
AOL News – 20th July, 2011 – Your protection?

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. F.Y.I.
3. Health Tip
4. Affirmation
5. In and Around The Academy
6. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
7. Whats On
8. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

buddha-peacefulAWAKE – AWAKE – AWAKE

There is no time for slumber.

You have been asleep and dreaming for thousands of lifetimes.  If you do not awaken, this chance may not come for thousands more……Baba


F.Y.I. – How to Protect Your Space – by Ruth Magan

rainbown-for-newsletterRuth found it was important to protect her book,’Beyond 2012′ – otherwise the beings that weren’t of the Light tried to stop it being sold.  The Academy found the same thing one time when we were hosting Dr. Verna Yater – no one was booking in.   We found that an etheric blanket had been placed around all the advertising concerning her to make her visit invisible.  When we contacted Dr. Yater in America and told her, she laughed and said the ones not-of-the-Light will do that and together we cleared the event.

So the following is Ruth’s meditation to protect your space or your work.

Close your eyes.

Envision a violet flame come up from the earth and a golden sun above.  Now picture a bubble of silver and  a rainbow of light all around your space.  Call in St. Germain of the Violet Flame as well as Archangel Michael and Metatron, The Golden Ones, the Ascended Masters of the Elorin, as well as the positive spirits of the land and of this property who are of the most high and positive spiritual nature.

Only that which is of the highest vibration of Divine Love, Light and Truth are allowed in or near this space, north, south, east and west, above, below or within our Auric field.  This property, this space only harbours love and light.  No negative or lower level frequencies of energy or entities are allowed, no prying eyes are allowed.

This space is holy ground and we are holy temples.


Health tip

consciousness-2“Being”  – a Healing Doorway to Consciousness

“Being” as a word, is a powerful doorway to your true spiritual self.  In today’s planetary times, ‘being’ gives us a doorway to enter communion with each particle of energy that makes us who we are.  It gives us a pathway to follow where we can participate in conversations between each of our major body organs, our blood, nerves and glands, etc.

E.g.  We can talk with our bone marrow where much of our life support is being born.  Have you heard the musical voice of your kidneys, or the deep beautiful resonance of your heart?  These are not impossible dreams.  They are examples of everyday internal messages we can use to heal our physical body and expand our consciousness.

Energy medicine, born in the ancient traditions, is where you use your own energy to heal yourself and link with the Cosmos, God, Spirit, Source.  Repeated phrases that include the word ‘Being” and done with intent to heal have resulted in amazing healing.

An example is as simple as:

“Being my bones, being my bones, being my bones healthy and strong”.  The use of this phrase over three weeks had the outcome of an ankle pain of nineteen years disappearing.
For further info.


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy of Light and then call in your Teachers and Guides and say:-

looking-lovinglyI see myself and others with the eyes of love.

I digest all information harmoniously……Rose of Raphael

(Let us create an energy grid – ask your friends in Australia and around the world to say this daily too).


In and Around The Academy

logo_small2from Rosemary Butterworth.

I awoke on Monday morning and hobbled for the bathroom being sore and stiff from a weekend of gardening at Jacaranda Haven.   My face registered the pain I was feeling.  As I entered the bathroom, I heard a loud voice inside my head – it definitely wasn’t my mind as the voice was masculine and it boomed out at me –

ENJOY YOUR LIFE – JUST THE WAY IT IS! Wow,  what a reminder I thought as I thanked whoever it was. I realised that I had created my life just the way it was.  It was a wonderful reflection of my beliefs and thoughts.  It was no use grumbling as I am the creator of it.     But who enjoys there life just the way it is? Aren’t we always trying to ‘improve’ our life?  Aren’t we always trying to change and fix things to make our life ‘better’.

Who said ‘ Life is what passes us by while we are busy making plans’?  We are always so busy trying to improve things that we forget to enjoy the moment now which in Truth is the only moment we have.  It’s funny, but when I acknowledged my life the way it is – the wonderful people like you that are in it – the joy I feel as I connect to you all writing this – there is only love in my heart and gratitude for The Academy.  In this moment now, I really am enjoying my life – just the way it is. 

RE:  RUTH’S TAPES – AND BOOKS:   Should have news when they will be available next week.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession $10.

Light refreshments are served.




rosemary-recent-picture-1105Tonight Rosemary will give you a glimpse of the preparation needed for the 5th dimension.  She will lead you in meditation and invite  Angelic messages to come through to tell each of you what needs clearing and whether or not the direction you have chosen will lead you to Higher Realms of consciousness.   The Masters have told her that we are at a crossroad.  We can move in any one of the four directions,  it depends on what we choose at this time.  The direction we choose will depend on what we experience.

Rosemary invites you to become the butterfly and be able to fly free.

John will finish the evening with a Gong Bath which in itself is so divine and uplifting, that it is worth coming for.

A handout of Ruth Magan’s  “13 Fear Cells” will be available for all tonight.


MONDAY 1st August, 2011

anjels-book-cover‘Lift your Energies Using Colour – Nature’s Gift to Us’   –   Anjel O’Bryant

“My passion is to humanize environments and empower people’s lives by using the science of Colour Response Technology”

TONIGHT Anjel will be showing you how to choose the right colours to get a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance specifically designed for your life’s path.  She will demonstrate how this works with two people out of the audience showing how it works and why it works – it’s called humanizing and designing environments to fit your life’s path.

There’s not many professionals in the world whose work has been viewed and appreciated by the Pope, but Anjel OBryant is one of them. Keynote Speaker, Interior Designer, Colour Response Analyst, Accredited Trainer, and author of Colour My Home, Anjel OBryant has spent her professional life demonstrating the  power of scientifically based colour response technology for an enormous range of places & people in Australia for over 35 years.  Anjel was chosen by the Sisters of St. Joseph to create a special warmth for the private chapel of Mary MacKillop’s church in North Sydney, in preparation for the papal visit of Pope Benedict XVI and the announcement of the canonization of Mary MacKillop.

“If people were to utilize colour optimally in their personal and professional lives, it would promote a more positive mental, emotional and spiritual attitude than ever imagined!

“Creating the right environments with confidence and scientifically based colour selections, not only enhances the architecture, but also produces a positive emotional, physical, mental and spiritual response relating to the function of the building, therefore greatly enriching the quality of life for the end user.”
Convinced of the need to create a greater awareness of the powerful effects that colour has on us every second of our lives, Anjel has written ‘Colour My Home – Coaching you to Colour Success’ from her Anjel’s Alchemy Series.

Anjel’s book ‘Colour My Home’ will also be available to purchase on the night. For more info:



PREPARING FOR THE 5TH DIMENSION.rosemary-recent-picture-11052


Begins 27th July – 14th September.  Every Wednesday Night 7.00pm – 8.30pm at Crows Nest Community Centre.              Cost: $200 or $30 per night.

Enquiries/Bookings.  Email: or ph: 9967 4425

“In the beginning was the Word”

This Course is the beginning of a new stage in your development.  I liken it to passing from High School to University.  It encompasses a totally new way of being and living  as you prepare to leap into another dimension.

Spirit has told me that we are all at the ‘Crossroads’.  We can choose to move forward, left, right or even by allowing yourself to repeat patterns, move backwards.

I will connect to your Soul and be given what you need to look at, what word is important, what sound that needs to be transmuted or understood in your life.

Also we will look at:

If  there is no stress in the 5th dimension, how do we get there to a state of no stress at all?  How are you dealing with the stresses.?

Learn how easy it is to transform or transmute  the stresses in your life .   How do we go from wanting things outside ourselves to make us happy to knowing and feeling happy all the time?  It really is easy.  Come and play with us.

This course is all about transformation.


Community Announcements

The Academy is very pleased to announce that Mark Anthony will be giving a free talk  at Forster on the 3rd September at the Girl Guides Hall, Lake Street at 7pm, more information next week.     By donation:  $10.00  or  $5.00 concession.



To see even more about Jennifer and The Invisible College click here to go to The Academy Website to see a YouTube with Jennifer speaking.  Enjoy Min speaking through Jennifer.


Jennifer Starlight’s Books, ‘JOY’,  and ‘UNION’  are available through The Academy.

Available on Monday Nights at Academy Meetings or through the website for $24.00 ea.  Postage extra.



Nellie Patterson and the Pitjantjatjara elders in Central Australia invite you to share in Women’s Business at a very sacred healing area approximately 150 kms from Uluru. (This is a long drive on a desert track).

Dates:           30th August to 3rd September 2011
Cost:             $1500.00
Fly Into:       Ayers Rock Airport
Pickup:        The Outback Pioneer Motel, Yulara.  Tel:  (08) 8957 7888
Deposit:       $500.00 due now.
Balance:      $1000.00 due by 31st July 2011


Fee covers transport to and from Yulara (also there is a free shuttle bus from Yulara Airport to the Outback Pioneer), all meals, swag and cultural fees.

We are travelling to very powerful land and we are asked to come with deep respect for the law and culture of this area bringing only an open attitude and willingness to be guided by the elders.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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