
AOL News – 28th September, 2011 – It’s about transformation

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. F.Y.I.
3. Health Tip
4. Affirmation
5. In and Around The Academy
6. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
7. Whats On
8. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

never-sell-happiness1If we are going to help heal the wounds of our race, we first have to accept and heal the wounds we carry within our own being.  Wherever you have fear, hatred and shame, there is division within you and a part of you that seeks reconnection……Spiritual Alchemy by Dr. Christine Page

Recommendation: To transform these emotions – Mark Anthony’s CD “Manifesting with the Chakras”
Available trough the Academy at or email us with your order.



Starting from next week, the 5th October we are going to include a story on the first Wednesday of the month.
This month’s story will be by Dolores Cannon.  It is called Planetary Transformation:  The Coming New Earth.

dolores_cannon-med-res1“There have been many prophecies and visions of our future and the evolution of consciousness of our world.  Dolores Canon has been at the forefront of this investigation, researching what she calls the “lost knowledge” – the origins of life on Earth and throughout the universe.  In this article she shares this information, which she admits is controversial:  a view of planetary transformation that is both mind-bending and awe-inspiring.

Stayed tuned!!!


Health tip

from Accidentally Overweight by Dr. Libby Weaver.dr-libby-weaver

Healthy Breasts

When it comes to breast health, there is so much we now understand that contributes to the creation and maintenance of healthy breast tissue.  Empowering women to take charge of this incredibly important aspect of their health is vital to the future of all women and eduction must begin at a young age.  Part of the challenge is deciphering fact from fiction or fad, so let’s explore what we know creates healthy breasts.


Caffeine – coffee in particular – has also been found to play a role in the creation of denser, cystic breast tissue.  On the other hand green tea has consistently been shown in numerous studies to be protective against many types of cancers, breast cancer included.  Most people are astounded at the change in the breasts when they take a break from coffee and alcohol.   I challenge you to take a break from these substances no matter how much you love or depend on them.  Do it for one week, one little week out of your big, long life.  If you find that easy, do it for two.  Or better still, omit them for one or two menstrual cycles and notice how different your breasts feel.

You can order your book through PayPal or email the Academy


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and begin your day by saying:-

“I AM created as an Abundant Being”.

Surrender to All That Is and trust in the process.  It requires us to surrender with your whole heart to the Godforce within you by being present in the Now.


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

Jennifer Starlight channeled Min last Monday Night at the Academy meeting.  It was both informative, inspiring plus a good reminder.  Min said that pain comes indirectly from our resistance to the flow of life.  It comes, he said, by your wanting to control and manage your life so there won’t be pain.  We need to surrender to the current of life and allow what is to be.  If it brings pain, by surrendering to it, we can understand what we have to let go of and we grow!  We empower ourselves.  We empower those around us by being the example.  We learn and we teach by being.

Min also told us of a new wave of energy coming onto the planet.  He said it was very important to put into practice what we have learnt.  We cannot waste time now because this energy is so great it will enliven whatever we have in our cells.  I call it ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’.  Whatever we believe, whatever we think we create almost immediately.

So it is very important to surrender all those hurts, all those wounds that we wear on our sleeve, or etched into our face.  For our own sakes it is time to FORGIVE and FORGET.  We have all had tragedies in our lives but let us empower ourselves by stepping over them and moving forward and leaving them behind.  Let us just be and enjoy our lives.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.





valerie-barrowValerie Barrow……”Alcheringa, When our Ancestors were first created.”

The Australian Aborigine say they began from here, meaning Australia, and that they travelled out from this land.  It is in their Dreaming.
They also have Dreaming stories that say the 8th sister from the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) will one day return when the time was right.
One day  I was asked to mind a Aboriginal sacred Alcheringa Stone wrapped in paperbark, that came from the stars and which I intuitively knew I was never to open.  Sitting with the Stone, I was overlighted with a bright-blue light that raised my consciousness, prompting me to write about some of Earth’s Evolution and its connection to Uluru.  As a result a book was written that led me to meet a Bundjalung tribal elder who took a group of us to the site of hieroglyphs cut into stone at Kariong, near the Kuringai NationalPark.

Please come and listen to the extraordinary experience we had that day and how knowledge was given of how the First Humans were created nearly a millionyears ago.  Hundreds of others have since remembered that story from their Cosmic Consciousness.

Our Bundjalung friend tells us that as a boy sitting around a campfire his grandmother would point to the group of stars known as the Seven Sisters in the Sky and say, “That is where our ancestors came from.”  It is interesting that Kuringai means ‘first people’ and is why Aborigines on the Eastern board of Oz like to be referred to as ‘Kuri.’

Valerie’s book ‘Alcheringa’ can be purchased through the Academy.  See more on Valerie at her site



Workshop this Saturday 1st October 2011

With Jennifer Starlight and Peter Harris

Only truth can transform us

This is an invitation to heal the fall from our pure consciousness which created the illusion of separation.
Our invisible teacher Min has been instructing us on the true history of humanity,
our Mother Earth and the original cause of all our issues.
Only through understanding of our beginning can we heal our Soul’s homesickness and human suffering and secure our future.
Learn to reconnect  to your Spirit and re-establish holy communion with your Original Creator.
This will be a very powerful day and we ask tha
t you be guided by your Soul as to whether you should attend.
Min will be speaking at this workshop
When:  Saturday, 1st October – 10.30am to 5pm
Where:  The Awareness Centre,  Suite 1, 20 Clarke Street, Crows Nest.
Investment:  $150.00
To secure a place please contact Peter on: 0412.770110

Afternoon tea is provided, please bring your own lunch – or cafes nearby


The Path to Love with Rosemary Butterworth

Wednesday evenings: 12th October – 30th November, 7pm to 8.30pm
Cost: $200 for the 8 week course in St Leonards.

The path to LOVE is to have a healthy Body, Mind and Soul… This course will show you how to achieve this.
Come along and have fun together as we go into high energy and clear our physical, emotion and mental bodies.

Withing the tissues of your body there are hidden memories.  These could be emotional, mental or physical.  They effect your health and can keep your energy low.

At this point we turn to a quick fix solution – a cup of coffee, a sugar hit or a glass of wine.  All of these help to give us a false high followed by a new low and keep our bodies in an unhealthy state. If our goal is to be JOYFUL and in a LOVING state then we need to firstly find the path to health.  The way to Love is to have a healthy Body, Mind and Soul.  The course will show you how to achieve this.
In the first two weeks we have invited Lilo Kunz, a remedial masseur and body talk practitioner to come along and show us simple exercises that will eliminate ‘issues from our tissues’.  Each Wednesday night you will experience a Meditation to lift your spirit, and quieten your mind,   as well as an holistic approach to good health by using physical exercises or Theta healing for clearing thoughts and beliefs.   Rosemary will also use her gift of clairvoyance to help each individual find what is causing them  stress and help them grow.
By understanding how the body works, what causes your stress, what keeps your energy low, we can take the first steps on the Path to Love.
Come and walk with us.

Essential reading for the course is Accidentally Overweight by Dr. Libby Weaver.  This book can be purchased at you local bookshop or through the Academy

BOOKINGS: Phone Rosemary on 9967 4425 or email
To see more click here.

The wisdom and the teaching Rosemary is given comes from the Angelic Kingdom. archangel-michael


Community Announcements

Creating Your Future® Coaching & Goal Setting package

Don’t waste any more time – take action today! You are the smartest investment you can make and when you purchase a Creating Your Future® Coaching & Goal Setting package you are investing in a bigger and brighter future for yourself.

Using performance enhancement and advanced goal setting techniques, Jane Chessell from People to Power will assist you to:
*Set clear and achievable goals in a key area of your life
*Clear out blocks that stopped you from achieving results in that area before
*Be motivated to take action and create your future the way you want it

This work is for people who are serious about taking action to change their lives. Special discounts apply for a limited time – see attached flyer.

Call Jane today to book your Creating Your Future® Coaching & Goal Setting package:
T – 0417 453 972    E – W –

SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PACKAGE OFFER:  $550.00 to first 5 people from this Newsletter  to invest in this package.


music_spiral1HeartSpace 2011

A magical weekend in nature with Uplfiting Music, Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Drumming, Dance and much more…Rediscover your bliss surrounded by the tranquility of the Australian Bush! At this Inaugural Festival, free of drugs, smoke and alcohol. Experience the healing powers of Love, Sound, Energy, Breath, Fire, Food, Yoga, Meditation, Dance and more.

Set at the Beautiful Bundacreek, Nabiac, NSW, this magical weekend will leave you feeling centred, rejuvenated, inspired and alive like never before. Whether you choose to camp in the beautiful grounds or stay in local accommodation, you will experience the natural high of the positive energy and empowerment available throughout this extraordinary weekend.

When: Friday 28th October 3pm until Sunday 30th October 3pm.
: Bundacreek Country Lodge and Grounds – Nabiac, NSW (near Forster and Taree).
Web: Contact: Dan Coates 0425.425390


vianna-stibal-disease-and-disorderVianna Stibal is coming to Sydney in October!

Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealingTM, an energy healing technique that is rapidly transforming the lives of thousands of people across the globe is coming to Sydney, Australia.Are you looking for powerful new ways to improve or heal your life?

Don’t miss out on the following events open to everyone THETAHEALING Day – Special one day event that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE  on 29TH OCTOBER, 2011 PLUS SOULMATE DAY – Are you ready for True Love? on 6th NOVEMBER.

For further information on what you can experience with Vianna click here.

Avoid disappointment – Register now for any of the above events at or call us on (02) 9613 0712.



A community announcement costs $30.  To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75.

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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