
AOL 5th November Newsletter

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly Newsletter

The Academy will help you keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and most importantly a space where like minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday night in Neutral Bay, Sydney.

Visit our website for our current events.

Serve man until you see God in all men……


The Academy is now on FACEBOOK!  Find our page and become a fan!!!

The Southern Cross Academy of Light



Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm sharp. Entry Fee: $15, concession available. Light refreshments are served.

9th November-  Narelle Green- The Magical powers of  Colour Vortexes

What is a Colour Vortex and  what happens when we commune with it?  Did you know that you have more access to powerful energy than you realise?  Do you know how to use  these powerful forces of energy to your advantage?   Colour Vortexes can give you access to higher dimensions, Healing energy, Higher intellegence, Guidance and more, the list goes on……..come and listen to the expert of Colour  share valuable information on the different vortexes of Colour energy and how they can help you balance your life.

16th November- Cathy Campbell – Understanding the Lore of Maat: Egyptian Energy for self renewal,

Egyptian Astrology and  Egyptian Feng Shui (called Wedi Ma’at).

A very different evening .  Cathy aUniversity lecturer and  Egyptologist, will share her remakable knowledge on ancient Egpytian Astrology and Feng Shui.



By popular demand we are bringing to you,

“Bathed in Sound”

Bookings 9975 4905 $30pp

Experience the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral

to the sound of sacred Bronze Gongs,

Crystal Bowls and Harmonic overtone chanting….

be completey uplifted

Come to soak up the pure tones of pure white quartz singing bowls and harmonic overtone chanting in the superb resonance of this Walter Burley Griffin Church while you contemplate your life’s path and meditatively walk the legendary Labyrinth of Charles Cathedral (France) as Benedictine Monks have for 800 years. …..then lie down within the Labyrinth or sit back and bliss out to the extraordinary power and beauty of the Sydney Sacred Gong ensemble as they continue a 6,000 yr old tradition by immersing you in the multiple sound waves and harmonics of large bronze gongs preceeded by the pure tones of crystal singing bowls.


The Peace Choir

The Sydney Sacred Gong Ensemble

Jessica Cowley Martin- Crystal Singing Bowls

and more……

Saturday 28th November 2009

715pm-9pm $30 pay at the door…bring a mat or cushion to sit/lie (chairs are available)

Call 02 9975 4905 for further details



Author of  ‘Contract to Live’  presents MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE SHADOW – TOGETHER WE SHINE

Cost: $35  Time: 7 – 9pm
Chadwick Room, Crows Nest Community Centre, Ernest Place, Crows Nest

We’ve worked hard to be where we are now.But the negative ego has a contract to try and pull us backwards. We don’t need to take this personally after all it’s just doing what it does so well. Come to Christine’s workshop and try some fun techniques for laughing at old fears, behaviours and limitations. Befriend them and reclaim the power they once had. The negative ego will applaud as we bump it out of the driver’s seat, take the wheel and move our lives along the high vibrational freeway to the state of BLISS.

This may seem like an interactive fun-filled look at ourselves, but lurking beneath the entertainment is reprogramming at the deepest level.

Come along and get Christine to sign your copy of her amazing book ‘Contract to Live’

In her book Christine describes walk-ins/soul exchange – the phenomenon of having your soul leave your body and another soul inhabiting it by karmic agreement. This is a rare experience that Christine went through during her near death experience. Christine was destined for cosmic awakening. Life threatening cancer stopped her in her tracks and she chose a radical new direction. The old Christine left and a new Christine was born. Since then her life has been an exciting spiritual adventure. Click here for brochure




Sat 21st November ***** GARY RENARD****** Crows Nest Community Centre – Pat Brunton Room

garyrenard211am – 6pm Arrive 10:30am please to ensure a prompt start******

Gary is on a world tour and we are thrilled to have him visit Australia. Gary is the author of the best selling book “The Disappearance of the Universe.

“The Awesome Power of Forgiveness”, based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, is transmitted to Gary by two Ascended Masters who appear in his living room. He encounters 17 conversations with them which take place over a decade. The spiritual teachings in this book give the world a message of extreme importance to help change our perception of the way we look at and experience life on this planet.”

Phone the office to book  for this special event (02)9975 4905 Cost $95 or email

******For those who have only placed a deposit please ring the office to finalise your payment to save you time on the day.



To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on 9957 4905


shining-bright1Shining BRIGHT Magazine……..The Voice Of The Academy.

Click here to subscribe

We welcome your Subscriptions,   pay only $ 25 .00  for 4 issues, this  includes  postage, delivered to your door.

Our next issue will be published in Jan 2010 please send articles of interest

Advertising– rates available on request,  our inside full color back page  is still available. Mono space  available with various sizes

The Deadline for advertising copy is 20th Nov 2009′

Email Ann Castle     Ph  02 9975 4905


Takeli’s Workshop’s– ..“The Portal Of Love ” 22nd November and “An Evening with Mufa -11/11/11”

Click here for “Portal of Love” brochure

Click here for “Evening with Mufa” brochure


“Christmas Appeal”

The Southern Cross Academy will once again be collecting the following items for a Christmas appeal to assist the refugee Sudanese families

Household Items:  Cleaning products- for the kitchen and bathroom : Food-rice, pasta, preserved foods: Cash

Donations can be dropped off at Monday night meditations at Neutral Bay, at Academy events or call the office 9975 4905



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