
AOL Newsletter – 1st December 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. A Thought For The Week
2. A Teaching
3. A Health Tip
4. What’s On
5. Advertising/Community Announcements.

angel_7animatedThis is the last Newsletter for 2010 and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and wish you all the very best for a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. May 2011 be the start of something wonderful.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

At Monday night’s Neutral Bay meeting, the following products will be for sale.

CD’s – A large variety of CD’s to delight and relax.
BOOKS – A selection of wonderful enlightening books.
CRYSTALS – Reduced in price to sell – but make uplifting presents.

Thought for the week

“You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.”

……………………….. Pearl S Buck.



“When we contribute to the happiness of others – provided it is done willingly, not grudgingly – we usually experience a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. It doesn’t matter precisely what we contribute – time, money, skills, care, attention, support, care, expertise or knowledge. As the saying goes ‘giving is its own reward.'”

…………………….. Dr Russ Harris.


Health Tip

“Olive oil is enjoying widespread popularity. In its cold pressed and extra virgin form olive oil provides monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that yield a range of health benefits. Add to this the pleasant taste that olive offers anything from a salad to a pasta dish and you can see why this oil is central to the famously healthy Mediterranean Diet.The even better news on olive oil now is that it also protects your liver.”

…………………….. WellBeing magazine.


Sad News

A dear friend of the Academy has passed away.

Jenny Craig (1965-2010)

Jenny was an inspiration to all who met her, as she was positive, courageous and always sort to help others.
Her journey as a solo mum was not easy with an autistic child to support and made even more difficult when Jenny was diagnosed with breast cancer. However Jenny was dedicated and created a loving environment for her son, with the support of family and friends. I feel privileged to have known Jenny and the unfolding of her spiritual journey, and being able to offer healing when required for her Soul.
Jenny has a beautiful garden in her backyard, created with love, and in one corner is a statue of Archangel Michael and rose bushes on each side. It was here that Jenny retreated to this tranquil setting on many occasions to meditate and find guidance and direction, and sustenance to continue her work in touching the lives of so many. We will miss her happy infectious laugh, but knowing Jenny has returned back to God’s care and is now at Peace.

A beautiful Soul we will remember.

In Love and Light, Sylvia.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.

Monday 6th December

Kayt Macleay


Connect with the Angels of Co-creation and Manifestation, Angels Entharri and Victoria, who assist us manifest our achievements and successes for this year and all of 2011.

Angel Entharri, the Angel for Encouragement, connects us with our courage to take the steps and move forward toward our goals. Then Angel Victoria, the Angel of Victory, assists us to enjoy and capitalise on the opportunities our victories bring.

Kayt Macleay is well known to the Academy for conducting profoundly touching meditations and processes with the Angels. She is making available one of the angel pictures for a lucky person on the evening.

Kayt will be doing Angel Readings on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 from Willoughby. Bookings & Enquiries (02) 4757 4734

Monday 13th December

Christmas Celebrations – Angelic Messages.
The evening will begin with a short meditation followed by some Angelic messages with Rosemary Butterworth. There will be things to buy for Xmas presents. Please bring a very small plate of goodies to share. We’d love to see you and share Christmas Blessings.

The Academy will reopen at Neutral Bay on Monday January 17th.



Welcome to the Academy for an exciting year. We look forward to sharing our wonderful speakers who have found new ways, ideas and information. This is the year of


It is with great joy and pleasure we welcome back David Singing Bear, a Kitawa-Cherokee Native American.



DAVID PRESENTS – Connecting Human Beings to the Cosmos!

David Singing Bear is of Eastern Band Cherokee descent and an Elder member of Omissus Band of Northern Cheyenne. He is an international spokesperson for the Akicita Bowstring Society, Master Wisdom keeper of Tribal Creation stories and songs, Stone interpreter, Ceremonial leader, and healer/ teacher.

Rev. Lolita Martinez

This is a first!!! Secret information about the Great Pyramid never revealed before of a beneficial nature to humanity. (Coming in January)

Maxine Haigh-White

Kitchen Medicine

“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” Voltaire (1694 – 1778). Your kitchen has the answer to your health.

Jennifer Starlight

Trance Channelling MIN – An Ancient Egyptian God.

Buddhism for Mothers of School Children by Sarah Napthali translated into 9 languages.
Buddhism for Parents on the Go. (To be reviewed in next issue of ShiningBRIGHT)

Peaceful Warrior
Food Inc.



Isis Calling


With Rosemary Butterworth

Are you living and practicing what you have learnt?

Do you remember to do it daily?

Experience what is it like to live in the Now?

Rosemary Butterworth is an amazing teacher and will help you put this knowledge into everyday practice. Work in a group and have fun practicing what it is like to focus on the Now all day. After a ceremony of ‘washing the hands”, the group will build the energy of the Temple of Isis and there you will connect to the Divine Feminine.

In the energy of the Temple you will meditate and go deep within and ‘see’ what your bodies need. Isis used her incredible ability to find and heal Osiris – come and find out what talents you have that are latent.

What will happen when the Divine Feminine that is inside you is revealed?

Experience what it is like to live in the Now AND BE HAPPY. Find out what is blocking your heart and experience the Joy

Lunch will be provided and prepared by all and eaten in silence to nourish and purify the subtle bodies.

When: Sunday, 27th February 2011.

Where: 75 Bay Road, Waverton.

Cost: $120.

To book: The Southern Cross Academy of Light. 9975 4905
Or email:


Elaine Croker

Book early – taking bookings now.

Level One: 5th & 6th March 2011. Level 2: 12th & 13th March 2011.

Elaine will be doing private sessions on the 8th, 9th & 15th March 2011.

Click here to read Elaine’s November newsletter.

Kellianne Parker and Terri Hills will now be working out of Willoughby on a regular basis. They have both completed Elaine’s Practitioner Course in Prime Tuning of Cells. The cost of an hour will be $75. To book ph: The Academy on 9975 4905.

Rosemary Butterworth is also available for Private Sessions. Rosemary does Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing, and uses her psychic gifts to see where the energy is not flowing and does Energetic Balancing to make sure that you are in alignment and all your chakras are energised clean and clear.

$120 for 1 hour. Ph: 9967 4425 or the Academy office.




A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905, (02) 8005 0562



1. Your advertisement appears on our website in the complete edition of ShiningBRIGHT and can be seen by people the world over.
2. ShiningBRIGHT has a long shelf life – a benefit is a generic advertisement.
3. Excellent to promote your workshop and event.
4. ShiningBRIGHT is distributed free of charge by Adyar Bookshop, 99 Bathurst Street, Sydney and other retail outlets.
4. Be seen in print in 2011.

AVAILABLE ON SUBSCRIPTION – 4 copies for $25 – CONTACT US (02) 9975 4905

Back Page – $400
Inside Front – $350
Inside Back – $325
Half Page Vertical/Horizontal – $180
Quarter Page – $120

MONO (Black & White)
Full Page – $250
Half Page Vertical/Horizontal – $155
Quarter Page $85
Business Card $50
Runs-Ons available on request.

Rates available online in ShiningBRIGHT magazine and start from $50 go to
Colour and mono space available in various sizes – see page 28 for specs and costs.

Email Ann Castle Ph (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562



The latest issues of Shining Bright magazine
available from Adyar Bookshop 99 Bathurst St., Sydney.

Subscriptions available $25 … 4 copies subscribe now
ph 99754905 email
Watch our website for latest edition

Click here to subscribe

ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.



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