
A Master Healer – personal reflections on Elaine Croker

elaine-croker-199x300A Master Healer:

Elaine Croker founder of the Prime Tuning of Cells modality.

A personal reflection by Sue Larkin,
Reflexologist and teacher of PTC in Sydney.

My journey began back in 1998 though my own personal recovery from ill health and later the recovery of our son from a devastating digestive illness. One of the healing modalities, instrumental to this Recovery, is the Prime Tuning of Cells. PTC is a form of energetic healing which works through the emotions via the subconscious mind of the client’s frontal brain. Muscle testing detects the imbalanced frequencies related to the ill health. Then the unique channelled Manuals provide a formula to reprogram and release these unwanted memories, which are held as “echoes” in the Energy Field of the client.

The founder of this modality is Elaine Croker and it was to Elaine who we first came for help. Elaine was able to channel Cell Balances over the telephone. Afterwards, we could see the change and we were totally amazed with the resulting improvement in health – physical and mental . Since then we have had numerous visits with Elaine and witnessed some remarkable healing sessions. Eventually I also learnt how to do Cell Balances for my family, friends and clients. PRIME TUNING OF CELLS is a form of energetic healing which works through the emotions via the subconscious mind of the client’s frontal brain. I have observed and documented hundreds of Cell Balances by Elaine with clients and each one never fails to amaze me with the precision of the channelling.
After a Cell Balance, many clients have reported a range of improvements, from minor aches to chronic pain. Some specific examples I have observed that were cleared, include conditions such as: ulcers, vertigo, headache and pain. Clients have reported being able to disconnect from their emotional stress such as their loss and grief in the passing away of a loved one or friend; the loss of one’s marriage and the loss of one’s parents.

School students also benefit from a Cell balance to open up their talents and skills related to abilities in dance and singing, music or art, increase confidence and
creativity. There are students who are able to increase their memory and recall from a Prime Tuning session. PTC also releases anxiety related to exams, the HSC, sport and other competitive performance based fields. The Cell Balance is able to enhance focus and concentration for many by balancing the communication between the left and right brains and stimulating brain to body communication through the network of nerves and energy flows in the body. I have observed and documented hundreds of Cell Balances by Elaine with clients and each one never fails to amaze me with the precision of the channelling. I and many other practitioners have also attested to astounding results with our own clients from a simple Cell Balance. The Prime Tuning process is very specific to the client’s situation and afterwards the client is left feeling free of their pain. An improved program/ belief system/scenario is prompted as a vibrational frequency or “waifer” into the energy field. This primes the clients charisma and attractor field. Before long the client notices coincidences and synchronicities bringing about their desired situations and circumstances. The Prime Tuning of Cells works on a vibrational level and therefore the client does not need to totally understand what is happening. It has been astounding to see Elaine do a telephone Cell Balance for someone in a foreign country with a different nationality and language. The person is always able to understand the Balance even though they have no English language themselves. Their translator friend usually relays back that their friend can feel the Stress Release passing through them. Elaine explains that the information she is “picking up” is coming from the intelligence held within the cells of the client and she is tuning into this frequency like a radio receiver. She can even apply this “tuning-in” ability to all manner of questions… When on a Wellbeing Conference held on Norfolk Island a few years ago, I heard of Elaine tuning into the problems of the local mushroom farmer and his wife. Their crops were failing and they were going bankrupt. They did not know what was causing the crops to become diseased and fail. Elaine calmly walked through the field with the pair and channelled the correct formulas of earth minerals and compost to reverse the fungus. The wife was in tears as the farmer hurriedly wrote her words and remedies during the walk. Elaine explains that we can all learn this ability to “tune into”our bodies of cells and find our own cures. She invites you to come and learn this channelled method for yourself.

She has done the hard work over the last 20 years to bring forth this modality and it is now ready and waiting to be of service to others. Are you interested to learn more and take this forward? Here is a little more detail of the PTC process:-The Prime Tuning of Cells has an emotional release component related to the human spirit and an anatomical component related to the body. This is called the Master List of the body, where there are nineteen channelled systems ranging from the physical body, the energetic body, to the waiting potential of the body. The releasing of these areas is determined by muscle testing. There are nineteen areas within the nineteen main areas of the Master List. They relate also to specific passages in the Gland Manual, which is included in the advanced PTC Course. The glands of the body are the chemical messengers which convert the thought
processes into feelings and emotions. The glands are a vital component to the make up of the human being and it is though the gland manual which much of the Balance is processed. The Balance is also received by the client when they select from the book of 95 empowering “I AM” stress releases. Each of the channelled 95 stress releases contains a specific verse starting with “I AM”. Each word has a vibrational frequency to uplift the Human Spirit and is a cleansing in itself.

For further information regarding Prime Tuning Sessions and workshops please contact Sue Larkin on or

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