
AOL Newsletter – 21st July 2010

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

Visit our website for our current events

The aim of this newsletter is to inspire, inform and bring you current events.

Inside you will find:

1.    A Thought For The Week
2.    A Teaching
3.    A Health Tip
4.    What’s On
5.    Advertising/Community Announcements.


Our email address at The Academy is now not




Carlos was called back to Queensland on business.  He still feels that he has to come again to Sydney.  So please read his email to us and if you feel moved to come along to his workshop on the 7th August and we get requests from at least 10 people, I will ask Carlos to come down especially.  Also he will be able to do private sessions on the Sunday.  The decision as to whether he returns is yours.


“I know I have to go back to Sydney.

The sessions will mainly be to strengthen the aura, release karmic links to allow everyone to genuinely move to their real path, enhance or redefine their free will, bring full clarity as to what their real mission is and authentically move forward towards it, full clarity and conscious decision making, release etheric obstacles delaying our real purpose.

I have had a strong vision this morning that the workshop may go ahead on the Saturday 7th August. This will not be a “workshop” it will be an activation to reconnect everyone with the Sun and their real function during this transition. I will allow us to integrate with the assistance of our soul & celestial beings to the divine universal source.”


Thought for the week

“I dwell on positive thoughts. If good comes into my life and I deny it  by saying ‘I don’t believe it’, I literally push my good away.

……………………….. Louise L Hay.



“Generosity of your time is the most valuable gift you can give.”

…………………….. Sara Henderson.


Health Tip


It is not a nut but the brown seed of an Indonesian evergreen tree.

The tree produces two separate spices: nutmeg and mace (more strongly flavoured than nutmeg).

Warming nutmeg is considered an aid to digestion.  It can help relieve coughs, reduce pain and even relieve flatulence, acting as a

carminative.   The essential oil of nutmeng is added to hot bedtime drinks or toddies as a sedative.

The oil may also be rubbed into an arthritic joint to ease pain.   Heat diminishes nutmeg’s flavour, so add this spice at the end of cooking.

Sprinkle nutmeg over casseroles, boiled potatoes, spinach, caulifower, fruit, pasta or any whole grain dish.

Once ground, nutmeg’s volatile essential oils dissipate and therefore its flavour and aroma are reduced.

So if buying ground nutmeg, purchase it in small quantities and replace often.  Better still buy it whole and  invest in a nutmeg grater and

enjoy its full fresh flavour on demand.

…………………………….. Whole Foods Encyclopedia by Rebecca Wood.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm. Entry Fee: $15, concession available.

Light refreshments are served.

Monday – 26th July


Come and experience the loving presence of Angel Aloysius – pathfinder through difficult circumstances.  He maps the way to possibilities so we see clearly and take wise action in any situation.  Kayt Macleay is well known to the Academy for Angelic truth and uplifting meditations.  Aloysius was one of the first angels who came to her.  She has been working with him ever since.  And, Rosemary loves him too!

Monday – 2nd August


Co-presenters: Adrian Cooper, Jana Mitevski & Jax Smith

Sandy’s profile:

Serenity Vibration Healing Teacher/Practitioner

Reiki~Seichim Master

Australian Bush Flower Essence Practitioner

White Light & Light Frequency Practitioner

Bowen Therapist

Group facilitator & spiritual gardener!


  • To provide energetic healing, insight and inspiration
  • To offer expansion and balancing profiles in the wake of the 11:11 gateway
  • To promote Sandy’s healing practice as the co-hosts actively relay and share exciting, examples of the groups work

Healing through Words ~ Our New World

We come together with soft open heart and great humility to offer healing through our words as we describe aspects of our personal expansion. Journeys which have taken us to the mysteries of Egypt, entering the Great Pyramid of Giza, to Uluru in the sun drenched red heartland of central Australia and right here in Sydney where we find the powerful healing properties of exotic, aquatic plants.

An invitation to a diverse and magical night in coming together the space becomes available to allow a shift of conscious awareness, transferred by our words, our codes and smooth elevation of Serenity Vibration Healing.

Sandy invited glowing individuals who have grown leaps and bounds within the nurturing environment of “The Temple” in Hornsby to co-host. Tonight Jana Mitevski and Jax Smith offer sparkling guided visualization with activation if the 11:11 Stargate in Uluru, Adrian Cooper brings you connection with the potent healing and infinite beauty of aquatic plants. While Sandy Mayor brings balancing and stabilization through the 11:11 gateway started in Egypt last year. The gate opened and we traverse the wonder of our New World.  In all of this work, we have utilized the creation of essences and will share the benefit and joy of this with you.

(02) 9476 8864




Prime Tuning of Cells Course

To book phone The Academy on 9975 4905 –

Level 2 – 28th and 29th August. in Sydney. Cost $450. Click here for details

Level 3 25th and 26th September in Sydney. Cost $545.

The Elaine Croker Prime Tuning of Cells recent weekend at Jacaranda Haven was a huge success. Many of the participants are now looking forward to Level 2 in Sydney.

However another Level 1 course at Jacaranda Haven is coming up.

When: 14th and 15th August.

Where: Jacaranda Haven Spiritual Retreat – three hours drive from Sydney. There is limited accommmodation at the retreat, but there is plenty available in the town.

Cost: $395.

For details for all the above phone the office (02) 9975 4905 /(02) 8005 0562 or email

Click here for more information.

Elaine Croker’s books are available through the Academy.




Barry’s musical experience spans many styles and genres from winning a Grammy with Les Paul for Best Rock Instrumental in 2005 to composing

for NBC ABC, FOX and Lifetime networks. Barry believes strongly in the  healing aspects of music and is a translator of Sacred Sound and Inspirational Song. His passion is sharing music , or as he calls it the Universal Language of Love, with the world. Barry facilitates private sessions that assist individuals in finding inner harmony and balance.

Private Sessions

If one Chakra is out of tune, like the guitar the whole instrument does not perform optimally and energy blockages may occur.

Releasing Emotional Armour Sessions

The Chakra Balancing session, where Barry uses Chakra tuning forks, tones toning and grace and realigns and attunes the Chakras to optimal levels and works with you to prevent future blocks

Auric Attunement and Activation

Are there lower vibrational energies in your auric field that are blocking you from bringing in new vibrant energies to your life?

We will identify and release them. We will then create the intention for a new attunement and activation in your auric field

90 minute session includes the Chakra Balancing Session

Music From The Heart

When: 6th August.

Where: 6a Tyneside Ave, Willoughby.

Time: 10am -7pm

Cost: $150





“Embracing the energy 333 – is to prepare our energy for the Mayan vibration. As you know, I don’t read books; I just channel all the information during the workshop, all information will be new for everyone, the practices, exercises, activations and information will help you put your dots together. After years of being on the spiritual path, this workshop – first time in Singapore, now Sydney and the world- is in my opinion a very powerful tool to create a brotherhood link in Earth. The Lemurian-Atlantean energies were all present during the workshop.” Carlos Palada.

Cost: $195 (for the day)

Bookings: The Academy (02) 9975 4905 or Skype 80080562

Private Sessions available:

Cost: $150 (per session)

Bookings: The Academy (02) 9975 4905 or Skype 80080562


“I have seen so many healers after you left, but I didn’t feel the “energy”, now that you are back,  I am happy to feel real energy again, it is very powerful, I can feel it all over my body, I can feel an immediate shift within me.”





Abdy has an ancient, indescribable gift, which allows people to attune to the vibration that they need to receive for themselves. The result is to be harmonized with one’s own soul. When the mind is harmonized with the soul, it is aligned in its own path in universal harmony. Every level of harmony is interrelated and the harmony within unfolds the universe, now and forever.

Click here for more information.

Where: Crows Nest Uniting Church Hall, Holterman St, Crows Nest.

When: 12th August.

Cost: $50


Bathed in Sound is BACK


Click here to REGISTER NOW

Alternatively you can book and pay over the phone on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005-0562 or pay at the door.

Experience the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral

to the sound of sacred Bronze Gongs,

Crystal Bowls and Harmonic overtone chanting.

Come to soak up the pure tones of pure white quartz singing bowls and harmonic overtone chanting in the superb resonance of this Walter Burley Griffin Church while you contemplate your life’s path and meditatively walk the legendary Labyrinth of Charles Cathedral (France) as Benedictine Monks have for 800 years. …..then lie down within the Labyrinth or sit back and bliss out to the extradinary power and beauty of the Sydney Sacred Gong ensemble as they continue a 6,000 yr old tradition by immemersing you in the multiple sound waves and harmonics of large bronze gongs preceeded by the pure tones of crystal singing bowls.


The Peace Choir

The Sydney Sacred Gong Ensemble

Jessica Cowley Martin- Crystal Singing Bowls

and more……

When: Saturday 21st August 2010

Where: Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre

(cnr Short St and Myangah Rd, Mosman)

Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm

Cost: $30 per person

(Bring a rug and pillow)



Universal Awareness Course begins on the 4th August at Crows Nest Community Centre.

In this course, you will find increased awareness.  You will become more aware on a day-to-day basis, more centered and more connected.  You will find this connection becomes a natural phenomenon not just a special moment happening. It takes you out of your ego your personal “I”, enabling you to be aware, moment by moment of the ‘whole’.  This leads you easily to a more joyous and fulfilled life.
Bookings:  (02) 9975 4905




“Behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you.” This is the sacred space of the heart. This universal wisdom, so overlooked in today’s modern world, is pivotal at this time on the planet. It heralds the shift in consciousness required for our continued evolution to a new earth. Human potential will remain human limitation until we realise who we truly are. This is a remembrance of love and can only truly be found in the heart. Learn how to connect with your universal self for divine guidance and insight.

When: 20th November 2010

Where: TBA

Bookings: (02) 9975 4905





with Dr Judy Moss

CLEARING THE SPACE plus “THE TAPPING SOLUTION” (emotional freedom technique – quantum physics version)

  • Wednesday 28th July; 7pm – 9pm; Cost: $25p.p. All proceeds go to children’s charities: the Starlight Foundation, Circles of Learning, Father Chris Riley’s Youth Off The Streets and the Clown Doctors

BOOK IN NOW – Email:; Web: – CALL JUDY TODAY on 0423 833 300

click here for more information



Developed in Europe, the Hypoxi treatment uses exercise and vacumm therapy to get a sustainable body image.

Click here for more information



A community announcement costs $30.

To advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and

type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562


Rates available on request for the  next edition of ShiningBRIGHT magazine.

Colour and mono space  available in various sizes – see page 28 for specs and costs.

Email Ann Castle Ph  (02) 9975 4905/(02) 8005 0562



* Your personal copy of ShiningBRIGHT can be mailed to your door,  for only $20 (postage and handling). You’ll receive four issues throughout the year.  Look out for the May issue.

Click here to subscribe

* Get your copy of the May issue at our Neutral Bay Monday night meetings, Adyar bookshop or selected outlets – see website for details.

ShiningBRIGHT Magazine …….. The Voice Of The Academy.

The Southern Cross Academy of Light is a not-for-profit organisation.  It is run with the help of volunteers.  If you would like to tythe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tythe as it helps us to distribute ShiningBRIGHT free of charge. May your tything come back to you a thousandfold.



Visit the front page of the website and enter your email address under subscribe