
AOL Newsletter 19th August 2009

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly Newsletter.

The Academy will help keep your energy high. It gives you tools to clear blockages and emotional issues. The Academy provides different teachers and healers and importantly a space where like-minded people can gather and be in group energy. The Academy meets every Monday Night at Neutral Bay, Sydney.    Phone:  (02) 9975 4905, or go to our web site to see what is on within and around the Academy on:

“May I see the good in everything and everyone”




gerry-bostock-healingGerry Bostock will be sharing with us his vast knowledge of Aboriginal ways, culture and techniques. Weather permitting, Gerry will be taking us on a walkabout into the bush, connecting to earth, trees and rocks. Experience the elemental abilities of Aboriginalhealers and learn about the custodians of the land and how to speak the the language of the land.

Coming up on 29th and 30th of August  – so put it in your diary and ring the office to book and leave a deposit as numbers are limited.

Cost $125 for the 2 days plus an additional minimum $40 donation to stay at Jacaranda Haven

Accommodation is available at Foster/Tuncurry Motor Lodge


sierralookout-rayoflightNEW EVENT with Shirley Humphreys Battie – “WE ARE NOT ALONE”

16 September 2009 “Yes they are here”!!!!! DVD on extra terrestrials 1 1/2 hour – 7:30pm
Venue : Fuller room, Crows Nest Community Centre  Cost $25.00 supper included- call 02 9975 4905

Tell your friends about this unique event  Shirley will be showing us a DVD on extra-terrestrial activity. If you are fascinated, curious you simply can’t miss this opportunity to witness for yourself.

“I spent most of yesterday putting on to one tape the most interesting and important sections of the tapes I have. During last night’s group meeting we had a session with conversation with several ET’s.  I seem to be able to interpret all of them so that the others present know what is being said. ” Shirley Humphreys Battie.   scroll down for more information



Neutral Bay Monday Nights

Monday nights are a wonderful and powerful opportunity for all of us to unwind, recharge, relax and rejuvenate.  Come and feed your soul through restful meditation and be inspired by our gifted Speakers.
The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. of Yeo Street and Barry Streets, Neutral Bay. Enter off Barry street – (starts 7.30pm sharp) Entry fee: $15.00, concession available.  Light refreshments are served.

24th August – Troi Lenard. Troi is back in Australia! (also at Jacaranda Haven on the 4th October)


INTERNATIONAL TROI LEONARD has over 30 years experience and PHD in the study and application of Esoteric Philosophy, Psychology & Healing in using Creative Meditation with the Sounds & Colours of the Seven Rays. Traveling worldwide, he assists groups and guides individuals in Soul Purpose & Life Plan Readings & Healings.
Troi will also be presenting a workshop at Jacaranda Haven open day on the 4th of October.

Click here for further information on Troi Leonard

31st  August –  Tina Croker – Experience the warm colours of winter and find the gold within…..

Our speaker for 31st August is Transpersonal Art Therapist Tina Croker.  Her mission is to inspire people to align with their true purpose through the creative processes of art, meditation, poetry and story.
Discover for yourself how you can tap into your inner wisdom through imagery to gain clarity on issues and assist on your journey to self realization.
“Image is the language of the Soul” Carl Jung.

7th September – Rosemary Butterworth, Kellianne Parker and John Butterworth- Meditation, Gong bath, and Angel Messages…just for you

Sometimes we just need to rest and receive….this night is all about you receiving.  Kellianne will lead a beautiful healing meditation, John will lie you down and bathe you in sound with magical gongs and Rosemary will finish with an Angelic message for you……a very special night

2nd November  – Christine Bannigan – Games to Open the Heart and Mind
This is a fun-filled evening.  With an open heart Christine will guide you through channelled games for deconstructing learned ego responses and activating new qualities of higher consciousness.  It’s an opportunity for you to laugh at your conditioned self and further anchor into the Authentic Master that you are.
Christine is the author of “Contract to live”

Also coming up with Christine : 6th November – Miniworkshop: Making friends with our shadows. Together we shine.
Private sessions at Academy House 2 – 6 November





Shirley Humphreys Battie – Internationally renowned Channel from the UK!



“Yes they are here!!!” DVD on extra terrestrials 1 1/2 hour – 7:30pm… 9975 4905


PRIVATE READINGS (daytime)  15TH, 17TH 18TH, 22nd SEPT. $150 sessions last 1 1/4 hour

Firstly, during the day Shirley will be doing hand readings… “Shirley looks at your whole hand not just your palm. From that she can pinpoint your past history, your suitability for roles you may take in your personal or business life.  Shirley sees your characteristic predisposition, signs relating to finance, relationships and psychic abilities”.


EVENING SOUL READINGS: 15th, 16th 17th, 18th and 22nd of September. Group $130 each ..(ONLY 2 SPACES LEFT)

Four lucky groups of ONLY  six people will be able to have a private evening session with Shirley as a Trance Channel. Shirley will look at each soul’s history,  covering your origin and past lives.  Contact is made with highly evolved beings, some that are “The Keepers of the Records” .  You will have the opportunity to ask the entity questions. The highlight of the evening is to actually see for yourself the Spirit transfiguring or overshadowing Shirley…she may even disappear from sight during the session!!!! phone 99754905

Also book into her workshops…

19th September- “MEDIUMSHIP TRAINING ” – One day workshop $180 (both$320)

In this workshop Shirley will assist you in the development of your psychic abilities, learning and practicing clairvoyance, psychometry etc.   For bookings phone the office on 9975 4905

20th September- “HOW TO CHANNEL” One day workshop $180 (both $320)

Come and discover if you are to be a Channel and learn to communicate with the Masters and Guides

For bookings phone the office on 9975 4905 For more information visit our website

Click here for brochure




Sat 21st November -****GARY RENARD****Crows Nest Community Centre  11am-6pm

Gary is on a world tour and we are thrilled  to have him visit Australia.  Gary is the author of the best selling book “The Disappearance of the Universe”

The Awesome Power of Forgiveness”, based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, is transmitted to Gary by two Ascended Masters who appear in his living room. He encounters 17 conversations with them which take place over a decade. The spiritual teachings in this book give the world a message of extreme importance to help change our perception of the way we look at and experience life on this planet.”

Book early so you don’t miss this special event.

Phone the office to book this special event 9975 4905 Cost $95 or email


secret-langusge-of-body1Inna Segal- Best selling author of  The Secret Language of Your Body (5 months on the Brumby Books Best Seller List) $34.95

Get your copy of this incredible book, an essential tool for understanding how your body reacts to the way you live and the process of healing.

Inna Segal has just returned from her successful tour of Asia, the UK and Europe. Many of us were delighted by the workshop Inna heldat the Academy last week and can recommend further investigation!  Inna is an internationally recognized healer, professional speaker, author and television host.  Inna is also the publisher of over 30 Visionary Intuitive Healing® CDs. Inna’s work is supported by many internationally best selling authors, doctors and natural health practitioners from every modality. Inna travels worldwide to teach her evolutionary work.  To read more click here


Eight Week Course


“MASTERY OF THE MIND”– Rosemary Butterworth -It’s Time to Wake up!

This is an eight week practical course to make you more aware. When we are thinking, we are either in the past or the future , we are not present. We cannot make a conscious choice.  Our lives are run by our minds (ego) .  Come along and learn and how to be out of a reactive state and live in peace.

Rosemary is the Co-Founder of  “The Southern Cross Academy of Light” and is a wonderful counsellor and teacher assisting people all around the world.  Rosemary insists that if we are to make changes in our lives we must first become more conscious of what it is we are doing . We cannot make change at a low level mind vibration. Come and learn how to still the mind and become more conscious.

I am consistently in awe of Rosemary’s high standard of work, whether it be in person or on the phone, her unwavering dedication, focusing, sincerity and love, as she tunes in to the subtle changing energies of the body, as well as provide very practical and logical assistance to life’s daily problems.
I have always left Rosemary’s sessions with clarity and confidence, a sense of balance, and a deepened connection to the Light. .. Jane

This is an ongoing course running in 8 week blocks

Wednesday Evenings:  7.00 – 8.30pm  Last course began:  29th July, 2009

Crows Nest Community Centre $225 or $30 per night phone 9975 4905



OPEN DAY – 4th October 2009


Special guest: Troi Leonard

We invite you to join us for a wonderful uplifting day at our beautiful Jacaranda Haven.  Come and join us for a fabulous day in the country surrounded by breathtaking mountains beauty and revitalise your soul. The morning session will feature  John Butterworth a master at the gong will share his creative talents and treat us all with the wonderful experience of a gong bath, chanting with Mantras, and Tebetin Bowls and Bells.

The afternoon program will be conducted by Troi Leonard, INTERNATIONAL TROI LEONARD has over 30 years experience and PHD in the study and application of Esoteric Philosophy, Psychology & Healing in using Creative Meditation with the Sounds & Colours of the Seven Rays. Travelling worldwide, he assists groups and guides individuals in Soul Purpose & Life Plan Readings & Healings.

Donation $20.  (Please bring a plate to share for lunch)


PRIVATE SESSIONS – 5th October 2009

For Soul Readings and insights into your gifts from other life times, private appointments are approx. 11/4 hrs. $ 150/120 conc.  ( bring a 90 min blank cassette). Cost $130. – Please book early as places are limited.

BOOKINGS: Phone (02)9975 4905 email on :
The Southern Cross Academy of Light website:



Don’t forget Gerry Bostock hopes to get us out and about in the bush.  See details above.

29th and 30th of August – Ring the office to book and leave a deposit as numbers are limited.

Cost $125 for the 2 days plus an additional minimum $40 donation to stay at Jacaranda Haven

for more details click here



Special opportunity- Sylvia Brallier

Retreats- 24th -28th Sept Byron Bay & 2nd – 4th  Blue Mountains

~ Two retreats coming up soon with well loved spiritual teacher Sylvia Brallier from the USA. Sylvia will be sharing her powerful Tantric Shamanism work and methods for spiritual transformation with us. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to work with a master of the art!

CLick here for brochure

Email : or call Dhyana on 07 5525 0943



Shining BRIGHT  Magazine

The new issue of Shining Bright is now bedded down – soon to be on your doorstep! For subscriptions  delivered to your door please email Cost per year $20.00 for 4 issues.The  focus of the next issue is   Body, Mind and Spirit. Please contact Ann Castle, on 02 9975 4905 to  book advertising space and to submit articles for the first issue in 2010.


You can advertise on our Weekly News Letter either with your flyer in a PDF form for $75.00 plus a paragraph of about 50 words written by you as an introduction to the flyer, or you can put in a paragraph of information in our Community Announcements for only $30.00. To make a booking just call our office on 9975 4905.

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