
AOL News – 7th March, 2012 – It’s a Matter of Trust

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgemental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to slow down and be present.


Thought of the Week

dalailamaThe moment you think of others with a sense of caring, your view widens.  Within that wider perspective, your own problems appear to be of little significance, and this makes a difference.

…….The Dalai Lama


F.Y.I. – Confirmation

Confirmation comes in many different ways.  This week Terri got a newsletter forwarded to her by three different people.  The paragraph below is a small excerpt from that email  – the full newsletter is well worth a read!  It confirms our belief that group functions  or connecting with like minded people is very important (come and join us at Neutral Bay on Monday nights).  It also follows on from our newsletter on the 15th February talking about the waves that we are surfing.waterwave

“In these coming waves, you are going to feel out of sorts and your body is going to give you weird issues that seem to come and go. You might feel like you need to hunker down and lay low for these shifts and changes; but we do not suggest this, although it is your free will to do whatever you want. Let us explain . . . You know when you sit in a chair too long, you get stiff. This is what will happen if you don’t KEEP MOVING while these waves wash over you. You will not find the answers you need while hiding in your home praying for solutions. The world is moving into a unified field of collective manifesting. You cannot do this by yourself. Pieces of your solution to this transformation are out in the world with other like-minded souls. All the pieces to this transformation are spread out among all of you. This is why you need like-minded ones around you. These waves are too large to surf alone. You must do this together.”

………….From Aluna Joy’s newsletter, 2012-Rebooting the System,  for more go to: and



The person with strong lungs has soft, lustrous skin and glossy hair.  Skin that is dry, dull or rough is a sign of lung imbalance……Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods.

Breathing exercises are important for your skin’s health.  Correct breathing increases lymph and blood flow to the skin, giving you a fresher looking complexion.  Correct breathing also enhances oxygen and nutrient flow to the skin so it facilitates wound healing and cell renewal.  And it reduces stress and anxiety so it decreases the likelihood of skin rashes caused by stress-induced inflammation.  Breathing exercises also teach you to breathe correctly during exercise, making it easier to do strenuous activities for longer (and remember, you must work up a sweat for gorgeous skin).

The skin is the last organ to receive nutrients (supplied by your meals).  Better breathing can enhance digestion and absorption of nutrients, which means more essential fatty acids and antioxidants from the Healthy Skin Diet can get to your outermost organ – the skin.

The act of breathing in and out also directly affects your lymphatic system, which is one of the main body systems responsible for healthy skin as well as immunity and resistance to disease.

…………Karen Fischer, “The Healthy Skin Diet”the-healthy-skin-diet


Affirmation – say every day.

Take three deep breaths and relax.  Say:

sierralookout-rayoflight“I release the past and all thought patterns that aren’t for my highest good.  I ask the Light to take them up to the realms of Light to be transformed.  I am free to be the best I can be.”

……Rosemary Butterworth


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

I am so excited.  My Guidance gave me the title of me next course.  It is “Becoming a New Human”.  I know from past experience, from the title comes the course, we will be given the tools and the insights into become part of the new humanity.

We have all heard that we may be dimensionally shifting, whatever that looks like to us.  Well, I had a client this week who definitely went through some sort of barrier.  She told me that it takes her over an hour to get to work.  Half an hour, walking to the train station, half an hour train ride and then 5 minutes of so walking to walk.  One morning she was running to the train.  It was 8.45am.  She was ‘told’ to stop running and walk, very focused and very present.  This she did but she said it took a leap of faith and trust.  She arrived at work at 9.20am.  It was impossible but it happened.  She has done this on a couple of other occasions and it has been the same.  But it takes tremendous faith.  This is one of the essential things that is needed to become a new human.

To enrol.

Course starts on the 2nd May and ends on the 20th June.  Cost $200

Venue:  Co-Creation Centre, 1st Floor 89 Chandos Street, St. Leonards.

On Line Course:  Enquiries: Attention:  Rosemary


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.

In the last few weeks Rosemary has been guided to give messages to those with sick friends and family.  The candles are then placed in the centre for Love and Light to manifest for all.


MONDAY, 12th March, 2012

michelle-mcgrath1Michelle McGrath

Embracing Self Love

Michelle has just completed a 9 year process of creating the Sacred Self self-love range of 33 Alchemical oils and self-love cards.

This started in 2003 when Michelle was meditating and asked herself what she most needed.  The answer was self-love.  Not really understanding the implication of what this meant, she made a commitment to embrace 100% self-love.  What followed was a journey into every part of her that was not in alignment with this goal…and the birthing of a range of vibrational oils that were gifts from and to the most challenging aspects of herself.

Join us to hear about this journey and also to hear about what self-love really means.  Self-love – would that change anything?  Or everything?

There will also be a self-love meditation and each attendee will receive a FREE sample of self-love oil to take home.

To find out more about the range check out sacred-self


MONDAY, 19th March, 2012

mark-anthony-2012Mark Anthony

Spiritual Harmony

MARK ANTHONY,  is Australia’s leading Spiritual teacher in the world famous healing technique “Thetahealing.” Mark is incredibly passionate about empowering people to create the life they choose to live. He dedicates his time enriching lives with this amazing technique.  At our next meeting Mark will share with you this amazing technique and how you can use it to achieve ” Spiritual Harmony” Imagine beginning your day with the feeling  of “Spiritual Harmony” at the very deep core of your being, where you are living each moment of the day in conscious harmony, engaging the soul in the present and living each moment with purpose and full awareness. or
Living in Spiritual harmony does not mean you are neglecting your responsibilities. To live in our society can be physically and emotionally demanding. As a result more and more people suffer from  stress, anxiety, and physical tension.
At this evening you will:
* Gain a deeper insight in to what it means to be “Living in Spiritual Harmony”,
* discuss the key spiritual virtues required to achieve “Spiritual Harmony”
* Learn a powerful yet simple exercise you can use on a daily basis so you can move towards living in “Spiritual Harmony” with ease and grace.
At the end of the evening Mark will guide you through a meditation into the Theta state where you will  receive incredible downloads* channelled by Mark Anthony so “Living in harmony” will come naturally.
We look forward to seeing you there!

*Downloads: “A download is a process by which we can reprogram  the subconscious mind “directly” with positive beliefs and feelings via accessing a Theta brain wave state. The Theta brain wave state  is the state in which we create our reality based on our beliefs and feelings. By downloading positive thoughts and feelings via the theta brain wave we can recreate the reality we desire.(ie success, happiness, joy etc)
The process of downloading positive beliefs and feelings “directly” to the subconscious mind means it is effectively quicker and faster than  reprogramming the subconscious mind via the conscious mind with time consuming and repetitive affirmations.
A download can also teach the body new feelings or beliefs directly to the cells. This is done by opening new receptors in the trillions of cells inside your body. You may have heard that happiness is inside you and not outside of you but if you don’t have the receptor (or ability ) to recognise the happiness then it creates frustration. When we download the ability to feel happiness and recognise it by opening these receptors then you are able to experience that feeling.”


Community Announcements


Crystal  Shop in Lane Cove.
Tools to help individuals ascend.

High Vibrational Crystals & Crystal Jewellery, Spiritual books, CDs, Dream catchers,
Egyptian  & Angel figurines, Sage, Incense , Essential oils & Australian Bush Flowers.
Intuitive readings & Astrology Charts. Reiki Healing & Theta Healing TM.

Shop 15, 115-121 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove. (02) 9427 9665  Rear of first arcade.
Love & Light, Gratitude & Blessings,
Kim & Glenn


Heal The Past & Awaken Your Soul

michelle-darby-fay1With Michelle Darby-Fay, Energetic Healer, Channeler & Intuitive Life Coach.

Experience powerful self-realisations and deep nurturing healing and release as Michelle connects with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides and the healing energies of Theta, Reiki and Serenity Vibration Healing to facilitate a healing of your non-serving beliefs and behavioural patterns, physical and emotional blocks, relationship barriers and spiritual connection.

Bookings Essential:

Mob:  0401 551 581   Email:

4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay. NSW

Sessions 1 Hour $95


john-levine-composer-3-copyCan you help?

From John Levine (composer of Alpha Music) and his partner:

We are looking for house sitting accomodation.  We are wanting a ‘base’ in Sydney – as we will have a few events taking us to Queensland for 3 nights and also our Symposium in Sydney for 3-4 nights.

Please let me know if there is any other information you need to put out the word by contacting us at

Dates: Arrive: Friday 10th August,  Depart Tuesday 4th September

Ideally : a self contained flat-apartment

Location: as close to Rose Bay as possible

Many thanks and Blessings, Miria & John



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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