
AOL Bulletin – 1 March, 2017 – Remembering

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you of what you know.

F.Y.I. Letting Go.

Emotional HealingEmotional Healing ~ A Simple Emotional Clearing Process to Bring Healing to your Emotional Body

Published on Feb 4, 2017 by Melanie Beckler

Although we havc done a lot of emotional clearing there seems to be more to do as we ascend.   As Nancy Valentine Smith said some people will find that members of their family are pushing their buttons, if this is the case, do watch this video and it will help you to identify those emotions that you are still carrying and you can bring them to the Light especially with the help of Archangel Muriel. Click Here 10 minutes.

P.S.  A special invitation to click on as Melanie has a lovely story about Archangel Michael (watch the video under ‘Melanie Beckler channels the Archangels’

 Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra on Letting Go. How to and when.

Sometimes it is good to revisit what we know.   I was amazed when I listened to Deepak on this you tube, the reminders he gives us are so important and helpful.   7 minutes of your time well spent listening to this.

Click here to listen

Whale Sound Healing

WhalesWhale spirit animals are meditation masters and are naturally in a state of meditation, whale offers the sounds with which we are able to drift into meditation easily. By listening to the whale song we place ourselves in tune with mother earth’s harmonic rhythms. Look no further for a meditation teacher, whales will show the way. Whales are the sound healers of the sea, gently caressing our internal organs back to health by dispelling toxins and renewing tissue, all with the vibrations of pure tone.  Modern day sonar equipment such as navigation and mining data instruments emit a negative disturbing tone for the whales, causing the whale great distress and is responsible for beached whales.  Click here

 Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested spceaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite),
Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments.

Finish time is 9.30pm.


 MONDAY, 6th March, 2017




Come along to enjoy this and bliss out….

Suntara (Daniel Coates) uses his powerful voice to deliver chants from a variety of ancient traditions such as Australian Aboriginal, American Indian, Celtic and various styles of harmonic singing. Crystal Bowls, Gasong Drums, Andean flutes and other instruments are also integral to the experience.
Also you will be bathed with the extraordinary sounds of Didgeridoo (Marc Kundalini), Crystal Bowls (Jewels Wakeman and Paulien Gort), Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Bells and Chimes (John Butterworth) plus the voices of Ellie Francis, Jewels Wakeman and Paulien Gort who will also be playing her Monochord again.
By surrendering, with a quiet mind, to the sound of the giant gongs, bowls, didgeridoo and other musical instruments, the natural intelligence of our body can entrain back to a state of wellbeing. The cells of our bodies tune into these beautiful sounds and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed, CLEANSED and REJEVENATED.
It is then up to you to maintain that state by modifying what you think and consume.

Everything in creation has its own natural rate of vibration which can be accelerated or decreased by other sources of vibration by the scientific law of sympathetic resonance or entrainment.
Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.

Join us in the GRAND HALL at Mosman tonight!
For more information:

Suntara (Daniel Coates)
John and the Gongs go to
Marc ‘Kundalini’ Cottee
Julie (Jewels) Wakeman:
Ellie Francis:
Paulien Gort:

NOTE: A lady sent us a text to tell us of a remarkable healing she had after listening to Daniel play. Two cancerous tumors behind her jugular left her body following Daniel’s playing.
Suntara has an event on the 26th February, 4pm to 6pm. on the mid north coast near Old Bar. For more information Click Here

Eventbrite - A Sound Event - With John Butterworth, Marc Cottee, Ellie Francis, Jewel Wakeman, Pauline Gort and Suntraa

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event

 Monday, 13th March, 2017

Jude TaskerWhy you are worthy to shift into New Dimensions?

In our conscious mind we all have wishes, desires and goals. Unfortunately, our subconscious (SC) mind often has an opposing or sabotaging belief that may prevent us from achieving them.
During her session, Jude will facilitate a process that will engage you with your SC mind and help you achieve what you want or desire.
To really benefit from Jude’s session, she invites you to think of a personal well-being goal that you’d like to work on during the session. For example, you may want to be healthier or get fit, improve personal relationships, have a sense of purpose, feel more financially secure.
Jude Tasker established Breaking the Iceberg after qualifying as a PSYCH-K® facilitator so she could provide PSYCH-K services to individuals and to workplaces. She uses the process to help people change negative limiting beliefs into positive empowering ones.
PSYCH-K is a straight-forward process that helps change limiting beliefs at the subconscious level allowing you to create and live the life you want. PSYCH-K also:

  •   reduces stress and releases trauma
  • helps discover the messages and beliefs behind disease, illness, allergies and phobias (for example, fear of flying or speaking in front of groups)
  • helps deal with grief and loss, and
  • helps change any of the negative childhood baggage we may be carrying around that affects our self-esteem, confidence, self-love, acceptance and worthiness – that is often at the very core of issues.

Mobile:  0437 303 446

Eventbrite - Engage your subconscious to achieve your well-being goals - Jude Tasker

*Please note our door ticket prices for general admission is $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

In and Around the Academy with Warren Mitchell

Academy of Light Logo

A wondrous night with Nancy Valentine Smith

Monday 27th February

Another Night of Nancy’s wonderful mix of chanelled sounds, songs and sage wisdom from her guides and her own disarming sense of humor. The advertised title of “Mary’s Lineage” was a bit of an undersell, as Nancy had several other helpers as well as Mary (Magdalene).  Collectively she referred to these as “Grandmother” energies, who represented our Earthly maternal lineage as well as from other star systems. Nancy transitioned between her own speech to the guides who each have their own distinctive tone of voice and message, some familiar and some new, like The Turtle. The channelled message were reinforced with simple practical exercises with a partner. This is similar to the way we take on board the frequencies and messages and are then meant to carry them into our daily lives. Some of the key messages :
* It is time to move our work from the Sacral chakra to Higher Heart, where there is no Thought, just Love.
* Family members are often the hardest test. But they are there for a reason and if they push your buttons, it is the opportunity to consciously let go of the past patterns, Forgive and show Gratitude.
* Walk lightly upon the Earth, again releasing past patterns, so you are no longer burdened with their weight
* Shapeshift and change frequencies to adjust to circumstances, dialling the opening / closing of the chakras as required to protect ourselves or be open to give and receive.
* Reinforce the new frequencies by visualising the liquid light pouring down from above our crown and seeping through all our body. Tonight’s  colors were red diamond in the Higher Heart  then Green followed by Gold.  

NOTE:  We are so blessed to have the opportunity of meeting together and creating a space where we can not only ‘let go’ but also take in Light to replenish ourselves.  Many thanks to all those people who come and make a powerful circle of Light for us all, and the world.  See you next week for another magical evening of Sound…Rosemary

Thought Of The Week

Music “Music is the easiest method of meditation.
Whoever can let himself dissolve into music has no need to seek anything else to dissolve into.” — Osho

Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it …

Simon Wing-Lun - Unconditional Love HealingI AM Love, I AM Loved….Nancy Valentine Smith

HEALTH TIP –  Top 10 Health Tips by Dr. Mitra Ray

Dr Mitra RayDuring ascension our bodies are asked to assimilate higher frequencies of Light.  Therefore it is very necessary to keep them healthy, and the energy high, otherwise there may be resistance which may cause pain such as headaches, neck and back pain.  The following 10 tips are very easy and sensible.

Here are the Top 10 things you can do to get healthy. These are the most important nutrition and lifestyle changes that everyone can make to gain or maintain optimum health.

I encourage everyone to follow this program for at least 90 days, and then reevaluate their health concerns. This paper, 10 healthy habits, further explains each of the Top Ten Tips listed below.

The top 10 things you can to do to get healthy now

  1. Take 10 deep breaths filling air from the diaphragm up and exhaling completely, whenever you feel stressed.
  2. Drink 3 litres of good clean water everyday in addition to any other beverage you have.
  3. Eat something raw from the plant kingdom at every meal and make it the biggest part of the meal: vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains should be the bulk of what you eat.
  4. Go to sleep at the same time and get up at same time 6-or-more days of the week. Get at least 8 hours of sleep daily.
  5. Take a clinically validated, whole food based supplement (
  6. Eat processed foods sparingly, less than once a week if possible.
  7. Make breakfast and lunch your biggest meals, preferably between 10 am and 4 pm when your digestions is strongest. Try to eat these two meals at the same time each day; your digestive organs will get the benefit of expecting to go to work on a schedule. This helps tremendously with proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  8. Get outside and move a little bit each day. Fresh air and deep breathing are far more important than getting a workout.
  9. Start each day with a Green Drink.
  10. Think good, healthy thoughts.


Evelyn's Workshop


Leadership Evolves: Be the coach and leader you’ve always dreamed of!

Through this fun and inspiring intensive, you’ll develop effective coaching skills, find out how to nurture high-performance teams, and gain training for a nationally-recognized leadership qualification.
Leadership Evolves is the perfect choice for entrepreneurs, business owners, and those working with a team. You’ll transform your business, revolutionize your career, and gain a sense of confidence that elevates your whole life.
You’ll also get Exclusive Bonuses – learners guides, webinars, your personality guide, NLP tools and templates and powerful scripts and role plays for Your Team.
SYDNEY Thursday 2 March & Fri 3 Sat 4 and Fri 10 Sat 11 March 20
Thursday 31 Aug 1, 2, & 8 9 Sep 2017
at Canada Bay Club – 4 William Street, Five Dock
OR BALLINA 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 June 2017
The Ramada Ballina-Byron Bay Hotel – 2 Martin St Ballina
Eventbrite page is

Awakening the power of the womb

With Michelle McGrath & Natalie Zukerman

Dates: Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th March 2017

The Time: 9:45am – 5pm each day
The Place (full address): The Barn, 3C Avenue Rd, Mosman, NSW 2088
Cost $495 (participants will receive a mini bottle of Womb Alchemical Oil)

Only the womb has the power to heal the world. When we heal our womb story, we heal our world story. Are you feeling blocked or stuck in any area of your life? Do you yearn to transform your relationships, ignite your lust for life, feel at home in your body and increase your creative flow? Awakening your womb involves releasing and clearing this sacred space, which leads to more creativity, love, passion, peace and clarity. When you feel secure, trusting of life and are comfortable in your own skin you can’t help but experience transformation. The process of Womb Awakening brings the masculine and feminine energies back into balanced sacred union and creates a necessary foundation for our next evolutionary shift. The womb is the mystery of all mystery schools, the sacred portal from where you create everything. Join us for a transformational weekend experience as we claim the power within. For more information and to book your place go to:


Hummingbird HealingBridge of Rainbow Light

Sacred Connection Journey

13-18 May 2017

Is your heart calling you to connect deeply with the Earth, the Star Ancestors and the purity of sacred sites? There’s been a deep calling for many of us to be physically present in sacred sites, sharing our energy and reconnecting to truths that are stored within the Earth.

This magical journey is a sacred gathering of only 8 women (including me), where we work with the Star Ancestors to restore unity, connection, wisdom and truth within each of us. We’ll gather with great respect for the sacred sites of Uluru and Kata Tjuta, and attune to the teachings they have to offer us. It is so much more than just a sight-seeing journey. The sacred healing container is already activated and will support you in recalibrating your vibration long before we depart. It’s a hugely transformational experience, that aligns multi-dimensional truths with ancient Earth wisdom. We’ll attune to and activate new codes of Unity Consciousness and re-pattern our energy bodies to carry this out into the world.

This year, we’ll also view and experience an amazing art installation – Field of Light, by artist Bruce Munro. Set outdoors in the desert surrounding Uluru, this vast vision was created from thousands of coloured glass spheres that illuminate at night, creating a beautiful, almost electric connection.

If you feel drawn to join us, I’d love to hear from you! There are currently only a few places left, so please be in touch soon. All the details are here:, or call me, Belinda Pate-Macdonald, on 0418961388.

About Belinda:

Belinda Pate-Macdonald is a Sacred Soul Alchemist, Author, Teacher, Channel and Retreat Facilitator for awakened hearts who want to truly embody their soul purpose, and share their multi-dimensional gifts through a life of possibility.

Belinda has an innate ability to bridge the spaces between dimensions, activating the holographic aspects of your expanded soul light. She is well known for her gift of guiding others into awakening their Divine Resources, and bringing them into active alignment with their everyday world.

As a heart-centered spiritual teacher, speaker and workshop leader, Belinda has shared the international stage with many luminaries and helped thousands of people remember their unique, amazing gifts and align their soul’s journey with their Divine truth.

 Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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