
AOL 9th September Newsletter

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly Newsletter

The Academy will help you keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and most importantly a space where like minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday night in Neutral Bay, Sydney.

Phone: (02) 9975 4905, or go to our website to see what is on within and around the Academy on

“People want to know about their purpose, why are they here on the planet?

it’s the question that won’t go away….

because the real answer reveals that,…

we are here to wake up, to discover our true nature…  our gifts, talents and capacities….and to express them

that is why we are here”… Dr Beckwith


Did you receive our beautiful magazine, ShiningBRIGHT? The Southern Cross Academy Of light funds this delightful magazine and would greatly appreciate tithing and donations so that we can keep producing the magazine and provide such inspiring articles.

To make a donation go to our website and click on the donate button or

send a cheque to P.O Box 1221, Neutral Bay 2089…

May your tithing return to you 1000 times…also if you haven’t received one yet, you can pick up a copy from Adyar bookshop or Monday night meditation.



Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate. Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted speakers.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, cnr of Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry Street. Session starts 7:30pm sharp. Entry Fee: $15, concession available. Light refreshments are served.

Last monday night -with Kellianne, Rosemary and John  .. Thank you for the beautiful feed back from everyone. Yes ,the evening was quite profound… “blissed out” was the most popular phrase.  As this was just a night of receiving healing and rest and the feedback was so positive, we are thinking of repeating this night on a monthly basis next year.

14th September – Shirley Humphreys Battie – We are not alone!!!

Extra Terrestrials are here. they have been here for a very long time. Are you ready? Do you fear them or welcome them? Shirley will present her findings. backed up by official data. Are you ready to walk the streets side by side with non humans? Are they important to our future or are we determined to let the species of man go headlong into decline and vanish?  We are at last interpreting their language.  What is the next step? Shirley will show you what role you can take in the future of our lives.

21st September – Darren Maxwell – The Australian Shaman Dreamtime Oracle-personal readings on the night!

The Dreamtime Oracle is Australia’s 1st and very own spiritual communication device. It is highly regarded and place great emphasis on integral reconciliation. The Oracle is unlike any Tarot Card or Angel Card on the market.  It is highly precise with its predictions and guidance.    Darren connects the Ancient Australian and Worldwide Dreamtime to the 21st Century. Darren will also be doing readings/overheads for as many people as possible to explain the oracle and how it works. Come along for a great night.

28th September – Maggie Hamilton –  Meeting the Fairies, a night for those who love the nature spirits..listen to the man who  documented his encounters.

a lost archive of R. Ogilvie Crombie. ROC as he was affectionately known,  was associated with Findhorn, but never lived there. The book details his many encounters with the nature spirits – they a rich, well told experiences, full of wisdom. ROC died many years ago, He was an actor and so has a brilliant voice – come and hear what he has to say on an audio recording.



19th September – MEDIUMSHIP TRAINING- SHIRLEY HUMPHREYS BATTIEshirley-humphrey-battie2

Under the guidance of a true expert come and spend the day  strengthening your abilities, learn to develop  your psychic abilities or take your abilites to a whole new level..  learning and practising Clairvoyance, Psychometry and Seeing etc…

Intuition is not just a gift. Everyone has it.  Most people simply need to be shown how to recognise, interpret, trust and use what they already have.  This is an interactive opportunity to explore and enhance your connection with Spirit.

Date : 19th September 2009  Venue : Crows Nest Community Centre – The Chadwick Room  Time: 10am – 4pm

Cost : $180 -Or do both workshops for $320- FOR BOOKINGS RING 9975 4905


*Second workshop –

2oth September –  CHANNELING : Learn how to Channel.


Shirley Channels- spirit overshadows her

Come and discover if you are to be a Chaneller.  Learn how easy it is.  If you can meditate, you can do this.  In this workshop you will be guided and taught by Shirley to open up to Higher Beings and Entities, to channel their wisdom to help yourself and others to evolve and more about all things ‘out there’.  This is a very useful skill to develop, particularly leading up to 2012 when we all have so many questions to about our future on earth.

Date : 20th September 2009  Venue : Crows Nest Community Centre – The Chadwick Room Time: 10am – 4pm

Cost : $180 Or do both workshops for $320 for bookings call 9975 4905


PRIVATE READINGS (daytime)  spaces only available on the 18th and 21st September.
Cost $150 – sessions last 1 1/4 hour

Firstly, during the day Shirley will be doing hand readings… “Shirley looks at your whole hand, not just your palm. From that she can pinpoint your past history, your suitability for roles you may take in your personal or business life.  Shirley sees your characteristic predisposition, signs relating to finance, relationships and psychic abilities.”


“WE ARE NOT ALONE”sierralookout-rayoflight

16 September 2009  “Yes, they are here!!!”DVD and Personal Experiences with extra terrestrials 7:30- 9:30pm

Tell your friends about this unique event – Shirley will be showing us a DVD on extra-terrestrial activity. If you are fascinated or curious you simply can’t miss this opportunity to witness for yourself AND SHARE WITH US SOME OF HER STORIES ABOUT E.T.’s

Venue : Fuller Room, Crows Nest Community Centre Cost : $25 supper included call (02) 9975 4905



Sat 21st November ***** GARY RENARD****** Crows Nest Community Centre 11am – 6pm

garyrenard2Gary is on a world tour and we are thrilled to have him visit Australia. Gary is the author of the best selling book “The Disappearance of the Universe.

“The Awesome Power of Forgiveness”, based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, is transmitted to Gary by two Ascended Masters who appear in his living room. He encounters 17 conversations with them which take place over a decade. The spiritual teachings inthis book give the world a message of extreme importance to help change our perception of the way we look at and experience life on this planet.”

Phone the office to book  for this special event (02)9975 4905 Cost $95 or email




troi-lenard2Special guest: Troi Leonard

We invite you to join us for a wonderful uplifting day at our beautiful Jacaranda Haven. Come and join us for a fabulous day in the country surrounded by breathtaking mountains beauty and revitalise your soul. The morning session will feature Jessica Cowley Martin, Rosemary Butterworth, Takeli and John Butterworth, a master at the gongs. John will share his creative talents and treat us all with a wonderful experienec of a gong bath, chanting with Mantras, and Tibetan Bowls and Bells.

The afternoon program will be conducted by Troi Leonard, International speaker. Troi has over 30 years experience and PHD in the study and application of Esoteric Philosophy, Psychology and Healing in using creative Meditation with the Sounds and Colours of the Seven Rays. Travelling worldwide, Troi assists groups and guides individuals in Soul Purpose and Life Plan readings and Healings.

Donation $20 (Please bring a plate to share for lunch)


For soul readings and insights into your gifts from other life times, private appointments are approx. 1 1/4 hours. Cost $130 – Please book early as places are limited. (Bring a 90 min blank cassette)





Cost- $100 for 30 minutes Wednesday 16th September, 99 Bathurst St Sydney 9267 8509



to advertise on our weekly newsletter we can include a picture, add an attachment of your brochure and type a small paragraph of up to 100 words for $75

Please email or call our office on 9957 4905



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