
Articles for a Better Life & Better Living (Carnival #29)

Articles for Better Living

Meditation, Yoga & Spiritual Growth Carnival – Edition #29

Time for another roundup of great articles from great spiritual growth and personal development bloggers.  The 29th edition actually.  The articles below should help you be better and live better.  Welcome everybody and enjoy!

I am happy that this edition got more Yoga related articles than are normally submitted, and I hope this indicates a trend for the future as well.  In addition, there is lots of great stuff on health, law of attraction, positive thinking, mind power, weight loss, happiness, fitness, etc...

For my fellow active stumblers if you are interested in networking on Stumble Upon, please go ahead and reach out to me.  My stumble upon id is

Please link back to this carnival from your Blog, as well as submit the carnival to your favorite social bookmarking sites (Stumble Upon is preferred).  More link love the better for everyone :-).

Featured Blog:

Tarakananda presents How a Yogi Can Change the World for the Better posted at The Atma Jyoti Blog, saying, "Learn how to live your life in this world so that both you and the world are uplifted."


Carol Galanty presents Partner Yoga: Swapping Sweat With A Stranger posted at Galantys Game Plan, saying, "This blog is about living a healthy balanced life."

Valerie Love presents 3 Lessons From Bikram Yoga – AKA Hot Yoga posted at Live Your Destiny Today!, saying, "A brief reflection of 3 lessons learned from Bikram Yoga. Enjoy and Namaste."

Robert Galway presents Yoga posted at, saying, "Yoga is more than just alleviating pain."

Mike Batey presents Jivamukti Yoga posted at Yoga Mad, saying, "Created by David Life and Sharon Gannon, Jivamukti yoga is a yoga style that combines physical, spiritual and philosophical aspects of traditional yoga. The Jivamukti method of yoga is one of the nine internationally recognized styles of Hatha yoga, the other eight being Ashtanga, Iyengar, Viniyoga, Sivananda, Integral, Bikram, Kripalu, and Kundalini."

New Age

Radim presents Does Law Of Attraction Always Work? posted at, saying, "The article mentions concerns that people sometimes have about the law of attraction and questions they ask when if they don’t believe that the law of attraction always works." 

Personal Development

Jim DeSantis presents Have Fun Unleashing Your Latent Creativity posted at Unleashing Creativity at On Line Tribune, saying, "You have some great ideas. You toss them around in your mind. You tell friends about them. They go nowhere. Why? They go nowhere because of what your friends said or because you have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. And, you, of course, couldn’t be one of that select group. That is not true at all."

Carol Galanty presents Fit and 40: Celebrating a Milestone at Rancho La Puerta posted at Galantys Game Plan, saying, "This blog is about living a healthy balanced life."

Lucy Lopez presents You couldn’t possibly want to be happy all the time, could you? posted at Lucy’s Planet Happiness, saying, "Personal and Spiritual development for the awakening mind. Finding Happiness through Self-awareness."

Spiritual Growth

Akemi Gaines presents How To Find Your Life Purpose Through Your Life Challenges posted at Yes to Me.

William Womack presents Spiritual Warfare posted at Conscious Growth, saying, "Valuable lessons I learned from being spiritually attacked. I didn’t believe it at first either."

Kathleen Gaga presents The quiet voice speaks loudly – when you listen posted at Daily Awareness, saying, "Have you ever wondered how important that little voice inside is? The one that seems to give great guidance and insights…when we listen."

Health and Wellbeing

Aparna presents Drumsticks for health posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming, saying, "Drumstics or Moringa Oleifera is named so for its long bean-like fruit. Just about the whole plant is edible. The roots, flowers, leaves, pods are used in curries, salads and soups. The leaves are the most nutritious of all, and hence worth including in one’s diet. However, for maximum benefit, it should be consumed raw or in raw form. Don’t be put off by that characteristic aroma of the leaves. Just take a look at their nutritional value and then decide for yourself"

Farid presents Acne Treatment Products posted at Acne treatment, saying, "Many teens suffer from unsightly blemishes as their hormones fluctuate during puberty, and there is an acne treatment for every teen’s skincare needs."


Alvin Hopkinson presents How Fats in our Diet Cause High Blood Pressure posted at High Blood Pressure Treatment and Medication Reviews, saying, "Aside from salt we also include in our diet, fats that can cause high blood pressure. Fats in our diets come in different forms wherein some may promote good blood circulation while others will cause poor blood circulation."

Brain Blogger presents Depression and Diabetes Linked in Pregnancy posted at Brain Blogger, saying, "Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with increased morbidity for the mother and the infant. Complications of pregnancy-related diabetes include birth defects, congenital abnormalities, shoulder dislocation during delivery, cesarean delivery, excessive fetal weight and head size, and hypertension."

Tushar Mathur presents Ways To Go Green In The Kitchen posted at Talking About Green, saying, "The human race puts a huge strain on the environment, and our dependence on fossil fuels to create the lifestyle to which we are accustomed in the United States continues to grow. Environmentalists have been talking about global climate change for decades, and their message has finally made it into the mainstream and is even impacting national policy."

Paula Kawal presents Depression: A Spiritual Awakening posted at Journey Inward Productions, saying, "Like many people (it might even be safe to say most people) I haven’t gotten this far in life without traversing a few bouts of depression. My first was in late childhood, my second was in my teen years and my third was alcohol related in my early twenties."

Will Edwards presents How Positive Thinking Works posted at Inspiration, saying, "If you have never before heard of the Pygmalion Effect you may be in for a bit of a surprise. It is the principle that underpins the whole idea of positive thinking. Simply put, it is that people always tend to realise their expectations about themselves; or, in the succinct words of Henry Ford, whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. In this article, we’ll consider why this is the case."

Lucky Balaraman presents Get the Weight Off Your Mind in 10 Minutes a Day posted at Calm and Cool, saying, "If that title has the ring of a typical fitness course to it, there’s a good reason. There are a lot of similarities between mental fitness and physical fitness. A mind burdened with useless attitudes is as unhealthy as a body blanketed with layers of fat. And wouldn’t you know, just like there are guaranteed prescriptions for bodily fitness, there are indeed several foolproof prescriptions for mental fitness. It’s two of those mental fitness prescriptions that I am going to touch upon now. They are uncannily similar to certain prescriptions for physical fitness. You’ll see…"

Bill Urell presents Can Alcoholism Be Cured? Is Alcohol Addiction Permanent? | Addiction Treatment Challenges posted at Addiction Treatment Challenges, saying, "Do you know if alcoholism can be cured, or if alcohol addiction is a permanent condition? Find the out the answers here."

Maxx presents 8 Most Popular Home Fitness Equipment posted at How To Maximize Your Health And Fitness, saying, "The kind of equipment that you choose to help you get fit at home may involve one simple machine or a range of equipment. What you choose here usually depends on what you want/need to do to get fit, how much space you have at home to store equipment and how much you can afford to spend on equipment in the first place."

Cody Butler presents Success In 8 Words posted at Dream Life Coaching Blog. Ask your questions., saying, "8 words that summarize and achievement."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of meditation, yoga and spiritual growth carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Related Articles at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen: