
AOL Newsletter – 15th June, 2011

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. Thought of the Week
2. F.Y.I.
3. Health Tip
4. Affirmation
5. In and Around The Academy
6. Neutral Bay, Monday Gatherings
7. Whats On
8. Advertising/Community Announcements

Thought of the Week

martin-luther-king1We need not join the mad rush to purchase an earthly fallout shelter – ..God  is our eternal fall-out shelter. ……  Martin Luther King.



Lord Maitreya channelled by Rosemary Butterworth 10th June, 2011

An excerpt…

There are “Worlds within Worlds”.  You have heard this before, there are different realities going on at the same time.  We (you) are here to show the path to these Worlds.

On this Earth:

There are people living in Peace and Harmony.  There are people in Wartorn zones which for them would be equivalent to hell.

Cast your mind across the different realities/different worlds.

Look at Heaven in your own world where all is provided; your food, clothing, transport, etc.  Look at the poorest of the poor.  Remember the people there have chosen to be there.  Have not you chosen to be here?

You are here to show people about choice, what Mind Reality they have in Mind.  Peace or Warzone.

It is very important to show people they have the right to choose NOW.peace-and-harmony-world

They will go through a doorway for another existence.  The same as us (The Masters) – Peace.

If not for the news/TV, etc. we would not know about wars.

Now we must choose which world to live in.  It is time now to be born again, but into which world.

We need Joy in life, Love in life.  LOVE IN ACTION.  See the good in everything, everywhere.  Wayshowers (you) do this.

p.s. What world does your mind live in – Peace or ?  It is your choice.  …..Rosemary


Health tip

CALCIUM – We need a great deal of calcium to function properly – to build, repair and heal every day.  It’s the most abundant mineral in the body but to function well it must be accompanied by phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins A,C, & D.

chamomileA cup of Chamomile tea, which is a high source of calcium, to aid in food digestion is the best beverage to follow any meal.

ALMOND MILK is a delicious alternative to cow’s milk.  Simply throw a handful of almonds into the blender.  Add 2 teaspoons of honey and about one cup of water.  Great on cereal or as a refreshing drink…………………Jeni Edgley’s Nutrition Book.


Affirmation – say every day.

Connect to The Southern Cross Academy Community and then call in the Guardian Angel of Abundance and say:-

I let go easily, trusting that nothing leaves my life unless something better is

……………Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer “Creating Money, Keys to Abundance”

(Let us create an energy grid – ask your friends in Australia and around the world to say this daily too).


In and Around The Academy

from Rosemary Butterworth.

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend despite the wet.  John has taken the extra days off work so we are still here at Jacaranda Haven, warm and cosy in front of a woodburning fire.  Meanwhile the following may be of interest to those who follow the activities of a group called the Arcturians……..

from Danielle Allen (Bulahdelah).

A City of Light was anchored over Nelson Bay on Sunday June 12, with crystals being buried at north, south, east and west positions by the Group of Forty.  The centre of the City is over the coordinator Caroline’s home in Wollomi Crescent.  Many Cities of Light are being created all over the world and this group is guided by the Arcturians.  All group members sang John Lennon’s song IMAGINE as part of the ceremony for the City of Light.

On the same day, a Ladder of Ascension was downloaded over Tomaree Head, also Nelson Bay, and this makes the fourth Ladder to be positioned this year.  The first is over The Dome Rock in Jerusalem, the second at Bell Rock Arizona, the third over Mount Fuji (June 11) and now the fourth right here at Tomaree Head, Nelson Bay

sacred_triangleDavid Miller, coordinator of the Group of Forty worldwide (, was channelling guidance for the City of Light and Ladder of Ascension with the whole group around the world tuning in by teleconference and adding their energy and intent to the wonderful process.

PS.  People are popping up everywhere to assist us in these amazing times.
Jan Paton (from Forster) was just telling me this morning, someone wants to run her workshops for her.
A singersongwriter Ananda (who was Guest Speaker at Neutral Bay) just happened to be at the Nelson Bay ceremony and has offered his services to make two songs with me for Jan’s DVD
Circles within circles, wheels within wheels – wonderful stuff!!!!!!!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession $10.

Light refreshments are served.



Earth Healing Meditation Focus with Patricia Athena and Jen Sedman

This session is about creating a sacred space to open up and experience healing for Self and the Earth through visualisation (amazing dolphin and whale images) and sound.  With the Earth in a period of rapid and powerful change it is important to keep centred in our light bodies and in our heart and bring the higher vibrational energies into our being through powerful meditations and a focus of prayer.

kwan-yinThis session is very focussed on our heart opening, balance and stillness through Kwan Yin Healing assisted by the dolphins and whales with appropriate sound vibrations.  There will also be a strong focus of healing of the planet.

Sacred geometrical images will enhance this experience and give us an understanding of our Oneness with all life

Patricia Athena teaches the Flower of Life and facilitates meditations, healing workshops and sacred journeys to align with Earth energies and facilitate healing for Self and the Earth

See her website:, call 02 49633433 or 0411559188.



dr-galen-lovenSUCCESS IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD by Dr. Galen Loven.   (In Australia for 8 weeks).

Who is Dr Galen Loven? Come and find out how you can make your spiritual business a success.

Dr Loven ( Ph.D in Business Management) has spent years in regional and international corporate sectors.  In addition to planning and development work, he was personal coach to the CEOs of companies in the doldrums (or dire straits), helping guide the return to growth and liquidity.

He has spent a lifetime experiencing and exploring metaphysical and inner worlds, offering healing, insight and counseling to those who find him.

Now weaving together his pragmatic, effective business strategies and his profound knowledge of the human condition and our spiritual paths, he offers a unique insight into soul resonance in business, its importance in your success, and the sabotaging effects of being out of integrity.

His work is deeply spiritual, soul based and immediately applicable in the tangible world of your business or practice. This is content and energetically rich work. Intimate group sizes allow flexibility of content and individual energetic and conceptual keys to be transferred during workshops and dialogues with him.

“Dr Loven will earn the right to ask you the tough questions, he will hold that space and listen. He will hold you accountable for answering the question you need answered and ensure you don’t deflect, detract or back away. I have never been heard in this way before. When Galen Loven listens, you speak your truth and you hear your true voice.”



Kwan Yin and Dolphin Healing Workshop

patricia-dolphin25th-26th June. The healing of Self and the Earth

2 Day Level 1 Workshop, Randwick,

10am-4pm cost $180

Facilitated by Patricia Athena and Jen Sedman

Kwan Yin and Dolphin healing through the glands and the endocrine system of the body. Some Sound healing and Sacred Sound will be learnt in this workshop

Call: 0411559188 or for details or to register



ANYONE CAN DEVELOP HEALING SKILLS – Some people believe you must be born with a healing gift.  The truth is, anyone with the right guidance, can develop healing skills.

Whether you are new to healing, want more powerful and easier techniques, or you’re on a Spiritual Journey, Blueprint Healing has a useful, easily understandable and achievable platform to support you every step of the way…………….See attached flyer for more details.




Ruth will be taking you through a Golden Rose Meditation to help you access memories of your divine purpose and of your role in helping with the shift into the New Dimension.

Seminar at Crows Nest Community Centre – 7 – 9pm – Cost $35

Book Now. The Academy  9967 4425


2012 is just around the corner and I have the privilege of presenting a seminar at Crows Nest Community Centre on Wed. July 6th about 2012 and times coming. I am excited to be able to share some of the latest information about these amazing times we are in. What is going to happen is so mind-blowing and life altering that all who are on Earth to experience this shift, into a higher dimensional reality, will have a permanent symbol in their auric field that says I was there.

When Bobby Running Fox, a Native American Sharman, was handed a copy of Ruth’s latest book, Visions of Earth Beyond 2012 he immediately held it up to the group and said, “Pay attention to this-this is true. In 2012 a big old shift is going to happen. In fact, I have a friend who’s already ascended to another dimension of earth.”  To read about Ruth’s meeting with Bobby running Fox and more click here.

(see flyer for more details).


Community Announcements


·         Are you stressed?
·         Looking for balance in your life?
·         Do you feel your body is keeping up with the demands of everyday life?
·         Wanting to understand your life’s purpose?
·         Do you want to change something in your life?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, it’s time to visit us at ReAwaken.  Our holistic programs combine energetic principles with every day, practical strategies to support you to create the life you want and deserve.

For your convenience we have just arrived at 80A Willoughby Rd, Crows Nest.  To see more information click here.

Book your appointment today on 0457 826 648 with Deborah or visit us on


Details for Forest Lodge Bulahdelah forest-lodge-farm-stay-bulahdelah

June 18 – one day course healthy garden – $90

June 25 – 26 – introduction to permaculture – $400 – includes accommodation food & course ($220 – own accommodation.)

Enquiries go to: or phone Danielle 02 4997 451



One Garden Divine Flower and Nature Essence,

Level 1 Workshop – Wyee, NSW Central Coast

9 & 10 July, 2011

Rainbow Reach Retreat, Wyee (near Wyong)

To assist our preparation for the workshop, please let us know 30TH June.

Workshop is free or by donation.  Accommodation is available with meals extra.

For further details click here, email or phone 07 4169 0955 or 0407928525.


Searching for a Meaning to Life?
Looking to find your role in life?
Your Dreams do have meaning
And relevance in your life


Soul/Spiritual Readings And Dream Interpretations By Ross Bishop Author of the book: A new Dreaming

Mob: 0428127737   Ph: (02) 6454 2506


vianna-stibalVianna Stibal is coming back to Sydney for a ThetaHealing day on 29th October.  To avoid disappointment book in early by registering now on or phone 02 9613 0712.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.


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