
AOL Newsletter – 3rd November 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. A Thought For The Week
2. A Teaching
3. A Health Tip
4. What’s On
5. Advertising/Community Announcements.




The Golden Breath – 20th November.

Treat yourself to a day of deep relaxation, and a heart opening experience for only $150.
Sky, author of Love’s Alchemy has the ability to do just this. She will only be in Sydney for a few days. Throw off all that keeps you busy and unable to give to yourself and JUST COME. You will be so delighted you did. Just as the caterpillar transforms into the butterfly – so will you.
More information under Events below.


Thought for the week

“Our thoughts are like water running in every direction. But just as water, when channelled becomes powerful, so it is with our minds.”

………………………..  Dalai Lama.



“Once you are able to accept yourself wholly, you can begin to heal and your life will become more balanced.

Change can be a daunting thing. When you want to inspire change within anybody, it has to start within yourself.

A journey of 1,000kms starts with the first step – let today be that first step.”

…………………….. YLO article extract.


Health Tip

Orange peel…

can help lower cholesterol. When removing the skin from an orange, don’t scrape off the white underside of the peel. Called albedo,  it’s rich in pectin – a soluble fibre that helps lower cholesterol.

…………………………….. Prevention’s Hottest Health 100 Tips.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.

Monday – 8th November

Karen Wade

“Almost three years ago my heart led me to leave my family for nine weeks to stay in a little cabin overlooking Pigeon House Mountain (NSW, Australia) to write a book that would absolutely change my life.
I had to face one of my greatest fears, the fear of being alone and in the process of writing discovered the Truth of who I Am and my reason for Being. How precious it is to discover that I already held within me that which I had always sought from outside sources .I had found the answer to life’s greatest question and I now know that life is eternal. My body may cease to be, yet I, the essence that is the true me, lives on and is eternal. Such a deep sense of peace comes with this knowing . May your inward journey to your true self be one of beauty unfolding illuminated by the love and light of the Divine.
I look forward to sharing the book with you all.”

For more information or orders go to –

Monday – 15th November

Lee Ringma – Rose Circles
Our goal is to create these healing circles all over the planet to improve the quality of life for thousands of women and children.
Lee Ringma will be conducting a Rose Healing Circle. A DVD will be shown on the night followed by a guided meditation to send healing out to troubled parts of the planet.
By becoming part of ROSE CIRCLES you help to empower, nurture, uplift, and provide hope for those who are less fortunate than yourself.
Rose Circles – women helping women –




Sky Shayne Innes


Spend a day with Sky

Author of best-selling book, Love’s Alchemy.


Treat yourself to a day of Peace and relaxation. Sky brings through extremely high energy – the energy of Love and to sit in this energy is such a Joy.
Your whole body will benefit as your stress dissolves. You will leave feeling like there is nothing to worry about – everything is right with the world – as the Love inside you has been released and is now flowing.

“Behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you.” This is the sacred space of the heart. This universal wisdom, so overlooked in today’s modern world, is pivotal at this time on the planet. It heralds the shift in consciousness required for our continued evolution to a new earth. Human potential will remain human limitation until we realise who we truly are. This is a remembrance of love and can only truly be found in the heart. Learn how to connect with your universal self for divine guidance and insight.

Click here for more information

When: 20th November 2010

Where: Pilone Room – Crows Nest Community Centre, Crows Nest

Cost: $150

Bookings: (02) 9975 4905


Isis Calling


With Rosemary Butterworth

Are you living and practicing what you have learnt?

Do you remember to do it daily?

Experience what is it like to live in the Now?

Rosemary Butterworth is an amazing teacher and will help you put this knowledge into everyday practice. Work in a group and have fun practicing what it is like to focus on the Now all day. After a ceremony of ‘washing the hands”, the group will build the energy of the Temple of Isis and there you will connect to the Divine Feminine.

In the energy of the Temple you will meditate and go deep within and ‘see’ what your bodies need. Isis used her incredible ability to find and heal Osiris – come and find out what talents you have that are latent.

What will happen when the Divine Feminine that is inside you is revealed?

Lunch will be provided and prepared by all and eaten in silence to nourish and purify the subtle bodies.

When: Sunday, 27th February 2011.

Where: 75 Bay Road, Waverton.

Cost: $120.

To book: The Southern Cross Academy of Light. 9975 4905
Or email:


Elaine Croker

Level One: 5th & 6th March 2011. Level 2: 12th March.

Elaine will be doing private sessions on the 8th and 9th March.

Click here to read Elaine’s November newsletter.

Kellianne Parker and Terri Hills will now be working out of Willoughby on a regular basis. They have both completed Elaine’s Practitioner Course in Prime Tuning of Cells. The cost of an hour will be $75. To book ph: The Academy on 9975 4905.

Rosemary Butterworth is also available for Private Sessions. Rosemary does Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing, and uses her psychic gifts to see where the energy is not flowing and does Energetic Balancing to make sure that you are in alignment and all your chakras are energised clean and clear.

$120 for 1 1/2 hours. Ph: 9967 4425 or the Academy office.





What kind of a world do you think we could create if all of us women chose to live life powerfully as a Warrior Woman does?

This work is an extension of the difference we saw we could make to empower women, especially young women to be all they can be and not stifle their spirit to ‘fit in’. We have found the greatest hindrance to living powerfully is the thoughts and stories we tell ourselves!!!! Sharing that knowledge and the subsequent freedom to choose anything in life, including a purpose worthy of our greatest dreams is what we are passionate about contributing to women. We imagine the world would be a completely different place if all women had access to this kind of education.

This is NOT just an event, but a bringing together of the women whose hearts are calling out to live their dreams, to be powerful in this world, to love, to stand up against injustice, oppression and for the rights of women and children all over the world.

For more information click here



Shamanic healing workshop with Blue Star


Come to the Star Method workshop with renowned Shaman Blue Star. The Star Method is a shamanic way of healing your family and helping you to break patterns that are holding you back in life. After discovering, releasing and transforming the blocking imprints in your cells, you will feel more energetic, free and authentic.

The Star Method is a powerful healing method that Blue Star received by channeling the energies of the stars.

Blue Star has trained for 18 years with Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock Tribe in Florida and is a transpersonal healer and an acknowledged medium.

When: Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th December 2010
Times: Saturday: 10am – 5pm. Sunday: 10am – 4pm.
Where: Serene Earth Sanctuary, Myocum (near Byron Bay)
Cost: $190 (before 14th Nov. $160).
Bookings: Paulien:, 0420 751 255



A journey from experiencing the Self (Self Realization) to getting established in Self Experience (Self Stabilization)

Learn a practical method to access the Pure Presence at will

Understand the Mind Body Mechanism to attain freedom from its patterns

Connect to the inner guru (Source of all answers)

Shift from a Mind Centred living to Consciousness Centred living

Learn how to meditate in the market place

Facilitator: Krishna Iyer

No charge. Donations are welcome.

Bring lunch, also bring a cushion for short sessions outside.

When: Saturday & Sunday November 6-7, 2010

Where: Brunswick Heads Community Centre

South Beach Road (Opposite Surf Life Saving Club)

Brunswick Heads NSW 2483

For registration and enquiries call: 0405 151 486





Chicchan: Australia’s leading crystal bowl sound healer.

Relax and enjoy a crystal bowl sound experience and meditation. Let the healing vibrations of the crystal tones take you on an inner journey of

healing, self-discovery and transformation.

When: Saturday 6th November 2010.

Where: Bondi Pavilion, Seagull Room, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach.

Times: Three separate journeys will be performed starting at 5.30pm, 7pm and 9pm.

Cost: $25 each session.

Contact: for tickets or on the door.

Click here for more information.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.



The Academy would enjoy hearing what you are interested in and the workshops you have been doing or would like to do.

Thank you.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562


1. Your ad goes on the website and can be seen by people the world over.
2. ShiningBRIGHT has a long shelf life – it’s good to make your ad generic.
3. Excellent for workshops and events as the magazine is given away by Adyar Bookshop and other outlets in many districts and states to target markets.
4. Be seen energetically and in print!

Rates available online in ShiningBRIGHT magazine and start from $50 go to
Colour and mono space available in various sizes – see page 28 for specs and costs.

Email Ann Castle Ph (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562



The latest issues of Shining Bright magazine
available from Adyar Bookshop 99 Bathurst St., Sydney.

Subscriptions available $25 … 4 copies subscribe now
ph 99754905 email
Watch our website for latest edition

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ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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