
Looking forward to the Birth of a New Earth

mother-earth1The Earth changes are going to happen.  The same way as a lady gives birth, you cannot stop it.

You can have a comfortable birth or a difficult one.  It is a choice.  If a lady exercises, relaxes through breathing has a good diet – prepares – the birth has a higher possibility of being easy.  It is only natural for first time mothers to experience a little fear because giving birth is an unknown.

The Earth changes that are happening are just like a mother giving birth.  It is a natural event.  The question is how the fear can be diminished for the human population.  Intelligent preparation is the answer.  For instance, if you are in a tsunami zone you might like to move.  The unknown causes anxiety.  If you are in tune with your inner self why would we not pass on to you the information.

Just as you don’t know when a mother will give birth we don’t know exact times of events.  We do know that time is up according to the Laws of Creation.

You (Lightworkers) are midwives and are here to help the Mother relax and give birth.  If the midwives stand around and say ‘what happens if this goes wrong’ or ‘that goes wrong’ during the birth it will be a stressful birth.  If the midwives are relaxed, meditate, pray etc they will assist in a more relaxed birth.  Just as our meridians need to be clear so does Mother Earths.  Her water ways need to be clean, pollution need to be minimised.  When our kidneys are stressed we produce chemicals that cause stress.  So as with Mother Earth, we are robbing her of natural vitality.  She wants to lead you to the 5th Dimension.

The people are here to witness the birth of the New Age.  They wanted to be here and have come to witness a spectacular event.  Take the fear out of the equation.

The Academy needs to have lots more nights praying for the Earth and its people.  Midwives need to support and give confidence.  Set the scene of peace and calm amidst the chaos.

The Earth is having contractions now as she contracts you can help her breath out the pain.  Pant a little.  What does a Mother want during the birthing process?   She wants the process to finish and a healthy baby to be the end result.  Focus on that.

Focus on the birth of a New Earth.  Imagine the magnificence of 1,000 years of peace, no fighting and living in love.

Look at what the Masters have said.  Bring it to the awareness of others.

There are clinics for Mothers after birth.  There are teachers for the new children.

Put excitement in bodies and live it.  It is a beautiful time.

Master Korton channelled by Rosemary Butterworth and transcribed by Terri Hills 20th April, 2011