
AOL Bulletin – 10th December 2014 – Begin Today…Eternally

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you you are eternal.

FYI – Live Life Looking at the Eternal Picture

It’s not I, it’s Us

You Are The Eternal UniverseAlan Watts in the clip ‘You are the Eternal Universe‘ presents the big picture.  Our body is a doorway to the Universe.   Appreciating this, opens our mind and we may be able to see that the star shining in the sky is us.  Knowing this we can live life fully.

P.S. Watching this YouTube expanded our hearts and minds and added a new dimension to our day.  We hope it does the same for you.  Click here to view (under 5 minutes).

Today’s the Day

Julia GriffinFor those who read this Bulletin often you know we like Julia Griffin.  In her post of November 25th  – Make Big Changes Today  – she writes ‘By directing the lens of your consciousness, you can make big changes in your life.‘  We’d like to say focus your lens on the Universal/Eternal picture.  Julia says commit to the practise and the changes will stay and grow.  The commitment is harder than practising.  We would suggest that we all stop talking and thinking about it and simply Make Big Changes Today.

Julia has some great practical tips on how to change life quickly and easliy.  (The time for committing is now!)  Click here to read the article.

How Does Your Sound Effect the Universe?

Cynetic FrequecyThis is a fascinating video as it shows how sound effects all of the elements;  Water, Earth, Fire and Air.  When we shout with rage, get angry we lose consciousness and the big picture.  This YouTube reminds us that our sound effects not only the person listening but all of the elements in creation.  What sound are you making to effect the Universe?  Let’s emit a Joyful, Loving, Compassionate Sound.    Click here to view the under 6 minute clip.  (The title is not in English but don’t let that stop you looking at it.)

Full Moon December 6 from Molly Talbot

Molly TalbotHere is the information that Molly shared at the Full Moon Sacred Ceremony on Monday night.  We wanted to share it with you, it really fits in with our theme today.

A full moon highlights the polarity of two opposite signs by exposing both their differences and their similarities. You can feel “pulled in two directions” as you try to balance your wants (Sun) with your needs (Moon).

The new moon in Sagittarius on 22 November seeded ideas around imagination, envisioning your future, communication and beliefs.

The full moon in Gemini is about re-examining those seeds, opening your mind to new ideas and possibilities, involving others and most importantly asking the question: “Do your ideas spark your enthusiasm and light up your life?

And the storms Sydney has experienced recently are a stark reminder that the dynamic square between Pluto (dark clouds) and Uranus (lightning flashes) is once more gaining intensity and peaking on 15/16 December. This cycle began in 2012 and concludes in March 2015.  As it nears its conclusion, we are all being urged to manifest the transformational changes we want both personally and globally.

Contact Molly for Astrology and Tarot readings and workshops.

Monday Nights at Mosman Arts & Community Centre


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics.

AOL Welcome

We meet every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman.

Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00.

MONDAY, 15th December, 2014 at 7.30pm

Christmas Celebrations – Our last gathering for 2014

Flame Tree by TerriAs this is the last gathering for 2014, we thought it should be a celebration and an acknowledgement of gratitude. Our first year at Mosman Art Gallery has been one of joy, enlightenment and growth. Tonight we will be having two meditations.  Rosemary Butterworth will lead the first taking us deep with ourselves to that silent place and give gratitude for all we have received whilst Narelle Green will bring through the Christed energies and help us connect to the celebration of Christmas and infuse us with high energies that will keep us going until we meet again.
What will 2015 bring? We feel that we are forever expanding and gaining new perspectives of what our Community of Light needs. But first let’s send 2014 out in style.
We will have all good things to share, (eat) or purchase.  Some will even be gift wrapped for you. We invite you to bring a small plate of something to nibble on while we all have fun. 
We look forward to seeing you and giving you a Christmas hug.

MONDAY, 2nd February, 2014 at 7.30pm


“Numerology wise February is one of the most important months of 2015”


Come along and see what 2015 means for YOU!   Tonight Steven will tell us how the year 2015 will unfold.

Being for-warned can help you be the best that you can be. All those who feel a lack of self-worth this is a year for you to gain all the confidence you will need.
Do bring along a pen and paper to capture the information Steven brings to us.

For those people who are born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month of the year, or if your birth date adds up to an 8 brought down to a single digit there is a special bonus for you.

The Academy will be inviting Steven to write a monthly article on what each month holds for you, a monthly prediction for everyone’s birthday.

Steven will also do a few personal readings on the night.

Steven is best known as “The Numbers Man”. Steven’s skill with the interpretation of the numbers coupled with clairvoyance and study of astrology for over 30 years has delighted radio, television and live audiences across Australia.

Steven recently had Sydney Radio’s No.1 rating Saturday night Psychic show that ran for a staggering 11 years and 11 months an irony in that Steve’s own birthdate is also an 11.   Also, Steven was a regular on TV’s “Mornings” for 9 years.

Contacts:  Manager – Margaret email:

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

The Full Moon Ceremony  was an incredible experience of magical energies.  People were emotionally affected as they received higher frequencies of Love.  (I cannot wait until the next one).  We had so many come to the Ceremony, and as the Lord Mayor was using the Great Hall, we had to move the event to the Mosman Square Seniors Hall. This hall provided more space as we were going to be in the Melody Room and at the end of the Ceremony we had time to talk and share what had taken place.    Our apologies to the people that went to Mosman Art Gallery and couldn’t find us but we will be back in the Melody room on Monday, 15th December for our last meeting of 2014. 

You might like to make a note that of the next Ceremony.  It will be held on Wednesday, 11th February and will celebrating Valetine’s Day – focusing on Loving Relationships with both yourself and others.

Thought Of The Week

If nothing changed, how would we grow?  … Rosemary Butterworth  Gardenia

Affirmation –

Breathe deeply and say daily:-

Jacaranda Haven“I AM life, I AM change itself.”  … Anon

Health – Healthy Fruit Mince Pies

Christmas is not generally known for it’s health foods.  So we decided to encourage a change in your culinary delights.

Fruit Mince Pies - The Healthy ChefTeresa Cutter, the Healthy Chef, has a great recipe on her site for Fruit Mince Pies in which she has tried to cover most bases such as gluten, wheat and dairy free you will find a few pastry options on this page/recipe.  Looks yummy!  We don’t mind being your guinea pigs on Monday for the Christmas gathering….  So Click here.

Try out some of her other Christmas options as well!

P.S.  Did you read about NutriKane and take up the free gift offer.  I can really recommend it as I have clients that are finding it fantastic for constipation, others like myself are findng it great for osteoarthritis and general health boost so if you haven’t tried it yet look up last week’s Newsletter on our website and click on the Free Offer.…Rosemary


Master Robyn Healing HandsUpcoming Events with Master Robyn Rice

Inner Peace and Inner Joy in daily Life
Wednesdays 10th & 17th December, 6.45-8.15 pm Honour fee: $25 per session $80 for full series Venue: 1/59 Hume St. Crows Nest
FREE ‘Animal Soul Healing Intensive’ with Master Robyn Rice
Sunday 21st December, 10-11.30am Attend with your pets In Person or Live Via Livestream Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
View for Free or to receive a special blessing for your pets honour fee $20
Open Your Heart To The Greatest Love
Sunday 14th December, 2-6pm Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Follow the Tao to Flourish
Sunday 21st December, 2-6pm Honour fee: $40, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
FREE Soul Mind Body Science System Study Sessions – Master Sha’s latest book
Every Tuesday 7-8pm Via Livestream
FREE Passing Spiritual Testing Sessions
Every Tuesday 8-9pm Via Livestream
Love Peace Harmony World Family
Every Thursday 8-9.30pm Honor fee: Love Offering, In person or via teleconference Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
Ling Guang Calligraphy Mediation Sessions
Every Saturday 4-4.30pm Honour fee: $50 for 2 sessions, In person Venue: 1/457 Miller St. Cammeray
To Register: Call Deb or email on


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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