
AOL News – 23rd November, 2011 – Make a Difference

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind that we all make a difference.


Thought of the Week

Enlightenment occurs for you every time a limiting notion dissolves and you are left free and clear, naturally open.

………..’in our hearts we know’ Shanti Mayi  in-our-hearts-we-know-shanti-mayi


F.Y.I.  – Together we make a difference!

Back on the 3rd august in our enewsletter we wrote about the 51% factor.  This week we were listening to an old recording from Patricia Cota-Robles on Abundance.  In it she mentions that 51% is critical mass and when critical mass is reached there is an unstoppable shift that takes place.  So if 51% of our energy vibration and consciousness is aligned through the energy of our thoughts, words, actions and feelings with a particular pattern ie prosperity, then nothing can stop it happening.  See this on a global level not just a personal level.  Know that if we work together we can make a difference to the world around us.  Be the change.  Lead by example.

Believe, Trust and have Faith.

angelstar-fleetAlso, at Neutral Bay on Monday night Coralie and Carma gave us an amazing Sound and Galactic experience!  Wow!!!!  We were so moved by the energy we have asked them to come back next year.  Stay tuned and in the meantime here’s their website –


Health tip – Joy

Explore the playfulness of life’s Joy, and soak in the effervescence of play.  Connect with the carefree energy you felt as a child.  Chant ‘HEE’ through the crown chakra to release Joy.   Ask for Archangel Jophiel’s help.

………………an excerpt from Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards by Stewart Pearce ( and Richard Crookes.archangel-jophiel-joy_0001

The chemicals that are released when you feel lighter through play benefit every cell in your body.  If dis-ease comes from stuck, negative thoughts, feelings and energies then it follows that the body can be healed by changing, releasing that which is no longer required.  Any form of movement can start the process of healing leading to a heightened awareness of what not only your physical body but also your soul needs for perfect health.   So sing, dance, play, walk, run, laugh are a few of our suggestions and see what happens to your total wellbeing.


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and begin your day by saying:-

“I fill my cup so it can overflow into the world.”

……………’Aura-Soma, Healing through Color, Plant, and Crystal Energy.’ Irene Dalichow and Mike Booth  aura-soma-by-irene-dalichow-and-mike-booth


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

HELP SPREAD THE LIGHT. (This Christmas and any time).

The Academy has attracted to itself so many books, CD’s and wonderful products such as Soul Colour Spray Bottles and Jewellery.  Also Grail Haven Water.  These products raise your energy; raise your frequency immediately, to a place where you are no longer connected to the frequency of the Global Consciousness which is full of fear, particularly around finances.  Mark Anthony of Theta Healing says, what you don’t believe passes you by.

So why not spread the Light by giving a present full of inspiration and Light.  Inna Segal’s book – The Secret Language of your Body is a must in everyone’s home.  It not only gives you an accurate description of what is the cause of the dis-ease, but also a treatment.  Inna’s Colour Cards bring inspiration and knowings while the Self-Love cards not only provide self love and acceptance but give you a positive focus for the day.  John Levine’s Alphamusic take the mind out of stress and help you to centre and be relaxed (a wonderful present for 2012).

So let us be part of the 51% – let us live a life of peace, harmony and joy.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.



lotus-for-newsletterSacred Journeys and Meditation on the
Sacred Dragon Lines of the Planet
with Patricia Athena

This is a special presentation and meditation based on amazing energy places on the planet in Bali and Hawaii and how energetically they are connected through the Feminine dragon lines of the planet.
This presentation and meditation will have some wonderful visuals and sound to support the event
Hear about the “Temple of One” in Bali or  Pura Penighil Dharma or Temple of Universal Oneness and loving kindness.
Patricia Athena is guiding people to connect with these energy lines this year in special trips to Bali in October and Hawaii in November and also in 2012.  Look at this on YouTube click here.

Sacred Dragon lines that go through Bali and up to Hawaii.  For more about Patricia and her work click here.



troi-lenard-3TROI LEONARD, International Speaker from Norway

I invite you to experience a ‘Deepening of Oneness’ into the Heart of Love…

The practice of  BEING rather than DOING is the difference between the
PAST and the NOW…  I believe that all Yogas, Healing’s and the myriads of Self Development
Processes have led us to the threshold of entering into the TRUE SELF, the I AM presence of

By applying the tools of our Spiritual Trade in our everyday, practical lives…the right use of the breath
reconnecting us in fullest measure to the body and it’s FEELING NATURE, stilling the  minds erratic behaviour…
with right FOCUS and INTENT…. and establishing, over time, a basic and healthy RHYTHM over the whole
of our personality, to the HIGHER RHYTHM and COMMUNION with our SOUL…PRESENCE of our BEING.

The LOVE THAT WE ARE impels and implores us to cast aside our resistances to the inevitable change
we are in the very midst of…and surrender with acceptance and joy…our destiny and purpose for
BEING…in the SERVICE OF LOVE and the new world we are CO-CREATING together.


Whilst Troi Leonard is visiting SYDNEY – December  1 to 7th,  – Troi is offering Spiritual Guidance and
Soul Counsel Sessions, as well as Sound & Color ‘ Energy Flow ‘ Healings plus Raindrop Aromatherapy Healings.
Troi is also an Esoteric & Pranic Healer with over 35 years of experience in applying the Seven Rays & Harmonic Tones
to free and remove negative and stuck energy in the Aura and Physical/Etheric bodies…

For appointments, please call…02 9328 2231
Or email Troi at…
For Troi’s activities schedule look under…





Tonight I will be speaking about Abundance, manifesting it, using intuition, and taking leaps of faith. I will share my personal story of Abundance.  I will share what I do to create abundance in my life and lead an abundance manifestation meditation at the end of my talk.

My intention is that the audience will have something woken within them and at the very least come away inspired and feeling abundant.

Jason Snaddon is the Managing Director of a Real Estate business Love Property he has also recently served on the Board of the SGLBA and is the Managing Director of  Shine Sydney 2012. He has created and manifested an abundant life and has recently taken a giant leap of faith to follow his purpose and his abundance.

Two Lucky Door Prizes of the Evening will be a boxed set of Angel and Destiny  Cards PLUS an Angel Reading by Rosemary Butterworth

This is the closing event for 2011.  The Academy opens again on Monday the 16th January when the speaker will be the wonderful writer, composer and film maker Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky.  Anatole’s latest book  ‘Soft Diamond Light: only love matters’ is available through Adyar Bookshop.



grail-haven-fellowshipThe Grail Haven Fellowship Programme presents:

CRYSTAL WORKSHOP, Sunday, December 4th between 10&4 – with Richard De Welles

Working with crystals, chakras, healing techniques and guided imagery Richard will assist your healing and transformational journey.

Click here to find out more and then please contact Richard at Grail Haven for full programme.


Community Announcements


Michelle Darby-Fay is an Energetic Healer, Channeler & Intuitive Life Coach.

Have a session with Michelle at Soul Sanctury.  To find out more about Michelle click here.

SOUL SANCTUARY is located at 4/139 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089

Bookings can be made by phoning 0401 551 581.  For more about Soul Sanctuary


grail-havenblueThe Alchemist’s Journey – Paris & Prague

Come and spend an amazing 21 days  in May 2012 with Gerry Taylor-Wood!

Visit Black Madonnas – Mary Magdalene relics – South of France, Knight’s Templar – Many CATHAR CASTLES and more!

Gerry has guided many successful tours through France and beyond.  To find out more about this tour click here and to see more about Gerry visit



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.  To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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