
AOL Bulletin : 23rd March 2022 – Find Your Strength

Previous Event : Reconnect and Share with Our Lovely Community 

We had a very interesting night with a panel of 3 people (2 had to cancel unfortunately).
Our panel consisted of Molly Talbot, astrologer and Tarot reader, Warren Mitchell, spiritual universalist and Anya Petrovic, founder of the Tesla Metamorphosis Academy.
Molly started to give an overview of the past few years and the future from the perspective of Astrology. 
We have been under the strong influence of Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto represents death and rebirth. It brings up all the issues, tears them down and rebuilds them. Pluto is connected with the environment, governments and finance (think of Financial Crash in 2008).
We have had also the influence of Uranus in Taurus since 2018. Uranus brings shocks, things can come out of nowhere. It is time to wake up. It also influences work and our value system, land resources and crops. People have been working from home and many have started to grow veggies.
In 2020 we had 3 planets in Capricorn, very controlling and fear promoting atmosphere.
In 2021 we were under the influence of Saturn. Saturn facing off Uranus. Saturn is about tradition whereas Uranus is the disruptor and wants change.  At the same time we had Uranus who wants change. They were fighting with each other. We were in and out of lockdown. Things were established and broken down again.
In 2022 Uranus moves away from Saturn freeing us to make changes as opportunities open up. We are free to make changes. There will be more opportunities to change for us. The workplace is a good example of this. Relationships and friendships have also changed.
This year has potential for spiritual awakening. We can feel more sensitive and more reactive. Our ability to heal and our intuition will be improving. We can also expect changes around music, art and creativity
The downside is that it can promote escapism for some people. It’s a very different energy than what we’ve been having the past 2 years.
After Molly’s explanation many questions were asked about a range of topics. All the speakers contributed to the answers. Some questions were of a more personal nature while others were related to the situation of the world in general. One interesting comment that Anya made was that one person who is in the heart vibration can raise 75000 people around them! This is the contribution that all of us can have in these times that are challenging for so many. 
It was an inspiring evening in which each of us had the opportunity to get more information about a range of topics.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 28th March 2022
Receiving Specific Angel Support In My Life With Kayt Raymond

Kayt Raymond will talk with us about Angel Dimitrius, who is the Angel for Self-Worth, Self-Valuing and Self-Trust. He has a particular message for us at this time, when there is so much happening in our lives and around the world. We will do a process of connection with Angel Dimitrius to experience his quality and we can ask questions. 
Kayt is a corporate with a BA and MBA. In 1996, her life was profoundly changed by meeting a group of angels and archangels. Though not an artist, she was invited to paint and write with these beings and was taught how to commune and co-create with them as colleagues and friends. She works with The Angelic Choir, a group of 77 angelics – 10 archangels and 67 angels. Angel Dimitrius is a member of this choir.
She also conducts Angel Consults in person, by phone or on Zoom. This is where a person brings their questions for the angels and has a conversation with them through her. So, when we see these paintings, our heart recognises which angel we require. Kayt will bring some of the angel pictures with her.
Phone: 0490 833 205
Instagram: @kaytraymond
Facebook: @kaytraymondofficial

Monday 11th April 2022
New Thoughts, New Reality and Inspiration with Vicki Elizabeth

Our thoughts are the creative inspiration of our reality and NEW THOUGHT is the gift of consciousness that takes us out of the known and into the unknown. In this talk we will begin to understand how much we can contribute to this evolving reality now that is unique, inspired and uplifting, often presenting solutions to issues we may never have thought of before. Vicki will lead us deep into consciousness to touch new thoughts and find that wondrous knowledge within.
Vicki Elizabeth (BCom, MA) is an inspirational speaker who touches the hearts of many with her extensive knowledge and wisdom of human consciousness from a multi-dimensional perspective. She was guest speaker of The World United Global Transformation Festival in 2021 and will be presenting at the International Summit for Education of the Future in April this year.
Author of a collection of books to open and unlimit human minds, Vicki is committed to the evolution of humanity through education and has delivered countless hours of information. Founder of the College of New Thought with a curriculum of self-paced modules designed to deliver new frameworks of thinking and expand mind.

Price changes
During the last AGM the Committee has decided to increase the cost of the tickets. Unfortunately we had to do this to cover the hire costs of the hall at Mosman Art Gallery which has gone up in price considerably. 
We don’t want anyone to miss out, in case you are experiencing financial hardship you can book a ticket under the concession rate of $10. 

FYI – Releasing Old Engergies with Rosemary Butterworthh

Rosemary has released a beautiful short meditation video to remind and help us to release our anger, frustration, judgments and resistance that prevents us from being our true self. 
Rosemary’s message to us : ‘You are so important in the scheme of things. We all have an important role to play in creating a new reality.’
Please also take the time to look at the beautiful images provided by Mark, Rosemary’s son..
Click here to experience. Less than 5 mins.

Believing in Yourself with Oprah Winfrey

Oprah says many people are held back from becoming who they were meant to be by shadow beliefs and feelings of unworthiness. Watch as she encourages you to find your true purpose in the world.
Click here to listen.  Less than 2 mins

Thought of the Week

Don’t push the river; let it flow

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I trust the Universe to look after me,

Community Announcements

Would you like to see your advertisement here? This could be your spot! You can promote your event, new book, course, website or anything else that you like to share with a large group of like-minded people. See details below.

Transform Your Attitude – Change Your Life with Flower Essences

Maria Gerathy, a registered First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and tutor from the Northern Beaches of Sydney, presents certificated in-class workshops covering the comprehensive therapeutic range of First Light® flower essences created in cooperation with the nature spirits of New Zealand by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
Each 2 day workshop introduces a unique family of essences that are part of the First Light® Natures Holistic Healing Matrix©.
Start where you feel inspired! Transform your life and meet the challenges you face today.
Contact Maria: for more information; book your workshop place; sign up to her mailing list; join her monthly study group
2022’s first workshop – First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings, 12th and 13th Feb. More info here
Neglecting your emotional and physical health will result in easily foreseen problems. Usually, you become sick and end up being a burden to your family and community.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.