn St,Sydney ,NSW 2000 Australia

WHERE ON 16TH JULY – Rydges North Sydney
54 Mc McLaren Street, Sydney

To Register
Or Call 0414522419

I consider Dr. Sha’s healing path to be a universal spiritual practice; a journey into genuine transformation. His professional integrity and compassionate heart are at the root of his being a servant of humankind and my heartfelt prayer for his readers is that they accept his invitation to awaken the power within their souls and realize the natural beauty of their existence.
Michael Bernard Beckwith.. Author of Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation.

Community Announcements

Angel Heart Radio


TODAY – Rosemary Butterworth and Annette McCoy are back on AngelHeartRadio Wednesday – 10th June at 11.30am. The topic – Pure Love In Action – What, How, Why?. Access achived programs – click here to join in. There’s always a wonderful meditation from Rosemary included!

Mosman Share Accommodation Wanted

houseI am a 60 year old fun loving Yoga Teacher, who is easy going and very tidy, I am looking to share with a like minded person or people in the Mosman area or surrounding suburbs. I am happy to share a glass of wine or a coffee. I go out on the weekends do a few yoga classes during the week, and run yoga workshop once a month. I am happy go lucky, very loyal and honest. Please ring Victoria 0405505182


Pink Flower by TerriWe have begun a new section of our Newsletter. We get so many wonderful phone calls and emails telling us of the experiences that people have had during the week that we feel they need to be shared. By sharing we grow together.

 ‘Was overjoyed to hear you speak about moving away from a ME focus! I feel much more in line with this next phase that you seem to be moving towards! The path of surrender that I am immersed in is the opposite of ME! It is all about Divine Will in action and gratitude for what is given (and acceptance of what is withheld) rather than trying to make things happen for ones ego or personality self.

Love and light and hope to attend one of those sessions soon,’  N.C.

 ‘Great newsletter Rosemary and Terri.‘ J.S. (from 3rd June 2015 Bulletin)


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup
so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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