
Thought for the day – Monday 27th April 2009

imagesImagination – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

What if you slept.

And what if in your sleep, you dreamed.

And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven, and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower.

And what if, when you awoke, you had that flower in your hand.

What then ?

Imagination, the ability to be able to imagine a world which we can’t even contemplate in our real world obsessions, with limitations. 

The poet asks you to imagine, bringing something from the dreaming world into the world of the material.  And you think about it, everything in our material world, began in a dream world, with a thought.  The ancestor to every action is a thought.  As you think, so shall you be.

If you can imagine it, you can create it.  And Samuel Taylor Coleridge asks you to imagine what you may have thought to be impossible, and to allow it to live and breathe in your imagination and then perhaps you will create it, rather than being afraid of it or denying it.

Wisdom of the Ages CD – By Dr Wayne W Dyer