
AOL Newsletter – 1st September 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1. A Thought For The Week
2. A Teaching
3. A Health Tip
4. What’s On
5. Advertising/Community Announcements.

Product News

New edition of The Secret Language of your Body by Inna Segal has arrived and is on sale through the Academy.  Price $34.95 PLUS POSTAGE.

What’s new in this edition?

A total of 360 ailments are now covered with over 140 new medical conditions.

More information on the mental, emotional and energetic causes of illness and disease in different parts of the body.

Specific colours and emotions to work with to address and help heal physical problems.


Thought for the week

“… and that is what one does, one does not get better but different and older and that is always a pleasure.”

……………………….. Gertrude Stein



“Generosity, stillness, gratitude, happiness, purity of feeling are virtues of the heart.

…………………….. Buddha.


Health Tip

Bananas are not only a good source of potassium, but also help fight off H. pylori, the bacteria researchers believe causes most stomach ulcers.

They also bump up fibre and folate intake.

…………………………….. Prevention’s Hottest Health 100.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.

Monday – 6th September

Dr Joanne Messenger


A New Level of Healing – for yourself and others. Become the Healer You Were Meant to Be.

Be In One Peace is a gentle, non-intrusive and effective way of working with the energy blue-prints, PLUS the physical structure and alignment of the body to bring about soul, mind and body healing.

It rebuilds damaged lines of energy, removes emotional blockages, restores natural energy flow and aligns your physical structure to repair blockages and damage caused by physical injuries, emotional upsets, faulty thinking and beliefs, stress or other past traumas.

It’s a fusion of modern chiropractic, Chiron, Pranic, violet flame and multi-dimensional Healing, Pleiadean Light Work, Christ Template Activation, aromatherapy, gem and flower essences, nutrition, herbalism, yoga-Pilates, NLP, meditation, reflexology, kinesiology, colour, sound and soul healing.

Tonight Joanne will demonstrate a modality she says is safe and effective and is a vibration that takes healing to a new level.

Joanne Messenger not only specializes in spinal conditions she also utilises natural Chiron energy healing techniques to help with a gamut of physical and emotional ailments.

Joanne is also a chiropractor with nearly 30 years experience. Because her methods are so gentle and effective she works with people of all ages from pregnant women and new-borns, toddlers and young children, teenagers, adults and seniors.

Click here for more information

Monday – 13th September

Sharon Snir

What on Earth is Spiritual about Dementia?”

Is it possible that the way we live our lives could be causing more and more individuals to succumb to dementia? Although dementia has very specific physical causes Sharon Snir looks at the combination of technology, electromagnetic energy and the loss of connection to Mother Earth as possible contributory reasons why people are getting dementia. In addition she looks at the unsettling phenomena of childhood dementia and invites us to consider how the education system is dulling our children’s ability to express their innate imagination in a positive way. Finally we look at the many options we have to turn the tide together.



Elaine Croker


Prime Tuning of Cells Course

Elaine will be guest speaker at the Academy on Monday night 27th September.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Elaine in person.

LEVEL ONE of Prime Tuning of Cells commences again on the 16th & 17th October.  This is a very popular course so we suggest you book early.

Ph:  9975 4905/ 8005 5062

Venue:  tba

Cost:  $395

LEVEL THREE – 25th and 26th September in Sydney. To book phone Sue Larkin 0n 9743 4017.

Click here for more information.

Elaine Croker’s books are available through the Academy. See shopping page for special price.


Sky Shayne Innes


Spend a day with Sky

Author of Best-selling book, Love’s Alchemy.


“Behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you.” This is the sacred space of the heart. This universal wisdom, so overlooked in today’s modern world, is pivotal at this time on the planet. It heralds the shift in consciousness required for our continued evolution to a new earth. Human potential will remain human limitation until we realise who we truly are. This is a remembrance of love and can only truly be found in the heart. Learn how to connect with your universal self for divine guidance and insight.

Click here for more information

When: 20th November 2010

Where: Pilone Room – Crows Nest Community Centre, Crows Nest

Cost: $150

Bookings: (02) 8005-0562



Glenys Brown

International Medical Intuitive, Qi Gong Master

Energy Medicine Teacher, Practitioner


Special Event in Sydney, Sat/Sun October 2nd and 3rd ONLY.

A rare opportunity to work with a Master Healer and Teacher.

9.30-4pm. North Sydney Community Centre

Glenys Brown has over 20 years experience as a medical intuitive, channel and medium. She is clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient and has been a guest speaker four times at the Seven Spiritual Laws Group at the Chopra Centre for Wellbeing, La Jolla, California and has given workshops and classes in San Diego, Boston, Geneva and Hong Kong as well as Australia.

This exclusive weekend offers the opportunity for self healing, personal growth and professional application.

Learn to keep your energy field clear for vibrant health. Glenys points out that if you are in the healing profession you are the at the front line of energy challenges because of the nature of the work you do.

Glenys will be teaching “Differential Assessment” a Medical Qi Gong technique for assessing the energy state of the major organs plus Glenys’ own Intuitive Sensing technique for the whole body using palm sensing.

And lots more including:

– Using the breath, intention and intuition.

– How to keep your energy clear between clients

– How to keep your field clear if you work with computers

– When is it intuition and when isn’t it?

– 5 ways to use the breath.

Cost: $425. Early bird: $375 (Deposit of $100 to reserve your place, payable by September 6th).

Enrolments: Contact Jenny McFadden, 0403 787 474 or Fax: 02 9940 5008. More information on the attached flier.

Glenys will be available for Private Sessions. Monday 4th – Thurs 7th October, Crows Nest, $225 for 90 minutes. Please contact Jenny if you are interested in an appointment.

Click here for more information


Elven Light Activation

Spiritual Ceremony / Tour

with Takeli
9th to 16th November 2010
MAUI, Hawaii

Sometimes one feels a strong calling to do something…this is one of those times,
when I received the clear message that there is energy work to be done on Maui,
at the sacred mountain known as Haleakala, the House of the Sun.

This energy work is about bringing Love to the Earth plane,
that Humans remember their inner knowingness
of living a life based in Love, Peace and Harmony…
that we speak and come from Love each day.

Its called the Elven Awakening…a universal consciousness and a way of living
that deeply Honours Mother Earth and all that are part of her,
The principles woven within it are intrinsic across all cultures, places and times
for those who remember Love
They are part of our Human journey of awakening now.

Please see attached itinerary and email Tikele for further info at

Click here for more information



The dates for Takeli MMagdalen’s tour in Hawaii have changed slightly – they are now TUESDAY 9TH NOVEMBER TO TUESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER.



The Academy would enjoy hearing what you are interested in and the workshops you have been doing or would like to do.

Thank you.



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562


Rates available on request for the next edition of ShiningBRIGHT magazine.

Colour and mono space available in various sizes – see page 28 for specs and costs.

Email Ann Castle Ph (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562



Your personal copy of ShiningBRIGHT can be mailed to your door, for only $20 (postage and handling). You’ll receive four issues throughout the year. Look out for the May issue.

Click here to subscribe

* Get your copy of the May issue at our Neutral Bay Monday night meetings, Adyar bookshop or selected outlets – see website for details.

ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tythe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tythe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tything come back to you a thousandfold.



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